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Breeding Science 59: 87–93 (2009)


Variation in root morphology and anatomy among accessions of cultivated rice

(Oryza sativa L.) with different genetic backgrounds

Yusaku Uga*1), Kaworu Ebana1), Jun Abe2), Shigenori Morita3), Kazutoshi Okuno1,4) and Masahiro Yano1)
1) National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, 2-1-2 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan
2) AE-Bio, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan
3) Field Production Science Center, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Nishitokyo, Tokyo 188-
0002, Japan
4) Present address: University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572, Japan

Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) has genetic diversification of root characteristics, but this variation
has not been elucidated fully with reference to the genetic background. To clarify the differences in root
anatomical and morphological traits among different varietal groups of cultivated rice, we analyzed four
anatomical traits (root thickness, stele transversal area, total transversal area and number of late metaxylem
vessels) and two morphological traits (root length index and ratio of deep rooting) in 59 accessions. A previous
principal-coordinate analysis study using data on 179 restriction fragment length polymorphisms classified
these accessions into three varietal groups: 13 japonica, 21 indica-I, and 25 indica-II. Based on a principal-
components analysis of the six traits, the japonica group had wide variation in root anatomy compared to
the two indica groups. In particular, japonica upland rice was characterized by a larger stele and xylem struc-
tures. By contrast, the two indica groups had wide variation in root morphology compared to the japonica
group. Of the two indica groups, on average, the indica-I accessions had deeper, thicker roots than the indica-
II accessions. Our results demonstrate that the japonica and indica groups contain different genetic diversity
with respect to their root characteristics.

Key Words: genetic variation, indica, japonica, root anatomy, root morphology.

Plant roots are crucial for the absorption and translocation standing the variations of root characteristics in rice germ-
of water and nutrients. For this reason, root anatomical and plasm collections will be essential for genetic improvement
morphological traits have been well studied in rice (re- of their root systems. In particular, to facilitate the selection
viewed by Morita and Nemoto 1995). Varietal differences in of materials for breeding or genetic analysis, it is important
root morphological characteristics such as length and thick- to know whether the different varietal groups of rice differ in
ness have been reported in cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) their root characteristics.
in previous studies (reviewed by O’Toole and Bland 1987). Asian cultivated rice has been classified into indica and
In general, the roots of upland rice cultivars are thicker and japonica types based on traits for discrimination, such as
penetrate more deeply into the soil than those of lowland KClO3 resistance, cold or drought sensitivity and apiculus
cultivars (O’Toole and Bland 1987). Root distribution has hair (Oka 1953), and isozyme markers (Glaszmann 1987, Li
also been quantitatively characterized by using several traits, and Rutger 2000) and various molecular markers (Wang and
including root length, volume, and density in the soil at dif- Tanksley 1989, Dally and Second 1990, Zhang et al. 1992).
ferent depths, and these characteristics differed among culti- Recently, Kojima et al. (2005) made a collection consisting
vars (Morita et al. 1995, Nemoto et al. 1998, Hirayama et al. of 69 cultivated rice accessions called rice diversity research
2007, Kato et al. 2007). However, variations in root charac- set of germplasm (RDRS) from 332 accessions maintained
teristics have not been fully elucidated with reference to at Genebank of the National Institute of Agrobiological Sci-
their genetic background in cultivated rice, because only a ences (NIAS) based on genome-wide RFLP polymorphism
few cultivars or accessions with unidentified genetic back- survey. The RDRS were classified into three varietal groups
ground were used in the abovementioned studies. Under- (japonica, and two indica groups designated as indica-I and
indica-II in this paper), based on principal coordinate analy-
Communicated by H. Kato sis using 179 RFLP data (Kojima et al. 2005). The RDRS
Received September 3, 2008. Accepted December 12, 2008. holds 91% of the alleles identified in the original 332 acces-
*Corresponding author (e-mail: yuga@affrc.go.jp) sions. In addition, most of the range of variation in several
88 Uga, Ebana, Abe, Morita, Okuno and Yano

