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THAT man is playing Galaga! He thought we wouldn't notice, but we did...

- Iron Man

PL: 12 (249 pts) - OPL: 12; DPL: 12; HP: 1 



SKILLS: Acrobatics 2 (+5), Athletics (+14), Close Combat [Unarmed] 3 (+9/+11), Deception 3 (+8/+10) [Attractive],
Expertise [Business] 3 (+13), Expertise [Engineering] 12 (+22), Expertise [Science] 5 (+15), Insight 4 (+7),
Intimidation (+5), Investigation 1 (+11), Perception 4 (+7), Persuasion 3 (+8/+10) [Attractive], Ranged Combat
[Weapons Systems] (+4/+10), Stealth (+3), Technology 12 (+22) [Skill Mastery, Ultimate Effort], Vehicles 4 (+7)
ADVANTAGES: Accurate Attack, Attractive (1), Benefit (5) (Wealth 5 [Billionaire]), Defensive Roll (1), Equipment
(5), Improved Aim, Inventor, Precise Attack (2) (Ranged, Cover; Ranged Concealment), Ranged Attack (1), Skill
Mastery (1) (Technology), Speed of Thought*, Ultimate Effort (1) (Technology)

Repulsor Node Arc Reactor: Quickness 4 (Mental Tasks only), Enhanced Advantages 1 (Speed of Thought*), Senses
5 (Normal Vision [Extended], Normal Hearing [Extended], Detect Energy [Mental, Radius, Ranged]), Regeneration 2
(1/every 5 rounds); 10 pts
Mark XXXII Iron Man Armor: 136 pts Traits, Removable (-27 pts), Flaw: Activation (Move Action); 109 pts
Jarvis A.I.:  Feature 1 (Armor A.I.); 1 pt
Translator:  Comprehend 3 (Speak, Understand, Understood all Languages, Flaw: Activation [Move Action]); 5 pts
Cybernetic Strength:  Enhanced Strength 10; 20 pts
Man of Iron:  Impervious Protection 5, Impervious Toughness 5; 15 pts
Self-Contained Environment: Immunity 10 (Life Support); 10 pts
Sensor Array: Enhanced Parry 4, Enhanced Dodge 4, Enhanced Advantages 4 (Accurate Attack, Improved Aim,
Precise Attack [Ranged, Cover; Ranged, Concealment]), Enhanced Skills 4 (Close Combat [Unarmed] 2 ranks, Ranged
Combat [Weapons Systems] 6 ranks), Variable 1 (5 pts traits, Extra: Action [Move], Flaw: Limited [Sensory powers
only]); 27 pts 
Repulsor Boot Jets:  Flight 11 (4000 mph/8 mpr); 22 pts
Weapon Systems: 29 pt Array; 35 pts
Missiles:  Ranged Burst Area Ballistic Damage 9 (Extra: Accurate, Burst Area [30 ft radius], Homing); 29 pts
Repulsor Rays: Ranged Repulsor Energy Damage 13; 1 pt
Micro-Missiles: Ranged Multiattack Ballistic Damage 9 (Extra: Accurate); 1 pt
Uni-Beam Blast:  Ranged Repulsor Energy Damage 15 (Extra: Penetrating 10, Flaw: Distracting, Inaccurate, Tiring); 1
Uni-Beam: Line Area Repulsor Energy Damage 12 (Extra: Line Area 2 [60 ft line], Penetrating 10, Flaw: Distracting,
Unreliable [5 uses]); 1 pt
Holograms: Illusion 10 (Visual and Auditory); 1 pt
Tractor Beam: Move Object 13 (Flaw: Limited to Metals); 1 pt

(25 pts)
Headquarters: (23 pts)
Stark Tower: Size - G, Tough - 12, Features - Communications, Computer, Fire Prevention System, Garage, Gym,
Hangar, Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Power System, Security System 3 [DC 30], Workshop;
23 pts

Initiative +10
Close Attack +6 
Unarmed +9 (+11 in Armor) [Unarmed +3; Armor Unarmed +13]
Ranged Attack +5 
Weapon Array +11 [Repulsor Blast +13; Tractor Beam Move Object +13]
Uni-Beam Blast +9 [Uni-Beam +15]
Micro-Missiles +13 [Ballistic Missiles +9, Burst Area 
Micro-Missiles +13 [Micro Missiles +9, Multiattack]
Special Attack [Uni-Beam +12, Line Area]

