TH19015 Vibhuti Individual Project

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Building an Employer Brand by start-


Individual Project
TH19015 | Vibhuti Agrawal
Content List

Objective and Context ………………………………………………………………… Pg 2

Methodology……………………………………………………………………………. Pg 4

Employer Branding and it’s elements ……………………………………………….. Pg 5

Questionnaire …………………………………………………………………………. Pg 6

Not-for-profit Start-ups: Conversations……………………………………………… Pg 7

Manish Sharma

Pragun Agarwal

For-profit-Startups: Conversations…………………………………………………… Pg 9

Vatsal Dusad

Swarnima Bhattacharya

Vani Thakur

Insights drawn …………………………………………………………………………… Pg 12

Strategies for Employer Branding for start-ups………………………………………. Pg 13

Points of consideration for Blackboard Radio (current employer)………………….. Pg 16

References ……………………………………………………………………………….. Pg 17
Thousands of start-ups launch every day but
only handful of them get converted into
successful business entities. Those become
successful who anticipate challenges in
advance and stand the test of time.
My current engagement is with an early stage
The world of start-ups is full of ambiguity,
start-up- Blackboard Radio of 6 team
aggressive and unpredictable. There’s never a
members, where wearing multiple hats
full roadmap to walk but a visibility of few
keeping in mind our natural competencies are
MUST. We struggle in hiring
interns/employees. During this study, the Start-ups struggle for many things out of
focus will be to understand the elements of which building an employer brand is one
employer brand from founders and employees while building a product, simultaneously.
perspective, the challenges faced by start-ups Mostly, product development and technology
whether for-profit or not-for-profit, in hiring take priority as the focus of investors is
first employees and identifying ways to generating business and getting their money
acquire talent, retain employees and design back. In the midst of all, start-ups didn't have
benefits for them It also emphasizes on the the bandwidth to focus on people, they
reasons of why people get attracted towards constantly struggle in designing benefits,
start-ups and what is employer Brand in the compensation and policies for their employees
context of start-ups. at all levels of organizational hierarchy, even
after raising Series-A.

The start-up culture is a workplace

environment that values problem solving
ability, communication and a flat hierarchy
which is way different from a corporate

Context culture. There are multiple challenges that

start-ups face, few of them are highlighted
Funds: Challenges regarding cash flow challenge. Moreover, in the initial stages
management and finance is one of the top- there’s no Employer brand so it makes it more
most reasons that start-ups wane into oblivion. difficult to find and retain talent. Culture is to
You have to spend money to make money. be practiced, thus a team that can align with
Without identifying a strong need to spend, the values of the co-founders or with others
start-ups tend to spend it on marketing can only practice what they preach, which
activities to get traction and visibility in the forms the core of the culture.
market which has its long run implications of
Competition: Despite having a great product,
losing out financial freedom, if the plan
the start-up world is quite fierce and
backfires. Thus, pragmatic use of budget
competitive. Knowing in-depth about our
without with a focus of need and desire will be
competitors regarding what they do, how they
a good practice. Start-ups generate funds by
do and strategizing our product in a way that it
two ways- obtaining funds from an investor or
attracts the user and customer will keep our
game up. It is important to understand what
we are doing differently or wrong and what
Product and market fit: One of the biggest
our competitors are doing right.
challenges for every business is to create a
product that will address the demand, need Building trust in Customer: One of the most
and desire of the target audience. A regular important hurdles for any business is to strike
market research is required to understand the a chord with its target audience and win their
target market. The process of feature trust. Regular feedbacks with the users
development and getting feedback on it has to regarding the product help in cementing the
be really fast so as to cater to the needs of the position in the marketplace.
users and the customers.
Managing time to interact with the customer,
Culture, Hiring and retaining right people: meeting with the investors or clients or
Experienced, energetic and productive mentors or consultants to run the company
individuals helps you thrive straightaway. As legally and generating cash flow for the
a growing start-up, people who can wear company are few other challenges that
multiple hats and are willing to work together founders in start-ups face.
with synergy and teamwork in a team are
required. Finding these people is quite a
Note: Start-ups can be for-profit or not-for 3. Interactions with people: Interviews were
profit. In the whole study we will consider conducted with people from both the for-profit
founder perspective and employee perspective sector and the not-for-profit sector working
in identifying the challenges for creating an with/who have worked with both established
Employer Brand. startups or upcoming startups.