agro-morphological traits from the original 332 accessions is for Rambhog, the indica-II accession with the smallest STA
covered by the RDRS (Kojima et al. 2005), making the (16 342.9 μm2). Khao Nok also showed the largest MXA
RDRS a powerful research tool for discovering potential (21 245.1 μm2) and MXN (6.4), and Rambhog had the smallest
variation in root characteristics and other traits of rice. Our values (2591 μm2 and 2.6, respectively) among the acces-
objective was to detect differences in root anatomical and sions. Only three japonica accessions (Khao Nok, Khau
morphological traits among the three varietal groups of cul- Mac Kho, and Phulba) had STA greater than 70 000 μm2.
tivated rice. To do so, we quantitatively analyzed 59 acces- These cultivars were upland rice according to passport data
sions, including 13 japonica, 21 indica-I, and 25 indica-II, in the NIAS Genebank. Kondo et al. (2000) compared the
with respect to six anatomical and morphological traits anatomy of nodal roots of five japonica and seven indica
(Table 1). Data could not be obtained for all the root traits of cultivars classified by Glaszmann (1987). Among them,
10 accessions from the RDRS collection because of disease three traditional japonica upland cultivars (Azucena,
or insect injury, so these accessions were omitted from the Kinandang Patong, and Moroberekan) had the largest stele
statistical analyses. All experiments were conducted under and MXVII diameters. We used the results for Azucena and
rainfed conditions in an upland field at NIAS (36°1′N, Kinandang Patong as reference values here. The abovemen-
140°6′E). The soil at the experimental site is a volcanic ash tioned three japonica accessions had larger anatomical val-
soil of the Kanto loam type (Humic Andosol). The topsoil ues than those of the two reference cultivars. Our results
(0–30 cm) is a dark humic silty loam (pH = 6.2). The subsoil demonstrated that japonica upland rice was characterized by
(below 30 cm) is a red-brown silty clay loam (pH = 5.8). a larger stele and xylem, and would thus be useful breeding
Chemical fertilizers were applied at a sowing rate of N, P, K material for anatomical improvement of rice roots.
= 26 kg, 36 kg, 28 kg ha−1 in all experiments. Weeds were
controlled by hand weeding and herbicide application. Root length index
Because it is necessary to develop an efficient method for
Root thickness and structures of the stele and xylem measuring the root length of rice plants grown in the field (a
We examined the anatomical traits of roots from the main laborious and time-consuming task), we established a root
culm of the plant according to the procedure of Uga et al. length index as a criterion to evaluate root length in refer-
(2008). We used three plants of each accession, grown at a ence to a root depth index developed by Oyanagi (1998). To
spacing of 20 × 40 cm for 6 weeks in the summer of 2004, to calculate this index, polyvinyl pipes (50 cm long by 7 cm in
obtain cross-sectional images from the third-highest rooting diameter) were buried at a spacing of 40 × 40 cm in the study
node of the main stem. Terashima et al. (1987) reported that field before sowing. The pipes were inserted vertically into
roots selected from the third-highest node could properly the soil, with care taken not to compact the soil contained
evaluate variations of root thickness and vascular system in within the pipe, and a rice seed was sown in each pipe. Three
different varieties, and were therefore used in this study. We rice plants in each accession were grown for 7 weeks in the
stained the sections with Toluidine Blue O to facilitate mea- summer of 2005. Rice plants were pulled out along with the
surement of the following anatomical traits—root thickness pipe in which they were planted, and the root system was
(RTH), stele transversal area (STA), and total transversal washed out from the pipe. The roots of each plant were then
area and number of late metaxylem vessel (MXVII) (MXA divided into horizontal sections at intervals of 10 cm from
and MXN, respectively)—under a digital microscope the basal part of root (0 to 10 cm, 10 to 20 cm, 20 to 30 cm,
(VHX-200; Keyence Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan). We used 9 30 to 40 cm, and 40 to 50 cm), and the root samples in each
images (3 plants × 3 nodal roots) to calculate the mean value horizon distance category were oven-dried at 80°C for 3
for each accession. days. The proportions of total root dry weight in each 10-cm
Phenotypic variations in four anatomical traits of roots in interval were then calculated. These percentage values were
RDRS accessions are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1. Keiboba multiplied by the midpoint depth for each sampling interval
had the thickest roots (RTH = 1155.7 μm), and this value was (i.e., 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 cm). The resulting five values were
1.8 times the value for Rambhog, which had the thinnest then added to obtain the root length index (RLI); the larger
roots (647.3 μm). Despite this wide range of RTH values, we the RLI value, the longer the root system was in total. This
found no statistically significant differences in mean RTH index calculated based on root dry weight may be affected to
among the three varietal groups. Variation in the RTH of the varying degrees by differences in the ratio of root compo-
japonica accessions was thus similar to that in the two indica nents such as seminal, nodal and lateral roots in each sam-
groups, indicating that variation in RTH is not associated pling interval;. however, we preliminarily investigated the
with the differentiation of cultivated rice into these varietal reliability of RLI in several accessions and those with long
groups. On the other hand, we found significantly higher root systems tended to show large RLI (data not shown);
mean STA and mean MXA in the japonica accessions than therefore, we decided that RLI could identify differences in
in the indica-II accessions. Mean MXN, however, showed root length among different varietal groups.
no significant differences among the three varietal groups. The mean RLI differed significantly between the indica-I
The japonica accession Khao Nok exhibited the largest STA and indica-II groups. On average, the indica-I accessions from
(88 155.4 μm2), which was 5.4 times the corresponding value South Asia had longer roots than the indica-II accessions
Genetic variation of root traits in cultivated rice 89

