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UPDATED - Title: Internal Job Posting

Objective: To provide employees a platform to explore opportunities that may enhance careers within the organization.
This also enables in filing open positions with talented employees in a timely and an efficient manner.

Description: Employees are the most critical asset of an organization. The policy provides developmental opportunities to
our colleagues to grow in their career within different business units/functions. Career advancement of our employees
through IJP program has helped in the continuity of our business, culture and also has reduced the cost of hiring and
training of new employees. With all the interest gathered for IJP program and considering a paradigm shift in employability,
our HR department has amended the existing curriculum to increase opportunities. Our Internal Job posting program under
which the eligibility to apply for jobs cross functionally, has been reduced to 18 months from 36 months. All the open
positions along with the details like: job description, role, business and location are send out to all employees through a
common email id fortnightly. All management staff are given the opportunity to apply for
positions posted through IJP. This is a transparent process where the employees are provided with updates of their
a. Employees apply to the position sharing their updated resume and details of the position they are interested in, on ( which is accessible only to the Corporate Talent Acquisition team.
b. Employees can apply for the opportunities without having to take an approval from their respective reporting
c. The process adopted for selection for the new role is done without any bias, based on factual data and skill sets of
an individual through an interview process, conducted by a panel of interviewers.
The IJP curriculum is incessantly helping employees to diversify their portfolios by working in various strategic business
units, understanding the organization’s entire operations and instil the culture of “One HIL”.

We have been able to move employees across businesses and roles
 18 numbers of people moved to different roles in the last 2 years. 60% of movement have been in middle
management impact band.
 21 number of people have moved to different roles year till date across all businesses in HIL
 Some critical position that were closed through the IJP are as follows -
1. Lead – Mechanical Maintenance
2. Lead – E&I
3. Lead - Procurement

Title: Brand Building to Attract Talent

Wordings changed

Objective: Human Resource is important for success and continuity of business. Employer brand is important for attracting
and retaining talent in our organization.

We have been developing a culture that stands on the pillars of our values, vision and mission which infuses a sense of
loyalty among our existing employees.

Digital platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Face book and LinkedIn are being used to increase the brand recall and visibility of
our organization across internal and external professionals.

“Great Place to work certification” has created a sense of pride and also a pull for our prospective
employees. Also informed our recruitment partners to use the certification to attract candidates.
We believe that our employees are the best brand ambassadors of HIL. Through employee referral schemes, many employees
recommend opportunities available within HIL to their friends and acquaintances and help us create a talent pull. Additionally, our re-
hire policy gives us a chance to welcome our ex-employees and join HIL by offering them suitable roles.

When an employee rejoins the organization, there a unique welcome mail called Welcome Back sent to the entire organization,
which brings showcases the warmth of welcoming these employees back to the organization.

Over a period of time, HIL has also moved from traditional hiring to exploring hiring through social media and
networking sites. Our talent acquisition team publishes vacancies through LinkedIn and other social networking
forums. Through LinkedIn, interested applicants connect with our employees as well as other stakeholders associated
with us by promoting HIL as a rapidly growing organization filled with growth and development opportunities for
everyone. Many critical roles have been closed through candidates that have reached out to us over Linkedin.

Additionally for internal employee’s- employee engagement, capability building initiatives and employee friendly policies do
help talent acquisition team in retaining talent. Also a Foreign travel scheme is built in the organization for internal and
external customers and employees.

To create a feeling of pride within the employees as well feel part of HIL one Family we have introduced Paternity Leave for
new Fathers, Infant Care Policy and Half Day Leave Policy which is helping our employees maintain the work life balance.

To encourage diversity in our organization we have designed specifically for our women employee’s policies to help us
attract diverse workforce to HIL. HIL was in news (Times of India) and applauded for its women centric policies. Also we
have an incentivized our recruitment partners by giving higher commercial for hiring women and special ability employees.
We have empaneled boutique consultants for diversity hiring which can reach out to a specific talent pool.

Apart from several initiatives of attracting talented and experienced professionals, our YUVA program has enabled us to
attract fresher MBAs (Management Trainees) and Engineers (Graduate Engineer Trainees) from premium institutes
across India. Through YUVA program, senior leaders visit the campus and connect with the prospective students
through a powerful presentation on HIL’s Vision, Mission and Values, its growth strategy, its varied businesses, HIL’s
CSR activities, opportunities for millennial employees, facilities and benefits for new entrants and overall career growth

We have diverse management Trainees joining us for various roles from across India .To ease their transition from
campus into the corporate world, we connect with the new join at different phases . Also we connect with their families
to give them assurance that their children would be provided maximum support in our organization as a Family.