4. Generating Insights: An analysis was

Methodology derived based on the interviews reflecting the
working (or the lack of it) of different
elements of the employers' brand in the startup
1. Defining Employ Branding Elements scenario.

Secondary research was undertaken to 5. Suggesting strategies: Strategies that

understand the varied elements of an would be most effective for startups are
employers' brand. Content from reputed HR suggested based on the insights developed
influencers, management magazines, journals, during the analysis. The strategies are
and academic papers was consulted to develop suggested keeping in mind the constraints of
the understanding. cash flow in the upcoming startups, and
greater resource availability for the more
2. Questionnaire: A questionnaire was
established startups.
prepared by contextualizing various elements
of an employers' brand for startups. A 6. Strategies for Blackboard Radio:
questionnaire was prepared for the founders to Strategies that would be most effective for
understand their challenges, needs, and Blackboard Radio are suggested based on the
perceptions. Similarly, another questionnaire insights developed during the analysis and
was developed for the employees to secondary research done. The strategies are
understand their challenges, needs, and carefully chosen keeping in mind the stage of
perceptions. the start-up.
the customers’ frowns. It’s the office’s walls.
And the tone of voice. Employer branding
accumulates your brand’s impact on
customers, employees, and society at large.

Statistics show that 69% of jobseekers

wouldn’t accept the job at a company with bad
reputation even if they haven’t had a job.

75% individuals research about the firm and

build an image for themselves before applying
for a job.

To build an employer’s brand conscious effort

Employer and investment of time is required. Few

important elements of Employer Brand are
mentioned below which should be considered
Brand and its while building an employer’s brand.

Advocacy: Businesses can thrive and grow

Elements only because of customers and employees. By
sharing company news, employees can help to
market their employer’s brand, whether this is
A satisfied customer and employee are the to attract new customers, engage passive
best business strategy for all. applicants, retain employees or simply spread
the word about what a great company they
Employer brand is a part of organization’s
work for. Employees may be encouraged by
brand. It denotes the organization’s reputation
their employer to share company updates
as an employer. Employer branding is
online and, if they’re truly advocating the
essential to attracting active candidates,
brand, they’ll try and appear naturally engaged
converting passive candidates, closing all
with the company through the language and
candidates, and retaining every employee. It’s
tone used in their message(s). True advocacy
the people. It’s the product. It’s the culture.
doesn’t occur for a set period of time either,
It’s the chairs. It’s the customers’ smiles. It’s
it’s an ongoing interest that’s reflected on Attracting the right attention: Any business
employee’s social timelines. Employees with a strong employer brand is likely to be
Telling stories about their time at the company talked about, whether online on social media
shows how they feel about working there. or offline in conversation.
Advocacy, events, links from websites and
Culture: How you make your employees feel word of mouth, are all ways in which a
about themselves and the organization defines business can prove its employer brand, if the
the culture. It can be either customer focused, right things are being said about it.
or employee focused or both. This is the first
thing that potential applicants look out for on Striving to be an industry leader, while
websites or through common friends. A continually improving your company culture,
company culture can only exist and grow if encouraging employee engagement and
the vast majority of employees believe in it, considering wellness, will attract attention and
want to be part of it and have a vested interest is difficult to mimic.
in nurturing its growth. Thus, business leaders
must listen to their employees, act as per the Making sure that your applicant experience

best interest of the organization and the and onboarding processes are optimized will

employees. The foundation element of a good help to encourage advocacy from a very early

employment brand is a senior management stage, while improving retention.