Table 1. Values of the six root traits for the 59 rice cultivars

Variety RTH (μm) STA (μm2) MXA (μm2) MXN RLI (cm) RDR (%)
Name Origin
group Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D. Mean S.D.
Tupa729 Bangladesh japonica 652.2±145.9 16646.5±5478.0 2956.7±925.8 3.8±0.2 6.7±0.5 14.9±1.1
Tima Bhutan japonica 851.6±31.2 22361.2±2040.7 4302.8±334.3 4.1±0.2 7.5±2.4 13.9±2.6
Jaguary Brazil japonica 858.9±62.0 36750.7±3959.9 9555.6±756.9 4.3±0.3 7.3±0.7 24.4±2.5
Dianyu 1 China japonica 759.2±167.1 24767.7±8374.5 5089.5±1429.1 3.2±0.2 6.2±1.0 31.8±5.7
Phulba India japonica 1010.2±86.8 72387.3±9124.1 14774.7±1974.8 5.9±0.4 14.0±1.3 22.3±4.8
Padi Perak Indonesia japonica 986.4±62.9 52387.7±4543.7 11976.4±1107.2 5.9±0.5 9.3±3.0 32.6±9.2
Nipponbare Japan japonica 671.1±66.3 19567.4±4076.1 4235.9±802.7 3.2±0.2 7.4±1.9 15.3±4.1
Urasan 1 Japan japonica 856.6±58.4 66926.0±9692.0 15246.7±2917.5 5.9±0.5 9.9±1.0 46.3±2.3
Khao Nok Laos japonica 1101.8±113.1 88155.4±22297.8 21245.1±5469.5 6.4±0.8 11.6±2.5 39.3±3.4
Ma sho Myanmar japonica 774.2±76.6 50130.2±8715.5 11280.1±2222.9 5.5±0.2 12.2±3.2 25.4±2.5
Rexmont USA japonica 915.4±33.6 47711.7±4744.1 10725.1±1656.0 5.3±0.3 9.1±1.0 23.3±4.8
Khau Mac Kho Vietnam japonica 1080.1±64.8 87082.9±7041.8 18013.9±1484.8 5.6±0.3 10.6±1.3 26.1±7.2
Khau Tan Chiem Vietnam japonica 753.1±73.3 25100.8±3962.3 4786.0±661.0 4.4±0.4 7.7±1.1 22.5±4.4
Shoni Bangladesh indica-I 888.4±51.6 54013.4±4706.0 11220.1±951.6 5.9±0.2 15.1±1.6 64.2±16.9
Tupa 121-3 Bangladesh indica-I 957.3±49.0 44896.6±4779.2 10248.0±1190.7 5.6±0.8 9.7±1.4 52.8±3.8
Jarjan Bhutan indica-I 873.2±30.5 38607.9±1287.4 8677.5±381.1 5.3±0.3 10.8±1.9 27.4±1.2
ARC 5955 India indica-I 866.3±90.3 27623.3±1971.0 5271.6±606.9 4.4±0.3 8.3±1.8 11.6±1.1
ARC 7047 India indica-I 910.7±52.2 30427.2±2212.3 5836.1±241.4 4.7±0.3 9.7±0.2 37.5±5.2
ARC 7291 India indica-I 882.3±10.6 39643.1±3921.3 10331.1±1489.4 5.3±0.9 9.6±2.2 55.7±8.6
Jhona 2 India indica-I 971.2±67.2 42536.7±4927.2 9199.2±1090.2 5.2±0.3 11.7±2.9 29.0±3.5
Kasalath India indica-I 924.0±27.3 30919.5±3846.9 6953.0±728.8 4.7±0.0 8.3±3.0 20.0±6.9
Local Basmati India indica-I 772.7±80.6 24215.6±4941.3 4672.3±901.2 4.6±0.7 10.9±1.9 32.6±5.8
Nepal 555 India indica-I 940.6±90.0 41954.0±6207.2 7883.4±849.2 4.6±0.1 10.8±0.8 43.3±8.2
Ratul India indica-I 882.7±111.3 37030.2±9756.8 7824.0±1801.4 5.2±0.2 8.3±1.1 37.8±1.5
Surjamukhi India indica-I 759.1±93.4 35235.8±8793.8 8134.7±1777.2 5.2±0.4 13.3±0.8 57.2±5.2
Muha Indonesia indica-I 985.3±130.7 41418.9±12562.1 8932.7±2074.8 4.7±0.7 10.4±1.2 29.8±11.3
Anjana Dhan Nepal indica-I 962.1±106.6 39692.0±10231.9 9243.4±2700.1 5.3±0.3 8.7±0.2 36.1±8.5
Badari Dhan Nepal indica-I 951.3±81.3 37592.1±6591.9 7800.0±1121.0 4.4±0.2 8.6±1.7 32.0±6.9
Jena 035 Nepal indica-I 1061.1±67.5 50958.9±5910.6 11027.1±1402.0 5.3±0.8 9.9±0.7 15.9±4.7
Kalo Dhan Nepal indica-I 940.2±43.5 45963.4±4468.2 9989.4±833.9 5.3±0.6 12.7±2.2 17.4±0.7
