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Citizen Newsletter #235 Sat, December 18, 2010 6:33:13 PM

From: Henry Citizen <hccitizen@hccitizen.n... View Contact


The Citizen Newsletter

Issue # 235 December 19, 2010

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Contact The Citizen at Your comments and submissions are always welcome!

In This Issue
Christmas Eve
• News & Commentary
• The Birth of Jesus
• Your Voice
• Adult Entertainment: A Detriment
• Henry Delegation Leadership Changes
• Liberals in a Conservative Country
• Obituary from London Times

Congratulations to Ryan Larosa

Ryan officially graduated from GA State University with BA in Political

Science and a minor in philosophy. Next he is off to law school.

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We are proud of you, Ryan!

Your Support is Appreciated The Heart of Giving Beats in Henry County

By Alfred Britt

The Conservative Voice of Henry County has As I looked in the County Paper today I read that the “Real Men Wear Pink”
opened a venue for news, comment and opinion that campaign has gotten over $35,000 of support for breast cancer research.
exists nowhere else. It is because of you; a steady This is a good thing that has happened people are helping for a good cause.
list of people who read and submit articles sharing
ideas and principles. Also in the paper was an article about the Rotary Club raising money for
different charities in the County. They had a 5k run and that event raised
$10,000 for their cause. This also is great to hear that people in Henry
County helping to get money up for others in need.

Or visit I would like to issue a challenge to everyone but expressly to those giving
hearts that supported the breast cancer research and the Rotary Club
Members and runners. Donate to the Mike & Linda Moon van fund, let’s
show the Moon family that Henry County has a heart.

Being without his van to get his scooter in he is very limited to how he can
go to the Doctor. The other day he had to get a ride to get blood work done
the morning the temp was 14, in a car that had no heat what so ever. This
put Mike at grave risk of getting very sick or even worse, but he had no
other choice to get to the Doctor that cold morning. So as you can see this
is a matter of life and death that Mike gets the funds to get a van that he
has found.

We need to look in our hearts and be thankful that we are blessed with the
things we have. Mike Moon has given so much of himself to this County and
its Citizens, let’s open our hearts and give back to him in his hour of need.
Please donate to the Mike & Linda Moon van fund.

Mike & Linda Moon Van Fund

The fund is getting there! Mike & Linda found a 1995
model van for $2,420 -- We can all be proud of the generous hearts who
will make this come true. Today the fund hit $1,700.... Just $700 to go.

Heartfelt thanks to all those who have generously given to this fund.

CHALLENGE to all of you. Use PayPal at, or write a

check, but donate in any amount you can! Let's do this before Christmas.

Send checks payable to "Mike & Linda Moon" to HC Citizen, 899 East Lake
Road, McDonough GA 30252.

Thank you for your support and participation

Merry Christmas

The Birth of Jesus

Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. For two millennia,
people around the world have been observing it with traditions and practices that are both religious and secular in
nature. Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose
teachings form the basis of their religion. Popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees,
attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive. December 25–
Christmas Day–has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1870.

The birth of Jesus Christ is in direct fulfillment of many Bible prophecies, Isaiah 7:14 of the virgin birth; Gen 3:15 that he
was born of the seed of woman, Isaiah 11:1 that he would descend from the line of Jesse (king David); Micah 5:2 that
he would be born in Bethlehem; Matthew 2:18 + Jeremiah 31:15 that Herod would slaughter all the children in an
attempt for the Devil to kill the Christ child. All these prophecies were made at least 500 years before Jesus was born.
They stand as an irrefutable monument to the inspiration of the Bible and prove that God revealed himself through his
messiah, Jesus of Nazareth.

Here is a strictly Biblical chronology of the birth of Christ. Jesus was born in the manger of an inn because there was no
room for Mary and Joseph to stay in a room, in Bethlehem (Matthew 1:25 & Luke 2:1-7).

That same night, angels announced to the shepherds that Christ was born and they visited the newborn Christ at the
manger (Luke 2:8-20). In this way, all shepherds, who as a class had a very low social status, would take a keen and
early interest in the Chief Shepherd (Jn 10:11; 1 Pet 5:4). Jesus is the "lamb ... who will be their shepherd" in Rev 7:17.
It was fitting for many reasons that God designed that shepherds be the first to hear the gospel. All the patriarchs,
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob etc., were shepherds. King David was a shepherd, and was not originally even considered a
candidate as king. Jesus was the "good shepherd" (Jn 10:1ff). The office of overseers of the local churches (1 Tim 3; Tit
1) uses two other interchangeable words to describe the single office: Elders and Shepherds. (Acts 20:17,28; 1 Peter

Jesus was circumcised when He was eight days old (Luke 2:21). Jesus was then presented in the temple 33 days later
after the "days of purification" were competed, which is the 40th day after Jesus was born. (Leviticus 12:2-6 & Luke

The Book of Matthew begins with a genealogy tracing the line from Abraham (to whom the promises were made),
through David (who became the first king in the line of the covenant promises), to Jesus Christ. This genealogy shows
that the family of Joseph was in the line of the kings--that Jesus was the “son” of David. Accordingly, Matthew will
present Jesus as the promised King--the Messiah. But we will begin our study with the first narrative paragraph.