team that encourages, measures, and rewards

Diversity: The 2-d’ diversity (inherent and
the development and sharing of best practices.
acquired) enables companies to out-innovate
Talent Brand: How do your employees, both and outperform their competitors. Diversity
past and present, feel about the company and helps a company to appreciate and embrace
its working environment? Also, importantly, cultural differences; this is not only beneficial
what are they saying about it online and to for company culture, but also very useful
friends and family? The answers to these when speaking with customers and supplying
make your company enter in the great-place- services. Employees of firms with 2-D
to-work lists. Word of mouth can have a major diversity are 45% likelier to report a growth in
influence on a business. market share over the previous year and 70%
likelier to report that the firm captured a new
market. Inherent and acquired diversity are requirement of the project. For these people,
difficult to fake. there wasn’t much of a challenge as with this
project, employment opportunities were open
Values: One of the top attracting factors for at the remote location. They used NGOBOX
applicants is a sense of purpose in what they as a channel to circulate applications and
do for a living. through references.
In order to attract and retain talent, brands
need to demonstrate a strong ethic and belief Along with basic compensation, they offered

in what they do, along with the values that immense learning and adventure to the

they apply to how they do business. Value jobseekers. The basic premise was that they

plays an important role in decision-making at align with the work while applying.

different junctures, understanding customer Job seekers find the culture of flat hierarchy
and educating about the identity of the brand, very fascinating where they don’t have to say
competitor advantage and recruiting and ‘Sir/Madam’, founders are approachable,
retention. It is important that the value system office and accommodation is in same house,
of the company is practiced and visible in the talk about emotions and learning/developing
way company does business. perspectives through conversations/knowledge
sharing. Way of operationalization varies in
Not-for-Profit development sector; therefore, the culture
seems to be attractive. He also shared that
Start-ups from Day 1 we think about people but in the
Conversations midst of implementing the need, the mental
peace and wellbeing of employees become

Manish Sharma | Co-founder | Youth important which leads to understanding of the

Dreamers Foundation ‘concerns’ of employees.

While interacting with him on the lines of Learning from a broader perspective of the

employer brand, he shared that the initial company, diversity and on-the-job-

hiring was project and need based. Field development specific to the project have been

officers were required to execute the project in an important element in forming the culture of

the field, collect data and follow-up with the the organization. Through this, people have
opened avenues for increasing their horizon
by either enrolling in a course related to the problem of increasing the efficiency of
job they are doing. teachers by making them simple and effective
strategies to have peer-learning atmosphere in
The trust and ownership have been instilled in
the class so that even the 40th child can learn at
the employees by sharing the reason of not
its pace along with his/her own learning style.
taking an action. For e.g.- not granting leaves.
The fundamental believe that teachers cannot
This helps in smooth functioning of the
be bypassed by technological solutions but are
organization without affecting the personal
responsible for skilling the students in the
lives of the employees.
school resonated with his thought process.
He also shared that strategic hiring is
Another factor that encouraged him to join a
challenging as why a reputed and a skilled
not-for-profit start-up was the genuineness of
individual will work with us while
the founder and the way the thoughts
compromising the compensation. It was found
regarding the idea were communicated seems
that he sells the vision and call to co-design it
promising, thus generated a hope of doing
with them. The entrepreneurial stint is being
something good. He also shared that he was
sold to people, which is still challenging. In
confident of pulling it up by himself along
such interactions, he keeps the weightage of
with the team.
the compensation to be too low. He shared
that skills and requirement are aligned. The most important thing was his life
situation. He had a 1.5 years of work
Pragun Aggarwal | Employee | Khevaiya
experience and was actively looking to work.
Innovations and Research Foundation
He was in the state of ‘Just get started
A 22 years young graduate was very keen to working’. This feeling along with others were
work in Social development sector, preferably enough to at least give a trial to work in
education while looking for opportunities to Khevaiya.
No family responsibility, a strong financial
In an interaction, he shared that his alignment roof from parents were unsaid factors that
was with any organization/initiative working helped him to explore the different path for
at systemic level that helps in solving a root life.
cause of the problem. In this scenario,
Khevaiya happens to be solving a root
He also mentioned that for him along with a Vatsal Dusad | Founder | Blackboard Radio |
decent compensation, the right kind of people Ex-Employee- Avanti Learning Centres Pvt
i.e the aggressive, logical and progressive Ltd.
energy and the potential an idea has will be
A businessman at heart and someone who
important for him from an employee
wants to create an impact, Vatsal Dusad an
perspective while joining an
IITian started Blackboard radio after working
organization/initiative/movement etc.
in Business Development for 4 years in an
education start-up. He was amongst the first
few employees, there. As an ex-employee
upon asking what motivated him to join the
start-up when he could have chosen lucrative
offers from other companies, he mentioned
that first it was the cause of taking IIT-JEE
preparation to low-income level students as
they were leading the volunteering chapters in
their college and secondly, he was confident
to bring business to the company and want to
experience the business development side of

