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IDPs are individually tailored and describe objectives/activities for the employee’s career development.
IDPs can be a win/win strategy because they benefit both the employee and the organization.
Employees benefit, because implementing an IDP helps them enhance their knowledge and skills.
Improved competencies help them achieve personal and career goals both inside of and external to the
organization. The organization benefits by developing improved employee capabilities, task planning,
competent employee performance, improved morale, and personal job satisfaction which can make the
organization more effective.

IDP is a process to direct, in partnership with manager, to enhance professional growth by:

 Identifying and pursuing personal goals for professional development

 Setting goals to learn or improve in important competencies will need now or in the future

• Identifying strengths, talents and passions and planning ways to use them on the job


 Employee maintains the current level of job proficiency through continued training and
developmental activities.
 Employee charts a career path by identifying new knowledge, skills and abilities to pursue, as
well as learning activities needed to reach the established goals
 IDP will support organization mission and career field needs

SCOPE: It will cover all HIL supervisory staffs


 KEY RESPONSIBILITY AREAS - Responsibility assigned to the employee as stated in his/her

position description and the competencies needed to perform the responsibility
 DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES - Each KRA is accompanied by one or more specific developmental
activities that will enable the individual to achieve or practice that competency
 TRAINING COURSES - Curriculum identified for an employee with a course of time
 TIMELINES AND MILESTONES - Realistic start dates, end dates, and other major milestones are
established for each activity. The date completed should be listed when the employee can
document proficiency based on the competency, skill or ability obtained.
 SPECIAL PROJECT - A task intended to improve performance at the employee’s present position
or a target position


 Post-Performance Appraisal
 The IDP would also result in conducting an effective training need identification

 Identifying short and long-range goals, developmental objectives and activities
 Identifying additional knowledge, skills and abilities required to achieve career objectives.
 Discussing and obtaining concurrence of goals, objectives and developmental activities with
 Satisfactorily completing all assigned reading, education and developmental assignments

 Assessment of the planned and formulated IDP by an employee and ensuring that the activities
support the objective of IDP
 Counselling and encouraging employees in regular intervals to set goals to improve their
performance through systematic and continuous self-development
 Evaluating the development of each activity performed by the employee

 L & D TEAM-
 Support in creating the structure of IDP
 Planning the training needs according the IDP and ensuring the occurrence of training
 Triggers/alerts to the employee or manager in case of any non-compliance or missed deadlines



professional goals and on focused objectives and with Manager and L&D on the IDP as per the
Strength & Opportunities
motivation action steps Team for plan preset timelines


 IDENTIFY Your Professional Goals and Motivations

 What motivates and energizes you at work?
 What kinds of opportunities do you want in the future?
 What opportunities exist in your current role that will help you develop and grow?
 Where do your motivations and the needs of the organization strongly align?
 What do you want to learn/prepare for?

 DETERMINE Your Talents/Strengths and Development Opportunities

 What are your talents/strengths?
 What are your passions, what do you love doing?
 What are your areas to improve, or new areas to learn?
 Review your recent and past FOCUS reviews, any performance-related feedback you have
received from your supervisor(s), any self-assessments you have taken - are they consistent with
your assessment of your talents, strengths & development needs?

 PLAN Your Focused IDP Objectives and Action Steps

 Considering your current career situation and future aspirations, where should you
focus your development? What will your objectives be for this IDP?
 Will your IDP include building capabilities, preparing for new opportunities, both?
 Which of your strengths/talents will you use more often, or expand?
 What development opportunities are important for you to focus on?
 What SMART action steps will you take to achieve your IDP?

 MEET With Your Manager

 Schedule a one hour meeting with your manager to discuss your draft IDP.
 You will be responsible for running the meeting with your manager.
 Bring the notes you created in “Planning your focused IDP objectives and action steps”
 Regular Meet with your manager to discuss and refine your IDP

 ACT On Your Plan

 Complete an IDP form to finalize your plan and give a copy to your manager
 Plan your IDP deadlines into your calendar
 Partner with your manager to make the plan work
 Schedule quarterly follow up meetings to check on your progress.
 Act on the plan and assume ownership

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