Dodge +6 (+10 in Armor) [DC16/20] Parry +6 (+10 in Armor) [DC16/20]
Toughness +4 (+3 without Defensive Roll, +14 in Armor, +6 Impervious in Armor), Fortitude +8, Will +8

Addiction: Other people seem to think he has a drinking problem, HE doesn't seem to think so…
Arrogance: Most people think he is quite full of himself, HE doesn't think so…
Enemy: The Mandarin, Obadiah Stane and family, Justin Hammer and family among others.
Fame: Everyone knows he's Tony Stark, multi-billionaire playboy as well Iron Man.
Power Loss: If the Arc Reactor is somehow removed or seriously damaged, he loses pretty much all his motor
functions, his stats drop to STR 1, STA 1, INT 8, and he loses access to his armor.
Relationships: He is close with Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Jarvis and Steve Rogers.
Reputation: Drunk, womanizer, narcissist, war profiteer, superhero separatist.

Abilities 72 + Skills 28 (56 ranks) + Advantages 17 + Powers 119 + Defenses 13 = 249 / 249

Build Comments: The Invincible Iron Man. Marvel’s cinematic cash cow. Who’d a thunk it?

Secret Origins: Anthony Edward Stark, the son of wealthy industrialist and head of Stark Industries, Howard Stark,
and Maria Stark, is born on Long Island 40 years ago. A boy genius, he enters MIT at the age of 15 to study electrical
engineering and later receives Master's degrees in electrical engineering and physics. After his parents are killed in a
plane accident, he inherits his father's company at age 20.
His party boy public persona and technical innovations in the realm of weapons design made him a media star
practically from day one. About 10 years ago, Stark went to Afghanistan to supervise a field test for one of his
transistorized weapons. He ignored his friend, US Marine, James Rhodes’, concerns that security was insufficient. His
convoy was ambushed and Stark was critically wounded by one of his own missiles. He was captured and imprisoned in
a cave by the terrorist group the Ten Rings. An electromagnet grafted into Stark's chest by fellow captive, the
renowned physicist and Nobel laureate Professor Ho Yinsen, kept the shrapnel shell shards that wounded him from
reaching his heart and killing him. Ten Rings leader Raza offered Stark freedom in exchange for building a Jericho
missile for the group, but Tony and Yinsen knew that Raza would not keep his word.

Stark and Yinsen secretly built a powerful electric generator called an arc reactor to power Stark's electromagnet and
then began to secretly build a suit of armor powered by the reactor as a means to escape. Although they kept the suit
hidden almost to completion, the Ten Rings attacked the workshop when they discovered their intentions. Yinsen
sacrificed himself to divert them while the suit powered up. The armored Stark battled his way out of the cave, only to
find the dying Yinsen, then the enraged Stark burned the Ten Rings weapons and flew away, only to crash in the
desert, destroying the suit. After being later rescued by Rhodes, Stark returned home and announced that his company
will no longer manufacture weapons. Obadiah Stane, his father's old partner and the company's manager, advised
Stark that this may ruin Stark Industries and his father's legacy but Tony’s mind was made up. In his home workshop,
Stark built an improved version of his suit, as well as a more powerful arc reactor for his chest. Stane requested details
but Stark keeps his work to himself.

After some time in seclusion, he attends a charity event held by Stark Industries, Stark that his company's weapons,
including the Jericho, were recently delivered to the Ten Rings and were being used to attack Yinsen's home village,
Gulmira. Stark also learns Stane is trying to replace him as head of the company. Enraged, Stark donned his new armor
and flew to Afghanistan, where he saved Yinsen's village and delivers a devastating blow to the Ten Rings. Later, the
Ten Rings gathered the pieces of Stark's prototype suit and met with Stane, who double crossed Raza and had the rest
of his group eliminated. Stane has a new suit reverse engineered from the wreckage. Seeking to find any other
weapons delivered to the Ten Rings, Stark sent assistant Virginia "Pepper" Potts to hack into the company computer
system from Stane's office. She discovered Stane has been supplying the terrorists and hired the Ten Rings to kill
Stark, but the group reneged. Potts met with Agent Phil Coulson of the "Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement
and Logistics Division", a counter-terrorism agency, to inform him of Stane's activities.

Stane's scientists could not duplicate Stark's arc reactor so Stane ambushed Stark at home, using a sonic device to
paralyze him, and takes his arc reactor. Left to die, Stark managed to crawl to his lab and plug in his original reactor.
Potts and several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents attempted to arrest Stane, but he put on his armored suit and attacked them.
Stark fights Stane, but is overmatched without his new reactor to run his suit at full capacity. Stark lured Stane atop
the Stark Industries building and instructs Potts to overload the large arc reactor there. This unleashed a massive
electrical surge that knocks Stane unconscious, causing him and his armor to fall into the exploding reactor, killing him.