Note of clarification: The word christos is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word mashiah (pronounced mah-she-ack),
which means “anointed one.” It is a description of a king. ”Christ,” then, is a title indicating that Jesus is the anointed
king, the promised Messiah.

The Reading

18This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before
they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. 19Because Joseph her husband was a
righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.

20But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do
not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21She will give
birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

22All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23”The virgin will be with child and will give
birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”-- which means, “God with us.”

24When Joseph awoke, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25But
he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.

The Subject Matter of the Story

This account, as its heading says, is about the birth of Jesus the Christ. If we had to identify a principle actor in the
narrative, it would have to be the Lord, moving behind the scenes to bring about the birth of Christ. Mary is found to be
with child (the verb is passive, and so the story is not emphasizing anything she did). Joseph is about to act, but is
prevented from doing so by the Lord through a dream. His actions are in response to the revelation from God. But it is
God who is at work in the narrative: God the Holy Spirit brings about the conception in Mary, the angel from God reveals
the mystery to Joseph and gives him the instructions, and all of this is a fulfillment of what God had prophesied
hundreds of years earlier.

With the emphasis being on the work of God like this, the birth can only be seen as supernatural. This is the tone that
Matthew wants to set at the outset of his gospel--there is nothing purely human about this Jesus. The birth was of God,
explained by God, in fulfillment of a prophecy by God. God planned it, God carried it out, and God made sure the main
participants understood it (as much as they were capable of understanding). The whole thing was supernatural.


93 Price Quarters Rd Ste 95

McDonough, GA
(770) 898-1600
"Excellent little New York Style

Group Parties, Catering

Biscuits & Brunch Giving and sharing with family and friends,
such a joyous thing to do, not just one day, but every day of the year, take
Christmas with you.
149 Burke Street
Stockbridge, GA 30281
(770) 507-6800 A Miracle from Summerville, GA in 1930

By Mike Moon

This is a story passed along to me by my Great Aunt Alice Bullard Perry in the
Cemetery Research Group 1960's. She and her husband John Perry lived next to the railroad tracks in
Summerville, GA. in a two story house that he had his business in. He was a shoe cobbler.

The Great Depression was underway and things were bad for many folks. There
Signature Broadcasting were many "hobo's" that roamed the train tracks and hitched a ride on an
Network – SBN TV empty car. She always feared them.
We’re all about you!
At Christmastime 1930, a stranger came to the back door and knocked. She said she eased the door open and asked "what do you want?" The stranger with
long hair and beard told her he was hungry and could she give him something
to eat. She told him to wait on the back porch so the stranger sat down. She
fixed him a plate of food and then took it to him. He took the food and sat it
down and told her she had fed him when he was hungry and turned and walked
away toward the train tracks and he disappeared. She sat down and thought
about him and realized that Jesus came to her and from then on all the
strangers along the railroad track could find a good meal at her back door.

94-A Woolsey Road My Great Aunt Alice could have no children. In January 1931, someone left a
Hampton, Georgia 30228 baby on my grandparents’ front porch. Alice loved him from the start. She was
able to adopt him. Right after adopting him her husband disappeared and was
770-946-0043 never seen again. She named the little fellow Benny.

Great Aunt Alice passed away on September 29, 1972. Benny still lives today in
Trion, GA. where he was mayor for several years. Times have changed and
places don't look the same, but the miracles of the past remain.

The Henry Players Fundraiser

We are trying to collect recipes from people who support The Henry Players or
would like to support us and the arts. We will be selling Cookbooks but we
need recipes!!! Our deadline is set up for Jan. 11, 2011 so we will have time to
get everything put together so we can have these books available at our show
“The Producers”.

Thank you for your assistance.

›Teresa Owens Moore

We have such great cooks in Henry County and now we

are sharing their favorite recipes in the


Please help with our fundraiser and submit your recipes at:
Enter your name under “contributer”
Group Login: players
Password: players

This will be a fundraiser for The Henry Players and we would love to have as
many recipes in this cookbook from people that support us and support the
Arts. Please go to this website and enter your recipes and help us out.