Nepal 8 Nepal indica-I 1038.0±48.1 55043.9±7132.2 12365.9±2206.5 6.0±0.6 11.3±1.1 29.1±5.6
Basilanon Philippines indica-I 772.7±41.5 22533.2±2413.8 3907.2±412.2 3.3±0.0 12.1±2.5 22.9±5.8
Calotoc Philippines indica-I 787.7±42.0 30889.1±2146.9 7583.1±847.3 4.0±0.5 7.6±1.2 12.3±2.3
Kaluheenati Sri Lanka indica-I 841.1±96.5 35274.9±4875.8 8352.9±1160.4 4.8±0.8 11.2±1.7 48.9±11.5
Asu Bhutan indica-II 819.3±94.3 26738.7±1355.8 5757.0±462.4 4.7±0.0 10.9±0.2 33.6±4.9
Bei Khe Cambodia indica-II 655.8±54.2 19437.3±2259.5 4520.4±590.3 4.7±0.6 6.3±0.6 25.9±3.9
Neang Menh Cambodia indica-II 788.0±44.3 32215.3±2501.7 8056.2±22.9 5.5±0.7 8.6±2.0 37.2±11.0
Neang Phtong Cambodia indica-II 1133.7±64.6 49455.2±5862.2 11349.5±1032.1 5.0±0.0 12.0±1.1 43.3±6.1
Deng Pao Zhai China indica-II 856.9±89.3 26288.6±5224.6 5039.8±1088.7 3.8±0.4 7.4±1.3 15.5±3.9
Jinguoin China indica-II 830.8±48.7 29588.6±2609.5 6101.4±672.8 4.1±0.2 8.9±1.3 38.7±9.6
Keiboba China indica-II 1155.7±101.2 54647.5±4792.2 11749.5±612.0 5.7±0.3 7.6±0.8 14.7±4.1
Qingyu (Seiyu) China indica-II 870.4±104.9 30479.4±5762.2 6375.1±858.9 5.1±0.7 8.5±2.4 10.9±4.6
Ling Shui Chan Hong Mi China indica-II 800.0±62.4 24567.9±3970.4 5378.7±773.0 4.1±0.4 8.4±1.5 45.2±3.4
Qiu Zao Zhong China indica-II 818.6±66.4 26501.2±4509.1 5357.7±699.5 4.5±0.2 8.7±1.6 20.6±4.7
Co 13 India indica-II 774.4±135.8 25063.3±7357.1 4557.9±1462.1 4.4±0.2 10.8±3.1 42.3±5.0
Naba India indica-II 860.1±55.3 29554.7±2096.9 6637.5±1008.6 4.6±0.4 7.6±0.3 41.7±6.3
Rambhog India indica-II 647.3±169.2 16342.9±7986.2 2591.0±659.7 2.6±0.2 8.4±0.6 48.3±10.7
Puluik Arang Indonesia indica-II 990.7±132.0 37262.9±7203.2 7775.2±1605.3 4.4±0.8 7.6±0.4 24.5±4.3
Milyang 23 Korea indica-II 886.4±167.9 28890.8±7074.4 5563.4±904.9 4.3±0.3 9.0±2.4 48.1±4.4
Vary Futsi Madagascar indica-II 737.9±77.2 26732.7±6845.9 5638.8±1591.4 3.8±0.8 7.7±1.3 20.1±2.2
Kemasin Malaysia indica-II 1060.8±29.7 47872.5±2947.4 11985.6±969.2 5.9±0.4 7.9±0.7 11.5±2.4
Radin Goi Sesat Malaysia indica-II 978.4±153.1 37550.8±5876.9 8506.6±1509.1 5.4±0.5 8.8±2.1 12.8±4.0
Bingala Myanmar indica-II 879.1±5.3 35892.7±922.2 7947.8±459.9 5.7±0.6 9.4±1.5 26.3±4.3
Shwe Nang Gyi Myanmar indica-II 875.3±14.2 41734.2±883.6 8908.6±402.2 5.2±0.3 12.0±2.5 19.4±0.9
Davao 1 Philippines indica-II 774.7±43.4 23605.7±2798.7 4988.8±642.8 4.0±0.0 9.4±0.8 31.1±2.7
IR 58 Philippines indica-II 732.2±80.8 21455.3±4322.5 4466.0±809.4 4.3±0.3 7.2±1.6 12.5±0.1
Pinulupot 1 Philippines indica-II 736.7±93.6 25947.2±1246.2 5456.4±131.1 4.7±0.6 6.1±0.5 12.9±2.6
Tadukan Philippines indica-II 806.4±62.5 23381.4±3247.0 5247.2±607.7 4.1±0.4 10.4±0.5 9.7±3.7
Bleiyo Thailand indica-II 1030.1±75.1 56060.7±5003.9 14142.0±1754.8 5.9±0.4 11.1±0.9 11.1±4.6
RTH, root thickness; STA, stele transversal area; MXA, MXVII transversal area; MXN, Number of MXVII; RLI, root length index; RDR, ratio of
deep rooting.
90 Uga, Ebana, Abe, Morita, Okuno and Yano

