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Activities and tasks


Rijeka, travanj, 2020.



She really liked She proffered PE English was very
English language as a English and and started to view difficult for her so
subject thought it was English as boring. her results were
easy. below average.

She loved She didn`t like reading, tests and

Activities that she liked / listening to songs grammar. Reading wasn`t interesting to
did not like and playing all her.
sort of games.

She loved circle

Classroom She preferred the traditional classroom arrangement
arrangement/methods arrangement because she liked when because children
that she liked / did not everybody was sitting in their places. could sit together
like Later on she preferred it because it was and learn new
clean and everybody had their pair. things through

Others knew more Others knew more

Perception of her own Her grades were words than she did words than she did
abilities lower than others so she realized that so she realized that
so she thought she she was slower she was slower
was slower than than others, and than others, and
others. also she had some also she had some
problems with problems with
writing. writing.

She couldn`t Her parents were Her parents were

Family support figure out if her actually very happy actually very
parents were that she was happy that she was
happy or not learning English learning English
about her studying but they said that but they said that
English. she could do better. she could do
She was watching better.
an English video She was watching
course with her an English video
parents and her course with her
brother and sister parents and her
helped her with brother and sister
homework. helped her with



He particularly English was easy
English language as a He liked English a perceived difficulties in for him, but also
subject lot because he this year. He was different because
found it fun and experiencing he was doing new
enjoyable. difficulties when trying things. He was able
to remember to spell to produce longer
words. phrases as well as
His favorite activity
Activities that he liked / His favorite activities through this three years was speaking.
did not like where learning new words and listening to
stories. In first two years it was singing that
he liked the most.

He liked traditional classroom because it was a tidy class, children

Classroom could hear teacher well. In the third year he added that children
arrangement/methods could also work in a different format, for example, in small groups.
that he liked / did not

Perception of his own He thought he was as He thought he was

abilities He had quite good fast as the others. doing better than
results in listening others. He knew
comprehension. more words and
had ability to
answer questions
faster. He felt very
pleased when he
was speaking to an
English speaker.
. His family helped him He was watching
Family support with homework, films in English
His family helped especially his father. with his father and
him with enjoyed it a lot.
especially his

Decide which affective factors influenced their process of learning the most:
was it their motivation, perception of their learning abilities (self-concept)
or something else?
Did some other factors affect their (lack of) success? Explain.
In Petra`s case I think that she lack of motivation. As it is said at the beginning
she was really interested in English, but she didn`t have a lot of motivation to
continue making progress in this class. As it was getting harder her motivation
was desreasing. I think that she had lack of self-esteem, because of that she
didn`t like tests and she thought she would fail. She should try and work harder
and not rely on the fact that other kids were better at English than she was.
Because of that I also think that her percepcion of her learning abilities was
wrong. She told herself „other`s are better than me“ and she thought that is the
way it should be and nothing will change. She should change her self-concept in
order to make progress in learning English.
On the other side, Leonardo was quite good at learning English. I didn`t notice
any big flaws, only the fact that he thought he was better than others. He wasn`t
outstanding student but surely he was having big opinion about his abilities.
However, he had better surrounging than Petra, his teacher gave him a feedback
on his knowledge, and his parents were very supportive. He often listened to
English songs on the radio and watched films in English with his father. He was
enjoying all this things because he loved learning. He even talked to a foreign in
English and all this factors affected his motivation. Petra didn`t had that.
I think that motivation is the key of learning a new language, and that the
teacher should originate children and motivate them. Teachers should give a
feedback on child`s knowledge, and if a low evaluation happens they should
encourage a child not to give up if one bad grade happens. Kids should also have
a support of their family. Parents need to help their child in homework and other
school activities, but not to make everything easy for them, that`s not the case.
Kids should do homework and learn on their own most of the time, and in that
progress parents should help, motivate kids and give them engouraging

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