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English for Aviation for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers EXPRESS SERIES Sue Ellis & Terence Gerighty OXFORD ICAO Operational Level 4 In Assumes a dialect and/or accent intelligible tothe aeronautical community Pronunciation, stress, ehythm, and intonation ate influenced by the frst language or regional Variation but only sometimes interfere with ease of understanding, Relevant grammatical structures and sentence patterns are determined by language functions appropriate w tne tsk. Basic grammatical structures and sentence patterns are used creatively and are usually well controled, rors may occur, panicularly in unusual or unexpected circumstances, but rarely interfere with meaning Veeabulany ange and ectacy are usualy sufcent o communicate efecivlon common, concrete, aed Wort elatd ols Can olen praprasesucessuly when lng vocal in saueeememetoendons, Produces stretches of language at an appropriate tempo. There may be occasional loss of fluency on transition from rehearsed or formulaic speech to spontaneous interaction, but this does nat prevent effective communication. Can make limited use of discourse markers of connectors. Fillers are not distracting, Comprehension is mastly accurate on common, concrete, and work-related topics winen the accent of variety used is sufficiently intligible for an intemational community of users. When the speaker is confronted with a linguistic or situational complication or an unexpected turn of events, comprehension may be slower or require larifation strategies. Cr Responses are usualy immediate, appropriate, and informative. initlates and maintains ‘exchanges even when dealing with an unexpected tur of events. Deals adequately with apparent rmisunderstandings by checking, confirming, or claiying. 3 4s Contents owns ‘Topics Introduction _setingthescene toair Basis of radio communication USEFULLANGUAGE AND STRUCTURES AO alphabet and munbers Ashing fr repetition ‘communications Inleduetiontonortoutine situations Questions and stort answers Preflight Preflight checks Delays and problems Local conitons Ground Aiport makings and ie movements Taxing an ling Weather problems ahi climbing, and Encountering cruising Warnings about nazar Enroute events Operationalsituations UUnasal events Medial stations J Contact and Descent approach Creuitoning Approach andtancing problems i Departure, Takeo On the ground Landing anding indents Rune condlons Landing hazards Test yourseit ‘newer key Talking about imaginary situations Asing formar tine Gling a eason Saying hat you're going to do ‘Saying theresa prblem Explaining robles ‘tying a problem has ben solved Checking an asking for an alternative Using prepostons of poston ‘Saying how much Warsirgs and requests Tine expressions ‘Giving reasons ‘Comparing things Talking about probability Talking bout time lating changes In plans Talking abou cause ond fect Requests Making supsestions offering hep ‘Giving advice o opinions Explaining what happened Soyng what wl happen About the book English for Aviation has been developed specifically for people wo wok in the aviation industy and need to comply withthe International vil Aviation Organization's (1CA0"s language proficiency requirements It suppor standard phraseology and bulls upon it to help improve plain English in the sil areas specified by ICAO; pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, uency, comprehension, and interactions, English for Aviation covers a range of subjects associated with ling and the aviation Industry. The book is organized inthe sequence ofa Might, stating with an introductory unit followed by pre-ight, ground movements, departure, cruising, en route events, contact and approach, landing, and end-of fight ground movements. Pilots and ait traffic controllers wil find the book useful fr improving their plain English but anyone ‘working in aviation ~ ground staff, emergency services, or administrators, fr example ~ who wants to improve their English ability il benefit fom English for Aviation, Units from the book work independently and can be selected according to the needs and Interests ofthe course participants English fr Aviation is also ideal for selFstudy Each unt begins with a Starter, which consists ofa short exercise ora qulz and serves as an introduction to the topic ofthe unit, Practical exercises listening extracts, Industry-specific texts as well as numerous photos and illustrations help you to acquire key vocabulary and expressions Realistic roleplay give you the opportunity to put all you have leaned into practice. Each unt closes with an Output activity, an article ‘elated tothe topic af the unit followed by questions for rftecion and discussion, ‘The book fishes up with a fun quiz to Test yourself an some ofthe facts and figures liscussed over the previous elght uit. English for Aviation is accompanied by two disks. The Audio CD contains all the listening forthe book. The Audio CO can be played though the audio player an your computer, ot through a conventional CD player. The CO ROM contains interactive exercises to practise structure, vocabulary, and Ustening comprehension. Thee is also ait AZ word ts ‘ith ll the key words that appear i the book. Visit ww.oup.comltexpress fr ICAO complianey practice est. In the appendix of English for Aviation you wil find the Partner Files forthe role-play, and the Answer key so that you can check your own answers if you are working alone. ‘There ae also Transcripts ofthe listening exacts. U Introduction to air communications Use arrows (<>) to tink the people who tatk to each other. por G-sc27 PILOTFUGHT 71. ‘CABIN GREW FLIGHT 71 1 TOWER CONTROLLER CO-PLOTFUGHT 71 ® 1. Aircommunications are vita for the safety of air travel Listen tothe two exchanges an the questions. 42a Which stand is 363 on? b Where does the contller think 363 is? Which numbers an letters are incorrectly pronounced? 2. a Which ight level isX7420 climbing 0? b- Whatis the alitude ofX7420? What two words does the controler confuse? Look at the six anguage areas on page 2 Listen again tothe two exchanges and look at the ‘transcripts on page 84. Find an example of a difficulty with each Language area. 6 | UU motcton oa ammaniatons Discuss these questions witha partner. 1 Have you had any similar experiences? 2 What communication problems have you had when talking to foreign pilots or controllers? @2 A Ae Ko UUnioem 5 Bravo L tina Vv vieor © chate ” Mike Whiskey | Dela N November. =X Keay | £ cao © Oscar Y Yankee F Foxtot P Papa 2 au & cot Quebec Ho fet B Romeo 1 iia 5 Siera 1 let 1 Tango ° 220 4 fover 8 at : mn 5 fe 9 ther 2 too 6 se 3 tee 7 sen co (hundred unde 00 housandtousand (eine dyseemat sn om xo FLico=figt evel FLioo= fight evel one one nee rerozeo F 3 unentetyesampemessageandrepet ‘Work with a partner to pass and record messages. If you aren’t sur clarification. Repeat Say ogaia until you have understood. Repeat entre message Repeat specifi tem Say again ‘Say again fight level | Say again all before heating. Say again all ater fight eel | Say again ight level to ETA eo Listen and check. Then compare what you wrote with the information your partner read. 5 = QUESTIONS AND swoRT ANSWERS Put the words inthe right order to m: 3 5 ‘re you an stand C63 or oi? isthe aco on the correc frequency? Yes, its, Have you set the NH? Yes.Nes, Do you have the ight pan? Yes, ve Do you know where John is? Yes do Did the bird stike cause any damage? you a a controller pilot Are or? speak other languages you Do any ? abroad ever you been Have? plane travel last When by you did? We’ on stand C6, No, tis have,No, haves gotit here JN | don Yes idiot didn jestions. Then answer them. your provide training company courses English Does ? English in minutes the ten your last improved Has ? ‘American English Bish Engh airplane aeroplane ‘Match the two parts of the sentences to make six reasons why international communications. may be dificult. ATCOs and pilots may speak 2 There may be very poor reception b Bara and unnecessary ¢ ATCQs or pilots may sometimes 4 Non-routine situations have litle e AATCOs or pilots may not understand f English words are used. in their own language. or no standard phraseology on the radio. use plain English. standard English phraseology. ext to the description below. Then tick how often you expect to hear each ofthese In your work. Then discuss your answers with a partner. always offen usually some- occasionally rarely never times a__standard phraseology = O O OU a aoa b__non-standard phraseooy 2 4 O Q Q a a cL unnecessary Engishwods DQ a aoa 4 plain English Ss ees a goa local language a 3a 0 0 4 aa ® 7 Uistentotheorchangeas.long haul fight approaches its destination, Answer th 1 What s the main communication problem? 2 How did the pilot try to help the contaller understand? 3 How did the controller deal with the situation? B Listen again. rom each pair of words, tick the word you hear. 1 violent vibration 5 aggressive angry 2 mde unculy 6 ground around 3 hit hate 7 services service 4 drink drunk 8 remain remove 9 whatistheprobiem onboard the aircraft? Use words you have selected in excercise 8 tomake sentences: 1 The passenger was and 2 The passenger. ‘a crew member. 3. The pilot wanted to get on the as soon as possible. Have you ever hada difficult communication? What did you do? Yes, have. {had a medical emergency. The pilot asked for The controler asked me fo. ‘No, haven't 10 Use words from exercise 6 to complete the article. SAFETY SENSE Occasionally _*apilot may beable to use phraseology ora non-routine event, but he will have touse __* English nthis event he had touse phraseology but ried to assist the controller by not using any English words and by using several different words with asimiar meaning. The racio transmission was good, but the controller could not understand the problem as he dealt with domestic fights and spoke toa foreign pilot. This can bea problem for controllers as they get ite practice with spoken English and © speakto local pilots in the language. Anon-Englsh speaker will__* be alone inthis situation and help will ___» be available ‘Answer the questions. 1 How often do you use English for your jab? 2 How often do you speak English to: ‘2 non-native speakers? native English speakers? 3. How often do you listen to the radio or watch TV in English? ‘What is your best Engish sil: listening, speaking, reading, or writing? Which would you most lke to improve? 5 Have you ever had dificult trying to speak English? What was the outcome? Prasal verbs have two parts. The meaning may The mearing may not be clear rom the two pats be cea om the two pats: Did the tanker break down? Please come in ona sitdown, J 14 complete the two exchanges with the words in the box. check out * keep up * stays up * get back * come in + getto + pass over | Exchange ATC Wolfar 60, good morning. Identified. Proceeding into Alba. Vectoring 0s. Pilot Direct Alba 05. Wola 60. Can this high speed a bit longer? Wolfair o. ATC Wolfie 60, forthe time being, yes. 20 you in a minute Exchange 2 ‘ATC B67, will you let me know what your Intentions are for the main landing gear? Pilot Roger. We'll iy to lower the gear again, but ifm still unable to release the nose gear ~ iit stil then we'll land with all three up. B67. ATC B67, do you want to for alow pass? We can your landing gear when you Pitot OK, roger. 867. ‘ATC B67, have you got the fed in sight? Pitot B67, afr When | you the gear should be down. 867. [ATC B67, roger. OK, make alow pass over runway 23 fra landing gear check. @® —_Usten and cheek. 12 Find words or phrases in the exchanges with the same meaning as hese words. 1 attempt 6 tellme 2 Canyou see the airport? 7 inspect 3 fWylow over the runway 8 Request permission 4 alte more time 9 Would you tke to? 5 now and for afew minutes 10 You are on my radar screen E csvencr ‘13 Undertine the plain English phrases in exercise s. Then answer the questions foreach exchange. Exchange + 4 Ate te plain English phrases necessary? 2 What does the controler agree to? 3. Canyou replace the plain English with correct phraseology? Exchange 2 1 Which gears a problem? 2. What does the controler suggest? 3 What wil the pilot do if the problem remains? _ UNIT. ntoduction oat communications | 24 14, what would you din these situations? Compare your ideas with partner, Situation 2 ‘You are an approach controler ina busy airport. An incoming English-speaking plot ister ein abe totic oc eh rmeemaeer you sill cannot understand the reason, Situation 3 ‘You are the pilot of passenger aircraft approaching runway 18. You were cleared for IS approach and had Instructions to continue. You made calls atthe outer ‘marker and 2 nautical miles but received no reply. You are now at 500 feet and see a ight alrcraftn the one ‘clack postion atthe same level, passing right to left ‘You have heard communications in the local language. would ask about wind shear ‘would give permission to and. Ineach case what would you say todeal withthe situation? ‘15, Think ofa situation in your experience where there was confusion ora misunderstanding. + Whowas involved? 2 What was the problem? 3 How was it resolved? PARRY Read the report and answer the questions. Descent CONFUSION {An aitiner had to diver to an alternate aiport because of engine problems. The pilot did not declare ‘an emergency but requested a ewer 2000 feet Ht order Lo re-start the engine. The plane had also lost pressurisation but the plot was unable to explain this to ATC. Controlars were concemed that the pilot wanted to descend s0 low but were unable to make the plot Understand their questons. They then asked ‘Can you just advise me ~ are you descending to use fuel?" The ligt orew misinterpreted this as “Do you have enough fue?" and replied ‘Yes, yes. We are descencing ith fuel enough and everyting is OK’. Because the plot had not Understood the question, the reply confused the controller even more. Fortunately, the controler guessed there was an emergency and the aircraft was put ‘0m 7700 squawk. He transfered the aircraft tits own frequency. The aircraft landed safely but the poor understanding and communication trom the plot was reported to the austhorties Do you know any stories ofa plane making a rapid descent following depressurization? What happened? Have you experienced a pilot needing to use fuel before landing? What was the situation? Itis important for controllers and pitots tobe able to identify an aircraft type so they know what itis capable of. How many of these aircraft can you identify? 1 Match the words to make plane parts. Can you find all of the parts in the pictures above? 3 | zg ais {tring a abe || ander a ge | basen | | 2 acces b hath | | 2 tends |B batt 3 navigation c edge 3 leading ¢ carriage a8) ur 2 pene 2 _Usethewordsin the box to tabel the picture below. nose i mdder saa r windscreen k elevator eal ae esha aerial Util fin ye tie jleron m tye Windscreen windshied m " fe ‘eri stablzer pee! re tailplane ovzonta stabizer flap © emergency exit slat P radome winglet 4 light fuselage outboard slats 'B__Unscramble the words in brackets to complete the description of aprelight check. Pro-tight Before fying, the plot carefully (knoees) ‘te area He looks at the ‘exemnal (eases) for sgns of davrage. A plane may be damagod by a bie (risk) Ter igen. “strike or contact wth any ‘other igre] ® object, or by serie (eve). onthe ‘wound, Bent or distorted pans may be a visual insieaton of hidden masdga@) the airame. He then checks the nose (cundageriae) for excessive (orev) P orcuts on the es He inspects the (celiag) “edge ofthe wing for damage ard checks, the fastenings on the (een. cowing, He examines the visible fan (sladed) on the orgies Moving along the (segoatu) tate tall he does the same visual enecks ‘over al surfaces before ensuing that al cargo (rodos). "and access (stacheh)__ are securely fastened, Pre-flight checks continue on the flight deck. Name as many items as you can in these pictures. ‘Match the sentence halves. Then match each sentence toa picture above. Certificates and other dacuments must Documentation for any unusual cargo or Instruction manuals may be needed for (Oxygen bottes, medical kit, and other Checklists ensure nothing A security search ensures no suspicious equipment are safely stowed amay. be cated on the Right dangerous substances must be checked. sets missed from the routine procedures. troubleshooting if a fault occur. items have been smuggled on board. List items which the aircraft must carry on each flight. Which items must the aircraft not carry? Bish Engsh American Engish Sco torch fashighe Find words in exercise 5to match the meanings below. finding and correcting a fault items for emergency medical treatment materials that cause harm ‘operations carried out regularly packed]stored ina tidy way brought secretly Look again atthe pictures in exercise 4, Answer the questions. picture A Why are these books cared on the flight? Picture B/ Wherhow would the items in the picture be used? picture € What precautions are taken at airports to Keep prohibited items off planes? picture D What documents may be carried onthe fight? picture E Can you give an example of a load that requires a NOTOC? picture F in your experience, what problem found on a pre-ight check has delayed departure? © _B istentothetwocxchanges. Answerthe questions. 1 Which one uses pain English? Which one uses standard phraseology? 