Our summer internship program allows students to experience our unique culture and some of the outstanding
performers are given pre-placement offers. In addition to this, sharing of individual experiences and success stories
of employees (at the campuses) grown from GET or MT roles to handling key positions within the organization, helps
us invite more applications during our campus connects and drives.

We understand, attracting talent is a challenge in this competitive world and having just these initiatives won’t be
enough. Our ATL branding presence like association with IPL -Chennai Super King and Cricket Icons like Dhoni
helped to create a brand awareness and thereby help us attract talent.

Also our TV commercial “Naam badal denge” helped in creating a spark across and a sense of pride in our


The brand pull has made the existing employees refer professionals know to them for positions in the organization
through employee referral scheme. Branding has helped to reduce recruitment cost
 New joinees (January 2019 – Dec 2019) through employee referral scheme and saved an amount of
Rs. 45 lacs.

Employer branding has helped us in this competitive global market to get the right talent

 Digital Paltforms like Linkedin has helped us in filling some critical positions last year like Head
Internal Audit and Member Marketing .This year we have saved around Rs 3,80,000/- for position
lik e Member IR, Member TA , Lead Procurement.
21/01/2019 Culture Audit Admin

UPDATED - Title: YUVA Program - Hiring & Nurturing of GETs & MTs

Objective: The objective of hiring GETs & MTs is to induce fresh talent from various leading Management & Technical
institutes. This helps us to build a pool of talent to take up identified roles at HIL.


At HIL, we are keen on having a perfect blend of new recruits from campuses and experienced employees as we take
the organization to newer heights. Graduates from college bring in a new perspective to work, bring comfort level
with new technology, ideas, zeal to learn, flexibility, adaptability, logical and critical problem-solving skills. Our YUVA
program has enabled us to attract fresher MBAs (Management Trainees) and Engineers (Graduate Engineer Trainees)
from premium institutes across India. For the last several years, management has emphasized on hiring fresh talent
to encourage diversity at workplace, ensure continuous entry of talent in the organization, bringing in new
perspective to work and having comfort level with new technologies

The campus hiring at HIL is divided in two parts. First part of campus hiring starts with Summer Internship Projects,
where interns who have demonstrated an outstanding work during their internship are recommended by their
project guides (those within the organization) to receive a Pre-Placement Offer from HIL. They go through a defined
selection process before a formal pre placement offer is made. The second part of campus hiring is a direct
recruitment from institutes as per defined criteria of HIL selection. To ensure parity throughout the campus hiring
process, selection criteria for hiring summer interns as well as direct campus recruits remains constant across

1.Hiring trainees through Summer Internship Projects

The process starts with identification of summer internship projects across businesses and functions. These project
descriptions are shared with placement teams of Group listed institutes. On receiving interested candidates’ list,
applications are scrutinized based on academic qualifications followed by telephonic, SKYPE or in-person interviews
with HR and the project guide. The internship duration is jointly decided by HR and Campus Placement Team
depending on project requirement where it ranges from two to three months. The interns undergo half monthly
reviews and final projects review with their respective project guides, functional or business head and corporate and/or
business HR.

On completion of final project review, the panel decides on recommending summer interns for Pre-Placement Offer.
Once the business HR gets the recommendation, the candidate undergoes an aptitude test. Upon passing the aptitude
test, the college is intimated about the pre-placement offer and offer email is sent to the candidate. GET & MT hiring
requirements are consolidated, additional manpower approval is obtained from CHRO and MD, basis which hiring
process is initiated.

Our projects are designed to give complete exposure to actual work during internships, and this gives trainees an
opportunity to experience HIL’s unique culture. This also helps them to seamlessly adapt to the HIL culture.

2. Hiring trainees through Campus Drives at Premier Institutes

In order to identify requirements of MTs and GETs across businesses and support functions, departmental heads, 22/136
corporate and Business HR categorizes critical roles. Based on these identified roles, a formal approval is obtained from
CHRO and MD to initiate the hiring process.

