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History Summer Homework

Use the BBC site to do some background reading on the Tudors. Concentrate upon the
sections on Henry VII and Henry VIII. Use the menus provided to explore the site. There are
radio programmes to listen to as well.

Record your research in a brief format. You might want to include some pictures and
perhaps a family tree which will be useful to have in your folder.

Link to BBC site:

 For Russian history the course covers 1917-24 in Year 12 which is a relatively short
period of history.
 October Revolution- Lenin-Stalin-Trotsky all these need to be looked at in some
detail with research kept together. Any reading on the period in question will be
useful such as -

The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956

A Peoples Tragedy – Orlando Figes

The Young Stalin – Simon Sebag Montefiore(and the Court of the Red Tsar)

 We also have access to History Today which has numerous articles on all aspects of
History and will be particularly relevant for A-Level. Altwood school history123
 It is also advisable that students watch and take notes on some documentaries. Here
are a couple of examples –
Hip Hughes is good for short but fast summaries
The BBC have a series of hour long documentaries on aspects of
Russian revolution/Stalin/Lenin/Trotsky

The emphasis is on the causes of the Russian Revolution ant the events that unfold during
the Provisional Government and subsequent Bolshevik revolution. Key individuals need to
be studied as well as the Civil war and power struggle upon the death of Lenin and finally
events such as War communism and the NEP (New economic policy.)

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