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Official News Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit

The Dove
December 18, 2010 Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines Vol. III No. 20
Officers and Members
RY 2010-11 (Click for Resumes)
Happy Holidays to All !
Vice President/PN
PEDRITO M CONDENO A salute to the Interactors of Holy Spirit !
Chair—Fund Generation RC Holy Spirit by way of this last issue of
FERNANDO M DELGRA JR The Dove for 2010 very proudly recognizes
Secretary the commendable service provided by the
Chair—New Generation
Interact Club of Holy Spirit to the commu-
MARCIA C SALVADOR nity directly and through partnership with
PP ROGELIO B BELLEZA, MD RCHS in 2010 projects such as -
Auditor  Anti-rabies dog vaccination March 27
Chair—Health & Wellness
LOWELL B CUSTODIO  Medical-diagnostic mission for Seniors Jun 19
Sergeant-at-Arms  District Governor’s visit & induction Sept 30
Chair– Rotaract
IPP EMELINDA C PALATTAO  Share A Toy, Spread Joy among 850 kids Dec 4
Chair—Membership Development
RC Holy Spirit thanks the officials & faculty
RICARDO P SALVADOR of the Holy Spirit National High School led
Chair – Club Administration
by Principal Ms Zaida M Padullo and Ad-
Chair—Service Projects viser Mr Nelson Francisco for their support.
Chair – Public Relations
Chair—Karlife Project
Chair – The Rotary Foundation
PE Ped completes initial preparation for RCHS presidency
PE Ped Condeno and the other presidents-elect of clubs in District
3780 for the RY 2011-12 under the leadership of DGE Jess Cifra,
ROSARIO D GEROCHI have completed four of the required five PRE-PETS. These were held
IN IL ―David‖ KIM on Saturdays at the Innotech Center at the Techno-Hub along Commonwealth Ave-
JONG MYEONG KIM nue and at the Ateneo Social Complex. Topics covered administrative policies on
TWINKIE P KIM running a rotary club, recruitment and retention of members, leadership training
THELMA C MARCELO and committee organizations. RI Manuals were issued to the PE’s.
WINNIE MAE U LEONOR In addition to the four PRE-PETS, PE’s were treated to an exciting Public Speaking
LYDIA PEDERNAL Seminar, a well-described ―how to prepare and apply for TRF matching grants‖ pres-
MA. PERPETUAL S RIVERA entation, and fellowship at the Ayala Heights Club House courtesy of DGE Jess Cifra.
FERDINAND VALBUENA A Christmas Fellowship event among the presidents-elect was celebrated last Dec.
ESTRELLA C VALMOCINA 4th. In all of the PRE-PETS and related seminars, the participating PEs were treated
Honorary Members to free snacks and meals.
PDG DANILO V. FAUSTO The 5th PRE-PETS will be held on January 29, 2011 while the centerpiece event, the
AG EDMUND CHIU Presidents-Elect Training Seminar, shall be held on February 19, 2011.

The FOUR-WAY TEST of the Things We Think, Say and Do

Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL
and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Last Dec 8, RCHS met for debriefing on just-completed community service projects, and updates on upcoming
ones including more gift-giving events in SM Fairview and Payatas, and Dr Bong’s oriental medical mission. Rtn
Peth Rivera, fresh from foreign travel with spouse PP Francis, related some key points of their visit in London.

Health and wellness initiatives of Rotarians of RC Holy Spirit continue to touch lives

PP Dr Roger Belleza leads more medical-dental-diagnostic missions of SM Foundation

PP Dr Roger Belleza, passionate and indefatigable Chair of
Health & Wellness Committee of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit
District 3780, has led in behalf of RCHS other healthcare vol-
unteers in three more SM Foundation sponsored medical-
dental-diagnostic missions within three weeks from Nov 18.
Nov 18 in Muntinlupa with 1,048 cases attended to: 780 medical consulta-
tions; 80 dental cases; 100 chest X-rays; and 88 ECG examinations.
Nov 25 in Calamba Laguna with 1,630 cases: 1,258 medical consultations;
86 dental cases; 100 chest X-rays; 98 ECG exams; and 88 bone
Dec 9 in Calauan Laguna with 1,186 cases: 816 medical consultations; 150
dental cases; 80 chest X-rays; 92 ECG exams; and 48 bone screens.

Rotarians Dr Bong and David Kim lead oriental medical mission, feeding & gift-giving in Tarlac
Rtns Dr Bong and David Kim and their ―Happy Together Team‖ brought Christmas cheers to 110 patients in
Agape Tarlac last Dec 11. Patients were provided oriental medical service, free medicines, full meals, gifts and
even hair-cuts during the program. Dr Bong had earlier conducted similar oriental medical missions: Nov 21
for 54 patients in Payatas QC; Nov 13 for 472 patients in Angeles City; Nov 7 for 97 patients in Payatas.
Weekly update from RI
RI President’s Message
December 2010 December 12, 2010