2 Why is plan English used? J choose thebest ATCresponses ta complete each exchange. | os > Ground, Speedbird 305 radio checkbox 1 on 119.4 ~~ gees ras cr eps oss ea ee5 xchange 2 a Fedex 36, go ahead, sit. 1b Fedex 36 noi’ fne st. You don't need any documents for Malaysia now. Fedex 36,n0 sir. There's no specal documentation needed. eyes. Ground wontto ceckon head ody Fedex. —~s/ TE Ive gota quantity of aerosols —for insect spraying. They're OK, > butve aot ative sake on board andthere'sno documentation swe Fedex 36. Ae ' Vevetie Non occ derocisehertaiks oA Coetfcete Exchange 3 28344, my apologies. The computer has filed again so that's obviously the reason. > OK~er~B344. | have your fight plan. Start up approved. The temperature is plus 17. ¢ Sony 8344 've no ght plan for B344. Stand by.'l check you out ‘d__B344, stand by. Il get back to you very shortly A Ground, equeststor-up, 8348 > > Ground, the plan was filed a couple ofhours ago. 834, 29] ie 1 spline wating forourcewanc shereacearreanecan 0 ue 2 taxi 10? wantto doa run-up. 8344, 8 Listen and check your answers. Then answer the questions. 1 In-exchange 1, what problem does the pilot have? 2 Inexchange 2, why was the pilot conceined? 3 Inexchange 3, di the pilot fle his flight plan on time? Why does he have to wait? unit 2 Prema | 47 =n 10 Put the wordsin the correct column, cargo * control + unload + problem * something * pitot + delay ® —_stenand check your answers. = 44 Work with a partner. Look atthe pictures. Ask ATC fora delay in startup. Explain why. Asking for more time Giving a reason ‘Saying what you're going to do ‘can we have more time? Werhave a problem wth the We're gong to try to xi Can we delay uni o5? cargo door. to uniad the We need 20 minutes. There's something wrong with the conveyor bel. You are acontroller. Give advice tothe pilot. ‘Saying there's a problem, Requesting action Speedhird 267, departure delayed unt 25. Can somneone move the chocks, please? Cessna 945, check your pitt cover Is someone gong to clean that un? E2qa, | can see a hateh open, 12 Work with a partner to practise an exchange between a transatlantic pilot and a controller. EP Fe a8] uNT2 Presign. [ comprcnension 13 What items do you normally hearin an ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service) broadcast? Makeatlist. @ 14 uistento hearts broadcast. choose the correct answer to each question, 15; Ustentothe ATIS broadcast. Complete the form. Aixport | I ASIS information identifier letter fs Ri Znstrument approach and sumays in vse ‘ciggas henselae seed meaiir= uwT2 Prenign | 19 16 other broadcasts may contain more information on local conditions. Match the words tothe pictures, birds B clouds earth tremors hall heavy rain sandstorm slush snow dis strong winds volcanic cloud b é f 5 h i ql E @ 17 Listen. Match each messagettoa picture above. message 1 message 3 message 5 message 2 message 4 Read the article and answer the questions. RUS eee eee ed affight attendant, flown short haul many times, butts was my firstlong haul flight | was quite excited soitwas abit of ashame that we never even got off the ground! The captain had just started up— | went onto the fight deck fora minute and2s | opened the door, al the Futian were going crazy ~ flickering and flashing on and of There was.a funny nase, too. A sort of crackling sound. I did't know what was going on, so I made a quick exit back to the cabin. Then, a few seconds later the smoke alarms went off. Nobody did anything at fist there was no smoke, so we just carted on getting everyting ready forthe safety announcements. The chief steward went up tothe fight deck though, and as soon ashe opened the oor, there was.a sor of electrical burning smell. twas faint but it was defnitaly something burning. ‘That's when it was obvius this wasnt a false alarm, The engines were shut down immediately, The chet steward came back and told us that both the ground crew and [ATC had seen smoke coming from the plane. The captain calmly taxied us back toa nearby stand and we got the passengers of as quickly as possible. I all worked really wel. Noone panicked. The fie service arrived straightaway and did a thorough check, Apparently they found quite alt of damage from electrical arcing, We were very lucky that there hadnt een a fire et Name another safety feature which could prevent a minor incident becoming a disaster. What isthe manufacturer likely todo aftr this incident? Have you heard of similar incidents on other alecratt? Ground movements Look at the signals and signs. Where do you find them? Can you say what they mean? ‘Match the signs and signals above with the names below. 3 centre line marking, 7. reserved for helicapter 2 runway taxi holding position 8 move ahead 3 runway designator 9 taxiway A changing direction 4 taxiway location sign 20 slow down 5 diection sign an threshold markings 6 connect ground power 12 wind direction and speed ‘Now mark tems1-12 above with G(ground/surface marking), SX (sign) or SG (signal). Do you have any experience of signs or signals that were confusing or difficult to see? What was, the problem? aircraft de-icer transporting passengers us = spraying cy wings fre engine ‘wansporting construction materials Mat-bed tude reversing planes Tuel tanker repairing flat tyres heavy plant putting out res ‘maintenance tuck ush-back tug snowpiough ‘getting id of compacted ce delivering kerosene clearing debris sweeper ‘amying cargo ‘What is each vehicle used for? Use is used for. | Aderceris used far spraying ly wings. Brtsh Enis American Engsh Ssnonploush snawolom terosene fet et NT Ground movements | 28 Match the words and phrases fr movement with the pictures. : aaa ee 4 keep welltothe let of 3 turn on to taxiway 8 5. go straight ahead 2 backtrack 4 tax off the runway 6 go beyond taxiway A U couracnexsion | ‘Match the sentence halves. 1 Ihave to be near 2 due to works. 2 Vhave a fat tyre bon the nose gear. 3 Do youneed © aradio problem. 4 Pvegat 4a push-back tug? 5. Amaintenance truck ‘@ our maintenance area 6 Taxiwith caution Fis on ts way for your at. ‘Now listen and check your answers, Listen again. Answer the questions or discuss them with a group. How many planes is ground control dealing with? Describe the tug driver's difficulty. ‘What plane does KLM 219 give way to? ‘Why is the KLM pilot impatient? Whats the difference between Taxi slowiy and Taxi with caution? 24 | UNIT ound movements 2 8 ‘Strong obligation: have (goto, must, musta’ No obligation: don'thave fo, needn't shalt Snouplough divers don'thaveto report plots. Pilots hove to get clearance for fight plans. Passengers mustntcany fireworks onboard All passengers shal passthrough security. Permission: moy, can, are alowed to Request tax You cam route va taxiway. Yoomeyrce Keston: sts joc Yen ougt so dom oremtsarip. on ie the passengers enter the flight deck ‘Complete the sentences with the words from the box. mustn't * should * haveto * don't haveto + are allowed to 1 Passengers____label their uggage clearly 2 Passengers camry compressed gases or ather dangerous items on board. 3 Passengers ‘heck in on the internet, but it's usually easier. 4 Passengers take a small bag onto the plane with them. 5 Passengers show thelr passports when they check infor an International light Ground movements are often expressed using phrasal verbs. Use the prepositions in the box to complete the phrasal verbs. off » on + up * down » back * around 4. Fight KLM 546 slow You ate taxing too quickly. 2 My flat tyte made the steering unresponsive, | almost skidded the runway, 3 Tug 4, youll have to go to stand 17 and assist SAS 438, 4. Grouné Control Bus 4. Acknowledge stand change. Tum _____and proceed to stand 13, 5 Gulf Alpha Bravo Lima, permission to cary ___pastthe stationary 757. 6 China 422 pick up a litle speed and catch ——— with the airous ahead! of you. Ine ston. Undertine the words that are stressed in each sentence. 4 Can change stand? 2 Ihave to be near our maintenance area 3 Uhave a flat tyre on the nose gear. 4 Hang on 3 minute 5 Did you get my message? Now listen again and check your answers, uur 3 Ground movements | 25, 9 which important wordsare stressed inthese sentences? 1 Taxi with caution due to works. 4 Is that possible? 2 Hoy, | can see lots of works, 5 Idon't want to be 3. Request closest avallable stand, cut. © —_Uisten and check your answers, Then practise the sentences with a partner. Make sure you use the correctintonation. 8 10 controtters may give other essential information about local conditions. Listen to the audio and ‘match the potential hazards to the numbered positions on the diagram. ‘11 Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Be informed. Centrline lights out of order runway 27. 2 Caution. onstruction work the edge of the taxiway. It's marked by red flags. 3 Be advised. Ie reported the holding area, Braking action poor. Caution, 4 Be advised. Standing water the midpoint on the runway. 5 Caution, Slush stand E49. 6 Be advised. Edge of apron partly covered ‘gravel opposite the terminal building. on ie 12 Work with a partner to practise instructions. Pamar® Pes. B 2 ‘There's some oil onthe apron near stand D5. Suggest another taxiway. Watch out forthe dog near taxiway Alpha 1 advised of broken down tuck ahead. Be advised taxivay Chae s partial Nooded. Request diversion, change af stand, 28 | UNITS Geound movements Es 113 ad weather may cause problems onthe ground. Listen to Ground speaking totwo pilots. Answer and discuss the questions. Why isthe Finnair fight taxing with caution? Why isthe Singapore Afines pilot impatient? Has SIA 207 lost her slot time? What is SIA 107's new slot time? 14 Match the words to describe weather conditions. oes SIA 107 get approval for star-up? Why does Finnair need to hold position? ‘What weather warnings are given? What hazard is onthe taxiway? A 8 c 1 dense thunderstomms 1 flash dust 1 diiing showers 2 gusting fog 2 broken flooding 2 scattered storms 3. severe winds 3 blowing clouds 3 tropical snow ‘Imwhat places would you often expect tofind these weather conditions? 1. widespread sandstorms 4 hot dy summers 7 cool moist winters 2 snow and ice 5 fogand drizzle 8 typhoons 3 monsoon rainfall 6 hurricanes Describe the weather conditions at your own international airport in june and in December. @® 15 Usten. write Tor trueand Fforfalse. Speedbird 937... 4. reports at holding point Ly 4 acknowledges holding at Ls. 2 reports giving way tothe Aifbus 320. 5 asked to clear the runway. 3 snot prepared for immediate departure. 6 reports that the Altbus 320 has stopped on taxiway. 16 The Airbus 320 has stopped on the runway. Work with a partner to give as many reasons as possible why planes may stop. 1 Technica problem such as. 4 Emergencies such as : 2 Human factors suchas 5 Other causes such as 3 Weather conditions such as. Put these problems in categories above. break-down * fuel spillage + de-icing * malfunction + mechanical problems + unruly passengers * engine fallure + engine stall and surge * jammed doors + being stuck in the mud » collisions + sick passengers « sick pilot * flash flooding + heavy snowfall » poor vsibllty * engine on fre * police/customs contrat ‘+ medical emergency * blocked runway * runway incursion * industrial action + lost luggage * terrorism * animal on the runway UNIT 2 Ground movements | 27 = Have you experienced any of the situations in exercise 162, 17 Look tthe pictures. Explain the problems to your partner. - ‘There seems tobe a problem with the dor. Engine number 2 has a malfunction. We've gota problem with the service hath, Theresa burst tye. Weve got abit ofa problem We may have a situation 18 what happened to the Airbus 320? Complete this sentence with the exact words used by ground control. ATC The Airbus 320 Is being towed off Runway 24 because of 19 witha partner take the problems from your is in a6 on page 26 and use these phrases to say that the problem hasbeen solved. ‘The delayfwait/problem is over. ‘twas a false alarm. We're back to normal. | Is bean repaie. Th ston funder cond The cists hove fished ts conto._ The us problem seers to be ovr Alar Ives nating serie Yar got the ren ht Wesallove es geton, Go ahead, all lear. 28 | UN Ground movonens 20 Work witha partner to practise the exchange below. Take turns being the controller and the pilot. Contrller Pilot Fight BE 324 Tell pilot to proceed to holding point Land prepare for departure, ~ confi Tell pilot here isa problem Es > confi. ‘Say problem over, prepare for departure, << > conti, Tell pilot to line up and hold. =a >» contin. Tell him he fs eared for take-off ee “Conti, Read the article and answer the questions. ‘Shortened runway exposes serious safety concerns ‘A Boeing 137-86N, with seven crew and 190 passengers on board, was beginning afi. Runway OBL was in use but the Mgnt crew were not aware that this runway was being ‘operated at reduced length "Tis was due to work in-progress to remove rubber deposits atthe far end of te runway, “which wae out of sight fom the OBL treshold end asthe runway ks bul over a slit ise in the ground, Due toa aflerenceof interpretation of information passad between Ar Trafic, Control (ATC) and the fet ere, the aircraft entered tne runway from holdingpointAG rather than the expected folding point A, andthe takeoff was conducted using reduced thrust sting ealulated forthe assumed normal runway length. As the erat passed the crest ‘ofthe runway, the Mgt crew became aware of vehicles atts farend but a5 they were now cose fo tei rotation speed, they continued and caret out anormal tkeoft. The ara [assed within 56 feet ofa 14 fet high vehicle Notes {+ ANOTAN! yas issued informing runway O6L works-in-proges. ‘3 Toe ovpilatistened to the ATIS broadcast which contained details about the weather, bird actnty and te workin-progress. ‘© Radio communications between ATC and the fight crew regarding the tning un point were misinterpreted by both partes. ‘¢ There were seven vehicles at the end of the rune. Work was in progres at the time of the ncdent ‘¢There was no bianing of runway lightngin the works-in progress are. 13 ATCadised the plots about the reduced runway distance fortake-ffbut tax instructions didnot ge a speci holding point. 1» Theend ofthe ray was not sible atthe treshold. ‘Theareraft vas traveling oo fest to bor. The arcraft was 9 tonnes overweight fra reduced runway take-off The pots dc nat elev they had been na serous incident and did not make a por. = ATC witnessed the incident butt was not reported immodite. o you think runway o6l should have been used? Do you have experience ofa similar situation? What recommendations could be made based on this report? | 20 fi Departure, climbing, and cruising How many reasons can you think of for late departure? Make alist. Listen to seven exchanges. Write the number ofthe exchange atthe correct point on the diagram. F200 Listen again. Answer the questions. ‘exchange 1 Why did't the pilot have the ull runway length? Give two reasons, exchange 2 What was the callsign of the aircraft? exchange 3. How far out isthe incoming traffic? exchange 4 Was the aircraft instructed totum right or left heading ogo? exchange 5 Whats the standard radiotelephony phrase for Jus stay on the same heading forthe time being? exchange 6 What heading is 963 given at the new level? exchange 7 What was the wind speed? Look at the transcripts on page 88. For each situation, think of what would be sald next. Use standard phraseology whenever possible. 90 | UNIT Depese, liming ar csising 2 Match each incident or event from exercise with a description. Incidentfevent Description + near callsion aircraft appears on radar screen 2 Identified 'b_ avoiding manoeuvre appropriate 3 level bust «¢ danger~ aircraft are too close 4 altprox 4. aircraR doesn't become airborne 5 conflicting traffic ‘& waiting or delaying 6 holding traffic on colision course 7 aborted take off over 300 feet outside assigned level 3 Putthe wordsin the correct column according tothe underlined sound. service * hai instead wish » check ‘sony * say * sure + approach is at Ni “sera [ee ale @® _—_Usten and check your answers. =m checking ‘Asking for an alternative ‘ee you sure? 1 you mind if we have a level change instead? Can you cnfrm you want us to climb back to 126? Car use runway rather than uray 38? Did you say Hight level go? 4 Usewords from the questions above to complete the sentences, you say you checked the UNH setting you sure you don’t want us to use taxiway X? ‘Sorry, can we use runvtay 23 __ of runway 282 you say you wanted medical assistance? Can change to FL 350___ than 310? you confirm that you've reached FL. 1502 @ Listen and check your answers. Which words are used for... 4. anafirmative answer? 2 a negative answer? @ 5 tokatthe diagram. tstentotheexcange and compete the sentences fromthe second part ot the exchange, ‘Wo have no visual with helicopter. Ate you eure? L556, 15565 the helicopter is * the runway, sit. What? He's not even > the ground? At 've got him. No conf. Over there, look! He's havering about too Feet up, »3o'dlock, _the afield, __> the chimney. Just that large building. Where? Well tothe ight.__* the car park, 2 the trees, the chimney. infact if he gets any closer he'll bump. it Its fine. No problem. He's well our path, 6 Answerthe questions. 1 Which words did the contraller confuse? 2 Is this a language problem or an operational problem? ‘32 | UNIT4 Depature, nding an cag = 7 Useeight prepositions from the boxto complete the aircraft positions. ‘above across bshind—nextto nto on | beyond at amy infrontof over below a b « d ny @ 30 7 bo 2 is moving Bzand VEwill cach Bic VB, «Bis oT yes each path other unless they take avoiding action eis 8, B match each pair of aircraft (a-h) above toa description. 1 __paratiet 5 ___ diverging 2 converging G some direction 3 opposite 7 overtaking 4 _—-direatly abovefbelow == ___crossing (ight to let) Ee ®_Q Nowtisten. wetethe letter of the diagram (2-H) above that matches each exchange. WNT Departure, cimbiog and ening | 38 P riowscarion 10 important words are stressed, Underline the important words nthe sentences, Look out for slow-moving traffic 6 miles ahead, Avoiding action. Turn left immediately, heading 125, Opposite trafic at 2 o'clock, Traffic to your left 2 miles. Overtaking FL. 90. Fast moving traffic at 2 o'clock crossing right to let Confcting traffic at 6 o'clock. Traffic 5 o'clock parallel. 