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Q1. For making advertisement s more effective, the manufacturers improve

_____________and launch new products.

(1) Existing products

(2) Advertisement style
(3) Marketing channel
(4) Sponsors
(5) None of these

2. It is advisable to use ____________________ as a source of advertising.

(1) Social media

(2) Email
(3) Radio
(4) Television
(5) Print

Q3. Selecting time, choosing media types, deciding on reach of frequency

and media vehicle for advertisements are part of

(1) Media strategy

(2) Media execution
(3) Selecting media
(4) Measuring communication
(5) None of these

Q4. To introduce the new products to world of consumers is the main goal of

(1) Entertainment
(2) Advertising
(3) Boost the sales
(4) Online marketing
(5) None of these
Q5. Advertisement through radio was very popular till the middle of last
century because of _______________.

(1) Its effectiveness

(2) More popular than newspaper
(3) Mass reach
(4) Cost of advertisement
(5) None of these

Q6. Advertising creates employment as it increases the volume of sales and


(1) Production
(2) Marketing
(3) Promotion
(4) Personal selling
(5) New products

Q7. Lower costs, greater global advertising coordination consistent

worldwide image are the ______________________ of international marketing

(1) Standardization drawbacks

(2) Advertisement regulations
(3) Standardization benefits
(4) Typical responses
(5) None of these

Q8. The most popular form of advertising and it reaches to masses.

(1) Social media

(2) Email
(3) Radio
(4) Television
(5) Print

Q9. Advertising for __________________ is not allowed.

(1) Liquor
(2) Washing powder
(3) Cigarette
(4) Cold cream
(5) Both 1 and 3

Q10.The best advertisement is

(1) By emails
(2) Print media
(3) Television
(4) A satisfied customer
(5) Radio

Q11. Catalogues, magazines, newspaper and invitations to organization-

sponsored events are associated with the marketing mix activity of

(1) Manufacture
(2) Production
(3) Promotion
(4) Development
(5) None of these

Q12. Advertisement is a type of ________________________.

(1) Outdoor marketing
(2) Indirect marketing
(3) Share marketing
(4) Transaction marketing
(5) Relationship marketing

Q13.With the popularity of satellites, phones, iPod etc. usage of

________________________ becomes ineffective but in remote areas it is
considered as the fastest way to communicate with masses.

(1) Social media

(2) Email
(3) Radio
(4) Television
(5) Print

Q14. Advertising is a non-personal process but must be written or printed in

words ________________________advertise and helps in the sale of the product.

(1) Salesman
(2) Sponsors
(3) Marketer
(4) Marketing manager
(5) None of these

Q15. The advertisement of newspaper has a very short life span of

(1) One day

(2) One week
(3) One month
(4) One year
(5) None of these

Q16. Advertising is not flexible as the message is once fixed it can’t be

altered again and again according to the_____________.

(1) Advertiser
(2) Sponsor
(3) Customer
(4) Marketer
(5) None of these

Q17. From the perspective of sales, advertisements are required for

(1) Profit
(2) Loss
(3) Increasing sales
(4) Decreasing sales
(5) None of these

Q18. When a number of advertisements are published in the newspaper in

series and in regular intervals are called

(1) Monopoly in market

(2) Feedback mechanism
(3) Boosting the sales
(4) Teaser advertisements
(5) None of these

Q19. Advertising is generally criticized because the cost involved in making

ads are generally__________________
(1) High
(2) Low
(3) Medium
(4) Equal to the production
(5) None of these

Q20 ____________________ and loyalty programs are wonderful and cost effective
way to stay in touch with customers when customer database is used

(1) Social media

(2) Email
(3) Radio
(4) Television
(5) Print

Q21. “Through newspaper any firm can reach literate customers only”. It’s a

(1) Nothing related to illiterate customers

(2) Advantage of newspaper
(3) Drawback of newspaper
(4) No problem in such advertising
(5) None of these

Q22. Levels of differentiation, market share, product lifecycle stage,

correlating promotional spending and brand sales are part of
_________________________________ in advertising.

(1) Objective of advertising

(2) Models of advertising
(3) Evaluation of advertising
(4) Developing strategy
(5) None of these
Q23. Advertising involves dissemination of information about a produce,
service to induce people to take actions beneficial to

(1) Advertiser
(2) Sponsor
(3) Marketing manager
(4) Firm
(5) Retailer

Q24. Which of the following is the most popular print media available to

(1) Magazine
(2) Pamphlet
(3) Emails
(4) Newspaper
(5) None of these

Q25. Direct mail advertising is suitable in case of

(1) Retailer
(2) Wholesaler
(3) Personal selling
(4) Share broker
(5) None of these

Q26._________________ is helpful in promotion the businesses people and big

industrialists are promoting their goods and services through networking
sites like Facebook, Twitter etc.
(1) Social media
(2) Email
(3) Radio
(4) Television
(5) Print

Q27. _______________________ ignores large differences in cultures,

demographics, and economics of international marketing decision.

(1) Standardization drawbacks

(2) Advertisement regulations
(3) Standardization benefits
(4) Typical responses
(5) None of these

Q28. Pioneer advertising, consumer advertising and product advertising are

(1) Objective of advertising

(2) Types of advertising
(3) Marketing decisions in advertising
(4) Evaluating advertising
(5) None of these

Q29. Drama, exhibitions, fair are effective means of

(1) Personal selling

(2) Advertisements
(3) Sales territory
(4) Entertainment
(5) None of these
Q30. _________________ in advertisement means of providing complete
information about the product and its uses to the society.

(1) Legal environment

(2) Awareness
(3) Interest
(4) Personal selling
(5) Educative

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