The process is initiated by talent acquisition team by sharing the requirements to identified Group Listed
Engineering and Management Institutes. Based on the number of interested applicants with required academic
qualifications, campus drives are planned.

The selection criteria for any Graduate Engineer / Management Trainee under YUVA program are:

 Minimum 60% throughout academics: 10 th, 12th, Graduation and Post-Graduation without backlogs
 Aptitude Test that consists of Verbal, Logical and Numerical reasoning
 Group Discussion / Activity for those who clear aptitude test
 Personal Interview by Functional Head / Business Head and Corporate / Business HR (Direct Reportees
of CHRO)

On the day of campus drive a Pre-Placement Talk is conducted for all applicants by senior management from the
organisation. Candidates are screened through an aptitude test followed by a group discussion before the personal
interview. The panel members conduct personal interviews using Behavioral Event Interviewing (BEI) or STAR
techniques of interviewing to ensure required competence. Competencies like communication skills, learning attitude,
analytical thinking, HIL cultural adaptability, etc. are assessed before the candidates are finalized.

Specific questions pertaining to each competency are asked, e.g. to understand communication skills, questions asked
are “Give me a specific example of an event that has shaped the way you communicate with others? How do you
ensure that someone understands what you are saying?” Similar questions are asked around other competencies. Open
ended questions are preferred during the selection process.

On final selection, conditional offers are rolled out subject to clearance on medical fitness tests, submission and
authentication of academic documents. In order to retain our GET & MTs, apart from the fixed CTC, HIL also offers a
commitment bonus of a specific amount which is disbursed in two equal instalments – first on confirmation (post one
year training period) and second on completion of another year post confirmation. New hires are not required to sign
any employment bond. Throughout the journey of a GET/MT, multiple touch base points are done to ensure that the
new hires have comfortably adapted to the new culture and professional world such as “ AOL(ask out loud), Connect
with parents(for female only)”

3. Creating Career Progression, Growth and Development opportunities for our GETs & MTs

Hiring is just one phase of our ‘Yuva Program’. We as an organization strongly believing in nurturing and developing
talent internally. Post completion of corporate and functional induction program, trainees are assigned regular work /
projects under the guidance of respective managers and are overseen by business/functional heads. At the end of the
training period, GET/MTs are expected to make a presentation to the Senior Leadership Team of the organization
(including the MD and CEO). This gives them an opportunity to showcase their work and learnings during the training
period and also suggest changes to leadership team. They are encouraged to speak their mind and their feedback about
the organization and its culture is viewed with a lot of importance by the management.

Post confirmation, MTs and GETs are mapped to specific critical roles like Lead Operations, State Head – Sales, Key
Account Managers (Sales), etc. Their progress is continuously monitored and tracked by a dedicated team from HR.
Based on performance and potential of these trainees, they get an opportunity to participate in cross functional projects
or capability building programs designed for high-potential employees. Many of our MTs & GETs are currently involved
in Digitalization Project, Design Thinking workshops with IBM, LEAP (Managerial capability program) by GPTW, Six
Sigma Certification program (Yellow Belt, Green Belt), etc.

1. In the year 2019, of the 15 MT/GET hires, one of them was hired through the company's pre-placement
process (Rishabh Singh).
2. HIL has continuously supported high performance and over the years our GETs and MTs who have made significant
contributions in the success of the organization. In the last few years, we have seen many success stories.

Title : Attracting Experienced Professionals

Description :

At HIL, we recognize the importance of recruiting experienced, competent and committed talents from across
industries working for us to achieve organization goals. Our Talent acquisition process for the hiring of lateral
recruits is designed to attract and retain the right talent, who not only possess the requisite competencies
(functional and behavioral) but also demonstrate an alignment with our Organisation’s Culture and Values.

Objective: Experienced and talented candidates from other organization enrich our culture and bring in a different work
perspective. While we would like to promore home grown talent, it’s equally important for us to hire from outside to bring
in a varied perspective.


HIL’s organisation band is classified into different impact bands which denotes the level of hierarchy in the organisation, as
highlighted below. Talent Acquisition process follows the basic steps from Manpower Planning to Induction of new talent.
The manpower planning process is carried out at the business
21/01/2019 level
Culture Auditat the beginning of each financial year based on
business plans for the Financial Year, expansion and growth plans, change in technology and process, modernisation or
diversification plans, Mergers and Acquisitions, Existing and Future requirements, Skill levels, etc. HR also estimates the
outflow of manpower based on historical data and HRMS. This provides the net requirement of manpower in both the
entrant category – Fresher and Experienced.