1000 feet below climbing, Maintain FL 250 until futher advised You're wel clear of traffic. @ —_istenandeneckyour answers. ‘14. Work with a partner. You are callsign YB. Listen to three warnings. For each situation mark both planes on the diagram. Ask your partner to repeat as many times as necessary. oe 12 Complete the exchange using some and ony in the correct places. 8550, we have a report of agen Tumbiki Control, thanks. Sounds lke we're ‘streaming oft of you. losing_* fuel. We're declaring an emergency. Returning to Tumbiki. B550. pra Afimative. have to get rd of _. ar cae Neon se Sareea, of he brake ‘units. And | certainly don’t want___* fuel spilling onto hot brakes. B50. 8550, do you ted alrport services? , aby iiss! Affirmative. I need. * protection, lees. Fire and rescue sences required. 550. countable Uncountable Tete ae some passengers boarding. There's some eon the una | Tere arent any baggage tolys. There nt ay al, just tle dle Arethare any report ofwind shear? Isthere any og? @ tisten 13 Work with partner, Use the chart to: + actas a pilot and pass useful information to ATC. acts an ATCO and give appropriate warnings to plots. Symbols a A ke iodeate “Severe mibuince uitunce QP See - Light Moderate Severe CB cloud icing “cing “ing Warnings Requests | There's some clea turbulence ahead, ‘There are afew scattered clouds. ‘There's itl icing reported atthe higher level ‘There isn't much fog at your destination. ‘14 Read the first part ofan account ofan incident on take-off. What do you think caused the Vibration? From the Flight Deck Sees ater | ‘We taxied the short distance to runway 10. We eee en ‘all. Before we reached 100 knots everything. fees Gaetnearu ct pee ag a ean pee pee as _ knots 50 we took off and the vibration stopped How many other planes ae inthe area? Is there ots of afc ahead? Is there alot ofbad weather ahead? ‘ve there ay speed restrictions? was fn, but a warring light came on when we tried to retract the landing gear We suspected aburstyre and requested a runway inspection ‘rom ATC. While we waited for a reply we \iscovered there was severe vibration inthe middle, and atthe rar ofthe plane. Shortly afterwards, ATC told us there was tyre debris ‘assoonaswevere aiborne. The cimb out | on the runway UNIT 4 Oepanure, climbing, and csing | 35 Read the rest ofthe account. Were you correct? We declared a pan and decided to return tothe aortas soon as possible. Once we werein the hold we remained there Unt we had burned enough ful to give a safe landing weight. As soon asthe plane ‘touched dawn, the baton stated again ‘on the fight deck. When we stopped, the fire service quickly surrounded the plane and foamed the landing gear. ‘iter braking, the temperature ofthe landing gear had risen to 800°C. Once ee | the immediate danger was over, the was obvious. twas badly ripped. Alter passengers stayed on board untl the plane | investigation tyre debris was found in was clear of the runway. When the crew number one engine, It had caused severe disembarked, the damage to anoutertyre_| damage to 17 fanbades. | | U stavcrue ‘15 choose the best time expression in each sentence from the acount. 1 Before/After/When we reached 100 knots, everything was fne 2 WhileUntiyhen the speed increased, the vibration increased. 3 After/While/Before we waited for a reply we discovered there was severe vibration inthe middle, and at the rear ofthe plane. Before/Untls soon as the plane touched down, the vibration started again on the fight deck. 5. After/White/Before braking, the temperature ofthe landing gear had risen to 800°C. 6 Once/Inti/Before the immediate danger was over, the passengers stayed on board while/as 000 aryuntil the plane was clear of the tuna. When you're abeam HERON, you'l be cer of ta | ‘As soon as receive your Might plan, give you your clearance Well call you once he has vacated the runway. Well proceed to Birmingham after we pick up the addtional cargo, Pca you before we reach the outer marker Contin your climb unl you reach FL. 270, Weal there while check the paperwork. 16 witha partne tt Give reasons forthe return. 9F small group, discuss the questions. ‘Suggest other incidents which may cause vibration onthe Right deck arin the cabin. What other damage may be caused by ate burst? Why do you think there was vibration in the centre and rear of the plane? Describe another incident where a plane returned to the aitport shortly after take of. f ‘The plane returned because of a fuel leak. ‘he plane remained inthe hold in order to reduce ts landing weight. |The damage was due to bist. ‘Read the mews article and the technical report. Then answer the questions. Flying enthusiast’s dream shattered, lying embusiast Max Wright thought he fa achieved his dream. After years of careful work he ‘completedasel build LAC-02Falconliht icra it | ‘A few practice hours ater, Wright was ready for ‘heirs ight with histient Will Stone his ist passenger, He carefully cared otal he pre-fight_| ‘hecks, Everything wasin A condition Lining upfortaks of, he electric el ump was ‘stched to ON an the rol out aspect, | ‘Then it all went wrong. At approximatly | 130-200 fee, the engine coughed and stopped suddenly ‘Onlookers sd they head the engine fer and ke up to see the plane banking sharply to the Jef. The sieraft was losing height rapidly, bt somehow Wright managed to land it safely. Both ‘hep and hispssenger escaped with only minor ‘son theirhands after the Rey landing, \Wriaht decided the plane should be repaired by the kit manufacturers. He has requested an Jnvesigtion ino the reason forthe engin ale TECHNICAL REPORT Aircraft type: LAO-02 Falcon Engine type: Pistonengine Engineer's report ‘A piece of heat resistant matoral from the engine compartment was obstructing the fuel flow to the carburettor. This material must have got in when the engine was bult as it was ‘downstream ofthe fiter which fuel passes through after leaving the fuel tank. It seams it ‘was gradually cried along the fuel pipes until itreached the carburetors, whereit blocked them completely. |What would your reaction be if this was your aircraft? ‘What responsibilities do aircraft kit manufacturers have to thelr customers? ‘What ight aiteraf have you Rown in? ‘Would you lke to build a ight aicrah? lar En route events bse How many ofthe activities or hazards canyou name? What other hazards might be met during alight? ® 1 istentothenavigation warnings. Match each warning toan activity. warning + a fuel dumping warning 2 b_infight refueling warning 3 © warming light inoperable warning 4 4 weather balloon warning 5 fe fkeworks display ‘Which of these hazards ae not pictured in STARTER, above? 2 @4 @ Listen again if necessary and answer the questions. Whereis the weather balloon? What isthe problem at Marchwood? What is happening at FL 00? What wil ish at 1500? How tong will the display last? [NOTAMs give information about operational situations. After intial details of location, times, ‘and dates, the message isa shortened form of plain English. Can you read this message? '8) 08/05/04 11:45 UTC 6) 0805106 17:30 AIR DISPLAY AND ASSOCIATED INTENSE AERIAL ACTIVITY INCL JET AND PROP ACFT PLUS HEL. NO ACETIS TO FLY Wi AREA OF A CIRCLE RAD 3.5 NMS GENTRED AT 5205N 00008 UNLESS APPROVED BY ATC. PILOTS TO FXER CTNIN THF UCY OPSINFO CONTACT 07780. 870-476, ‘With a partner, translate the message into plain English. Listen to the navigation warnings. Complete the table to show any trafficrestrictions atthe times shown. Write yes or no. Merthyr Land's End Brecon Beacons ath Hatfield Put the words into the correct column according tothe sound ofthe vowel (a,¢, 1,0, ). testing * hang * laser * parachute * zero training + balloon + demolition + explosives + display + fighters « flight + jumping * gliding * dumping * until + downwind * delay + controlled * avoid fe ft | | et ltt | te | to_| around | wn | nie | best [bad | take | go | right testing | Listen and check your answers. _ UNITS En out events | 39 6 Work with a partner. Translate a NOTAM into plain English for your partner. Then listen to your partner's NOTAM. Record the informatio Start + finish times, EP pers ee Place Activity Additional nfrmation This information forthe th of May 2004, Ins val rom o800 to 00 UTC ‘Aeroplanes hing in Devon and Coral shoul be aware of fahteraning and parachute jumping Bsus] @® 7 Aavance information isnot always available for unusual events. Listen tothe three exchanges, % "Complete the sentences below. 4 a 333 wants separation, ‘The pilot wants a Fide. ATC says to expect limb at 45, The pilot says it's the climb out ever. ‘Then he says that the situation is than he thought. AF-39 requests dversion to the alport The smells getting Listen again and check your answers. 8 compare the aeroplanes in the pictures with a partner. Use the words in the box to help you. ‘Add your own ideas. Short + long * heavy * new * old + big * roomy fast «fuel efficient + advanced The runway at Heathrow is longerthan ot Southampton. Cis the highest of ol wopospherc clouds. ‘hove a more expeditious routing for you. Safety the mastimportant aspect of aviation The sibility s beter here than in Athens. The bestihing about fing isthe speed of rave. The weatheris worse than before. That was the worst turbulence I've ever fe 40 | UMTS Enroute events Q Trounusuat events in exercise7 mayor may not be life threatening. Answer the questions. 41 Which event is more likely to become life threatening? 2 Which event i less likely to become life threatening? 3 Which event is ikely o lead to a mayday or pan-pan call? Discuss witha partner and put all three eventsin the most appropriate column below. ‘MINOR ‘SERIOUS EMERGENCY | Unlikelyto [May get “May Become Life threatening set worse worse fe threatening now ‘Add these events to the most appropriate column inthe abovetable, 1 2 3 aed RY ie 4 5 6 ‘What other events can you add to the columns in the table? o% 50% 10% * * * * * | defnely probably mayl wil vail won't won't right probably defntely Asuntkeyto (pod ‘is ky to You definitely won't find standard phraseology for every emergency. We probably wont be ready on time. Can we have anather sot, please? You are unlely to se nimbostatusclowds fom the ground Significant icing maymight jam the controls. ‘8 warming ight on the ight deck may notmight not be serous. You will probably need to use plain English in an unusual situation Subsidence inversions are ky tobe found beneath high pressure systems Severe icing wil defintely reduce lit and increase drag, a NTS Enroute events | 48 10 Test your aviation awareness. Choose the best word to complete the sentences int 41 aircraft suffers engine failure on take-off t____climb more slowly than expected, a Is unikely to b istikely to © probably won't 2. An unexplained loss of communications and a change in direction of fight indicate unlawful interference ofthe aircraft, such as a hijack. 8 definitely wont b may © definitely wil 3 An overfight or clearance refusal is inconvenient tut ___become a major problem. will probably D wildefintely ——_¢ isunlikely to 4 Aftera sudden loss of pressurisation at attude the rew___descend toa lower altitude, @ definitely won't might «wil definitely 5 Anaircrafttanding heavy ___land more slowly than normal a defintely won't BTsTikelyto will definitly 6 fan aircraft has a problem withthe landing gear on approach it_ go around. a isikey to isunlikelyto © probably won't 7 An aborted take-off at high speed ___ increase the temperature ofthe brakes ‘and might cause a fire 2 will probably bb might © will definitely 8 Ifacreware suffering from hypoxia they __read back instructions incorrectly. 2 probablywont. may are uniitely to '9 Medical problems such as nose bleeds and burst ear drums ___oceur after a sudden oss of pressure. 2 aro unlikely to b willdosnitaly ——_¢ wll probably 10 Increased noise duringan emergency _make communications more difficult. 2 might probably wont’ c definitely won't 14. Think again about the situations in exercise. For each situation discuss with a partner what might happen next, Use the words in TALKING ABOUT PROBABILITY on page 40. 42.) UNITS) Enroute eons oo © 12 tistentownat happened next and answer the questions below, 4. a Was there a smoother ride atthe higher level? What separation does the pilot ask for? What went wrong? Which runway does te pilot choose? | What reason for the smell does the pilot suggest? Does the fre service board the plane before or after the passengers disembarle? 2 3 LUsten again and check your answers. 13, There may be medical problems during lights, Approximately 75 percent of in-flight medical emergencies are managed bythe cabin crew. Others may require help from a doctor on the round. Match the descriptions at the top of page 43 wth the pictues below. peer: ms He's having chest pains. She's fainted, He's having stomach pains. She may be going into labour. He's got asthma, UTS enroute events | 48 6 She's having setzure 7 He's hurt his head. She's cut her hand. 9 He's behaving very aggressively. 10 He's choking 1d Listen. Match each exchange toapieture on page 42. 2 3 4 15, Read thefirst part ofthe story. Answer the questions. Flying Lesson Takes Unexpected Turn ‘Mat Lewis was overjoyed when he took off ina Tight plane fr his first lying lesson. However, the light turned out to be more eventful than expected. ‘The tlight began smoothly. The instructor, lan MeLean, took the eootrolsfordeparture, and ter acknowledging ATC instructions, handed the controls «9 Lewis. Flying a level course, Lewis was surprised when McLein started to test his new studont’s flying skills 90 eaey in 4 What did Lewis think McLean was doing? the lesson. McLean flung himself backwands inhis seat and then slumped forwards onto the ‘controls. “I thought it vas part of the lesson or maybeajokethoughthe wanted tosee what'd ‘doit Telly had toMy the plane.” Lewis pulled “MoLean off the contol an continued straight ahead. "When ATCeame ontheradiotoask why ‘we were off course, and MeLean didn’t answer, new it wasn'ta joke.” 2 How will Lewis explain to ATC what has happened to his instructor? 3 What do you think happened next? Read the second part of the story. Were you right? Lewis told ATC that McLean had passed out ater some sort of seizure, and that ho wes a Student pilot on his fist flight, ATC assigned 8 mayday status, and within minutes a second instructor, Nico Gamale, was alongside Lewis, im another aircraft Together they tumedbackto the airfield, andthe new instructor talked Lewis through bringing the plane ==" own safely ‘MeLean isnow recovering Jn hospital and Lewis. has eclared that he's ready for his next fying lesson — with MrGamales; 16 Read the statement from ICAO. Answer the question. Aircraft security is essential, The well-being ofthe fight crew is equally important How well are these two requirements balanced on commercial fights? PATENT Read thearticleand answerthe questions, Eye witness account of United flight 811 The flight left late at night. Twas ina window seat Jin the middle of the plane. The weather was good andthe take-off and climd out were fine, About 20 minutes into the flight there was «slight \ibation. It was odd. Then, about 30 seconds later there was & loud noise ~ a bang ~ and then there ‘was aig, big rush of air."The cabin filled with fog. Tas fogged up for about 15 seconds iN 11-was a temible mess. Papers and looee items were Mying everywhere, the noir ‘was relly loud. The oxygen masks dropped down, and the temperature in the cabin reached freezing in about ive seconds! Andthen saw thatthere was ahole inthe side ofthe plane! I was luck: it was on the opposite side of the aireraf from me. A frst, the cabin crew just hung on, They were ying to understand what hud happened. The noise made it impossible to communicate. I was nigh, 50 it was impossible to know how high we were, Then the erew stare to move passengers ‘way from the hole, Four of us helped to move them toward the rear ofthe plane (Once they were out danger we strapped ourselves back ino our seas ‘Time passed very slowly, I fl lke hours before I looked ou he window and saw lights But really it was ony about 20 minutes afer te incident. Two minutes ‘he intercom came on. The pilot said that we would be landing in two minutes, We landed within the two minutes and the landing was one of the smoothest Ihave ever had in a 747! ‘Can you explain n your own words what happens during an explosive decompression? ‘What features on a modetnaiteraft are designed to make an explosive decompression very unlikely? ‘What other safety features have you heard ofthat areraft manufacturers are working on at the moment? jas AS e Contact and approach Read the pilot-to-passenger announcements. Grade them according to your preference(sisthe best, 3s the worst). Give reasons for your choices and compare them with partner. ard ‘rom the fight deck, we're inbound on long fina, approximately 22 ‘minutes from our ETA of 3742 hours local. Weather conditions good, with scattered clouds at 5000 fet. Prepare for landing. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, this isthe fist officer. We'll be landing in Shanghai in approximately 20 minutes. The temperature in ‘Shanghal is a warm 28 degrees and the local time is now 5:20 in the evening. We hope you've enjoyed your igh. artner list some ‘rules'for good pilot-to-passenger communication. Think about: + local information ‘+ technical information and use of jargon + courtesy + daity + humour @1 [ cournenension LUsten. Answer the questions. Parts What isthe situation with fight 276? What caused problems atthe airport earlier in the day? When does 276 need to ana? What’ the reason forthe landing time? What isthe expected delay? Part2 1 How long does Approach say 276 will need to wait? 2 What fight level change does 276 make? Part 3 4. What does ATC Instruct 276 to do? 2 Why can't 276 land at Wessext Read the sentences from the exchange. Are they talking about when or how long? Write W for when. Write H for how long. 1 ____ We had delays ealie today. 2 Ittook a long time to clear ital, 3 Sohow long can l expect to wait? 4 I need to get down before 2300, don’t 5 Delays willbe about half an hour, at least 6 __—Iitget back to you shorty 7 Glimb immediately 10 9000 fet ‘Match each question with an answer. 1 When was the fight due to arive? About two months. 2° How much Longer will we be holding? b We left ages ago! 3 How long did you spend in Asia? ¢ An hour ago, sa it's quite late. 4 When will we arrive? d Fora few minutes more. 5 When did you leave Tokyo? € Inabout an hour, 6 How long will the backlog take to clear? F Itmight take over an hour iA OAL AL) ci RLS AU When How tong The past The future (@uraton) lust now Immediately a few seconds few minutes ago shorty soon notlong awhile ago Ina few minutesfa while a few minutes this morning ina few hours ‘couple of hows vesterday tomorrow quite a wile | last week next week along time tong time ago longtime fam now ays | ages ago ages from now ages 4 Untr © contact and approach | 47 ‘Work with a partner, Use ogo to say when each weather condition happened. Use took or lasted to ‘say the duration, Itis now noon on Tuesday. NS Saturday ‘Monday 0200-0800 1145-1600 Now talk about your own future. What are you going to do in afew minutes? in afew hours? A long time from now? Listen to the announcement, Complete the sentences below. ' for the delay this evening, 'm —__thete are severe delays at Wessex due to ar traf. Wessex has got 2 noise abatement curfew, so we after p.m. We've been to Exeter Please accept our sincere ____far the inconvenience. We this wil mess up a lot of your plans. ‘The cabin crew will____to look ater you until we reach Exeter. Ground statin Exeter will be__ to make sure you reach your final destination as soon 2 possible. Which sentences: -Apologise? Explain the problem? Offera solution? Apologi Explaining the problem | mally sory about the delay. ‘The apot i covered in dense fog. | apologize for making you walt ‘We've had some trouble withthe onmad coat compute Well hold awhile longes. | eam sor things out for you now. ‘Think ofa problem you have experienced. Answer the questions, 1 How was the problem explained? 2 What apology was offered? 3 What solution was offered? 448 | UNIT Contac and approach 6 Lookat the approach plate on page 49. Match the sentence halves. 4 lf plane 2is the fastest, 2 itil be number 4 0r5 to land. 2 Ifplane 2 misses its approach, bb itwil slow down, 3 plane 3 joins the cirult, it wl fly over the alport and tum ight. 4 Ifplane 4 wants to increase 4. itll came too close to plane 4. separation from plane 3, itil be the fist on the ground, 5. If plane 5 speeds up, itil go around. 6 Ifplane 6 enters the pattern, Ifthe snow s heavy the airport wil close | If you miss your approach, you wil have o go around. fit gets oo late, youll have te land at your aerate airport. | 7 Useinformation from the chart on page 49 to talk about cause and eect. Try to make ive sentences. Ifyou tune your radio to 127.3, you'll hear the LED ATIS. & Listen. write the flight number for each plane marked on the approach plate on page 49. [AFL 339 * AUA26 * DLM 1390 BAW 440 + AZA 29 + BAW 34, plane a planed plane b plane e plane ¢ plane F Flight KLM gosison approach for St Petersburg, Listen Complete the table. Altitude: KE time: Estimated OLSON Flight level to descend to: __* ant : Speed: + reducing to__? Discuss these questions with a partner. ‘What unit of altitude measurement is used at your local apart? Have you ever worked with a different altitude measurement? What other measurements can be expressed indifferent units? u Reeeescn ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA watch amaver_ OD ILs or 2 NDB Rwy 10R ee a) HE | os | ner lias orth | rot | osstrery| 2682007] s0rm 70 "| “Ose cltta| rr 68 a “03581 [asm arc Tin on O99" f0 304072978, then turn LEFT To ean ered on ack 14° Yo DISS IES Se hn | az, oo no "ASTRA Cone Be ats aS Be it Ton oT Tapper a por 10 65" a __PEeeee Ft FEL on] ” a oxm265 (200°) || oun" (5557 | acum $0005) BIE) Bn | Ben ie Tara ore mar | ome ! Sree @® 10 Listento the Flight information Service (FS) broadcast and note the nine pleces of information. {Information Romeo Were any of the words difficult tounderstand? @® 14 Nowlistentoa different version ofthe same broadcast and check your answers. With partner, take turns reading the FIS broadcast. Information Romeo: 2000 Z, 8000 scattered, visibility 14 kilometres, temperature 44, ‘wind 310, 8 knots, altimeter 30.00, expect ILS or visual to runway 24 and 33, advise ‘on intial contact you have information Romeo, ‘12 Read the text. why do you think the gear was up? (On @ clear July day, Scott Dittamo was training at the Newark Tower when he spotted an Air India fight with 409 passengers on board making its tinal approach. But something didn't look right. The Boeing 747's landing gear was still up as the plane was a half mile from landing, ATC. Air India 145 heavy, check gear down, gear appears up. Pilot Wow! Roger got t Nice timing Air India 145. ‘The plane landed safely Do you know any similar stories of near-miss" situations? 13 pilots with anding gear problems sometimes have ogo around. Give other reasons fora missed approach. ® ston, Answer the questions. 1 What speed does KLM 4o5 reduce to? 2 What's the condition ofthe runway? 3. Why does KLM 10s decide to go around? Wwe 6 cama an se | ® 44 nim osis gain onapprosch ston and answer the questions. 1 What does the plot ask bout? 2 What des Approach say? 15, Match the phrases (s-4) with the descriptions (2-4). Whats the situation with. 2 apiece of advice No better, no worse. ba description ofthe situation a Be sure to check a statement that means the same as before ‘There's slight aquaplaning reported, 2 request for information @® 16 Lstento another approach exchange. Answer the questions. Why does Approach say Hang on? Why does ATC ask AA 745 10 use runway 247 Which direction does the pilot take for runway 24? ATC says Do you mind .. ?What does this mean? 2 Attention please! Is it OK7 «Take care. 55 The plot says... No problem, which means a Yes. bb What's the problem? No, there's a problem ar _ RAB TUTTO TETSU ETS SSATP ‘Theres standard phraseology for making requests, however you frequently hear pain Entish. ‘Canyou increase your speed? ‘Hang on. do youmind going fr runwoy 247 Would you organise an ambulance on aval? | Could askyou forthe lotst met reports in Tokyo? 17 work with apartner. Practise making requests. | Saving yes Saying no ane No problem. Sorry, | can't do that's broken See, Faint et | ic ® 18 istento another approach exchange. WHF-22 has just been cleared to base leg by Newbury "Tower Listen, Answer the questions. What altitude was the plane cleared to on base leg? Why did't the crew know they were too low? What was the tower's main concern with the level bust? Do you think this was a language problem or an operational problem? 152 | Unt Contact and approach Read thearticle and answerthe questions. SAFETY SENSE Advice from the CAA of the United Kingdom Correct standard phraseology is ‘extremely important and must be used whenever possible. Ifitisn't used, the results can be devastating. Use correct wording. Mako urgent pase ome instructions sound uigent. The aircraft was at 2400 feet. The controller ‘An inbound Airbus 920 was descending to ‘gave clearance to Descend two four zero FL90, Atthe same time, @ Boeing 757 was 2070 cleared for approach. The pilot thought ___clmbing to 6000 feet. Se er ee To maintain safe separation ATC told the uae ener 757 to Head one hundred degrees and climb “The controller did not notice the error. fight level eight zero. ‘twas night, There was no radar. Less than ‘The pilot reac back One zero zero and fight ‘a minute ater the aircraft crashed into {eval eight ero, but the co-pilot set the hilside at 437 feet. ‘autopilot incorrectly at fight level 100. [ATC saw the 757 climb above fight level 80, He told the pllotto stay atFL8Dand the pilot replied We wore cleared climb one zero ro. [ATC told the 757 to stop climbing at FL90 ‘and told the A320 stop descending at FL100., However the controll didnot say voicing ‘action 0 the pilots didnot understand the instructions were urgent. As aresult they responded slowly and the A220 reached fight ave 92 before stepped descend Listen and check for read-back. ee ty TheATC nstncton was qven Re-clearto An accident was avoided, but the atcrett three thousand eet expect aniLS approach, __assedeach othr wih 1 NM horizontal Fopertiovel thee tua oot {Separation and only 300 oa vertical separation. ‘The pilot reac back Re-clearedto two thousand feet. The controler dd not hear, or askfor, any read-back from th pilot, Inadsition, the ONH was setincorectly, 80 en the atimeterincicated 2000 feet, the plane was actualy at 1800 feet. The plane trashed into a mountainside, only 100 foot below the summit at 1795 fot Are the above recommendations the same as or different from ICAO recommendations? Do you know of serious incident which resulted from bad communication? Why can Go ahead cause confusion? ‘Asa contrller, do you listen to read-back? Asa pilot, do you always give read-back? Landing erry Look at three exchanges. Which is the best? Which isthe worst? Why? id Plot ate Plot atc Pilot Ate 10 Outer marker 10, Continue approach orrunwzy 25R be achised the high intensity ight are 10 nal, we have the ruinay insight ‘Cleared an, vind 230 12 kts. (Cleared to land, snd 930 17 ert Talthem totum omnthe lights, theyre tatoo bright. Too ligt confirm, Er. afirmatve, too brit Dim the lips, lease. ‘ikea, Cleared to land 10 3 Foxtrot 312Heavy Plot Approach, Foxtrot 312 hay, thiss the fourth time ve clean the stack Ay rows? ATC Standby, Foot 312 hea, Pot Reqvestcverson to Colorado Songs 312, ATC Standby, Foxtrot 312. Timeinterval ATC "OK 312, what can do for you ot Tnaed a know whats {olng.on up ere. We're all runing out of patience and maybe fue, ATC Foxtrot 312, you Fequest a diversion to Colorado Springs? Pot Hey, l wast serous. Get ‘me Gon an the round please. 312, ATC. Fowvot 312, descend toattude 60, wind 250 degrees 14 knots Youre number tives Report on shor na. Pot Git, descend 1060, wind 250, 14. Getback to you anf. Foxat 312. Foxtrot 312 Heavy says Hey, | wosn’t serious. Do you often hear jokes on frequency? 54 | WUT? Landing 1 Lookat these news reports on landing incidents. Match each headline with part of an article below. Finer Belly Flops on Bless Landing Heaw Rains Close Runways Plane Lands with Landing Gear Retaeted ‘Nine Landing Jets Skid OF Runway in Three Months Landing Only Dlaved but Could Have Been Worse Emergency Landing for JetStarin Three Week Old A330 Pilots to Undergo Training for Short Runway Landings "ANonarch ries ght was onFriday delayedin andngafter the emergency communications system and all the landing lights atthe airfield fled, according to sources close tothe airfiel. ‘According toa study reported this paper, there were nine ncidentsin the ast three months “where passenger jets skidded off wet runways after landing at various airports, “The Cli vation Authority is inestigatng why a second atiner fight landing in lenbeim had problems wihitslanding gearinthe space of amonth.On June 18, asimiar ype irra ight nthe renvay afters landing gear fled to lower, Al passengers were unhurt. “The plane was stlina hangar being repaired on Friday. ‘Te plot did an inflight shutdown ofthe lefthand engine and landed the almostnew plane without incident. The aircraft has the capability of fling with one engine. it has a very ‘experienced captain and crew on board. There was a fault found and he went tothe nearestinternational airport. wr 7 Landing | 88 ‘What do you do i you are the pot of a passenger jet that has to land inthe middle of a During rans, when vsbilty rops below the permissible Imi, no pot is alowed to lan. ir trafic control (ATC) tel them when the water level onthe runway falls below the 3 mm benchmark. But that’s about al the information they get. Levels of water ar rarely reported. Rio's Santos Dumont has @ runway of just 1,323 metres so pots are required to undergo the aipor fo ensure that they put the aircraft down precisely atthe Tight speed to stop within the published figures. ‘As reported earlier, the aircraft was not configured ta land. The landing gear was up and the flaps, normally down for lacing, were retracted, Now often do you read about aviation incidents in the newspaper? Do you think newspapers cover aviation leary, fairly, and accurately? ‘When we talk about things that other people have When 2 small plane is ost, the news cleys Soys said we usually use said thot or saysthet andthe thatthe pilot ac file a fight plo. But they simple past tense never say that plots of ight planes often don fle The newspaper sldthet the plane had a ‘Soft a fight pan! landing’, but «landing wth gear up is never sof 4 Inthe tropes, a pilots fom landing 2 The cargo plane with jammed gear ‘on the runway, 3 Flaps should not be for landing 4 The experienced flight engineer ‘and soon salved the technical 2 often hinders fault 5 Debris isthe most common cause of fon arunway. 6 In such slippery conditions, the A320, the runway at excessive speed, 7 with certain alfilds is obviously vital fr safety. 96 | UNT 7 Landing @® _ 3 Putthewords nthe correct column according to their stress patterns. skidding * inadequate * hangar + landing gear + belly-lopped + configured ‘+ downpour « slippery * information * retracted » reported + Incident Listen ar check your answers. ‘4 Read the rst partof the incident report. Do you have any experience witha similar situation? ‘What happened? Incident Report ‘The crew of SAS 105 received acall from ATC to advise them that airport staff had ‘seen a whee! fal off the plane on tako-off. ATC had contacted the company and they suggested the crew ought to diver to the alternate where maintenance facilties were better than at the destination. As it was only a short flight ATC thought they should continue to their destination because the weather at the alternate was very bad and the light was fading fast. In any event the plane would need time to burn off fuel and ‘make preparations for landing, The company agreed that a daylight landing would be preferable and offered to help the crew with any decisions reaardina the landina ‘configuration at the destination. @® 5 Ustenand complete the audio exchange. Pilot ‘There's no ECAM message so * you check the handbook now, 0 ‘we can work out how to get this thing down safely. a 2 you. » me to put you through to your company? Complot Possibly ___* you «give me a few minutes to check the handbook and then call back? ATC Roger ‘all you back in two minutes, eB Compitot Thanks. Pilot We've no idea whether the whole of the nase gear is damaged ~ | think we. . ta assume it may all collapse when we land, Corpo Sure -landing with abnormal gear ~ here its. Fist problem s that if the gear collapses then bath engine nacelles wil contact the runway. lot » we shut down just as we land? Copitot Yeah = shut down for sure— but I you should leave It too late, though. The procedure isto shut down before or during the landing roll. | know you want all the services as lang as possible but if °,1'd shut down sooner rather than later. 1 What does ATC offer to do? 2 What does the corpilot suggest? 3 What advice or opinion does the pilot give? 6 work witha partnertomake suggestions or oferhelpand advice on the next ely course @7 action. | Making suggestions Offering help Giving advice o opinion Couldnt you»? Can hep by. ft were you, Fa How about? Pk shal (on) think you should suggest. Shall ..? You'd better Les Wiouldyouike mete..? Yow ough to Pethaps you could You should hat about? Why don't you.” Listen tothe next part ofthe exchange. Were the alr company’s suggestions included in your list? | se] unt 7 Landing EI SAS 105 has informed ATC that they are ready to land. Listen, Answer the questions. What does ATC ask about? What does ATC tell SAS 105 to expect? How many people are on board SAS 105? How long isthe foam carpet? 9 Read partof the newspaper article, Answer the questions. 1 Do you know any similar stories of successful emergency landings? What happened? 2 Describe the emergency provisions at your local airport. B sivexce J 10 Read the first partof the pilot's story. Ten answer the questions. ‘what was the weather like? How many aircraft were coming into land? Why did the pilot extend the downwind leg? What time of day was i Why did he think the second aircraft decided to go around? 14. Read the second part ofthe pilot's story. Then answer th The plane shure bu everyting ‘seemed be working Ives prety scared an [ust wartedtolana which eid ‘xyprobloms: Whielassilonthe tty, ATC tld meta tap and shu dou Nocre was ure hth happened, but we coulfsee Freang eccue cemng 60 we gotrighoutfthe plane. usta of ‘coxrse.wecoulseethedamsgs MTT Landing | 59 tions. “Tho whole ofthe upper tn onthe twas rpped apart: | quessed straightaway what had happened. cipped te wires onthe pylon, Someone had saan hanpen ~ ‘weld gone between thetwo vires hanging fromthe electrcty pons. ‘Thetop ofthefinhadhitthe top wire ‘between the pons - iff bean abut tn fost Jawer, (have missedther! 