For him, the learning experience was

important as starting an entrepreneurial
journey at some point in time was always in
his mind.

For-Profit Start- As a founder, while building the initial team,

the first thing he looked upon were people on
ups Conversations
whom he can trust therefore he relied on the
referrals. He believed that people want to
work hard and feel good about themselves and
that they are contributing in the growth of the
organization. Thus, people with right attitude
should be brought. By right attitude, he means Swarnima | Ex- employee- Inshorts| Founder-
go-getter, someone with people skills, TheaCare
someone with process-oriented nature, etc. He
An ex-employee of one of the reputes start-
also mentioned that need of the organization at
ups Inshorts shared her experience as she was
the early stage is an important factor to be
one of the first members of the team when the
considered. For eg- a developer, a designer,
founders were Bootstrapping. As an
etc. He shared that initially the most important
employee, her major reason to join them was
thing is that there’s no time to build trust or to
her own ambitious nature of getting exposed
scout for people on job portals. Either it
should be transferred from someone else or in
a hue. - From junior level to middle level,
people are attracted by the fancies of
He wants to build a team which can deal with
the company’s infrastructure, attractive
ambiguity, disciplined w.r.t their tasks and
compensation and a basic work.
enjoy working what they do. He very clearly
- Jobseekers, especially the fresh
stated that a start-up cannot fulfill all the
graduates believe that start-ups can
requirements of the employees. If we founded
give them growth and learning curve
something, the first 5 team members brings
and give good compensation packages.
their value system with them that makes the
They don’t ask right questions.
culture of the organization. He understands
- They know about their rights but are
that flexibility and ownership needs to be
unaware of the duties and
given thus, there’s no leave policy as such in
responsibilities that are required to be
the organization.
fulfilled to be eligible for certain
An intelligent, humble and caring champ who rights. There’s a huge temperament
wants to make big, make the lives of children mismatch in the regard of a start-up.
better by giving them a platform to speak - 2 important reasons to join Inshorts
English without being judged and leave a were: a) Motivation to help a person
legacy behind. with same age and middle class
background and support siblings for
their growth, b) a young ambitious
graduate was attracted to the different
world of start-up than academia where Vani Thakur| Employee |Avanti Learning
value system was different and had an Centres Pvt Ltd | Fellow at Gandhi
immense possibility of learning and Fellowship
4 years back, after completing Gandhi
- Reasons of quitting: Initial value of
Fellowship Program – a residential program to
diversity was getting lost gradually. It
enhance leadership capabilities of young
was visible in the team and product as
individuals by bringing changes in the
well. Personal value clashed at a
education sector, I did not feel as such to join
certain point.
a start-up. I was looking for a team to work
- As a founder, she took extra care to
with that can give me a feel of similar people
have diverse people. The impact was
said Vani Thakur.
that the product made by the company
is applicable for majority of the She mentioned that website created the first
women. impression. It is the online presence that
- The impact of diversity is that the attracts one’s attention and gives you the feel
product development caters to variety of how the organization, the work and the