Once the approval is received for the net manpower required for the FY, Talent Acquisition Manager receives the
request in Manpower Requisition Form along with the job description from the Business/Functional Heads/Managers.
These requirements are filled up by the process of Recruitment, Redeployment by Internal Job Posting process,
Training, Job Enlargement, Career Planning and Job Rotation.

Lateral Hiring process follows the following steps:

We reinforce merit based hiring practices that provide equal opportunity to all. At each step of the process, we
mandatorily ensure through various tools used that the new incumbent is aligned and demonstrating the CK Birla
Leadership Competencies and the HIL Values. Leadership Competencies are:

HIL Values are: 24/136
Sourcing of Candidates
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Based on the Manpower Requisition Form and Job Descriptions, following are the sources for obtaining candidates

a. Job Portals and Social Media: HIL has access to job sites of and LinkedIn. CVs are sourced from them and
shortlisted for further processing.
b. Placement Consultants: List of empanelled consultants are there with HIL who are periodically assessed basis their
performance to weed-out non-performing consultants. To name a few: Latent HR, Strategic Human Resources Consultants
Pvt Ltd, Xperia Executive Search Search LLP, Jobs909, Teamlease Services Pvt Ltd, etc.And added boutique consultants to
reach out to diversity specific resource pools.
c. RPO: To meet the growing needs of the business and reducing the expected TAT, HIL has empaneled an in house-RPO at the
corporate office location.
d. Advertisements: HR also release suitable advertisement for job vacancies in relevant newspapers.(Not yet released)
e. Internal Job Posting: Filling up the position gap through identifying talents within the organisation. So, every job vacancy will
first be posted internally within organisation. This process ensures cultural alignment and hence settling in time is reduced
to great extent. Also, selection process is faster to fill up the position gap.
f. Employee Referral process: This is an opportunity for existing employees to refer any candidate know to them whom they feel
will fit to the job role and organisation’s culture.

Selection Process

Following are the steps involved in the selection of a candidate:

Hiring process ensure equal opportunity is given to all based on knowledge, skill and attitude.

Aptitude Test – This is conducted for front line and operations candidates irrespective of where they have been
sourced from. This is administered by a third party “Co Cubes” (part of Aon Hewitt now). The test consists of Logical
reasoning, Mathematics and English.

Interview process – Two steps approach so that impartial selection could be made – Technical / Functional interview by
Reporting Manager and Final Telephonic / In person discussion (Manager and above level) by the Skip manager for the
position. All positions reporting to direct reportees of functional heads are In-person interviewed by the Managing Director
& Chief Human Resources Officer.

Psychometric Test – This is conducted for positions at senior management and top management impact band. The
assessments used are Harrison Assessment for Sr. Mgmt. and Hogan for Top Mgmt. The inputs and report
generated is useful before the final interview process. It helping us in evaluating Specific Competencies based on Roles
like Analytical Skills, Risk Taking Capability, etc.

Background Verification –

Middle Mgmt. Band – Services from a third party that engages in pre-employment background verification have been
engaged to conduct the educational to previous employment verification.
Sr. and Top Mgmt. Band – Conducted by third party vendor First Advantage and CHRO / Lead TA.

Hiring Manager is equipped with the following documents or resources for conducting the discussion for any
experienced hire:

Interview assessment form – Critical attributes captured in the document include Competency scoring on

>Problem Solving & Decision Making

>Customer orientation 25/136
>Adaptability & Stress Tolerance
21/01/2019 >Communication Ability Culture Audit Admin

>Analytical Ability

Apart from this, one very important parameter captured for deciding the candidature is SWOT of the candidate based on the Job

Job description for the position – this includes apart from basic information, the role and accountabilities, measures, skills for
both functional and behavioural.

Competency based questionnaire – We have a glossary of questions based on CK Birla Competencies. Document is attached in
supplementary materials.