If you are interested in helping us with the cookbook by purchasing an ad or

putting your name in as a supporter, please contact: Teresa Moore at 770-

Henry County Libraries

Furlough or Paid Leave?

I have learned that one of the reasons Henry County Libraries closed over the
Thanksgiving Holiday was so the full time employees would be eligible for
unemployment benefits.

It is my understanding that all County employees have to take unpaid furlough

days this year in order to meet budget. This information was not made public
and I only learned about it when I e-mailed the Chairman of the Board of
Commissioners and questioned why the Library was closed for nine days in a
row. The Chairman promptly and politely replied that the Library had its own
Board of Trustees and I should try to attend their meetings.

I then received an e-mail from the Libraries Chairman of the Board of Trustees
with an explanation for the closures. I guess the Chairman of the County Board
forwarded my letter to him, because I did not e-mail the Library Board. I was
not satisfied with his answers so I started asking questions and finally received
an e-mail from the Assistant Director of the Library and I was shocked to learn
about the unemployment.

The County must pay for the unemployment benefits so the unpaid furlough
days are in fact not unpaid. I understand that no other County employees have
been able to do this they must take their furlough days separately and unpaid.
This is completely unfair to all of the other County employees that must be
furloughed with out any compensation and I believe the Library should have to
answer to why they believe their employees should be paid for these so called
unpaid furlough days.

I would like it to be known that I am not a county employee. I was only

concerned that the Libraries new schedule seemed to be more for employee’s
conveyance and not the patrons. I would be more then happy to share all of the
correspondence I have from the Library.

Steven D. Sneed

Adult Entertainment: Detrimental to Citizens

An article in the Henry Herald indicated the McDonough City manager would contact the County Manager to pursue
discussions about locating a zoning district for this type of business. The article spoke about the possibility of having
adult entertainment around King Mill Road. The newspaper later contacted County officials and they were plainly told
that the county wasn't involved in this, that it was the City of McDonough.

The Citizen has found no Henry County Commissioner who had any discussions with the City of McDonough on this
issue. The County has had in place for a number of years (long before I was on the Board) an Adult Entertainment
Ordinance. The Supreme Court has determined that governments cannot deny these businesses the right to locate their
establishments in their jurisdiction, but they can impose requirements. County attorneys have reviewed the county
ordinances and have made them as restrictive as possible.

The Citizen has found no member of the BoC who wants this type of business in our community and is certain the
members will use whatever legal means at their disposal to insulate and protect our citizens.

According to the Herald article on December 8th:

McDonough City Administrator Billy Beckett told the city council he wants to meet with Henry County officials to
determine the county’s level of interest in discussing the city’s adult entertainment district, despite a 4-to-3 vote
by the council to not work with the county.

District II Councilmember Sandra Vincent made a motion that the city’s “staff” move forward to work with the
county, and other cities, to establish an “overlay site” for an adult entertainment zone.

The vote was evenly split, with Vincent and Council members Gail Notti and Rufus Stewart voting for the
motion, and

Monta Brown, Rufus Amis, and Wayne Smith voting against the measure. McDonough Mayor Billy
Copeland broke the tie, with a “no” vote, against the motion.

Unfortunately, court rulings have dictated that local governments must make provisions within their zoning ordinances
to permit adult entertainment establishments within their boundaries. However, they are permitted to establish
reasonable restrictions on such businesses to minimize the multiple adverse impacts of such undesirable enterprises.
What they clearly cannot do is simply exclude them.

The City of McDonough is wrestling with this complex issue and the Planning staff has identified a portion of Industrial
Boulevard, zoned M1, as the location that best meets the requirements. As well, they have precluded the sale of
alcohol in such establishments. While Kings Mill Road was mentioned superficially, some members of the McDonough
city council do not support zoning changes to that area.

While governments have to make provisions for these undesirable enterprises, they can to do everything possible to
make the City of McDonough a poor location choice and, again, it appears Kings Mill will not be impacted.

We citizens wholeheartedly thank our elected officials for doing all they can to mitigate the negative impact of adult
entertainment in our community. They know that many of us stand ready to assist in anyway we can!!!! We can gather
petitions from our churches and have folks show up at the council meetings with signs, whatever it takes to make the
promoters of this uncomfortable.

Henry County Legislative Delegation Leadership for 2011

Chairman: Emanuel Jones (DeKalb Co., Chair Democrat Black Caucus)

Vice Chair: Rahn Mayo (DeKalb Co.)

Secretary: Glenn Baker (Clayton Co.)