of people and increase your customer people are. Asking upon on seeing what, gives
base. you the feel of the organization, she replied
- Initially, with start-ups its an informal that it’s the choice of the content w.r.t the
setting to keep cost down and have team, the activities done, the values shared,
more learning opportunity. retreats and other things that make you feel
- The achievements of start-up matters. connected, welcomed and left you with a
wanting feel to join. In short the presentation
of the organization’s culture along with the
work they do and the believable value system
they share, attracts the job-seeker to even
apply for the positions.
While choosing Avanti as her first employer,
apart from above she felt that it would be fun
to work with a young and flexible team. It was
a believe within that the wavelength can be
matched and the environment with flat
hierarchy would be interesting to work with.
She also shared that she liked the idea and Insights drawn
vision of the company but couldn’t see herself
growing there while teaching Math’s and
1. Employer Branding of an start-up in its
Science even above things helped her to take
initial stages are the founders, the idea
that plunge at least for a year.
and the small team that they gather.
The plunge was successful, and she completed They don’t have the bandwidth to
her 5 year in Avanti. consciously invest time in Employer
She also expressed that whether an
2. Points of Parity within every startup
organization or its people makes you feel as a
remains same w.r.t the culture
newcomer or is open to make you feel a part
development but the way of doing it is
of it is an important factor of the culture you
practice. On asking about diversity, she shared
3. Points of Difference between start-ups
that bring 5 people together, in some way or
arises as soon as they jump from
the other the crowd is a diverse entity. The
bootstrapping stage to seed funding to
wavelength can match, and the intensity of
raising Series A.
diversity can be different but as personalities
4. Points of Difference majorly lie in
diversity always exist.
assigning the priorities w.r.t people.
What is important work completion i.e The investment of time can vary with
ownership of your work or the number of the stage a start-up is in.
hours you stay, shows the culture you want to 5. To build initial team, psychodynamic
practice. segmentation helps start-ups as they
majorly look for a combination of
attitude and skill set.
6. In start-up culture, the core values tend
to reflect the personalities and ethos of
the people who work to build the
business in the initial years unlike a
corporate culture where the core values survival of the job-seeker. Major
are informed by the identity of the questions regarding growth came with
company. senior-level management employees.
7. Jobseekers perceive start-ups as a 9. In general, start-ups do not invest in
learning and earning place- a general marketing activities to get their
notion. Every start-up doesn’t fall in employers or build any kind of
this category. Being incubated in a employer brand. They rely on their
reputed centre, getting some online networks to get initial employees.
presence, or seed-funding etc adds a 10. Mental well-being of the team is of
lot of weightage in the way start-ups utmost importance to founders in the
are seen by the jobseekers. initial years of the business thus
8. At junior and middle level, job seekers forming the core team.
are attracted by name, the company 11. The benefits, compensation and
has built in the market and assume the rewards that a start-up can offer solely
culture to be good enough to survive. depends on the stage they are in.
At the initial stages, the majority
questions are regarding the need and