Aptitude Test – For Sales and Plant operations has helped us with hiring right and candidates with good aptitude across
the organisation and selecting only the best of the best. The effectiveness of the recruitment process can be gauged by
the fact that most employee who have cleared the test surely attend the interview and also been able to clear the
interview process

Employee Reference - Most of our hiring is done from Employee Referral process. Last year we had closed a critical
position like Head Project Finance who played a pivotal role through his expertise and international exposure by
helping the company to do financial due diligence work in acquiring a new company for HIL – PARADOR. Also this
year we have closed some critical positions in one of our growing business -Pipes & Fittings like Head National Sales,
Zonal Sales Manager , Area Sales Manager.

UPDATED - Title: Employee Referral Program

Objective: The purpose of having an employee referral scheme is to provide an opportunity to our employees to
recommend talented professionals for the open positions and avail referral benefits as a token of appreciation. This
also saves in recruitment cost along with the recruitment turnaround time.

Description: Launched in 2016, under the employee referral scheme employees can refer talented professionals to HIL
for vacant positions. These recommended candidates undergo regular selection process. To acknowledge the efforts of
our employees and as a gesture of thank you, cash reward is given to the employee (who have recommended the
selected candidate) post completion of three months of the candidate from date of joining. This cash reward varies
depending on the new joiners grade and ranges from Rs. 10000/- to 50000/-. Also, employees who successfully refer and
on-board more than 2 new joiners in any financial year are given additional reward of Rs. 10000/- along with an
appreciation letter from Chief Human Resources Officer.
The recruitment team ensures that any referral sent by employees is registered an email to corroborate for payment of
referral amount.


In YTD FY 19-20, we have been able to recruit 41% of our new joinees (January 2019 – Dec 2019) through
employee referral scheme and saved an amount of Rs. 45 lacs. Rs. 1.95 lacs referral bonus has been given to our
employees who have referred these new employees. 26/136
UPDATED - Title: Rehire Policy

Objective: HIL encourages ex-employees who had left the organization voluntarily with excellent performance records and
have acquired additional skillset to re-join the organization.

Employees are eligible for rehire only if they have been good performers consistently for two years prior to their exit from
HIL. Applications from ex-employees who have no background of misconduct and forced exit are encouraged. A thorough
background check/verification is run before getting any rehire on board. The employee must have received performance
evaluation showing satisfactory record in terms of job performance, attendance, and similar measuring factors. If an
employee had resigned prior to receiving an evaluation or performance feedback, the employee need to have successfully
completed the probationary period.

Interested candidates can join HIL by sending their candidature to central recruitment team or can be referred by existing
employees or Business Unit HR. Once the application is received, the recruitment team checks details of his past
employment with HIL. Recruitment team reaches out to the HR operations team to gather information regarding his last
pay scale, last 2 years performance ratings, reason for exit, previous hiring manager and business unit HR feedback.
Subsequent to gathering all the information, recruitment team prepares a case in the rehire template mentioning his
details and invites business HR feedback and recommendations. The hiring process remains same as per the recruitment
practice against each role. Once the employee is shortlisted, the rehire template along with feedback is submitted to CHRO
for approval. The compensation for rehire cases are decided as illustrated below -

 Compensation for rehire cases will be decided based on the number of increment cycles missed, any new skills
acquired, market value of such niche skills and increment grid applied for increment at HIL from the time of exit of
employee. Internal parity will be maintained in such cases so as to not disturb the system.
 If an employee is rehired within 6 months of exit of the same financial year, he/she will have to come back on the
same terms and condition, as at the time of Exit.

Employees may be given higher level of grade if the employee has completed 2 years from his last promotion at HIL;
provided the interview panel is satisfied that the employee has acquired new skills or has worked in a far more complex
environment than ours or such similar reason where he/she demonstrates a higher learning and delivery after having left
HIL. This is subject to the role also being pegged at that grade.


1. Save money and time, with faster on boarding -. On-boarding a former employee is less expensive and time
consuming when compared with on boarding a brand new employee. In last year it has led to the 19 rehires which
has led to saving in recruitment cost of Rs. 16 lacs
2. Streamline re-entry into workplace culture- Any employee being rehired will seamlessly fit into the organization
3. Add new skills to your company -Returning employees may bring everything from new industry skills to expanded
4. Boost office morale-Rehiring a former employee can be a big boost to workplace morale, especially if the employee
was well liked and respected before his or her departure.
5. Strengthen company loyalty -Re-hiring former employees can give everyone a big boost of company loyalty.

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