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Processing Report
13 April 2020
Survey Data

50 m

Fig. 1. Camera locations and image overlap.

Number of images: 40 Camera stations: 40

Flying altitude: 133 m Tie points: 31,085
Ground resolution: 3.37 cm/pix Projections: 94,726
Coverage area: 0.0647 km² Reprojection error: 10.2 pix

Camera Model Resolution Focal Length Pixel Size Precalibrated

FC300X (3.61mm) 4000 x 3000 3.61 mm 1.56 x 1.56 μm No
Table 1. Cameras.

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Camera Calibration

6 pix
Fig. 2. Image residuals for FC300X (3.61mm).

FC300X (3.61mm)
40 images

Type Resolution Focal Length Pixel Size

Frame 4000 x 3000 3.61 mm 1.56 x 1.56 μm

F: 3846.52
Cx: 1.95134 B1: -10.8426
Cy: 63.717 B2: -5.65958
K1: -0.048159 P1: 5.95498e-05
K2: -0.505453 P2: 0.0061724
K3: 1.57203 P3: -5.96102
K4: -1.77649 P4: 5.73774

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Camera Locations
80 m

64 m

48 m

32 m

16 m


-16 m
-32 m

-48 m

-64 m

-80 m


50 m

Fig. 3. Camera locations and error estimates.

Z error is represented by ellipse color. X,Y errors are represented by ellipse shape.
Estimated camera locations are marked with a black dot.

X error (m) Y error (m) Z error (m) XY error (m) Total error (m)
24.8634 22.2828 63.9433 33.3873 72.135
Table 2. Average camera location error.
X - Longitude, Y - Latitude, Z - Altitude.

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Ground Control Points
12 cm

9.6 cm

7.2 cm

4.8 cm

2.4 cm

0 cm

-2.4 cm
-4.8 cm

-7.2 cm

-9.6 cm

-12 cm
2 3 5
x 40

Control points Check points

50 m

Fig. 4. GCP locations and error estimates.

Z error is represented by ellipse color. X,Y errors are represented by ellipse shape.
Estimated GCP locations are marked with a dot or crossing.

Count X error (cm) Y error (cm) Z error (cm) XY error (cm) Total (cm)
5 13.6585 15.2009 7.0179 20.4358 21.6072
Table 3. Control points RMSE.
X - Longitude, Y - Latitude, Z - Altitude.

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Label X error (cm) Y error (cm) Z error (cm) Total (cm) Image (pix)
1 -14.1646 12.9384 2.68607 19.3715 16.028 (9)
2 19.1071 -0.121167 -10.3836 21.7466 21.944 (13)
3 -6.09957 -22.8791 11.009 26.1123 75.126 (18)
4 -12.2607 19.422 -3.15834 23.1843 74.605 (15)
5 13.3987 -9.34111 -0.2169 16.3349 50.523 (14)
Total 13.6585 15.2009 7.0179 21.6072 57.658
Table 4. Control points.
X - Longitude, Y - Latitude, Z - Altitude.

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Digital Elevation Model
940 m

820 m

50 m

Fig. 5. Reconstructed digital elevation model.

Resolution: 26.9 cm/pix

Point density: 13.8 points/m²

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Processing Parameters

Cameras 40
Aligned cameras 40
Markers 5
Coordinate system WGS 84 (EPSG::4326)
Rotation angles Yaw, Pitch, Roll
Point Cloud
Points 31,085 of 38,513
RMS reprojection error 1.89932 (10.1536 pix)
Max reprojection error 31.6654 (126.151 pix)
Mean key point size 8.84597 pix
Point colors 3 bands, uint8
Key points No
Average tie point multiplicity 3.54571
Alignment parameters
Accuracy Medium
Generic preselection No
Reference preselection Yes
Key point limit 40,000
Tie point limit 4,000
Guided image matching No
Adaptive camera model fitting Yes
Matching time 44 seconds
Alignment time 22 seconds
Optimization parameters
Parameters f, b1, b2, cx, cy, k1-k4, p1-p4
Adaptive camera model fitting No
Optimization time 3 seconds
Software version
Depth Maps
Count 40
Depth maps generation parameters
Quality Low
Filtering mode Mild
Processing time 47 seconds
Software version
Dense Point Cloud
Points 2,252,556
Point colors 3 bands, uint8
Depth maps generation parameters
Quality Low
Filtering mode Mild
Processing time 47 seconds
Dense cloud generation parameters
Processing time 23 seconds
Software version
Faces 1,684,952
Vertices 843,690
Vertex colors 3 bands, uint8

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Depth maps generation parameters
Quality Low
Filtering mode Mild
Processing time 47 seconds
Reconstruction parameters
Surface type Height field
Source data Dense cloud
Interpolation Enabled
Strict volumetric masks No
Processing time 19 seconds
Software version
Tiled Model
Texture 3 bands, uint8
Depth maps generation parameters
Quality Low
Filtering mode Mild
Processing time 47 seconds
Reconstruction parameters
Source data Dense cloud
Tile size 4096
Face count Low
Enable ghosting filter Yes
Processing time 16 minutes 59 seconds
Software version
Size 1,467 x 1,388
Coordinate system WGS 84 (EPSG::4326)
Reconstruction parameters
Source data Dense cloud
Interpolation Enabled
Processing time 2 seconds
Software version
Size 10,472 x 9,960
Coordinate system WGS 84 (EPSG::4326)
Colors 3 bands, uint8
Reconstruction parameters
Blending mode Mosaic
Enable hole filling Yes
Processing time 1 minutes 27 seconds
Software version
Software version 1.6.0 build 9217
OS Windows 64 bit
RAM 15.92 GB
CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
GPU(s) GeForce GTX 1050

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