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A. Prepare conjugation grids and conjugate the following verbs in the following tenses: le
présent et l’imparfait. Ex. of grid:
je nous
tu vous
il elles
elle ils

1. Regular –er verbs; regular –ir verbs; regular –re verbs (See: 4.32-.33, 20.30, 13.32)
2. Irregular verbs
 être,  savoir
 avoir (+ expressions)  dire
 faire (+ expressions)  vivre
 aller
 prendre (+ other verbs like prendre:
 suivre
apprendre, comprendre)  devoir
 pouvoir  sortir, partir, servir, dormir
 vouloir  voir, croire
 venir
 mettre
 connaître

3. Reflexive or pronominal verbs (se lever, se coucher, se promener, s’ennuyer, etc.-See :

11.37, 12.13
4. L’imparfait. Only one verb does not follow the rule for the stem: être: its stem is ét-
 Rule: Conjugate all other verbs in present tense: drop the –ons ending, what is left is
the stem for the imparfait, to which you add the endings:
o –ais, -ais, -ait, -ait, -ait / -ions, -iez, -aient, -aient
o Note: all endings have the exact same sound except for the nous- and vous-forms
B. Command forms (The imperative: l’impératif)
 Review command forms for regular and irregular verbs.
o ex. Regarde le film! Regardez le film! Regardons le film! Regarde-le !
o Ex. of command forms for the reflexive verbs: Lève-toi! Levez-vous! Levons-
C. Le futur immédiat.
o ex. Nous allons apprendre le français ensemble.
o Je vais étudier le français ce soir.
o ex. of the immediate future with reflexive verbs: Je vais me lever à cinq heures
demain matin.
D. Le passé immédiat
o ex. Robert vient d’arriver en France. = Robert has just arrived in France.
Make a list of verb forms of the passé composé
E. Le passé compose – (introduction in L16) :
you use in Leçon 16
 Rule: conjugate the auxiliary (helping verb avoir or être) in the present tense + past
 Ex. J’ai parlé = I have spoken, I spoke, I did speak
 ai is the helping verb conjugated in present tense
 parlé is the past participle of the verb parler
To determine which helping verb to use, observe the following:
 avoir is used for all verbs except for
o verbs found on the House of Madame Être diagram
 ex. Robert est arrivé en France.
o reflexive verbs they all require être
 ex. Jean-Pierre s’est promené dans le Jardin du Luxembourg.
To form the past participle of verbs, observe the following:
o Regular –er verbs: use stem plus + é; ex. parl + é  parlé
 J’ai parlé = I have spoken, I speak, I did speak
Regular –ir verbs: use stem + í; ex. chois + i  choisi
 Tu as choisi = You have spoken, he spoke, he did speak
Regular –re verbs: use stem + u; ex. attend + u  attendu
 Elle a attendu = she has waited, she waited, she did wait
Irregular verbs: you must memorize the form of the past participle

We will do more with the passé compose in FR112

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