Case Study Grading Rubric Below Standard Approaching Standard at Standard Exceeds Standard

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Case Study Grading Rubric

% Below Standard Approaching Standard At Standard Exceeds Standard

Clear explanation of key strategic issues 15% Shows little understanding Shows some Shows adequate Shows superior knowledge
• The crisis / emergency situation is clearly described and explained of the issues, key understanding of the knowledge of the issues, of the issues, key
 The problems, scope, and seriousness were clearly identified problems, the situation issues, key problems, the key problems, the situation problems, the situation
• There was a well focused diagnosis of strategic issues and key problems and strategic issues. situation and strategic and strategic issues. and strategic issues.
that demonstrated a good grasp of the organisation’s initial situation Executive summary issues. Executive summary Effective Executive
and strategic issues. missing or poorly Executive summary adequate Summary
• Effective Executive Summary constructed inadequate
• Did not waste space summarizing information already found in the
Analysis of organisation’s performance with relevant supportive detail 20% Critical issues and key Critical issues and key Critical issues and key Critical issues and key
 Is there evidence of appropriate research? problems that supported problems that supported problems that supported problems that supported
… of this emergency situation? the Case Analysis were the Case Analysis were not the Case Analysis were the Case Analysis were
… of similar situations? poorly identified, analysed, clearly identified, analysed, partially identified, clearly identified, analysed,
… of any published material in academic, professional or popular press? and supported. and supported. analysed, and supported. and supported.
 Logically organized, key points, key arguments, and important criteria
for selection and analysis were easily identified
 Critical issues and key problems that supported the Case Analysis were
identified and clearly analysed and supported.
 Does the essay properly explain and address communications with
media, the public, Internally (within the organisation), Other agencies
and central Government
Use of learning from module as a basis for understanding the specific 20% Little or no use of the Use of the content and Good use and Detailed use of the
challenges for communications around the case subject structure and content of structure of the understanding throughout learning to explore the
 Identification of organisation’s prior strategic approach to the programme programme but with some of the structure and issues of the case and
communications inaccuracies or content of the module as a identify specific learning
 Identification, analysis and prioritisation of stakeholders misunderstanding guiding framework for the reader
 Profiling of organisation’s reputation and media footprints
 Identification of the resources generally deployed in communications
 Exploration of possible strategic options for communications
presented by the circumstances of the case
Appropriate analysis, evaluation, synthesis for the specific experiences 20% Analysis of key change Analysis of key change Analysis of key change Analysis of key change
and challenges identified drivers and the underlying drivers and the underlying drivers and the underlying drivers and the underlying
 Key drivers underlying the issues were identified. the issues inadequate. the issues were not the issues were partially the issues were clearly
 Synthesis, analysis, and evaluations were clearly presented and identified. identified identified
supported in a literate and effective manner.
Conclusions and recommendations are congruent with strategic analysis 15% Effective recommendations Effective recommendations Effective recommendations Effective
 Specific findings and/or recommendations / plans of action provided. and/or plans of action not and/or plans of action and/or plans of action recommendations,
 Specific data or facts (including academic references) were referred to provided. inadequate. were partially provided. solutions, and/or plans of
when necessary to support the analysis and conclusions. Specific data or facts Specific data or facts were Specific data or facts were action were provided.
 Recommendations and conclusions were presented and supported in a necessary to support the not referred when occasionally referred when Specific data or facts were
literate and effective manner. analysis and conclusions necessary to support the necessary to support the referred when necessary to
was not provided. analysis and conclusions. analysis and conclusions. support the analysis and
Proper organization, professional writing, and logical flow of analysis. 10% Key points were poorly Key points were not Key points were partially Key points were clearly
 Logically organised, key points, key arguments, and important criteria identified and supported identified and supported identified and supported identified and supported
for evaluating the communications learning easily identified. with a well thought out with a well thought out with a well thought out with a well thought out
 Key points supported with a well thought out rationale based on rationale based on rationale based on rationale based on rationale based on
applying specific concepts or analytical frameworks to the data applying specific concepts applying specific concepts applying specific concepts applying specific concepts
provided in the case. or analytical frameworks to or analytical frameworks to or analytical frameworks to or analytical frameworks to
 Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, 3rd person objective view, the data provided in the the data provided in the the data provided in the the data provided in the
professional writing, and syntax. case. case. case. case.
Grammar, spelling, Grammar, spelling, Adequate grammar, Excellent grammar,
punctuation, professional punctuation, professional spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation,
writing, and syntax needs writing, and syntax needs professional writing, and professional writing, and
significant improvement improvement syntax syntax

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