Booster Class Room Md. Sohel Rana A.T-Chalk Siddikia Dakhil Madrasah The Rules of Open Handed/ Free Handed Question

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Booster Class Room

Md. Sohel Rana

A.T- Chalk Siddikia Dakhil Madrasah

The rules of open handed/ free handed question

1. Auxiliary verb: am, is , are, was, were, have, has, had, have been, has been,
can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must, do, does, did.

2. The structure of a question: W.H. - word + auxiliary verb + sub + main verb
+ object + ?

3. The structure of an answer: sub + main verb + obj + passage ‡_‡K


4. mvnvh¨Kvix wn‡m‡e Do, does, Ges did Gi e¨envi:

 do = cÖ‡kœ mvnvh¨Kvix verb wn‡m‡e do _vK‡j answer wjL‡Z

do D‡V hvq| A_©vr, sub + main verb + obj
+ .................................................
 does = cÖ‡kœ mvnvh¨Kvix verb wn‡m‡e does _vK‡j answer
wjL‡Z does D‡V hvq| A_©vr, sub + main verb + s/es + obj
+ ...........................................................
Note: verb Gi †k‡l s,ss,ex,ch,sh,i,o _vK‡j es Avi Ab¨vb¨ mKj †ÿ‡Î s
 did = cÖ‡kœ mvnvh¨Kvix verb wn‡m‡e did _vK‡j answer wjL‡Z
did D‡V hvq| A_©vr, sub + main verb Gi past form + obj
+ .................................................

5. ‡Kvb cÖkœ who/what + verb + obj + ?- D³ AvKv‡i _vK‡j answer Kivi

mgq cÖ_g †_‡K who/ what D‡V wM‡q H ¯’‡j e¨w³evPK/ e¯‘evPK sub
e‡m + cÖ‡kœi evwK Ask|

6. ‡Kv‡bv cÖkœ How many Øviv ïiæ n‡j:

 Answer wU mwVK msL¨vq n‡jt cÖ_g †_‡K how many D‡V

wM‡q H ¯’‡j there are/ there is + cÖ`Ë msL¨vwU + how many Gi
ci †_‡K †kl ch©šÍ|
 Answer wU mwVK msL¨vq bv n‡jt cÖ_g †_‡K how many D‡V
wM‡q H ¯’‡j about + cÖ`Ë msÿ¨vwU + how many Gi ci †_‡K †kl


 Why = to, for,beacause, bacause of

 When/ where = in, at
 How = by, this

Booster Class Room

Md. Sohel Rana
A.T- Chalk Siddikia Dakhil Madrasah
Journey by
Introduction :- Journey is always pleasure to me. When I go on a journey my heart leaps up
with joy. But my great pleasure is a journey by................... So, whenever I get a chance, I
enjoy a journey by...................... A journey very interesting and enjoyable in our

Occupation:- During the last aid vacation, I had traveled by.....................Five of my friend of
accompanied me and ready for the journey. We were found for Chittagong at the Historical
place of Bangladesh.

Description:- It was the fourth may in 2009. We started our journey at 11 a.m. It was a fine
morning. The sky was clear. A genital bridge was blessing. We got a change a journey
by....................and we started our journey.

The scenery of Bangladesh:- We could feel that Bangladesh is a really a land of beauty.
the .................was passing the green paddy field. I kept looking through

The Window:- We saw that fisherman were catching fishes. Farmers were singing sweetly.
The cow boys were tending their cattle. The sun set and the moon rose. How nice it was! We
reached home at 8 p.m.
Booster Class Room
Md. Sohel Rana
A.T- Chalk Siddikia Dakhil Madrasah

Good Side
Introduction:- a important thing in our life. As man lives in the society, he
should perform his duty to the society. At he does not abide by the rules, there is no peace in
his family or society.

Description:- the most valuable and powerful thing of success in life. It
obedience to a set of the rules for an ordinary life in the society. It is the most of the leading
life in accordance with the rules. Actually, it is the most valuable thing at the way to success
in the life. The man who a bides by this great virtue has achieved a great respect in his life.
Without none can hope to be a famous person. It we find the noble and famous person who
have brought story to their life.