41 The diagram below shows his plane (3) over the water, about to join the circuit. Mark the route thatthe pilot took. 2 Mark any possible alternative route, 3. What other options did the pilot have? 12 check you understand the meaning of the following Landing problems and hazards. Have you experienced any? Which do you think are the most common? lighting systems fature speed control problems medical emergency diversion tall trike runway incursions and excursions 7 technical problems (eg, engine failure) 8 braking problems 9. bad surface conditions 10 bad weather 12 delays 12 Mock of birds on the runway 0 | uk? Landing BS eerie eerie eeseme eeeee, Jifferent about the final incident? Read the article and answer the questions. Fight TS 236 lft Toronto at 8.52 part on 23 August 2001 with 293 passengers anc 413 crew members onboaré. The 362-seat ‘Nous A220 carried 47.9 tonnas of fool — '5.Stonnesmorethanrequitedby egulatons The plane, manufactured in 1999, ad ‘been paved in sence by Ai Transat in Aor 10999. Four hours into the fight, the plots received vaming ofa fuel imbalance. They tiled o correct iby diverting Tue fom the lef-hand wing tanks to the righthand wing ‘tanks, which were almost erty. Unknown to them, there was aleakin the right-hand tank, 80 even moce fuel was lst. Eventhough the crew had ot ciagnosed the leak, it was clear that fuel was dangerousty ou, so they made the decision to det to Lajes Aiport in te Azores. 28 minutes after an emergency was declared, engine number 2 on the righ wing ‘as out of fue and famed out, Captain Pché ordered full thrust fom engne number ‘Lonthe left wing. With only one engine, te plane couldn't stay at cruising altitude. TS 236 descended o 30 000 feet. 113 minutes later, engine number 1 famed out. Fight 236 was now aiden. A ram ar turbine, the only back up, supple limited power to hydraulic and electrical ‘ystems. Piohé dd his best tof the plane and Dejager monitored the descent cate “about 2000 fect per minute. He caleuated it would take 15 to 20 minutes before ‘theyhna to itch the plane inthe water. ‘When the ai base wasn sgt, the plane was to high and to fas. 9 Pichi executed aseriasoside-sippingmangeuvrestoloseatttude andslowtne lane. hey successtuly lined up wth runway 15/33, unlocked the slats and deployed the laning gear, but he ‘airspeed wes 200 knots, much faster than the prefered 130-140 bots. 20 minutes after the second engine failure, the plane landed at about 370 biomettes per nour. Several tyes burst when te brakes were aplied, but the plane finally stopped inthe middle o the runway. During evacuation, 16 passengers an two crow members were ured, Two passengers suffered serious, but note threatening. Injures. Most ofthe inures were minar or very minor. I:2002, Captain Pic was given the Quebec National Assembly's Medal of Honour forhis hei fg and landing of the gant glider that was TS 236. [ ovee v0 00 Do you know any other stories af pilot using great ski to land a plane safely? What was the situation? Do you know any other stories of “ucky escapes”? ——— @ onthe ground Look at the diagram. Match the lst of names tothe numbers on the diagram. a airside road h low bridge bb stand number and centre tine i pier gate room i stane d tugarea k boundary between apron and taxinay jettyjetway 1 taxllane centretine 1 no parking area m equipment parking area 8 Interstand clearway ‘What incidents might occur between landing and arrival atthe stand? 62 | UNITS. On the ground Lvocasisse 1 Look atthe pictures of situations on the ground. Match each picture to the correct word or phrase. congestion aiving way major incident no stand available policecustoms inspection a truck going the wrong way a technical problem work in progress 1 Canyeu bev this taffetodoyl ss “tte the streets of Bangkok! EE 2ST Can you paraphrase the above statements using more standard English? UNIT 8 On she ground | 63 3 Read this incident report. Then answer the questions. aircraft with two row and passengers landed on runway 24R and vacated the runway onto the rapid exit taxiway KC which is 46 ‘metres wide. The weather conditions were clea; it was 50 minutes before Ssnsse and thusit was dark, “The captain brought the aircraft {oa stop a the first junction along the rapid exit taxiway, the intersection with taxiway K and awaited taxi Pinortsivey muonecton KO-C.B instructions. The tower sui, Proceed via taxiway Choldat CI. ‘The captain taxied ahead and atthe next junetion, where he was expecting to turn right onto (Che saw a sign boatd to his right indicating taxiway A ahead. Thre are five paved surfaces ‘which intersect at this junction; they are in anticlockwise direction from the runway exit KC, B (23m wide), C(23m wide) KC ad B (se plan below). “The captain knew the aigport and knew taxiway A was beyond taxiway C. Confused bythe sign ‘board and thinking hathohad somehow passed taxiway C, he avisedhiseo-pilotthat head missed the anivay and tured hard right to get back to where he thought it was, While was turning ATC sued further taxi instructions which the co-pilot needed to write down, taking his atetion away from monitoring the airerat’'s position. The captain in turning sharply thought he had cleared the tage ofthe paved area withthe nose gear by about ? meties and believing the aircraft was safely round, he reduced the turning angle. ATC now advised that he hd taken a wrong tur ono taxiway B, so the captain brought the sireraft oa stop. ATC then instructed the aireratto proceed but as the captain applied power, he ‘eliza tht the sreraft was stuck; the Ft main gear had sunk int the edge of the grass between taxiway B and taxiway C. 2 lhmay dark, Was hls @ factor in the mclaentt 2 Mark on the diagram: ‘aX for where the arcraf fist stopped; bb an arrow showing the route from this point tothe intersection: ‘c Afor the likely position of the sign board; ‘d__anatrow showing the route from the intersection onto the inconect taxiway; {© forthe postion of the left main gear when the pilot finally stopped. +3 Suggest an alternative position for this sig 4 What do you think were the main recommendations ofthe incident report? (64 | UMTS On he gourd 4, Thereare three ways to say -ed as a past tense ending, The words in the box all come from the ‘above report. Put each word inthe correct column. ial At A | wanted | waked | called @ ——_Ustenand check your answers. = 5 Now use the pictrestore-tll the story For each picture, usea word from the box. 2B! What do you think will happen next? How will the passengers get tothe gate? What problems ‘might they have? Fist, the plot wl tell Ground shat he needs assistance, ‘Then, 2 tek wl eam out and help to mave te plane. They need tobe caret. They might have a problem With... Aer that, Finally ar ‘Work with a partner to practise saying what will happen. ETE reese reser Listen. First note thecal signs ofthe aircraft or other vehicle. Then listen again and note their {location and any other information mentioned. Callsign Location and other information, 1 How many aircraft are communicating with ATCE 2 What other vehicle requests permission to taxi? Clear communication is the key to safety ~even getting tothe gate. Do you agree or disagree with these six recommendations fo clear RT communication? Disagree ‘Speak slowly Find different ways of explaining the same thing. ‘Always have a dictionary close to you. Don't worry about grammatical errors. Ifyou don't understand, say so, Use only standard ICAO phraseology. ocococ? cccoco Discuss your answers with a partner. Say why you agree or disagree. 66 | UNIT one ground 10 English uses.a ot of wo a4 th groups of consonants that sometimes form difficult sounds. Underline them in these words that you heard in exercise 8. acknowledge construction past continue front foxtrot works number ramp standby Listen and repeat. Read the article. Ten change one word in each sentence below to make them true. HUT DOWN, TUR ROUND ‘The endofafghtoftenisntthe end ofthe working day for an airplane. Many planes make four orfive trips day, wih an hour onthe ground between lights. During this hour, the passengers disembark, their luggage is unloaded, the aircraft is cleaned, refueled, supplied with in-fight meals, and then reloaded, ‘What happens it you reduce a one-hour turnaround to 40 minutes? The plane may be abe to make ‘six orseventightsin a day, That, of course, means more income forthe artne. Does this mean forcing ground staff to work more quickly? Not necessarily. Research shows that the most time can be gained or loti the rebcarding process. It might seem obvious that loading a plane from back to front woud be the quickest way. However, a study by Boeing found that loading ‘rom window to aise signfcanty reduced boarding time and made tumaround quicker. Now many aiines have adopted tis practice, and turnaround times are onthe decrease. Reduced turaround times can cause problems, however. Smal delays early in the day can make a whole series of fights un ate And of course quicker tumaround means mare traffic and therefore busiet airports. Few planes make more than one trip per day. Aiines can decrease ther income by having more fights Refueling takes the most time of any turnaround task. Loading the aisle seas frst i the quickest ‘A delay late in the day can cause problems all day ong. Oa (UWE 8 onthe ground | 67 The ‘supers’ are the most fuel-efficient ainliners yet. Both have a range of over 8,000 miles, a service celing of 43,000 feet, and exceptional noise reduction. These planes wil change jet travel forever. The big airports are just getting bigger more crowded, harder to move trough. The future is in VUls~ very {ight ets ~ that can quickly fy into and out of smaller regional airports. One day soon, flying wil be ike 1 can't wait to travel in space. it costs a milion dollars ‘now, but in 20 years, who knows? twill be great when ‘ordinary people can take @ holiday on the moon. Do you know oils going to run out? think that's ‘9904, because then people won't be able to pollute the Earth's atmosphere. Plones are the worst. \Which opinions do you agree with? Which do you disagree with? How does aviation affect your life? For example, do you buy goods that arrive in your country by air? Does your country export goods by alr? How would you describe the future of aviation? Test yourself! ‘See how much aviation vocabulary you know. Use the clues to complete the crossword puzzle. eross 1 Aword that means you agree to do something, 5 Someone... aggressively may be unwell, 6. GHIST: Can you tell me when you've got the field in? 7 IIINTVY: Avoid the .. until the air display has finished. 8 ° ‘Ait of atmospheric pressure. Ais a kit may be useful for minor. incidents 11 Afice «is always carted in the cockpit. 15 CEERSU: An airsea «helicopter will assist anyone in trouble at sea 14 Des. is done pre-flight in winter in cold climates 35 Aunit oFspeed. 19 Can you... your heading, please? 20. Another word for wat 21. Amisture of ran and snow on the eunway. 22, A...onthe head may cause a headache. 23, Someone under the influence of alcohol is 25, ILS wil ead to the... path 26 Apilot may dump .. rather than land heavy. 27, Ayre ..may damage the aircrat. 2 A360 degree tum. 3. BIIILSTVY: Blowing snow reduces. significanty CCEEHILSV: Service. help with alrraft preparation. 10 EECPTX: What time do you .. to be ready? 1 You Prahahly find ane at works in progines. 36 On approach, the captain tells the crew Ten minutes to 17 Another word for hold-up: There's a... Your new time slot is at 1500. 18 If did not understand I. say Say again. 19 Just before pust-back, the .. ae removed fram the plane’s wheels. 20. Mayday is a call for immediate 21. Another word for gate. 22, A..flop isa gear-up landing, 24 Aword that means you have received and understood a message. 28 Mame the atside vehicle used for push-back ‘est youre! | 69 Partner Files _ UNIT, Exercise 3 Files Partner A 4 Galan Air Traffic Sewvice Un (ATSU) and pass your message. Use the CAO phonetic alphabet to Spell unfamiliar names. Communication + Gatwick Approach, Speeabicd 209. Fight level 10. Heading 10. ETA sie of Mann 1005, Communication 2 Sharick Control, 80-7444 requesting Oceanic Clearance. Estimating <8 West, 0 North at 1310 UIC: Requesting Fight Level 350, Mach Bo, ‘Communication 3 ‘Speedbi 567-Ais cleared x6 000 on 1010 HPs. Expect to coss GOOSE level a 320, speed 250 knots. 2 Listen othe communication frm Parner B. "UNIT, Exercise 12 Fez Partner A Parallel routes across the Atlantic are always busy Today is especialy busy You ae the pilot ofa Boeing 767 preparing fora transatlantic Right + You are due to push back at 25, + itis mow 1420. Your passengers are stl boarding, * There i also a 10 minute catering delay Negotiate anew sl tim. You want a sot time of 40. ‘You begin: Ground, 8767. Weare ue fo push back at 25, but Continue the conversation: Conwe..? The passengers oe. We have a problem with. \We'e going to cll he catering company and. \We'e going tobe ready in. _ UNIT, Exercise 12 Files Partner A You are ATC Ground. Begin an exchange with Speedbird 556. Direct Speedbird 556 fom stand Diz to the holding paint. ‘Give hazards warnings Note aditionalnazaras reported by Speedie 55. Begin: Speedbird 556, pust-back approved .. _UNIT4, Exercise 13 Fite 4 Partner A Give the folowing information to your partner ston 1 @ YB, fast moving traffic at 2 o'clock i ze es 270 oppesit tralia 2 o'clock, Staton (no) YB, stop climb at FL 90 due to converging tac 19 oock, 35 miles 1000 feet above ston 2 = {unit ined ending _ UNITS, Exercise 6 Files Partner A B)osfoaig 0-08 UIC QoBiosia 23:59 TO HELP WITH FLY PLN, ACFT NBD TO ADVISE ASAP IN APCH IF UNABLETO COMPLY WITH SPEED. RESTRICTION, BE AWARE CRANE OPR AT 138FT AML 470-620 OF ook THR. Bol 290M 5 OF apt CL. CRANE TO BE LOWERED FOR LDG AND DEP ACF. [BE AWARE TY AND TWY ML UNAVEL AS PERMA (150 Fm RWY TO THY Z OUE Wi “Unit 8, Exercise 7 Files Student A and Student 8 Read the report below. With a partner, e-tellthe Fist, te pilot vacated Then he was cleared ‘Ae that, be reached ond tumed. Final, the wing REPORT After landing the plot vacated the runway to the left He was given clearance tothe stand via taxinays Aand B. When he was beam tho threshold he turned left towards the stand area. Ashe tured, isright wing struck the ledge of a marker board whichincsted the holding position for the runway Now use your awn ideas o say what wil happen rex. ‘Decide whether the incidents key to be hazardous, + Decide what precautions may be taken, * Decide what senices may be needed Fist, Aer that, Final UNIT 6, Exercise 17 Flle7 Partner A Put the requests in the comect order. you for change Would this tye me? bb you truck? move Can this © YouDo lowering the mind sti? ‘Match each request ove toa situation, Then make each request to Parner B and listen tothe response Suation 2 Station 3 Put the responses inthe correct ox 2. Aszo t's the for Sor, booked 1 course Ofand Mik sugar? a back, Som, have bad LUsten to Pater B's request foreach situation, Choose and give the best response (ue situation 4 r 7; ful Stuation 6 Station 5 _UNIT3, Exercise 3 Files. 1 Listen tothe communication from Parner Record th information you hea 2 Callan ir Trai Senvce Unit (ATSU) and pass your message. Use the ICAO phonetic alphabet to spel unfamiar names. Communication 4 oncon Conta, United Ai 955. Fight evel go Heading 230. ETA Sain Abs Head 1005, Communication 5 Roger, Prestwick. 317A cleared 58 North 0 West, 60 North 20 West, 6 North 30 West, 60 North 40 West, 58 North 50 West, PORGY. Maintain 350, Mach Bo, LUC Alr298°4 Heavy, ta to old for ranway 3%. (NH tox8. FALCON 4F departure, Squawk 7412. _UNIT2, Exereiso 12 Filo9 Partner ‘You are aground conile giving clearance to a transatlantic pt. On souther routes, amid ‘artic depressions causing tang wings and ‘more bad weateris forecast. ‘Same fights have already changed to northern routes and these are becoming congested * Delays are building up. + tts now 1420. You can only allow a2 minute ely. LUsten to 8767 and espond: Yes, you canNo you can. can alow You can delay unt There's «problem with ‘Are your passengers? tm Grd oie tao "UNIT, Exercise 12 File 10 anne {ve te oonng formation to your pane Situation YB, lok out for slow moving tae 6 miles anead of you. Situation 5 YB, trafic to your right. 6 miles ‘overtaking heavy ~ same level. Stuatlon 6 YB, traffic 9 oclock 8 miles parallel C10 1000 fet below climbing, File "UM, Exerien 22 arene 8 ‘You ae Speedbird 556 pushing back at 2 Usten and mark route fom stand Dx to the holding pol Note hazards given by ATC ‘Advise ATC of any hazards nt ghenprovides by ATC, Partner wil Bega the exchange. “UNITS Exercise 6 Files2 Parwer8 Bows onss UIC Cosi NOTMWY cAI OF TY ALAND LO ALSO Thar panna sano ont ave. Bw Wovone Pon AL x's ED oF RO {ror OBST TREES Mak MT 957 FFAG eT ike Be ARE CRU PROC CHANCED, FOLLOWING "OF Ya bs NW 30 ES FURTHER nfo AVBPITW 9857 i006 _UNIT3, Exercise 3 Files. 1 Listen tothe communication from Parner Record th information you hea 2 Callan ir Trai Senvce Unit (ATSU) and pass your message. Use the ICAO phonetic alphabet to spel unfamiar names. Communication 4 oncon Conta, United Ai 955. Fight evel go Heading 230. ETA Sain Abs Head 1005, Communication 5 Roger, Prestwick. 317A cleared 58 North 0 West, 60 North 20 West, 6 North 30 West, 60 North 40 West, 58 North 50 West, PORGY. Maintain 350, Mach Bo, LUC Alr298°4 Heavy, ta to old for ranway 3%. (NH tox8. FALCON 4F departure, Squawk 7412. _UNIT2, Exereiso 12 Filo9 Partner ‘You are aground conile giving clearance to a transatlantic pt. On souther routes, amid ‘artic depressions causing tang wings and ‘more bad weateris forecast. ‘Same fights have already changed to northern routes and these are becoming congested * Delays are building up. + tts now 1420. You can only allow a2 minute ely. LUsten to 8767 and espond: Yes, you canNo you can. can alow You can delay unt There's «problem with ‘Are your passengers? tm Grd oie tao "UNIT, Exercise 12 File 10 anne {ve te oonng formation to your pane Situation YB, lok out for slow moving tae 6 miles anead of you. Situation 5 YB, trafic to your right. 