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The morning song

By Jagadish

I was always a venturer of the unknown

Trying to find out the mysteries of the world of known

A lot of words I found in lectures gave me strength

It made me believe in myself and in my might

The old knowledge must die and newer thing should be born

Flow of life rewards positive action and punishes hesitation when unborn

It teaches never be attached to material gifts

And always attach yourself with newer missions

To double income and triple the impact

You have to have personal mastery and professional capability of tact

When young you leave health and believe in wealth

Rest and recovery is not luxury , it is necessity under abundance

We get ideas when we are relaxed and joyful

So every morning own your life

And elevate your personal life

You would always be wise

Elevate !!!!! elevate !!!! Elevate !!!


Results $$$$ Results $$$$ Results $$$


Life @@@@ life @@@@ life @@@

In this world no idea works until you do it yourself

Punctuality is a trait of royalty of self

It is to be kept as nice and simple to absorb

If you rise early you can easily make progress under absorption

It is just ability to work 10000 hours at a stretch without castigation

If you are serious about not to be criticized for

Creativity would soar, energy would double, and productivity would triple

The basic thing needed for above to succeed is honesty of acute

If you want success lead by example with depth as measurement

Make decisions less, keep yourself knowledgeable , have wisdom of books as treatment

It is quality standard which is crucial and not quantity enslavement

Self education is best way to start the journey of world

Top 5% apply superficial mindset to daily attitudes

Creating awareness in and around you is best way to keep yourself with updates

Smaller things can be crucial if you don’t want accidents to happen in life

From the starting to ending one should have commitment towards WorkLife

But never run after money , it is short life , to have longer life

One should address himself to what mistakes the world has done which you shouldn’t do under verve

It is decisions through which results are accomplished

Raise your commitment

Step up your standards

Get busy hardwiring

Because Rome was never built in a day

You are most alive when your heart beats the quickest

We are most awake when our fears scream the loudest

Be persistent , you will never be in tension


I was always a venturer of the unknown

Trying to find out the mysteries of the world of known

A lot of words I found in lectures gave me strength

It made me believe in myself and in my might

The old knowledge must die and newer thing should be born

Flow of life rewards positive action and punishes hesitation when unborn

It teaches never be attached to material gifts

And always attach yourself with newer missions

To double income and triple the impact

You have to have personal mastery and professional capability of tact

When young you leave health and believe in wealth

Rest and recovery is not luxury , it is necessity under abundance

We get ideas when we are relaxed and joyful

So every morning own your life

And elevate your personal life

You would always be wise

Elevate !!!!! elevate !!!! Elevate !!!


Results $$$$ Results $$$$ Results $$$


Life @@@@ life @@@@ life @@@

Leaders have large libraries whereas victims have big tvs

Dedication , commitment drive force an individual to maximize studies

Real leaders always know that there is room for improvement

Daily awareness would give me better daily choices resulting in better choices to advancement

The wisest thing about life is taking care of yourself by leading self

Having abundance is natures way of gift to themselves

Being busy doesn’t mean being productive

It is just that distraction is end to self creativity to being profitable

Creativity and productive people are real warriors of our society

Closer you get to your genius you will sabotage yourself with fears

If you plan yourself lesser than what you are capable off you would be unhappy with tremors

So work one at a time instead of multi tasking in quiet environment

95% waste their time and 5% treasure the same time under context

When you sweat in practice you would always win the war

Your external always expresses inner without always reflects within combat

Your creativity , productivity , prosperity performance and impact are always a sublime expression

whatever you are going inside you is portrayal of above transition

Greatness is an inside game

The only devils in the world are those running in our hearts is adventure

that is where battle should be fought to take a chance

It is ceaseless practice and daily inspiration

Deepest belief in daily inspiration drives your daily behavior as perspiration

Stop cleaning your brain and start cleaning the heart under meditation

Mindset , heart set , health set and soul set is method to take care of rumination

You have to groom up knowledge under mindset

You have to groom up happiness under heart set

You have to groom up bountiful of energy under health set

You have to groom up your spirit daily with genuine leadership under soul set

sincerity is best way to be honest with self to groom up all the products

Insignificant things when done consistently over time yield staggering results

Regularity in mastering them is a necessity if you are amped to make history

That’s why
I was always a venturer of the unknown

Trying to find out the mysteries of the world of known

A lot of words I found in lectures gave me strength

It made me believe in myself and in my might

The old knowledge must die and newer thing should be born

Flow of life rewards positive action and punishes hesitation when unborn

It teaches never be attached to material gifts

And always attach yourself with newer missions

To double income and triple the impact

You have to have personal mastery and professional capability of tact

When young you leave health and believe in wealth

Rest and recovery is not luxury , it is necessity under abundance

We get ideas when we are relaxed and joyful

So every morning own your life

And elevate your personal life

You would always be wise

Elevate !!!!! elevate !!!! Elevate !!!


Results $$$$ Results $$$$ Results $$$


Life @@@@ life @@@@ life @@@

Our culture measures success by how much money we have,

the amount of achievement we complete to behave

how much of influence we reach under operate

Rise and shine you would rise above mediocrity

What make best of bests is not their genetics but habits of normalcy

Commitment, resilience, discipline, perseverance to succeed

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition with mediocre mind

World class will power isn't an inborn strength to habituate

but a skill developed through relentless practice

Personal discipline is a muscle ,

the more you stretch it the stronger it grows as rule

Will power weakens when tired

Installing any great habit follows 4 part pattern for automation of routine when wired

Increasing self control in one area of your life

elevates self control in all areas of entire life

Victory demands consistency and persistency when you are in verve

Following through on what is started

determines the size of personal respect that will be generated

The way you practice the way in private stand

is precisely the way you will perform in public when found

A person should ask for a challenging life style

to become robust and strong willed character as impulse

Dreams don’t come true while one is sleeping under influence

Single way to build will power is to put yourself in discomfort

Reasonable man adapts himself to the world when facing embarrassment

Unreasonable man always tries to make the world adapt to himself when hurt

Self control is much more indispensable than gun powder

The life time habit arc when measured in grains is

The trigger

The ritual

The reward

The repetition

All change is hard at first hand ,

messy in the middle and

gorgeous at the end

Winning formula is victory team is not deciphered how they played the last seconds of the game

They are judged by how disciplined they were at practice before occupation of pastime

One makes ones worst decisions and lowest choice when exhausted to familiarize

That’s why

I was always a venture of the unknown

Trying to find out the mysteries of the world of known

A lot of words I found in lectures gave me strength

It made me believe in myself and in my might

The old knowledge must die and newer thing should be born

Flow of life rewards positive action and punishes hesitation when unborn

It teaches never be attached to material gifts

And always attach yourself with newer missions

To double income and triple the impact

You have to have personal mastery and professional capability of tact

When young you leave health and believe in wealth

Rest and recovery is not luxury , it is necessity under abundance

We get ideas when we are relaxed and joyful

So every morning own your life

And elevate your personal life

You would always be wise

Elevate !!!!! elevate !!!! Elevate !!!


Results $$$$ Results $$$$ Results $$$


Life @@@@ life @@@@ life @@@


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