from East and Southeast Asia. Shoni, the indica-I acces- Ratio of deep rooting
sion with the highest RLI value (15.1 cm), had an RLI value We measured the average growth angles of the nodal
2.5 times that of Pinulupot 1, the indica-II accession with roots by using the basket method (Oyanagi et al. 1993). Kato
the lowest value (6.1 cm). Phulba, a japonica cultivar that et al. (2006) reported that root growth angle was associated
originated in India, had the largest RLI value (14.0) among with deep root development on upland fields; therefore, this
the japonica varieties. These results suggest that many method was used as an index of deep rooting. In this ap-
accessions from South Asia have longer roots than acces- proach, a plastic mesh basket (with open top and bottom di-
sions from other regions. ameters of 15 and 8.5 cm, respectively, and a height of 6 cm)
was filled with upland-field topsoil mixed evenly with fertil-
izer. The baskets were buried at a spacing of 40 × 40 cm in

Fig. 1. Frequency distributions for the six root traits among the three varietal groups in the RDRS. A, japonica (n = 13); B, indica-I (n = 21);
C, indica-II (n = 25). White inverted triangles indicate the mean value of each varietal group. Triangles labeled with the same letter do not differ
significantly (5% level, Tukey’s multiple-comparison test).
Genetic variation of root traits in cultivated rice 91

the upland field. Three plants from each accession were Table 2. Correlation coefficients among the six root traits for the 59
grown in separate baskets for 7 weeks in the summer of rice cultivars
2007. The growth direction of each nodal root was evaluated RTH STA MXA MXN RLI
on the basis of the position where the root elongated across
STA 0.765**
the basket mesh (Oyanagi et al. 1993). These positions were MXA 0.754** 0.982**
classified into upper and lower parts of the basket according MXN 0.676** 0.789** 0.818**
to the horizontal angle with respect to the ground surface (0 RLI 0.332* 0.513** 0.471** 0.471**
to 53° and 53 to 90°). This classification was chosen on the RDR −0.014 0.132 0.130 0.116 0.383**
basis of the report by Kato et al. (2006) on the frequency of * and ** indicate significance at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively.
higher root-growth angles (50° to 90°). We defined the ratio RTH, root thickness, STA, stele transversal area, MXA, MXVII trans-
of deep rooting (RDR) as the proportion of the total number versal area; MXN, Number of MXVII, RLI, root length index; RDR,
of roots penetrating the lower part of the mesh (i.e., the flat ratio of deep rooting.
8.5-cm-wide bottom of the basket) to total number of roots
penetrating the whole mesh.
We found no significant differences in mean RDR among
the three varietal groups. Four accessions, however, exhibit- Relationships between root characteristics and the three
ed an RDR value greater than 50% in the indica-I group varietal groups
(Shoni, Tupa 121-3, ARC 7291, and Surjamukhi). This sug- To elucidate the relationships among the six root traits,
gests that the indica-I group has wider variation in the pro- we examined their correlation matrix by using the principal-
portion of deeper roots than did the other groups. Shoni, the components analysis (PCA) module of JMP version 6.0
indica-I accession with the highest RDR (64.2%), had a val- (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). We calculated eigenvec-
ue 6.6 times that of Tadukan, the indica-II accession with the tors, factor loadings, and principal-component (PC) scores
lowest RDR (9.7%). Shoni also had the largest RLI value. for the six traits of the 59 accessions on the basis of a corre-