The next day, the press had dubbed the armored hero "Iron Man". Agent Coulson gave Stark a cover story to explain
the events of the night and Stane's death. At a press conference, Stark began giving the cover story, but paused and
then announced that he was Iron Man.

The Story so Far: As Iron Man, Tony fought numerous threats to his company and the world, such as the Crimson
Dynamo and the Titanium Man, as well as independent villains like the Mandarin, who eventually became his greatest
enemy. He was a founding member of the Justice League before leaving with Captain America to start the Avengers.

3 years ago, learning of the government's plans to instigate a Superhuman Registration Act that would force costumed,
super-powered individuals to reveal their identities to the government and sign on as licensed agents, Iron Man at first
sought to defeat the proposal, even going to such lengths as to hire the Titanium Man to attack the hearing on the act
as he testified in order to manipulate opinion in his favor. However, at some point, Tony Stark's opinion of the Act
changed, seeing it as a new means to achieve the goal that he had sought in forming the "Illuminati", and to tie the
knots of friendship between humans and superheroes. He attempted to convince the other members of the clandestine
group to support the new Act, stating that their input could prevent the Act from becoming too restrictive of
superhuman activities, but all except Mister Fantastic rejected the idea of registration.

After the Stamford, Connecticut disaster turned public opinion against super humans and fast-tracked the Act into law,
Stark came out publicly in support of the Act, but the new law split the hero community in two. All of Stark's planning
and manipulation came to fruition as Stark then became the representative and leader of the pro-registration side,
placed in opposition to the anti-registration advocates. After a costly “Civil War” between the two sides, Stark’s pro-
registration side won and Tony took over as head of SHIELD during one of Nick Fury’s absences.

After the Secret Invasion, Tony was replaced as America’s “top cop” by Norman Obsorn, who wanted all the information
on the secret identities of the superhumans that had registered. Tony had them all in his brain and in order to save the
information from Osborn, basically had his brain shut down and wiped. Pepper and some of his other allies were able to
restore his brain and after Obsorn was ousted, Tony resumed his superheroic life and shifted his focus to reigning in
Stark technology that had fallen into the wrong hands.

Characterization: Tony Stark is, for the lack of a better word, complicated. During his early days of success, Stark
was a man who only cared about fame and wealth. He had no sense of responsibility or humility, always rubbing his
success on the face of everyone he met. This all changed when he was captured by terrorists. After building the first
Iron Man armor and escaping captivity, Stark had realized the kind of person he really was and engaged in a life of
heroism to atone for his past mistakes.

Plagued by many vices, Stark is prone to womanizing, pride and alcoholism. This lifetime of troubles has caused him to
develop a cynical view of the world. Despite this, Stark is devoted to truly make the world a better place.

Tony is known as a "futurist". He has stated that the way his mind works he can intuit the future, even being able to
foreshadow that a situation similar to the superhuman Civil War was going to happen, years before it did.

Iron Man is a hero that relies on his intellect and technological resources to defeat foes and achieve victory. Stark
invariably prides himself on being one of the most intelligent people in the world. Tony has survived the superhero Civil
War and Secret Invasion and has come out on the other side. He had to have that Arc Reactor put in to reboot his brain
and as such, he has said to hell with being on the wagon and has gone back to his roots, albeit a bit more closely
monitoring the booze. But not the ladies' or his ego. Steve Rogers and Amanda Waller are concerned, but generally
everyone agrees that this Tony is far more tolerable.

Friends and Foes: Tony’s best friend is Jim Rhodes, but he is probably closest to his long-time secretary, confidant,
ex-girlfriend and current CEO of Stark Resilient, Virginia “Pepper” Potts. He is also good friends with his former
bodyguard and head of security, Happy Hogan. In the superhero community, he is tight with Captain America Steve
Rogers, Bruce Banner and Mr. Terrific, Michael Holt.

Due to his stance on the Superhuman Registration Act, there are several superheroes that still don’t trust him, most
among them Batman and Jenny Sparks.

He has a long list of enemies in the supervillain community, chief among them is The Mandarin. Their history is very
personal and The Mandarin, currently at large, seems to always been plotting against Stark. He also counts the
Titantium Man, The Crimson Dynamo, the Hammer family, the Stane family, Whiplash and the Unicorn among his
recurring foes.

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