Hist Ch. 11

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Steffane Timm

Chapter 11
Contending with Isolation
Word Count: 803

Chapter 11: Problems and Parallels

1. Societies around the world contended with their relative isolation by migrating long
distances to not only trade with other areas, but to also explore and expand. Many
societies traveled extremely long distances, some through treacherous waters to do so.
Japan was one of these societies. According to Tosa Lady, navigators from Japan had to
wade through these dangerous waters where a few hundred miles would take an extreme
amount longer to cross than a society crossing an even longer stretch of water in the
Indian Ocean. The waters of the Indian Ocean were far calmer and easier to cross.
Because of Japan's difficulties, they were unable to expand and as such, remained
extremely isolated and small.

2. The Thule were able to expand around the Arctic due to their innovative boats. These
boats were created waterproof, shallow, and light so that they were easy to maneuver,
extremely sturdy, and easy to carry. They also used these boats as a form of shelter.
Their extensive knowledge of the area allowed them to craft suitable items and survive
fairly easily. The Norse's attempt to colonize Greenland was fragile because of their
extreme isolation. Although they were able to create an extremely lush and rich
community, they couldn't expand due to the lack of wealthy communities around to
which they could communicate and trade with.

3. In North America, Cahokia was a "commercial gateway" for a portion of North

America. They were placed in such a location (now St. Louis) where they could attain
many different products from many different locations; "shells from the Gulf, deerskins
from the eastern woodlands..." and so forth. Cahokia seemed to have taken patterns of
ceremonial centers from Mesoamerica. These ceremonial centers were basically large
dirt mounds. The largest mound is Cahokia at 100 ft tall and the base is 13 acres. The
Mixtec King, Eight-Deer Tiger-Claw was highly regarded because he was what the
Mixtec considered to be the expectation of a King. He had many wives and many
children, visited shrines, sacrificed accordingly, made connections with nearby
ambassadors, and embraced war. He proved to be capable of handling it all as a King
was expected to do.


5. Japan considered itself proudly isolated for quite sometime. It believed itself to be
self sufficient and not in need of trade. However, due to personal interests and needs;
courtiers, temples, and merchants managed to open trade with Korea and China.
Although they still struggled with world trading, the ability to trade with nearby countries
allowed them to flourish financially and economically more so than they had done while
isolated. Europe overcoming their isolation is far different from Japan's and has to do
with ecological change. From the late 10th to 13th centuries there was a "warm spell" in
Europe. This opened up highlands to people and also felled forests, drained bogs, and so
forth. With this change, more communities were able to be created and old communities
could expand. With the increase of people, the economic growth was becoming
increasingly more rapid.

6. During the urbanization of Europe, many things changed. Because of the ecological
change in Europe, the Christendom was able to expand and teach Christianity to those
who were otherwise considered to be "uncivilized". With the increase in population,
Europe also became quite economically strong. Trade routes were quickly established to
assist in expansion and furthering stability. The more trading done, the more Europe
flourished. During this time, many inventions were also created such as the clock,
ground lenses, and windmills. After the year 1000, religious dissent increased in Europe,
this is because of two reasons. First, a movement of Christian renewal tried to "purge the
church of profanity", giving the Church more control over it's standards and structure.

7. During the 11th century, the calmer waters of the Indian Ocean allowed traffic to
increase and because of this, East Africa became far less isolated. The Chola Kingdom
ultimately withdrew from the overseas imperialism because India in itself was far less
productive post 1000. The Chola Empire was the last Indian Empire to survive before its
impending decline.

8. Cultural and economic isolation can be benefiting because it allows the ability to stay
within one's own community and to grow stronger from within. It also keeps money
within that certain country and doesn't risk a financial debt. Religious beliefs, cultural
standards and morals also stay strong because they are not "tainted" by outside sources.
However, isolation also has its drawbacks. Isolation creates the inability to expand and
learn. Overcoming isolation also allows trade which allows many things to happen;
inventions, more efficient productivity, strengthening of colonies. As a species, we only
grow from learning, and without being able to explore, expansion is impossible.

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