Therefore, we hypothesize that this cultivar can elongate its lation matrix (Table 3). The contributions of PC1, PC2, and
roots into deeper soil layers than can most of the other acces- PC3 to the multivariate variation were 62.2%, 19.8%, and
sions. Kato et al. (2006) reported that 12 lowland and upland 8.5%, respectively, indicating that the contribution of PC1
cultivars had RDR values ranging from 9% to 34%. Thus, was more than three times that of PC2. The sum of these
the RDRS contains a wider range of variation in this param- components explained more than 90% of the total variation
eter. of each trait, except for RTH (78.4%) and MXN (78.9%). In
the factor loading, PC1 was most strongly correlated with
Correlations among the six root traits the four anatomical traits, suggesting that PC1 is a function
We correlated the root traits of the 59 RDRS accessions of root anatomical size. PC2 was positively correlated with
with each other (Table 2). There were several significant RDR and RLI, suggesting that PC2 is a function of root ar-
positive correlations and no significant negative correla- chitecture. In particular, RDR was strongly correlated with
tions, but the highest correlation was between STA and PC2 (0.82).
MXA (r = 0.982**). Uga et al. (2008) previously reported a To analyze the relationship between the root traits and the
significantly high correlation between STA and MXA (r = three varietal groups, we constructed a scatterplot of all the
0.923**) in F3 lines derived from across between IR64, low- accessions based on their PC1 and PC2 scores (Fig. 2). The
land rice, and Kinandang Patong, upland rice. Six quantita- PC1 scores of the japonica accessions were scattered more
tive trait loci (QTLs) for STA and MXA were detected on widely than those of the indica groups, whereas the PC2
chromosomes 2, 9, and 10. Of these, five were found in the scores of indica groups were scattered more widely than
same regions of chromosomes 2 and 9. Therefore, the corre- those of the japonica accessions. This suggested that the
lation between STA and MXA can be attributed either to a japonica and indica groups contain different genetic diversi-
tight linkage of the QTLs for these traits or to a pleiotropic ty with respect to their root characteristics. On the basis of
effect of one QTL (Uga et al. 2008). These genetic behaviors the abovementioned PCA results, the japonica group had
may be responsible for the high correlation between the two wide variation in root anatomical traits, whereas the two
traits. The root anatomical traits were not significantly cor- indica groups had wide variation in root system architecture.
related with RDR, but RDR was significantly but weakly Among the indica cultivars, the PC1 and PC2 scores of
correlated with RLI (r = 0.383), suggesting that RDR is con- many accessions belonging to indica-I were found at the
trolled by genetic factors different from those that control right and upper sides of the ordination, respectively, some-
root anatomical traits. Kato et al. (2006) reported that nodal what separated from the indica-II accessions. This indicates
root diameter was closely correlated with RDR, possibly be- that, on average, indica-I accessions had deeper and thicker
cause they used a limited range of accessions that exhibited roots than the indica-II accessions. Most of the indica-I cul-
this correlation. Our results, however, showed no significant tivars are distributed over areas geographically different
overall correlation between root diameter and the ratio of from those of the indica-II cultivars (Table 1). It is possible
deep rooting. that the differences in root characteristics observed between
92 Uga, Ebana, Abe, Morita, Okuno and Yano