Strategies to build an Employer

Brand for a start-up

The best employer branding comes from a trusted resource you already have: your employees.
Online Presence is the only way that a start-up can build it’s Employer’s brand. The question is
on individual preference of investment of time. Below mentioned are the ways to do it:

For upcoming start-ups i.e. at Bootstrapping/ Seed funding stage:

1. Company pitch and vision: The first and foremost thing is to communicate company’s
vision to the jobseekers or passive applicants or to the investor. A founder while pitching
it to a prospective employee might not know how to build that vision but invites a
prospective employee to build it together.

2. Make recruitment everyone’s job: The need for employees in an upcoming start-up is
very specific. Either it could be skill-set based or for a very specific role along with a
diverse personality. Everyone might not have time to take interviews or do psychological
tests, but it is required that everyone is partially involved in recruitment process. The
least employees at start-ups can do is to refer people. Pitch them the exciting work they
do and bring them to a point of being interviewed.

3. Define the culture early: Culture is practiced. It exists from day 1 and can only evolve.
When two people come together, they bring their set of values and habits, that gradually
define the direction in which culture can be taken. It is imperative that founders spend
some time in understanding what culture they would like to have in their organization.
Experimenting and failing, keeping in mind the employees’ career-growth and
aspirations, a weekly team meet, flexibility w.r.t leaves and ownership w.r.t work are
few elements of a culture that can be implemented and practiced.
4. Online presence: Unlike the older days, today the first thing any jobseeker or investor or
customer does is ‘Googling’ the company or the product. Not finding anything in the
results doesn’t encourage anyone to trust or put their faith. Even to build trust in your
own network, sharing through online media is MUST. The least any founder or a
company can do is write weekly emails to their friends, family, investor community, etc
or publish LinkedIn/ Glassdoor articles sharing what transpired in the previous week
and make them a part of their journey. Other things that can be done are having a
Facebook Page that gets updated weekly or fortnightly or sharing on the personal wall.

5. Retaining Employees: While there is a crunch of cash-flow, retaining employees

becomes difficult. Hope and possibilities of growing together are important ways to
make people retain at the early stages. ESoPs i.e Employee Stock Option Plans or Pay
for performance or giving them full ownership of their work, covering expenses before
taxes such as giving food cards, Sodexo/zeta cards are few ways to retain them. If they
relate to the cause/idea/vision, they will stay, else they will go. Founder’s must know that
staying in start-ups is difficult. It’s chaotic, unstructured, unorganized and ambiguous.
Every individual will not be able to survive in this culture.

For established start-ups i,e. after raising Series A/strong cashflow

1. Establish Employee Value Proposition: ‘What’s in it for me’. A view of what an employee
can expect from the company in exchange of coming to work for you is important to define. A
complete EVP package needs to be defined. This could be as simple as flexibility and giving
ownership of work. Few things that can come under EVP:
a. Alignment of vision: Give the employee a reason to join the company and work either
for a cause or for the profit generation. This alignment will always help the employee to
have reasons to stay unless the situation is really bad.
b. Training and Development: Training of managers is must as it keeps them
exploring new things and also helps them to broaden their horizon. Generally, the
learning and development is done to make the work easier and to equip them with
the tools to be used in the current and upcoming scenarios. But, it is always a
good practice to allow employees to train themselves in their interest areas and
leadership attributes keeping in mind their career growth. As employees cannot
commit to companies for rest of their lives, similarly no start-up can commit to
an employee for rest of their lives, thus importance of training and development
is relevant.
c. Compensation strategy: Design a decent compensation strategy with ways to get
incentives and bonuses.

2. A strong career page: This is must. This is one thing that a start-up should invest their time.
Majorly jobseekers get the feel of the organization’s culture by viewing the website in and out.

3. Be proactive on Glassdoor and LinkedIn: Reviews from CEOs and others help in building
a view regarding the organization. Suggested ways through which an online presence can be
made stronger is:
a. Videos: Make videos of employees sharing their dreams, or what they want to accomplish
or what they believe in or what failures they faced and how are they carving their way
b. Inter and intra-team interactions: Avenues to be found to have inter and intra-team
interactions. Company bonding takes employees a long way to stay.
c. A focused blog on life at the company: how you celebrate failures or how you celebrate
b’days or what you do when the team get’s frustrated with failures or not cracking the
product or how your founders keep your motivation up day-to-day life motivation- all
these and others show our belief system and values that we hold, which further shares our

Suggestive Strategies for

Blackboard Radio

Blackboard Radio is an early stage start-up with a cash flow of around 9 months. At this stage,
the product validation is done but we are identifying the scale mechanism. Therefore, there’s no
focus on Employer Branding. Also, the need for employer branding doesn’t arise as we don’t
seek to expand the team now.

We strongly believe in let’s do things the right way for our customers and then do expansion.
Few things that the founders of Blackboard Radio can do are:

1. Start an fb page with the focus of sharing the progress made by our users and how our
employees work hard in making things work- the idea is to make our user a part of our
2. Designate an employee or do by yourself: start writing atleast 3 emails in a month to
friends, family, team, etc.
3. Show appreciation and recognize efforts.


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