6 miles ‘overtaking heavy ~ same level. Stuatlon 6 YB, traffic 9 oclock 8 miles parallel C10 1000 fet below climbing, File "UM, Exerien 22 arene 8 ‘You ae Speedbird 556 pushing back at 2 Usten and mark route fom stand Dx to the holding pol Note hazards given by ATC ‘Advise ATC of any hazards nt ghenprovides by ATC, Partner wil Bega the exchange. “UNITS Exercise 6 Files2 Parwer8 Bows onss UIC Cosi NOTMWY cAI OF TY ALAND LO ALSO Thar panna sano ont ave. Bw Wovone Pon AL x's ED oF RO {ror OBST TREES Mak MT 957 FFAG eT ike Be ARE CRU PROC CHANCED, FOLLOWING "OF Ya bs NW 30 ES FURTHER nfo AVBPITW 9857 i006 74 | Ansver key Answer key ‘STARTER PLOT FUGHT 72 ‘€>rower conrRoULer ‘Sconitar Fucit 7 “€3casi CREW FUGHT 72 “ESPASSENGERS FLIGHT 7s COPLOTFUGHT 71 €->TOWER CONTROLLER (ASIN CREW FLIGHT 7s €-SPASSENGERS FUGHT 73, PUOT GS¢a7, ‘€3 owe CONTROLLER 1 ach bee eCards 2 aise 3000 cleft and ight Possible answers: Pronurtitlon~ C3 instead of Chore 6y Structure Number ge me Yeeabulay = conasion of and ght Fiueney ATCin exchange 2 ‘Comprehension Ground in exchange + Interactions ~ both exchanges page? 4 4 Areyoua controle or a plot? 2 Do you speak ay oer anguages? 3 Have you ever been abroad? {4 When di you last eave by plane? 5 Does your company provide English raining 6 Has your English improved inthe ast en minutes? 5 tb 2d 32 42 50 6F pages 6 a2 by ct ds @3 7 1 The conte does not understand pin English 2 Spoke dearly; rephrased ard use aifeent sword. 3 Asked a coleague fr help ® 1 violet 5 aaeressive 2 unaly & ground 4 turk & remove pases ° violent, unui dru 2 hit 3 round # Ocasioraly § rarely 2 standard” 9: sometimes 3 sally tw oten 4 plain i boat 5 nonstandard 12 never 6 unnecessary 53 always 7 sully page 10 1 keepup 5 checkout bgetback 6 pateover 3 stysup 7 getto wy 2 Have you gt the lain sight? 3 make low pase 4 abit longer 5 lorthetine being 6 etme know 7 checkout 8 Gn! 9 Doyou want to? te lentifed 3 Exchange Seod:moming, (in eep ups tin speed ae longer! Forte ime being, es et bac to you ina 1 Good moming nt necessary. 2 Control alos pt to continue at high speed 3 Standard pvaseogy is preferable here: Request maintain 350 kot unt wey point. Mfrmative. Expect farther instructions in oe minute themain landing gear? Wel 0 lowes the gear agin but msi Unable to release the nose gear If til tye up, net and wih ‘you want to come infra ow pas? We can ‘heck out your nding ge es over, Hive i When I get to you the gear shoud be down Ok, make nw pass ue cin ote for 3 landing sar check. 2 Visual heck of landing gear low pass ver runway 23, 5 Land with al tives sets of ea up. pages Possible ans Situation 1 Can you conte any repr of wind sheer Stn: Saag eso py ed. please confi ert nd? ao Stuaton 4: 8757, Towet. This would be repeated ni response was recived) pages starrer 1 Beier Bes03 amphibious plane 2 ious Ajo-600St Supe Pansporter Cargo Aca 3 Gessna shyeatcher gt azatt 2 Gulsieam eecutve fet i ‘Nrbus Ayo atin Sikorsky 6M heleopter wp al uj ek wo 74 wen 2 checks 9 wear 2 sufacee to leading 3 ste 1 engine 4 ligtning 2 blades 5 frelen 13 fuselage osner key | 18 6 vehides a4 doors 7 damage 13 hatches 8 undeearinge pas 4 Possible answers: a fight manuals smoke hood, medical kt, ongen bottle plot (srarching cock) 4 akera documents lad sheet plot checklist 5 feo aoe zee sar sek efi ‘ hems to cary ‘registration ceifate, ar operator ceifate Insurance cenit, environmental raise) Uiitation cericatearerat aco lence, NOTOC = Novice T Captain dangerous goods netcation {o captain) ar worthiness cerfeat,instrcion ‘manuals oxygen bots, Hist aid ian ater eaulpment stems nt t ca sispicoustemsfexplosives troubleshooting Test aid kt dangerous substances routine procedures Stones smuggled pictur Fefrence books, such 02 manuals an handbooks, fan be used to check non outine proces it thing unusual ocus sng the Might picture The portable oxygen ener canbe used ina meslzal emergency ofr high alitudefyingn mal plane the smoke hood canbe used if thre are fumes or smoke inthe cockpit the medial Kis "ed far medial emergencies picture: Security screening of baggage, alfine staff and assengers, personal searehes, resin on mounts and content of 9438 picture: ‘crt egstation cericte, ar operator Cerificate insurance ceifiate, environmental (pie tation cette, ado operator suthorzaton picure NOTOC informs the captain of ary materits (on board that may regu specal handing oF procedure in te event af an emergency, ©. Chemicals which may support combustion/produce tone fumes, radioactive material, ve animals picture Posse problems: italy securing doors andor hatches, damage to fuslagldoor seeding loading, cracks indserce, problems wth the ado, damage to tnginefan bags flloning brs ingestion, hyauie Aulfoivatetole aks, mismatch between ‘cua lod and documentation, lad of wheelhat Provision fo disabled passenge ow tyre pressure, ‘damaged ive, faulty Wight, obstructed pitot tube 8 4 The fist one uses standard phaseology. the second uses plain English. 2 No stand phraseology for nonvoutne event 2 Exchange 3 iba Exchange 3 aa ze 3b Exchange 3 se2a 36 4b 1 Arado problem. (e's not transiting well) 2 Herthought he needed documents o tke live sake into Nala, 5. Yes The computer fled and ddr produce 3 stp © « cago, problem, something, ptot, contol unload, delay Posse answers: 1 Gago loaders say we havea problem withthe cargo door. 2 Theres sorething wrong withthe bageare loader. 13 There’ 2 problem with the tas, 4 Your cago dors open 5 There's lon the pron, 6 leansse check lacking your way. 8 1 ator name 2 ATIS phonetic alphabet code eg. nfrmaton Brava) 3 Zulutine {instrument approach pacedres in use 5 wind diction and speed 6 sity 7, doud cvereeng 8 terete to alimeter seting 4 ranay6) inuse 12 relevant NOTAMs or weather advcelemarks oF ‘ter information| P tutor 3 ass 4 joodegees at hrots 5 km 8 3000 overcast a es 9. NH a8 hPa. fo approach 2 et and 26 ght. Departures 26 ihe message : piture x message 2: picture 4 message 3 pce 3 message picture 2 message peur 1 st se se Bk Sh page 1h spraying iy wings 2 |) tanspoting passengers 3 e pulling out ee a carving ego 5 €delverng kerosene 6 1 transporting construction materials 7 repaling ta tyes & reversing planes 9 4 getingri of compacted ice od deaing debris paces : waLaay 2 fre tence 3 RyR55 2 Td 20 30 af sa 6b 4 ie tren ay ae cater s 2 He's gta ad problem. 3 rsrontavvayz 4 She’ gota problem, 2 atte 5 Tas slonly = move foward a slow spee, Tax ttn caution = be very careful moving forward 6 1 should 4 are toned to 2 mst 5 haveto 3 dont have to 1 dow 4 around 2 off Son 43 back ow 8 2 Gani change sana? 4 Uhave a fat tue on he nose gear 4 Hang on a minut 5 Did you get my mesane? “en with caution de to mos. Hey can se [ots of wks. Request losetavalable stand Is hat ass? dant want be et. pat 4 mb th intersection 2 Because the dicing hasbeen done ard now seis delayed Yes, she lost one slot ime ands concemed that she wil lose the nen one No, be bas to walt “Towa forthe snowplough and swee Gusting winds and wind shear ‘sow banks and compacted snow dense fog sustng winds evee thunderstorms meee fash fooding broken ue owing cust 7 iting snow & seater showers 9. Wop sams Possible answers, but students can gve mare specie anwers ising ples it theo ety as examples: Fy, desert areas 2 nonher ates 3, anyere that reclves most fs an during 4 esertareas 5 moderate mattinecinates 6 coastal regions: the term s usualy for opal ‘Sons in the Nort Atlante Ocean moderate mortime imate oastal regions the ter usual fr tropical Sows in he Western Pcie 5 een: a “Technical problems: break-down, maltuncion, ‘mechanical problems, engine faire, engine stall and surge, armed doors Human factors: uu passengers, sick passengers, side pilot Weather conton: de king lash fooing, heavy Snowfall, poor vsbiity Emergencies calsions engine one, medial emergency trons (ther aust: fue pile, desing, being stuck ‘he md, polieeustoms contol, blocked ranay, ray incursion indus acon ost gBees, imal on the runvay pager Posibie answers: 1 There's a burst te 2 The door wont se 4. Customs seam tobe golng ont he pane 4 The engines on fie. 5 The plot appeas tobe sick & Theres a hse on the ray, 8 {mor engin ature pase Sanple ane: Ground: Toei 32, proceed to hong point Lima and prepare fr departure Prot 524: ther 32, proceeding to holding Bint La, Wl epar when eady for feparur Ground: thei 324, hold at intersection Dea ‘Alpha. We have af problems, so expect some delay Pilot 324: Roger conto ll hold atthe Intersection ana ana finer nation. bela 324 round: thera 324, 1m pleased to say the tafe problems are ove, continue to holeing pin ina, prepare for eparure Pilot 324 Iberia 324, hanks for hat, comnung ta holding point Lena, prepare for Soporte. Ground: thera 32 ne up and hod Pilot 324: thea 324 ne up and wall, ead for depart. Ground: bea 324 cleared for take o Pile 3242 Cesed fr takeoff era 324 eee rc eres 1 vehileson the runway, plane entered ramay at wrong point, av vihe Continue heading spe degrees 1s kots Fina esponses 1G) Wel need to lea report on this righ away. (2) Maintaining fight eve! 10. Lett tum heating 270 ater GANET. BY, © (2) Descending immediatly ight level so, Nass {© (4) Climbing 20 heading 350 Call you aching aL 4 (5) Maintaining Soo feet. Heading 050. NE 8 (6) Climbing fight evel 60, Heading 130, 06. 2 () Confirm re rigade onthe way. pase 30 so ose st 7e eee chet 3 W a Nw service wish approach Instead Sue change sory the soy ? oid 4 bia 2 he 5 rather 5 istene 6 Gan _Mfionative: Yeah, i's he Yep, ha’ Yes, pleas. As you wish. Sure Negative: Som, poet 5 t above 5 near 9: behind 2 on 6 infrontof to net to 53 7 over into 4 across beyond 2 below ‘ 1 abovenext to 2 language pages 2 across 5 in oat of 2 into 6 behind 5 above 7 nestto 4 below 8 beyond a0 3b 5h 7Ft Beet eles tc) ° re af ge 74 2b 4a 6s Bh pages 4 Look ot for slow moving ai shies ahead 2 Avon ain. ium fe eaiatey, Reads 35 4 Oppose traf at 22. odock 4 Tro yout wo ils. Overtaking FL. 5 Fastmoving rate a2 wack cosing igh to ie 6 Confictng rate at 6 coc. 7 ale o'dock gaa 000 fet blow climbing. {Maltin FL 50 unt tuther asd 9, You'e wal clear of taf Students? dawings should match the ons in the ‘conesponding Partner File ¥ some 3 any 5 any 7 any 2 some 4 some 6 any 3. some page 38 2 Possible answers ‘AN 3a Severe turbulence ater FALCON, SHO 24: Wind sharon leaving Lana, BNC 38: CBimoderte cin afer PURI [AL 397: Nocera turbulence at WADER [BEE 267 Moderate urbulence at WADER Arc warnings ~ (FP as, hal tom abe. 8.397, sow moving tai dea, BAW 63, moderate turbulence at WADER, [EE 26,modeate turbulence, covers ing, CB cloud ahead. ‘1 38, scattered clout ahead. ‘SHO 24, severe turbulence afer FALCON. RM 2, hk og ahead. sasmer hey | 79 pages 6 The vbaton was caused by tre debris rom the ‘yf burst entering number one engine 5 P petore 4 Assoonas 2 When 5 After 3 while 6 Once, unt 6 Possible answers: 1 Loose or broken fan lage, bird ingestion, oor not propery lacked, nose wheel shimmy, compressor tal 2 Gameaue plane to skid off rane, whl ‘damage 43 Because ofthe damage to the engine 4 Stodens! gon anaes a pages? STARTER hot aiballoons > fuel dumping 3) weathe balloon infighting 5 ak depiy 5 Gemoltion of exlosives 7 hang sing & parachute jumping 1d 58 rea ae Not pictured: inoperable warning ht, reworks spy pa 38 approximately 4 miles north-east of eurent postion ing right et 2 Inoperable warming ihe 5, fuel dumping 4 fight retveting 5 omintes ‘i aisplay and associates intense srl atvity Including fet nd propel arf pus helicopter. No arrats to fy thin an area of crc ractus 4.5 noua mies ceed ty two dees an ‘ive minutes Hoth zero degrees ght minutes East unless approved by Trafic Conro Pls to exerise caution i the ity For ‘Operations infomation contact telephone number 97780870476 Acvty 89 1900 1400 600 Mertyr hang ing no yes yes. yes. langsend feel yes nono. Darcnutine secon fighers no yen eh yes Beacons taining ‘alleen Hatfeld —lserestng nono mono 5 iy ry y balloon ‘dumping play vn jumping ‘owning avoid wi fay fev tsing pancreas ‘ely bt fa explosives fighters =n Aight ‘ontoted ling pe 6 Student A sample answer ‘This warning for February the sath, 2008 fom ‘2001 hours unl ay the th 2359 hous co ‘orginated universal time. To hel with ight Planning, altrat inbound sould advise 9 08 "5 possible on approach if theyre urabeto amply wih speed restitione, Be aware of ‘rane operating at 198 fet above mean se evel, 470 mates 1 620 metres west of Unway 09 Ie threshold and 80 meres o 299 metres south of runway o9 fet centeine. The cane wil be lowered forlanding an departing aieraf. Se sure tat taxinay Aad taivay Mare unavalable Because there pemmarenty closed fn the may te taxiay Zoning to work fn progress. Student example answer: “This morning or any the 2h, 208 rom 0938 hous unt ogeo hous co-ordinated universal time on Aoi he 28th, 2008 There isa taxa enti the interaction ataxia han K ‘Also, he tanway Aligning is patally unserviceable, and only avlble between holding int Aan the south end of the apron. Theresa {ake-off obstacle: ees wlth a maximum height of 210 57 fot aboveground evel, whicn is 5410 81 jeet above mean sea level. Be aeare that he cit procedure has changed Following take off fom runway 27. the heading snow ato degrees. Further Information is avaiable fom the tower on 01987, soc, 7 beter © father >more comfonable 4 slowest bore sous 3 © nearest » storger ‘ Students own arswes. Possible answers The A360 i the retest plane. The Ago a the longest ae Tre biplane is sme than the Aso The twin-engine planes bigger tha the biplane page ° Posebe answers: 3 change? 2 Exchange # 4. Bathanges 2 and 3 itntey ro ger worse turbulence, suspected tyre bursting, overghytesrancerefsal May get rsa: fumesin abi, aged, animals lose, waning lights, smoke alam, bird Sires, suspicion of possible stuctual fare "May become ie threatening: Serious fr in cba Life threatening non les of engine powerurabe ‘o maintain eight, exlosve decompression 8 AG 8 > > poe Sixes, An engin el oft. uray 6 let ‘here may be an teak The Fre Sec board ater the passengers disembark cpl gr uflicasieg + resting Lewis's ski, oF positing 2 My instructor has claps, 3 Students! own answers Pans {Flight 276 hs jane the old at essex pot, lakere the are severe delays 2 Jet blast damage ust behind the threshold 3 Before 2300 1 Noise abatement regulations 5 atleast half an hour Pana 1 Quteawhile > Descends 0600 fet Panta 1 Dhar co Beer 2 Because the noise curfews gong to take eect er er 2H gw bw 3 ne ge eaegenc te 2d fe 6 F paca 4 Possible answer: It snowed fet Fiayfou days ag. The snowstorn lasted rom 100102400. Thoy cleared the runway eal Saturday morning. ‘here as hea og to ays ag. std for wo and hal hous Iwas suny yesterday. The sunshine lasted fom 1145 f 600 ‘het ws thunderstorm this moming I sted for fourhours. 1 apologise 5, apoloses 2 akaid 6 know 3 cantnd 7 continue 4 dened 8 alate pa 6 te af ga 4b 5d 6 7 Example answers: you st the GN an your tint, wl rea 6 at touchdown. Ifyou anv fom the east, you use approach frequency 129.8 Ifyou watt know the aimee etn in hPa, youll have to eauest you mis your approach, youl dim on 09910 ovo fet, you fellow rack 095° a oqo fet, yout intercept the ldesioe * Planes AFL339 plined AUK 26 Plane b DLMs390planee BAW34 Donec ADA29” plane BAW 440 ° F ayoometres 5 1008 236 & 220 knots 38 7 wgoknots 4520 metres (ther measurements ha canbe expressed in & ‘ait fut ~ speed: ms" correct sald 35, Imes fo the minus one, bu fen st Sale 3s metres per second; ms (meses per second): yh {kfomeres pr hou) knot: mp (res per hou) ‘Mach Pressure: (lib: hPa (hectopascl tm atmosphere); mn ilmeres of mercury) Temperature: Kelvin); (Gegees Cals or ertlrade) °F (degrees Fahne) trformation Reo tie 20002 ‘oud celing ooo scattered vist 14 km | temperature 44 wind 30,8 altimeter 30.00 mnie expect LS or visual oruninays 24 and 33 advise on contact you Rave message, Romeo es eee eeg “he plot probably gt astracted while be was preparing to land. Possible reasons for gong around wether cordon, runway conditions, nding peat problems, concerns about speed an welsh, a9 fbstton onthe runway Ya kn 2 mixof lsh nd in, sanding wate 5 KU os is heay and fast for endtons ages 4 1 kta 4s ass about the runway 2 Aproach says i's wet with some auaplaing Snagoed braking ation. 1a 2 3a 4b 6 5 1° pong on signifies a ehange of plan 1 why dont shall 2 There's aot ofa 2 Would 8 oh 5 heading 60 3 ike 9 Couldnt ae 4 pethaps———4o You dbeter 5a 5 coud 2 dont hie em 12 were you @ Suaton + pares ‘AvGanyou move ths tuck 4 Connect the pt wth te company. 8 Sorry | don't have te key 2 heck th handbook. 3 He assumes the gar wil collapse on Landing. Station 2 No suggests shlting down on landing. 2 Do you mind opening the door? B rmsd ts broken pase ‘Staton 3 1% Would you change this tye for me? the fel station 2 foam cape ure, no problem. Kl ake an Wout. B Sure 0p 245 G27 passengers and 8 crew) ‘Staton 4 yoo mates B Could ask you ora cafes? 