Henry's leadership is 100% Democrat, led by a liberal. BJ Mathis got her "more liberal" voice ... Ask BJ about the
county's lobbyist pitching to the members... BJ wins an ego battle, the County loses.

David wrote: "Well, BJ and that idiot we used to have for County Manager just about bled us dry. Are you also saying
that the HCLD is made up of people not dedicated to HC?”

Shirley wrote: "I did not know BJ Mathis was liberal. I go to a lot of meetings to do market research but it never
occurred to me that there was lobbyist there. Stupid of me. I do not believe in lobbying so it never occurred to me to do
it. I just think right is right wrong is wrong and we should take the people of the county into consideration. Money is
going to make money anyway. I thought Henry was Republican.”

Alfred wrote: "We have no chance with this line up, oh Henry what will we do?"

LARRY STANLEY wrote: “Folks the reality is that the County lobbyist approached the legislative delegates on behalf of
Rick Jeffares. Rick is a good man and surely has the support of the sitting county commissioners.

Democrat members of the delegation saw an opportunity and took it. First, Rick was defeated for Chair by Emanuel
Jones. Then Rick was defeated for Vice Chair by Rahn Mayo. The votes were 5 Democrats to 4 Republicans, along party

Yes, I am saying that Henry County has more Republicans that represent Henry County yet our delegates are all
liberals. The County meddled through a lobbyist. The County commissioners lined up and placed personal agendas
before conservative representation at the State legislature. First Rick was defeated for Chair by Emanuel Jones. Then
Rick was defeated for Vice Chair by Rahn Mayo. The votes were 5 Democrat to 4 Republican, along party lines.

Yes, I am saying that Henry County has more Republicans that represent us yet our state delegates are all liberals. The
County meddled through a lobbyist and opened a door. Our county commissioners lined up and placed personal
agendas before conservative representation at the state legislature.

Recall the report from Channel 46 in Atlanta is about Rep. Steve Davis and Rep. John Lunsford. Recall the county
spokesperson saying. “Henry County has given state Rep. Steve Davis seven days to pay more than $25,000 it said he
owes the county.” Recall the ethics complaint filed against Rep. Davis for conflict of interest?

Do not overlook the facts. The TV news report and the ethics complaint were perfectly timed by county officials. Both
events occurred before Rep. Davis was notified of the county’s so-called demand for payment.

Recall the robo-calls just days before the election claiming that Rep. Davis was a crook and owed money to the
citizens? The caller was not identified, no responsibility was taken – just a smear tactic many people believed was
orchestrated between commission chair BJ Mathis and Davis’s opponent in the campaign.

The ego and agendas in play to denigrate the former legislative delegation chairman have proved disastrous for Henry
County. It is no secret that BJ Mathis and some others wanted to see Davis replaced by a more liberal, more compliant

Liberals in Conservative Country

In the past few days we have learned that the liberal coalition will be leading our delegation from Henry County which is
a conservative stronghold. But as we all know many of the "conservatives" are actually liberals in disguise. You can't
take a local government and grow it to its present size and call it conservative.

We the people are so tired of being ruled by those who see their position as either a stepping stone or just a way to
create money for themselves. We have watched this for far too long. I remember being part of the first Tea Party in
the parking lot of the Administration Building. From that point we have seen different variations of the Tea Party catch
hold around the nation and they have been successful in replacing people who do not convey the true meaning of
Tired are those out here working day to day for a wage that will not sustain their lives. Tired are those who have
retired and told they will not get a cost of living increase because the cost of living hasn't gone up. We would like to
know where it hasn't gone up. Tired are the people who want their elected officials to really represent them and only
see them represent themselves. The people are realizing that these elected officials can be replaced.

We the people need to stand up and let these liberals know that the people are the ruling party. Show them how to
focus their actions upon the people instead of themselves. May we be able to say it is time for a true change in this
nation that doesn't come with a price tag that our children’s children cannot repay?

The Doctor

Hat tip to Eleanor Smith


An Obituary printed in the London Times - Interesting and sadly rather true

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one
knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be
remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
- Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
- Why the early bird gets the worm;
- Life isn't always fair;
- and Maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies
(adults, not children, are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a
6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using
mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in
disciplining their unruly children.

It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a
student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than
their victims.

Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar
could sue you for assault.

Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot.
She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter,
Responsibility, and by his son, Reason.

He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers;

I Know My Rights
I Want It Now
Someone Else Is To Blame
I'm A Victim

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this

The Citizen Newsletter is provided by

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government

Larry Stanley, Editor
899 East Lake Road, McDonough, GA 30252
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