Cowboy logic
Celebrating the family of Rotary
I have adopted “Cowboy Logic” as my Family Month celebrates the family of Ro-
theme song for two reasons. The first
tary, which, in addition to individual Rotari-
is its happy music that reflects the
ans, includes all of those who are involved
warm and positive atmosphere of Rotary club
meetings around the world. The second is the com- in Rotary's work from Rotary Foundation
mon sense and simple approach expressed in its program alumni to participants in Rotary
lyrics. youth programs in thousands of communi-
ties around the world.
Fifty years ago, I often heard the expression “Keep
Rotary simple.” That admonition has been lost in
the intervening years, and I want to remind Rotari- New e-mail scam targets Rotarians
ans that the basic concept of Rotary service is sim- Latest scam reported to RI claims recipient
ple. Club members, who are community leaders, has won a grant award.
learn to know and respect one another through
their weekly meetings, which create friendship, fel- Rotarians share ideas on member retention
lowship, and networking. When a community need When it comes to recruiting and retaining
is identified, the club members find they have an members, creativity is the name of the
amazing ability to fill the need because they have game. Recently, Rotarians discussed inno-
the leading business and professional leaders in vative approaches to recruiting and retain-
the community as their members, and they know ing members on Rotary International's offi-
how to get things done! cial Facebook page . Rotarians are encour-
The same simple approach works for club service, aged to e-mail their creative strategies
vocational service, and New Generations service to .
projects. Rotary clubs have the talent to assess
and prioritize the needs of their communities. They Top five reasons to support The Rotary
also have the expertise and resources to address Foundation
the needs, if the clubs keep their members in- Your contributions help advance world
formed and motivated. The communications within peace and alleviate human suffering.
the club must be simple – and frequent!
Perhaps it is in international service that the sim- Listen to a new song about Rotary
plicity of Rotary is most evident. Rotarians learn "Come Join Us" was inspired by RI President
that their fellow club members are trustworthy, and Ray Klinginsmith and the work of Rotarians.
as they meet Rotarians from other countries, they
realize they are similarly trustworthy. As a result,
Rotary friends from faraway places are easily made Take a tour of the beautiful city of
and kept, and the resulting cooperation between New Orleans with RI Pres Klinginsmith
clubs for international service projects is truly as- as guide. See him promote the 2011
tounding! Rotary International Convention.
The “Cowboy Logic” song says that cowboys have
a simple solution for just about everything. So do
Rotarians! It is called the spirit of Rotary, and its
hallmarks are fellowship and service. Together, we For more information about ROTARY,
can make the world a better place by making our please visit:
clubs Bigger, Better, and Bolder. So let’s do it!
That’s cowboy logic! This is Rotary RI video
Ray Klinginsmith Rotary International
President, Rotary International District 3780
Principles that Guide Rotary
Click to view earlier messages from RI Pres
Rotary History
Schedule of Club Meetings
SM Foundation Makes 500 Children Happy
December 22 Christmas party-
 Venue: Residence of IPP Linda
at 33 Don Carlos St., Don Antonio Heights
 Time: 7:00 PM
 ―Pot luck‖ for food or drinks
 An exchange-gift item

December 29 No meeting (Holiday break)

January 5, 2011 No meeting (New Year break)
Last Dec 14, SM Foundation held the 2010 Make-a-
January 12, 2011 First club meeting in 2011
Child Happy project at SM Fairview. RCHS supported
the project by sending 300 kids from poor families in
our village. RCHS was represented in the event by
President Dodgie, Treas Marcia and Rtns Kgds Baby
Activities during the rest of 2010 and Lowell. PP Doc Belleza has been our coordinator
with SM Foundation in partnership projects.
Dec 18 Saturday at 6:00 PM—Holiday party for Interactors
of Holy Spirit, with Rtns Ric & Marcia as hosts, at No. 3
Don Senen St, Don Antonio Heights North.
Dec 23 Wed 10:00 AM—Gift-giving sponsored by IPP Linda
at Payatas

Reminder of Jan 2011 activities

Your e-bulletin is linked to the Web.
Tree-planting cum fellowship on Jan 14-15 Click links for more information and fun.
This will be held at Bgy Calawis, Antipolo City about Latest update on the Weather from PAGASA
1.5 hours away. Please arrange your schedule. Up-to-the-hour world news from CNN
To learn a little more about almost anything, click this link
Massive anti-rabies campaign on Jan 22nd Entertainment break:
Don’t Stop Believing - Sam Tsui
With the Barangay Council of Holy Spirit as principal
Pyramid - Charice feat. Iyaz
sponsor, RCHS is organizing a barangay-wide free dog
vaccination service. The purpose is to protect Sports - Yahoo! Sports Minute
140,000 residents from fatal rabies. The BAI has
committed to deploy at least ten veterinarians. 2011 is United Nations Year of Forests
Avoid Unnecessary Use of Paper !

The Dove, Weekly Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit, Make-up Attendance Certificate
is published by the Administration Committee of the club. This certifies that
Printed copies are distributed to club members during Rtn ______________________________
meetings while the digital e-bulletin version is e-mailed to Of RC ___________________________
members & friends, to donors, to selected District 3780
Attended the meeting of RC Holy Spirit D3780 Quezon City
officers, to most of the 92 district club presidents who
On ______________ at ______________________________
have known e-mail accounts, and to selected RI offices.
By Fernado Delgra Jr ___________________________
Current editors are Dir Ric and Treasurer Marcia Salvador
Club Secretary RY 2010-2011
with email at
View Last Week’s Issue of The Dove Try making-up at ROTARY e-Club One . It’s only a click away.

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