2 Ofcourse. Mik ane sugar? ro 1 good: ight wind, ratty, almost ne cloud ‘Staton 5 Suen na : 1B Would you mind te park at gate 512 5 increase separation rom the plan in rot 1 Sorry. its booked forthe Azo eink Siam Situation 6 5 Hethousn! the sum ight hove been oto Would you help me with his? en 1 Sony, have bad back. 7 1 the ine sould go rom plane 3 othe orange scone Tne st etd pane then los he 2 The Qh sting was won {etc ine ont the cossnnd and 5 Ant eon neacatre ‘onming eg to ove he houses, where 4 An operational protien nines sigh over he power nes ater ‘than allowing the let tof the yetow ine ‘ont the sual base le). tums le above the pomerfines, then et again in tne with the yw fia approach tne, where plane 3's pase “arent shown. Final goes Between the 1 vies ofthe power tines ane joins the yellow te 32 5b 7e fina approche Ged ee ee 2 Students awn answers 5 Students awn ansness page so 4 monsoon downpour 2 2 ball-fopped| 1 heavy slush and braking concerns 5 retted 2 some lighting ising, smelting was t00 4 lowed proces tothe letter righ 5 contamination 5. heavy ti, stong cosswins, and wind shea 6 shed of 4 vortex wake 7 Barafamiaisation 5 passenger ith ahoart atack pees The ral ncdent spar pan all therefore an vsgenoy message onmpar beonyed pred STARTER ee aad = gre ah eee coll 32007 f ok Am be Bb Possible answers uaplring, olson, wrong tum, at 9, htng Snnima an ther €Theaiparte congested today hh The emergency series ar ott. fF mystarais unavatabe ‘dm lvng way ta larger ara. ‘8 Thee's an unauhoried vehi onthe snvay ‘hat plane appears to have a seus mechanical pobiem. 7 Maintenance workers are making» ho in the sound. 8 & Customs oti ar inspecting that abet 3 4 tal he signboard wer lluminated andthe nether was lear, 3, Students’ on answers 4 Possible answer tl eurface markings a addition ro sign boards and review poitons of Sign boards. pee 4 fa w iw landes reduced taied vocaed ised tuned avaled conte Instcted realised 5 The plane landed an vacated the runny. Then the captain avaited instructions. He was given the, nd tved ahead: Whe ang, he was conse sve kay | 88 byrasign boar, He thought he had missed taxinay Clsphe ured hatd ah and then he reduced he ‘ming ante Fal, he eazed he was stuck. pes 8 1 American 99° _haldlagehind 757 ered to ste? 2 Deltas show of; deated 0 stand 54 hast give way to Ax20 3 gauheay short of MA cleared to gate Maintenance a. stand 27: dead ova Zand 5 tue ‘eporsanincursion by at bed trace 6 hina g82 holding; confusion about ‘rections lenght 7 Freedom 6182 blacked by Air Cina; cleared tomstere 1 Sica ate communicating with AC 2 Amaitenance vehicle. pa Scknoaledge ——_consution past continue font font vos umber amp standby "Few Many panes make more than one tipper ay. 2 Aline can decrease increase ther income by having more ems, 4. efetngReboading takes the most tie of any tumaround tas 4 Loading thease sats st ast she quickest, Loading te lt window seats Fst the ques. 1 Mt ite at inte day can cau probs aaa ong. pre 2 wico 2 ont 3 visily 39 (305) contin A vehicles (conn choas 5 benaving 20 facoss hols 6 siete (dow) help 7 Meine 2 farss tush & milo (dow) stan 9 medic 22 pees) bump to expect ‘Gove bly extinguisher 23 dre 2 toctor 2aroger 1 resue asqtide 1 ling sé 1 kot zr bust wlndng 8B Transcripts © exchanges 7 ound Er 363, Startup and push at 05 Po 963 Te. e363 jst started pushing back nom. You do know there’ another pane pushing back Fm the nest stand? Seoung Say again 363 fo 369 There's anther pushing back onthe nest stand. We've ha to sop. rund f, 963, stand number ge me Po 962 f,say aa Ground Number eve me. Your number, lease? ios) Er=we'e 363. Grund” No, ask youstand number. ‘rosé Un yod want ou stan number. Yean thet on Cae 6 363 Ground 363, you not Cox? Pio 563 Negative, We'e deftly on Chale 6 963. ound AA Son, sit Stand Cra 6 xchange 2 atc K7420, confi heading 040 Pi xazo Roger, heading O40 arc pazo, tu ight heading 340 Pile xra0 Di you ear a? He say ht, dr et Ercan you conf that please? Xya2o. Kyet-K— er 42. ght tun heading 3 ee 40, lm teight level eto. ‘lot x7420 Tha’ what I thought. Does hs guy kom Fat Fo let Psu tat shouldbe let “im going o check aga £—Cantal~ please conn right onto heating 30. 47420. anc ——_Xp43a, tum er~right or heading 340. Doctreo Regen OX. Weve a oa, tha's what he tents thes at we so fey, ur Ft say agin ~turn et (Communication Gatwick Approach, Spedbid 209. Fight evel. Heading 109, ET ile of Mann 205 communication 2 ‘Shanck Conte, 807444 requesting Oceanic ‘Geran. Estimating 58 West so Nath at #310 UTC Requesting fat evel 30, Mach. communication 3 ‘Speedbid 567A cleared 6 099001010 hactopasca, pet to css GOOSE Golf Oscar ‘seat Sierra Gcho level a 126 speed 250 kn Communication 4 Landon Conal, United A955. Fight lve 90 Heading 250 1A Saint Abs Head 1205, Communication 5 Roger Presi, 317A seared 58 North, 10 West 60 Noth, 20 West 60 Nor, 30 West, Go North 40 West, S58 rt, so West, PORGY- Papa Oscar Romeo Galt “ankee. Maintain 350 Mach .80, commuciaton 6 Uk sir 299 Heavy, Tol to hold foe unway 33. NH 4016. FALCON gF departure. FALCON ~oxto Alpha {ine chal Osear November Squawk 742. Bxehange © Er—yeah Good morning thee, Quality 405. Cepating 747 reported nd shea al B00 et. Alsped ass 25 k's, srog ight shit Let me know Ifyou have aprblen, pease And haven ight! Bre xchange 2 ‘uw sse- Speed 456 request escent oncse) Speed 456 mana fight level 260 ‘expec descent aer HERON. ‘aw 456 — Mainanng Might eel 20, Speed 46 xchange 3 yet Ballevue Tou, o3NT, 20 avons ls Une approche & vue main dot pour: ‘rote? Tower 038, vous me cone le tern en toyote Er Ballewe Tower Stinson Nor962 Request vector to bace leg 32 rah Tower Stinson No7962. Yeoh g0 ahead 9887 Alm NT, nous avan es instalation en Tose: Alt autos approche we main dete gedit, soyoso Er Bellewue Tomer Stinson No7962, say ‘agai, Request vetrs to baseleg 31h xchange ‘At BX rea6 or take-off equest el turn out heating 300 dere. soatire Bh et tun ceaed After departure cid noi above alte 200 feet until eating zone boundary. ‘sax Left um approved. cimbing fo 2000 fet ui eaching zane boundary. xchange 5 Eras thee 52, You've got a south este Diowirtn there. Aron about 1 nats. Your OX ta lord Rona 28 ® save soe Tukuby Tower, ze 606. We have a "i problem and we'd ikea pris landing Tones Say again 606 dot anderson ore og Weave an antl passenger onboard We have violent passenger Meas hit a rmeribet ofthe cabin rw Request proty lancing Towers 606, tm soy sr donot understand Your probiem, si sere cos This passenger endangering the saley of the it He sunk, Toners The aety ofthe Might isn danger? Sr 6o6 li, We have an agaresivepassenge. We need to get on tne ground as 2008 a¢ posibe Tose'2 606, understand you have a pcblen wth ‘2 passenge, si? Do you need medica sare sos Negative. We have a mesial doctor on board and do not need medical assistance. We needsenies to emave thi urvly passenger rm the pane Tower? 626, the police andthe apart authoies vil meet yous Exchange + © sypvoach Wolf 6, good maming ented Proceeding ito Aba, Vettoring 05, Wot Dive lb 0, Wot Can! keep up this high spe i longer Wala Go, ‘oprac Wolf 6. Forte te Beng, ysl ge bck you ina minute. xchange 2 Tower B67, ilyou let me know what your Intentions ae forthe main nding goa? ‘Roger. We'l uy ole The gear agin, but fm si unable to ees the ose sear— sil stays up~then wel and vith al vee up Br. anc | 28 Tower 867, 0 you want 9 come in fora low ass? We can deck out your landing gee when you pass over. ep OK roger. B67 ower 867, have you got he fel in sigh? ‘7 —Béyv afm When gett yu the gear shoul be down. 867 Tower 867.roer. OX, make alow pass over runway 23 fora landing gat check. & Bechange 1 7 tsss' Luton Tower, Big Red 553, Radio check Tomer lg Re 553, Luton Tower. Readability 28555 Big Red sss Taner 963i loks as though your pitot head ‘Gover ssl on, Would you please check? © changes % saivaes Ground, Speedie 305, Rao checkbox 1 on io Cons Say agin, cling ‘7305 Speedbld 305! want odo a ado check (on box 19.4, plese ond Sony you taal readable xchange 2 FONE Eyes round, want Yo check an he lead toca. Fedex 36. Ground Fedex 36,20 ahead st Fon j6 ve gota quatiy of aerosols for Inset srayng. Theyre OK = but ve go 2lve snake on boar, and there's no Alcumentation Feder 36. Ground Faden 36,n0 st There's no spedat fore Youre sure? Wont need documents on arta in Kuala Lumpur Fee 3. Gourd Fedex 36m. it' fine st. You dant meee ‘ny documents fr Walayia no xchange 3 Bbq Grund, request star up. B34 Gro Soy, Bou ve no ght pan for 8344. Standby. check you ot 8356 Ground, the plan was led a couple of hous ago. 8344. Sound 8344, my apologies. The computer has fled again and so thats obviously the 4 While we're wating for our clearance, is ‘hove a clear area we can anf 1 wa 0 do. ump. 8344 ond B3uq, stand by. Il gt back to you vey shorty. 04 8344 ~ Ihave your fight plan. Stat Up approve. The temperate pas 7 : cpt @ eAs29 United «39 holding on taxoay 5 couné United 439, old positon, There's an EEUEST aircralt eer at Stand 62 blocking your Scene rn pusemmemene Stand. BA Bus Numbers, here ae You? atk norman Hotel 1735 stonated wet uss Sad sa wotete Seat Manbers Bus Wind 360 dees i kr, gusting 27 ket Gauné Roger bus Hang. ve gota fre sity metres, ght now, bokeh 2600, a ees overeast 3500 Temperatures, dew pot, ONH997 yg Mager ta lng hecapaseas LS ny 25 eft approach i use. fvkaza Ryanair 372 request push back stand 53, {nding runway 23 et departing unway 23 ht. eee Pe ered eee eae {L439 United 4g ling on xvas there runway assignments ond hold shor intone se wre Caution forbes nthe vty ofthe ate rrway ; Rev ra evan ot ound Hold poston, 43. There's a maintenance a lor on nal contact you have Hoel Bee rs Ryanair 355 proceed to intersection NA, ald sor ofthe rary rect tay. A eer stl eating ray @ ton intestinal nfrmatin rave, weather a 2355 aa asyUmteaggnolongse & Ueland eoate kta vty tomate Foo”? Unt ho 1200, steed 3oe, overeat Sone emeTaUES, Sans yanarge Rl shot of ena dew pan 8. ON 9 ecopascats FR approche. Sane’ Sos'tne sp ana at ne aeepars itor al runny 26 ean aay 2 eh iSSing he sony. Deprtres, ay 261 Ps approaches Geared for tte, avaible VR ae say decom oTigM AIR pps Gane ortake a ania ead back al hold shont instcins, norm ATC that ‘you have information Brave. DENSE & oount Tu 3. pont hen rend to vacate stand 2 6 Lufthansa 358 approaching gp Message 2 tax Ground KLM a9 runway 24 clear. Hong. $2 Lahoa MR GME timed 1200 hous Volcan oud ‘reported ding south west of ta Fom 2000 up to 30.000 fet, ster can charge stand have to be ea our maintenance ata, nave 3 Rat tyre an the nose gen. oun KUM, 239, do you need a push back ug? rug? angon minute Hell. Hello. ant heave gta rad problem, Tug 3. Ground Lufthansaase, slaw down, tx slowly Ingersection Dg, KUM 29, stand by, ‘ipl VOLMET special broadcast at 0030. Heavy Sandstorm repares saith of Teipl rm ground level up to go00 fet. iol aor cose. Special SIGNET, iassia Tug 3, vacate stand 6 Repor. [Amaya VOLNET special broadcast at 000. Anas uss Tang stow, Stand insight and tit pot closed due to eat Wemor. bloeked, Request stand change Lufthansa 158, Messare 6 saataxy KUM 209, tll hoing. Ot you get ny Xaz3a, heavy stoms approaching the vey ofthe message? Conf stand please. import Alo, sever wind shear reported at 800 est. Tug Ground, read you now. Stand 6 vacated Gting iat 30 minutes. Suggest ou delay your Tugs. departure Sound Roget Tu 3. Lufthansa 58, stand 6s sleared, Proceed staight ahead. Break Message 5 break KLM 219, eld postion. ie way 10 ‘Song wind waning. tially gusts around 25 knots 757 on axnay 2 but gadualyinceasng dung the aemaon to veach ——_stoxp ‘Holding poston, KLM 219. 45 knots by 20007 Dut Stand 6 confirmed Luthonsa 158. Gourd KLM 24, stand 9s clear A maintenance {tuk ts way for your fat. Ta wth ‘auton due ta wars Keep welto thee, ‘219 Stand a9. Hey, can sels of works Request closes valle stand. KLM 230, ‘Thiet, MUN confirm stand Ground request proceed constuction works nen sland 9. Hold Woks 24, stand 9 eady as afl tanker wang and 2 pus back ug there, and can se hey plant nearby his Urgent Works 242 Negative, Ground, can wat ut the heavy hos refutes, UM 2,1 dort want tobe aie, but ‘wha i | need te nearest stand avaiable. shat possbie? Negative. Tu ight oma Lt with auton, go beyond the wks to stand 9. Confirm, KLM 29, Conf stand. KUM ao 1 Be informed. Centetine ight out aferder on s runway 2 Caution, 3 Bead Braking 4 Bee runway. 5. Caution, 6 Bena 2 Construction work atthe edge othe W's marked by ed lags ie. ee epeted atthe holding area. action poor. Caton. se, Standing water atthe midplnt onthe Ssh on stand go. Ie Edge of apron partly covered wth ‘vel oposite the terminal bung Float 215, tal th caution. Snowploush proceeding tothe Roger Final 2us, Singapore 107, ding finished moe than so miutes ago. The deer tucks have siveacy left Request inmedate startup to ‘eet my ste of 25, equine Singapore 107 You hve a ne Slot time of 4, repeat Singapore 107, cnt new lt tine of 40, Dts expet startup because de iting is aeay done Can you put me on request frst before go? Singapore 07 stand by. callyou back ina few seconds, Flanai 215 slow down, old postion at intersection. Srowplough and sweepers at work. Singapore 107, ot tie ill 4a. Roger singapore 7. Fini 21 aig showy to itrsection, but can see snowploush just roving Off. Shula stit nad positon? Fair 21s, caty on straight ahead. Caution wath out or gusting winds wind shear reported. ramcipts | 07 ‘round, Singapore s07 request urgent startup or ithave to get deicng again. Negative, Singapore toy xpec futher ely. Sow banks ae bulding up on ampaced snow at heen ofthe taxa How much longer do have to wat? Singapore x7. I callyoubackina moment, Singapore 7 e rnd ound ound Speedbid 937, push back approved Speeabird 997 Is pushing bak Roger Speesbid 937, tito runway 26 vintaxiay Bt to hoding pint 3 Report holing poet 3. Wind 38 dearees, 5 kos. ON 10 time 23, spetcora937 Teneo pone taxiay Speedbia 937 athalding point 3 way forinmediae deparre Speedbia 937 maintain postion a3 Wait for tanding Abus 320 vaate rune 24 Molding postion tL, wating for Arz0 to vacate. Speeds 937 Speedbid 937 line up and hol, Prepare for departure 937. hold poston, | sy again hold postion a 3. Caca ine wp. ‘aoonede Holding postion at, Speeabird 937. Speedie 937, lar sue take off lesan. There seems to bea problem, “The bus 320 has stopped onthe tune. Stand by, Speedbid 937 Roger, Speeabid 937, Speedbia 937, he problem seens to be over. Te Abus 320 being towed off runway 25 because of major engine fare. expec further delay de to sweepers arin debris. shoul ake no more than 5a 6 mites. Roger. Speedbird 937 Speedbié 937, prepare fr immediate Aeparture. Ready for immediate departure Spedbrd oa7. Spedbid 937, runway 2 cls fr ake oft. uray 24 clot for ake off Speedbid 937. & exchange 1 3 Tower 456, expedite tant runway 06 et opie 455 Which oling point are we heading for? Diocase is usualy A, but Tm aking AG, We get a shorter ray but t's sil OX. neve the this unnay- That se inthe idle backs the vw You ent se heather end unt youre athe midpoint ouer 456, tne up and take off immediately run 06 let lot 4c6 Taking Runway 06 456. Thee are vies on the runway coplorgss Well make it. Vi. rotate ioe 4s6 What he hell ‘opi 4 Looked the works of some sor. ior4s6-— Control, we¥e ust ha a near miss with some vices neat the end ofthe run Tower Yea, we sw 436, Youclened them by ‘ne wiong pon. We do nt have te fl length evalable today xchange 2 AIC BL orientation purposes, Could you to tim le heading 340 VL identi, Maran Fight eel 90, _Afte passing GANET tum et heaing 270, 5% Flight evel go, tum left heading 270. BV. xchange 3 Departure” ss, clin ght evel do, ‘iss Climbing fight lve 90.355. Departure 9551507 agin fight evel Bo, Bo. Keep at fight evel 8o due raf Youre up at soo fet andy Descend ined, ‘noss Did yousay ight evel 8” Are you sure? 5. enarare fir H355-Descend immediately. Thee’ inbound ati at 6 miles om, Fight level 90, xchange & Departure BL, alone 1905, Climb tsght ae heading 050 Repre when you're past S000 feet. at Roger GB Passing 5000 feet. GL. Depote GBL, continue cli fight evel 320, No Speed restictions, Aer Trae, tai Dscend, descend Gor TEAS descend, BL. Diet Car of cones. Gee Cea eon. Level at 500, GL. DeporareGBL, roger. GBL, malta $000 feet. Tum "ahi heaging 090, (BL, clear a wale Neaing 350, Conte li ight evel 20 and call on reaching. 6s Canyou confi climb back 1202 BL. (i, an. Fight evel 120, Heading 350. Do you want to lea repo? cu eraati Ns, what's your lever es out oF 500 for fight level 50, Heading 050. NXE are NSE, a8 ou abe to evel of 3 fe? ft, Naan ooo et canyon Some hear NSE Cvpute NB, at stay one same heading forthe tive bing. You have opposite afc 7009 fet get Tote i hon enange 130 ogy tes nut oldng, Make one tight hand on your eset postion fadleave on beading 30 Report bea fou. 67 Sony=me'e ot verykeen on bing. Doyou mindife haves eve cange intend Dov snc Deestand by free change 0, eve change spree, Cares 1660 Some ein Exp ute hesance a6 Landig des at an 5 xchange 7 Teer Cy cleared rake of wind os eres, ‘stats coy Geared for take of 2 ‘ope OK, we've got red on hysauls—and on ‘ight cons. Rudder erates one overeat Red's everhere now: Da you want 23, abort yur take of Abort you take Of. You've got smoke coming from one of You engines. Abort your lake of copie cay Aboting take off Where's the smoke foming rom? onee _Trappeas fo be fom me cetal engine by the nok ot number 2 prcces Casing down number a. & Exchange 1 5 A Did yousay you checked the QNM setting? B Yeah. Ise, xchange 2 18 Ae ou sure you want us to use taxnay 2 Sony, no. TaxvayP an we us ruay 23 instead of runway 28? B Yep. that's te xchange 1 bia you say you wanted medial assistance? 8 Yes please xchange 5 ‘A Con change 0 ight lave 30 rather than 3107 8 As you wish Fgh lve 350. exchange 6 1X" Camyou confi you've reached ght evel 502 Sure just approaching 150 now, @ Tower 56, a you ready for departure? S ploriss6 Ready. 