Table 3. Eigenvectors and factor loadings for the principal components obtained from the six root traits observed in the 59 rice cultivars
Eigenvector Factor loading
Trait υ1 (%)a
Root thickness 0.43 −0.27 0.17 0.83 −0.30 0.12 78.4
Stele transversal area 0.50 −0.09 0.08 0.96 −0.10 0.05 93.0
MXVII transversal area 0.49 −0.11 0.14 0.95 −0.12 0.10 93.5
Number of MXVII 0.46 −0.08 0.04 0.88 −0.08 0.03 78.9
Root length index 0.33 0.48 −0.80 0.63 0.52 −0.57 99.2
Ratio of deep rooting 0.11 0.82 0.56 0.21 0.89 0.40 99.7
Eigenvalue 3.73 1.19 0.51
Contribution (%) 62.2 19.8 8.5
PC1, PC2, and PC3: first, second, and third principal components, respectively.
a contribution of the sum of the three principal components.

the two groups are associated with geographical differentia- of accessions selected from the RDRS on the basis of the re-
tion. However, we could not explain from our results why sults of this study will thus be useful for genetic analysis or
such differentiation of root characteristics occurred in the breeding to improve root characteristics. Many root traits
indica groups. Further analysis will be needed to clarify were affected by environmental effects such as water regime
varietal differentiation of root characteristics among the and soil condition (Kondo et al. 2003, Kato et al. 2006), al-
indica groups. though Kato et al. (2006) mentioned that environmental ef-
The japonica accession Nipponbare and the indica-I ac- fects on the nodal root growth angle were relatively small.
cession Kasalath, which were used as reference accessions Our experiments were performed only under rainfed con-
for discrimination of japonica and indica accessions in the ditions in an upland field; therefore, further study will be
RFLP survey (Kojima et al. 2005), were located in the third needed to clarify genetic variations in root traits under other
quadrant (with small negative values of PC1 and PC2) in environmental conditions, such as paddy fields.
Fig. 2. When both cultivars were used as reference values for
the genetic variations in root characteristics, we found that Acknowledgments
the RDRS contained wide genetic diversity with respect to
the root characteristics of these accessions. Such wide varia- We thank Dr. M. Shimamura (National Agriculture and
tion may be controlled by many genetic factors. Utilization Food Research Organization) for his technical advice re-
garding anatomical measurements of rice roots. We also
thank Dr. Y. Kato (University of Tokyo) for his technical ad-
vice regarding the basket method. This work was supported
by a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and
Fisheries of Japan (Genomics for Agricultural Innovation,

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