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Play Cycle and Resource Tracking

5. Campaign Actions
1. Resolve Missions ● Quartermaster performs campaign actions:
2 free at 8-10 morale, 1 free at 4-7, or none at 1-3 morale, spend
● Play out the primary mission. Surviving Legionnaires gain xp as per
supply to get additional
their playbooks.
1. Acquire Assets - Use to gain black shot, food, horses,
● Marshal makes an engagement roll to resolve the secondary mission.
religious supplies, or supply carts. Depending on your
Specialists who survive this mission gain 2xp, assigned by the
location, you may also be able to gain Laborers, siege
weapons, and alchemical concoctions. In rare cases you may
be able to gain Alchemists and Mercies.
2. Bookkeeping
2. Liberty - Clear 3 stress for every member of the Legion and
● Commander applies mission rewards/penalties to pressure, time, and add +2 to morale
intel 3. Recruit - Gain up to 5 Rookies
● Quartermaster applies mission rewards/penalties to update supply, 4. Rest & Recuperation - Every Legionnaire may mark a tick in
assets. If the Legion loses supply and have none, have the Marshal any harm row to heal.
mark -1 morale instead. 5. Long Term Project - Initiate/advance a project developed in
● Marshal applies mission rewards/penalties to morale, updates roster concert with the GM.
if Specialists were gained, and applies -1 morale penalty for each ● Quartermaster updates status of Alchemists, Laborers, and Mercies
Legionnaire death incurred on missions. ● Spymaster dispatches spies:
● If the mission provides a points reward, the GM or Lorekeeper notes 1. Interrogate - Ask any intel question from any list when
that on the Skydagger Keep sheet. missions are presented
● If a mission has additional xp rewards, the Specialists who survived 2. Blackmail - Add +1d to the Quartermaster’s acquire assets
apply them. roll.
3. Help - Add +1d to a Quartermaster’s long-term project roll
3. Back At Camp 4. Recover - Spy removes their wounded condition
● GM or Lorekeeper selects a short Back At Camp scene to play out as 5. Long-Term Assignment - Augment missions, expand network,
the troops return from their mission, based on the current morale lay trap, recruit, research
6. The Legion Advances (optional)
4. Time Passes ● Commander decides if the Legion advances. If so, they roll pressure
● Commander: Add +1 time and +1 pressure and use the result to add time. (Quartermaster may lower pressure
● Quartermaster: Use -1 food. If you have no food, the Marshal by spending horses.) Reset pressure to zero. If the Legion does not
reduces morale by -2 advance, they pursue further missions at the current location.
● GM or Lorekeeper: Tells tales of the dead, which may grant an effect
on the Legion
7. Mission Focus/Generation
● Commander chooses a mission type to focus on (assault, recon,
religious, or supply) based on what’s available in the current location.
The GM generates missions.

8. Mission Priority
● GM presents the available missions.
● Commander can ask the GM questions based on current intel.
Spymaster may have used the interrogate campaign action to ask
one or more additional questions from the entire list of options.
● Commander may spend an intel to replace one regular mission with a
special mission of the GM’s choice.
● Commander determines the primary mission and the secondary
● Marshal assigns a squad and up to two Specialists to each mission
and determines who’s in charge.
● All players take up their characters and reset their armor, Specialist
skill uses, and choose their load. They may spend utility load to bring
along something from a selection of extra items.
● Quartermaster may add to the engagement roll for a mission by
spending the appropriate supply (assault - black shot, recon - horses,
religious - religious supplies, supply - food) Specialists on that
mission should equip the proper extras for free.
● Commander may spend intel to add to the engagement roll for a
● Marshal assembles the dice pool and makes the engagement roll for
the primary mission.

9. GOTO​:​ Step 1.

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