536. Toner Uss6 ceed fr take of. Wind 270 ogres, 5 foo uoiss5 Cea a ae of Ls. 8 Tone Usg6,be advised elcopter athe end of 37 runway 27 eh loess6 Raling have no visual contac No ralicoper in sight 558. Toner Usgéryee sic Helicopter al the end of te roy. He's just ome fom the not, Contin depart fvrisss We have na is with helicopter. Ae you Suet 56 Tower A= 1586 the lcopters above the ‘una, lots56 What? He's nt even onthe ground? pis ve go him, Ha cont Over here, Took’ He's hovering about 60 feet up at lock Across the aril near the ‘une ist foto that lage buling ists Whee? ‘pias Wall over tothe ight. Beyond the carpark, gp bein the ees, ex tthe chimney. In 3 Fact he get ny loser He'tburp nt Its ie problem. He's wel below our path @ Conmandatons Soros out or slow-moving rac miles ahead of yeu ou pas rein commanciatin 2 YB, avoiding acto, Tun le immediately Neelng 270 ‘eaies,oppste vac at 2 ood conmunciation 3 Yo, acon yout 6 miles overakng Same lve, ommuncation 4 ‘Yes normed Fast moving Wala 2 olack, 6 les ciosing right to lef. 100 fet bow, Trance | 09 ommuncatio 5 YB, conficting aa 9 odo, ommuncation 6 Yau tae 3 of00, 8 mies parallel. 210 1200 Feet elon citing ommancistion 7 "YB, maith eet 8 due converging wae ‘oc, mils, 1000 fet Delo. Maan oun further 26vee, communion 8 Yon youte wal cea of trafic He's verging ay from ys. In your2 6 dock postion. Steaming af oyu Tumbik onto thanks. Sounds he were sing some ur. We'eceiaing an tergeny Retuing to Tun 3530. B3p0 rope Do you want damp any nave, rnsve to gtd ose {cantik ay oveteatng ofthe Bae toe Ad eam dt wan an ol Spiling oto hat rakes. B30. Bys0 do you ree any apart serdces? ‘Math ee some protection, plese. Fc ad esc seco eed B50. 1 Be formed. Weathe balloon ding across your at Fam rat tole eve unknown, bt i's, Spproumately les noth as of your cent 2 Caution. Obstacle warning light on op of 5. Be advised. Fuel dumping in progress 20 miles teas of Aberdeen astbound Fight level io. ‘Avoid ig wth 5 lesa this eve win Smiles fea at ast tn above or 2000 fet Below tis area. 4 Benford. ight fueling in protes 5 les South of Lana's End tly 0 coin ut 500 ure 5 reworks spay within mile aus of xt, Bevon Banned start tines 2000 and expected to iat 30 mines. On ste contact 7265 90 | ansaips (Communication St Beadle. Hang ging competion a Mentye. ‘Orin stat time was 090 2. This now delayed and estictions fo other afc wil become elective at tits 2 and rms force ntl 2059 Z Communication 2 Frees drop roe estblished at Lane's End 5 miles ‘ais of $0067, 0054.023M up ost evel 50 Drop time 000 UTC. Be advise hat there are 2 mp ships cing too kno, cossng the alway for “ight ole Because ofthe ge numbers involve, trafic restcons have been extended uni 100 UTC communication 3 Be advise, Fighter taining over Brocon Beacons was ‘ef stor at 330. Tishas been Brought Fra nd testrcton wl now take eft Far s200 awl ommunistion 4 Be advice, The Bath ots ballon event sched for so00 UTC ut s300 UTC stating late. Sart time snow 1t00 UTC and afi esiions wl be tepended unt 2039 UTC They lo emai a fore unt 1oo UTC. Expect mass ures of hot it balloons, Up to 35 baloon may patinte during ach 3 minute nunc period and maybe found Uipta emis downwind of une ses. Pits ae ‘eqested to errs caution in tre vin. Contlled apace willbe voided unless approved by ATC Communication 5 Laser testing rise enya 930 UT, so trae rections in the Hatfi are ane, ange aaa we dian expect so bumpy vp here! Wold you deck tees any tale sepanton 35, are Byppafiom, You ave wae sheaf. 3 1a. st be woke tren, Would you ite ager eve? 3 All We'd etait tke amore ‘amfontable rie 8999, atc Ban roger. Climb ght evel 270 it should be ee ofrbulenee Expect further cli at 4 you hve any farther problems please advise. exchange 2 ior Ewe've gota problem, this isthe slowest, climb out ever Weve ost engine number see Barkan, bank ange Depate Bude 36, something arg as fal off ‘ck 36 This is mor serious than | hough. Delve an emergency. pure Buck 3 ate you retuning to Lobos? Bucks Roges Retin, Buck 36. xchange 3 Aap Conk equest version to the netest apart. AF 33 aie ——-Arggcundaatand you ae equestng ‘version asym. Sic Abt heating 270. Can you ave rea reason forthe dvesion? rye Soe, We havea sel of exaust umes in the cockpit ac Is thereany smoker ‘59 Negi No smoke, but the smel is teting stronger. 39. xc ‘Rages Continue heading and contact 8.6 835) OK—we'e fine at this eve. ext time please eve us at est 6 mils behind @ heavy. B33. xchange 2 ‘uctjo" Wet turing back to Lohea. think mas the engine the engl fl of Buck 6 sa yur retin. eae going fo maintain thi ean ere having problems wit speed and thigh cml. Buck 36. Desorwre Buck 36, ope Choose your unway. Well lear everthing. Ave you abe to molto terain dearance? ative. Weare malaaning 500 fet. "We ned to get ri of el. Buck 36. porte Buck 36, ope. uch 36 fee36 All pt wan ana 6 et Deporte Buck 3, runway 6 clare to land Buceas) Allright ligt We're landing 6 ef tucks. epsnor Buck 36, lhe gear appears good SBu3e Thankyou Buck 36 Hehe we dt eps Al 36 You ca good jo exchange asp. Parpan,pan-gan, pan pan Fares Tower Fumes a cop Request pianiy Lancing. A papa. Toner P39 pana, Fairview Tome. You ae tube ane, Clare and, Stain anway 37, nd 70 dees, ght has NI 8 Fire service recused ‘Aap Runny 17, QNH 108, AF39 pa pan. Yonwe Take st ight wen vacate. Contact Fe Service dey on 385, Ase Fst BM 185. AF39 Baran F139, Fe Service, Suggest you evacuate yout passenger as soon a possible Freseric Ars Do need an emergency evacuation, Fire Senice We've stl gota strong sil fumes = we may Rave ai leak somewhere. 5: Negative AF39. That wont be neces. The passengers can asembak noma. ‘The bus ust pullng up now ta tae her tothe terminal Me'l come on board 3¢ Seon a5 youre al lea. Fire Series, @& Gxchange 35 jor We have a passenger wth severe chest paln ands ery not tal wel Weve Dacor OX Is the pa aly rushing pala? ‘Mabe moving into his aw o et am? Dacor Shanes of breath? Doctor Mave you worked otf. Exchange 2 ior Wehavea problem wth dabei patent Ne’ quite agressive, but is ie assures sits because he's abet. Apparent he {ook his instin before coming on board as he was expecting to eat shorty atewards We wor delayed though and sat onthe tarmac foran hour and sha 30 be hasn't eaten. is wife is very wore fxchonge 3 Plot Wehave a passenger who's had 2 selaue ‘and the cabin crew are very concemed. She's eplepic sparen stared off ‘ith some toting of he fae ad hands, Buti’ gradually ger wore and woree Hat ams and legs have been jerting al over ‘he place. She seems to have stopped that fm ut she's not awake, Door OK~ sna uncommon for an eiepticto lose consciousness. Maybe even fora Few nuts ut moe sure se's eomforabie ‘nd cannot fall ana hat hersl. xchange Por We havea distressed passenger He's asthmatic and has packed his inhale in the hold. We don't appear to havea doctor ‘on board. This guy's having os of trouble breathing Doctor Dont woty that you haven't got 2 doctor. tes ute manogebie You sou nda Inhaler in your on medical Hel know how fo use if he uses one regularly Tanscips | 98 xchange 5 Plot Wehavea passenger a young boy —with realy nasty stomach pins, The ce ate ‘ery worse it may be agencies Ws, walle nave to divert? Dacre certainy possible but ell me why they thik’ appends ies Wells realy painful —the poor i's in agony. The face realy ed cor Didi come an suddenly? Pict Rseome to have done, Bocor Andis tmade worse by movement? Pict Deitel. Anais stomachs Bk aboard xchange 6 Decor Do youequre medial assistance? Pot Yesywe do, tank you. Weve gota passenger who's fale and ct hs head nay He eesing tt and ther's blood everywhere he's ant a massive bruise all dwn the seo i face 10, Has he lst conscnysness at allo he ust. Parts SE aivea76 Big 8276, essex Approach, oning the hol. Maintaining eee fet. ‘open 276, maintain B00 fet. We are "tperiencng some delays here e276. Wat's the problem? 276 Anproech —276, 1m som) sr~we had delays eater today. We nad some et blast damage ust ‘behind the threshold ook fog tine to ‘arial That's why everyone's backes e ‘ip @275 So how lang can expect o walt meee to 2 down bore 2300, do owraeh Indeed you do, sit Noise abatement regulations ae very sit here. At the Wel Be about half an hour, a east Panta 1898276 Wessex Approach, Big. 276. Can you te mean update? Aopocch think you my be waiting quite 2 while get back o you rot You tan now descend inthe hod to ooo feet. Repot passing 7000. nyu could reduce ter #60~that'd be 200. ast fora bi of spacing fom the one head of Brs Roger. Out of o00 fet for 600 fst. 276 Pant opracch Bie 276, Wessex Approach. 'm sory st ‘ut going to have overt you to ict. Thete sr" me co get you onthe sound before the night nls cure takes tec, Climb imetiatey to 9000 ees heading 1 Gad evening laces and enteman, Ths isthe 57 captain agin apologize forthe delay this evening maf there are severe delays at Wessex dv a ali Wessex as gota nase abatement cen, So we cant and ater pam, We've been diverted to eter Please accept ou since apologies forthe inconverience, We know ths wll mess up a6 of your plans The ebin crew wil continue to ook ater you Unt we rach Exeter, Ground stffin Este il be ayaa to make sure you reach you final destination | soon as possible Bxehange + 3 over Altala 25, if you could come back to ral ‘approach speed there ate a couple oF Aiea want to gel OF ahead of You. 4zh29 Wee ust below 300 mete. Tower” Tm ust walling or one toe aibome. OF, eepahigh pod as mach a5 you ca all the way dows, xchange 2 24.337. Aaa 339, heading ogo ul not tke us tothe locals, We shou ned to tn othe ight turing ight heading 2010 Tower OK the radar shows you jst about onthe certeline now, but you can adit your heading as rogue. Exchange 3 Tower Speed 4, ifyou're able reduce to shout ~ ergo, Cotinue heading 250, un o9e Lfthansa 1390, we are visual Requesting visual approach We got the eteRot trafic above us light tothe et ower Ok he's going around You'e number 2 Inthe sequence and you're dared fora ‘sul ight Rand nay 3. xchange 5 Toner Auton 26, OK, you cat land rom this ‘spproach non, Ive pt someone ead of Yt continue ontrack 09, pea. fe you further vector back 1 the IS, xchange Foner Speedie 44, you're inte. Whats your passing attuder (cos Petersburg Approach, KLM 405. 5 Aoposch KLM 405, Petersburg Approach. Nala alte 2400 mets Atos RUM gos mating alc 2400 meters. opowch Report RE KLM 40s. et aos KEime 26, ald 2400 eters inating OLSON 28: Request descent ‘oproweh KUM 405, descend alitude 1300 meters ‘utes Descending s500 meters. KLM gos, Aopasch Maintain aitide 1500 meters, NH 008 Repor speed 405 ‘gos 230 note ceducing ogo knots, 1008, Ui 40s, Approwen Roget KLM 405, @ Information Romeo: 2000 retard Sno. visiity Ss sy hlomettes, enperatute 4, wine 30,8 kets, ameter 30.00, expect cS or suf wy 24 and 53, advise on fist coat you hae information © Aopen KIM 405, continue heading 270, descend & 00 mete, rede Speed $80 kaos, td report outer marker fr ruray 2 Ie saataos—Heang 270, descend goo mete, reduce speed 38 kts, wl pot cuter marker For runway 28 eh HUM aos. oprah KLM4o5, be advised of wet condtions on fay 262 Aric of slush and a Lots of standing water. ‘atyos Approach, can| change runway? KLA 45, Zovoneh Negative Repos of wet conditions are nat teal, but aust your sped, 405 sat gos prety hea. stn, m overshooting. gown Conn go you ging wane? sping aroun. Aocoueh Understood 405 going around. Cin straight ahead 1 Kltaos Approach, KIN as, established on LS 28 * ‘ah Uma’ the station withthe envoy? ‘eeaach KUM gos sutace conditions no bettor no wate. Runway we, tush in pathes, ‘here’ sight aquaplaing reported, braking ation good Caminue approach on lS, youare numer 2, nue 5 touching down. Be suet check your speed on fal sion4os Thanks, Continuing preach, KLM Go, A @ *L%45 Bray Approach, American 745 at Boe0 ° fee it Romeo, yeast Roger Amesiean 745, Heading 330 Deseend to 300 feet, vectors fo raneay 33. patter forthe visual approach at 79s Approach, american 745, We have you in sig. oer Clee fo ws approach uaway 33. Uh hangon, American 745, We got quit bit taf here today. Do you ind ging for ‘aires Runny 24 Ho problen open OK, setup dowrind for 2, seer 060, Aretian 745 AA. 795 Almatv, wel go runway 24 also need ‘avo, The crew have jst ported @ Smbulnce on ata oposen fi, Rnercan 745, There’ an A320 ahead of you on2 mile short al. Well ‘head of you. You are number a Cleared for visual apreach runway 24. Contact 481765 Good evening Bradley Tone, American 745 downwind for24. omer Amercan 745, cleared, at 795 Ceared lan American 745 @ Tower F22,Nenbuty Tower Tum ight beeing S 60, Reduce sped ta 380 kas. \wr22 Taming iat heading o60, Speed now 200 nots. Taming base leg. 22. omer 8, lard ate 250 fee. Say again 2500 fet Yue already lowe han that ‘You must stay above 2500 fe. ras 2500. F22. 2500. Toner Faa,¥e5~ youre st to low -you have to ba above x00 fects could climb Backup 25 please ahd tm ight now onto 120 degrees. wires Taming 20, 22. Tower Fa2,you ate sil descending! You must, lin now. climb 2500 fel iwes2 soo eet Fa Tove’ Faay cin immediate. Theresa mast ‘ils due east of your current postion. eit s 900 fet. When you ge 10, behigher than you. Fas, QU 982 Cat you confi you ae indicating 5008 hives st gtlt nw and dlmbing. Reading 2000 fect 22 Toner Fa2, you anlevl oft 20c0 fet please toitercept the gdepah at 7 ales. You ae now ear ofthe TV mat Trance | 98 g rem Copter os ‘There's na ECAM message so why don't you check the handbook nw 50 We can ‘wok out haw to get tithing down Safely ‘Would you ke ret put ou thous 0 your company? Possibly, Pethaps you could ge me afew rinutesta check the handbook and hen callback? Roger. cal you bak in 2 minutes, shal Thanks, ‘We've i ides wate the whale of the nose gear damaged think we ought sume may al callapse when we nd. Sure. Landing with abmomal pear here its Fst problem f that ie gear fallapses then both engnenacles wil Cult we shut oo just as we and? ‘Yeah you's better shutdown fr sre, but dont think you shoud leave it too late though. The procedures a shut down before or ring the laning rot ‘rom you wart all the sevices 25 ong 35. possible but were you shutdown one rather than ate, ge SAS 15, you company engineers have requested om pass inspet the goa. You oul do that as soon as you're ready, Te engineers wl give you 3 sual inspection ofthe landing ea. Roger Sounds goed Why don't we come downto about 50 feet OY eel st te way thes Roger. (OK we're at 50 fet. Yeah ek It nt to anaugh The 2a" down but we need 3 much closer Took. what about going do 0300 fet? ‘Shall go down to 2007 (Of, yes. thnk you should because is really cfieut o see mich tthe moment (0, Of, thats get. Yeah “le rose whet is deftly missing but the ight ose ‘heel sin plac. So, heading 32 cmb Yo 3000 fee, You get onward clesrance shot oreoin he ong stack roger 98 | Toners (& *ppmach SAS 305, what's the ul stuation? { Copiotsos We'e a maximum weight ut | ont want ‘wal any longer be dar Soon. SAS -Aowoueh OK, SAS 105 nw you dd specialty request foam, but exec foam cpt In approximately 15 minutes How many passengers aboare! Copionns 937 plus 8 crew senvies needed. SAS ‘es Aopasch Roget, 105 SSS 15, clear for strighin approach, Runway 06 ef. Wind 025,10 knots. NH 100, Fre sence advised, Cope ns 05 establishes opaach 406, contiue to resuce speed. The foam earpet begins 500 motes after the tveehald and contin for hte 799 mete. 15 mets wide Copiotns Roger 15. change + Se ict What are unway conditions the? Dowoach Braking ato poor and there's hese Slush reported a he or en of the run, xchange 2 2ooroth Varig or please note some ofthe ‘caitlin gts ate ising inthe sppteah iting oe 407 roger, you can tum aff the sequence ashes. The runways beataly cet. In fc can you tu the other lights down. ovo exchange 3 Aopoaet £2250, heay tin and strong rosswinds reported, Caton. Windstar on short xchange 4 ATC Reduce speeé to 140 te avid runing into vortex wake ofthe 20 ahead of ou. xchange 5 Gia Panpan, papa, pon-pan, Belle Approach GAB 737, eques emergency sedial support on landing for passenger sh suspecte heart attack Number 4 to land on stright n approach, ATC Roger GAB papa ater nding an you make tt stand x7 the neaes avaiable? co Whatsthe distance? AT ete about 2 minutes ater vacating ‘he urway, GAB pan pan Daw think so e cca: ccrpee rein 9 Heavy, Ground Let um aright let tum 3 Fight um ‘We were given our ge eae, i ti open, but we need to et past he 757 ‘ron ous 99 Hey, you can go behind the 727 and fentinue. Gate 47 fal cle. wtsa 757, Cound (nO Soy, my sp says 727 No problem. Tang to gate 47. American ». Dea continue, hold short of ‘shor af Meta 3 ‘92 Heary, youre short of Mar Yes sit jst short ofA. We're cleared into the gate Tato ramp, good ay Dea give ay to he Ryze entering taxinay A Ten contin fo Your land's ‘round, he A320 aad pst. Ready to roll, proceeding to MA Gate 54 Det ‘round, Mainerance 2, stand 27. Request proceed To workin proress taxiway ‘Stand by Martenance 2, Jeti re you with me aan ‘0k, Walntenance 21 proceed to taxinay vianZandA Proceeding to taxiway L via Zand A, Maintenance 2 Jeti, are you back with me again? Jeti, ae You the one who epoted ‘he number ofthe ruck crossing a the loersection?| Just taney one second, OK (hina 9, holding rey a rm sory, old China 982, Som Freedom A, sy again. ‘ichina 982 holding. "es Ai Ching, head you. Who's the Freedom ai aling?| FHeedom 6:82 beng bloced by Area, 62,1 have your request, stand by. Ae ‘China what cl you want Dir China 982 holing, Dk etbue, what happened withthe truck? ‘We cme out of W tuned igh, and ere crossed bya tuck [noted the number. as 197, You think twas a fat bed 1097, mostly hie? solely was. palling a fates, China 982 fea ota, ‘Ground, Chia 989, herd you, land by. Holing China 982 Tenscips | 98 oy was crossing right a the Wa ntersection "appreciate you reporting. Gourd Ar China lt tur on 22h, ttn a Fight um Bo stand 6 ccagse Tum sihton 22 ight, tum at. Sound Negative Ai hina 982, tun et cept Ie on 2 ia, hen et at ih tm Aekoonledge, ogee China 982 ten eft on 23g then eft at Frtur ight Gund Freedom 6382, wat for Air China heary to vacate 22 fa. Then contiaus, tum rahe 3 F Your gates 52 Caution, constuction wotk at nd of ete, ‘owess Freedom 638 ting, ht ur at F proceeding to gate 52, caution antrtion work $2

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