Necessity:- necessary in every walk of our life. It is the key to success in
human life. Without this we will not be able to gain our destination. It we make a list of
successful persons, we will find that their success depends on mainly upon this great virtue.

Useful:- We can easily say that their happiness depends on............It has nothing mental
matter but it has a great demand to perform once life. It is preferable to wealth. It wealth
loses. It will never be found again. One may have much wealth but he is hated in the absence
of ......................

Conclusion:- Without this noble virtue, man becomes unhappy and helpless, we should try
our best to abide by this virtue. Finally, we can say that its necessity is so important to us that
we will not be able to describe the matter.
Booster Class Room
Md. Sohel Rana
A.T- Chalk Siddikia Dakhil Madrasah

Bad side
Introduction:- a curse. It is one of the unlawful systems prevailing into days
country. All the people of Bangladesh are directly or indirectly affected by its harmful things.
We cannot think a happy an careful life for it.

Cause of..........:- There are many reason behind...................

Population growth:- Our country is over populated. The rapid growth of population is the
main reason of.....................It is now a day dreadful and harmful problem. It is our of the
greatest problems in our country not only our country but also any country of the world and
this increasing number of the population out peaces all development of the country.

Demerits:- ......................has more harmful than merit. just for example, we can say that this
problem is going of controlling day by day and creating other problems too. We cannot think
happy and care free life for it. We lose progress the people have to suffer a lot. Everybody
feels the problem but none seems to think over the way to overcome this acute problem. Even
many people fall in danger.

Solution:- In order to eradicate this problem, we have to mobilize all our energies to this
great purpose without wasting time. A great change should be brought in our education
system. To control it, the general people have to be conscious and the government has also to
take necessary step. So, we shall get rid of it.

Conclusion:- a course for modern civilization. As a nation, we cannot stand

us without removing it. No development is possible unless this problem is solved. Therefore,
all the people of Bangladesh and the government should join hands to meet the crisis right at
this moment before it is too late.
*Rules: Do, Does And Did Gi e¨envi-

(a) hw` †Kvb cÖ‡kœ Do _v‡K Zvn‡j Gi ci †_‡K wjL‡Z n‡e| Gi ci cÖ‡kœi evwK
Ask †jLvi c‡i passage †_‡K DËi wjL‡Z n‡e| hw` †Kvb cÖ‡kœ Does _vK‡j Gi ci
†_‡K wjL‡Z n‡e Ges main verb Gi †k‡l s/es †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e| Gi ci cÖ‡kœi evwK
Ask †jLvi c‡i passage †_‡K DËi wjL‡Z n‡e| hw` †Kvb cÖ‡k Did _vK‡j Gi ci †_‡K
wjL‡Z n‡e Ges main verb ‡K past form G Ki‡Z n‡e| Gi ci cÖ‡kœi evwK Ask †jLvi
c‡i passage †_‡K DËi wjL‡Z n‡e|

(b) hw` †Kvb cÖ‡kœ Do, Does, Did bv ‡_‡K Ab¨ †Kvb Auxiliary verb _vK‡j
A_©¨vr am/ is /are/ was/ were/ can/ could/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ may/ might/ must/
have/ has/ had BZ¨vw` _vK‡j cÖ_‡g subject wjL‡Z n‡e Gi c‡i sentence G †h auxiliary
verb _vK‡e Zv wjL‡Z n‡e Gi c‡i sentence Gi evuKx Ask †jLvi c‡i passage †_‡K DËi
wjL‡Z n‡e|

(c) hw` †Kvb cª‡kœi cÖ_‡g who _vK‡j who Zz‡j w`‡q passage †_‡K e¨w³i bvg
wjL‡Z n‡e Gi c‡i cÖ‡kœ euvKx Ask wjL‡Z n‡e|

(d) hw` †Kvb cÖ‡kœi Dc‡ii wbq‡g bv c‡o Zvn‡j cÖkœwU passage Gi †h line G
wgj‡e Zv wjL‡Z n‡e| hw` †Kvb cÖ‡kœi subject I n‡j you Ges you n‡j I wjL‡Z
n‡e| My _vK‡j your Ges your n‡j My wjL‡Z n‡e| hw` cÖ‡kœi object me n‡j you
Ges you n‡j me wjL‡Z n‡e|

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