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CONTENTS Preface ” Adkaowsedgmments wt 1. Introduction to Power Quality 1 1.1 Definition of power quality 4 12 Cautes of disturbances in power systems 4 1.3. Chastication of power qualty issues ? 14 Formulations and measures used for power quality 20 1.5 _ Effects of poor power qualty on power system devices ” 1.8 Standards and guidelines efering to power quality 7 1.7 Harmanic modetng philosophies 6 1.8 Power quality improvement techniques or 19° Summary 89 1.10 Probilerns 90 References 101 Additional bibhography 104 2, Harmonic Models of Transformers 105 2.1. Sinunoidal Ginea) modeling of transformers 108 22° Harmonic losses in transformers 108 2.3 Devatiny of single phase transfonmens ne 24 Nonlinear harmonic models of transformers 128 25 Ferroresonance of power transformers M45 26 Effects of sola-geomagnetic disturtnces on power systems and transformers, 161 2.7 Grounding 165 28 Measurement of derating of three-phase transforens 79 29° Summary 194 210 Probes 195 References 201 Additioral biography 208 3. Modeling and Analysis of Induction Machines 207 3.1 Complete sinusoichl equivalent crcuit of 2 three-phase induction machine mu 32. Magnet fiekis of three-phase machines for the calculation of inductive machine parameters 29 wi Convents 33 Steady-state stablty of three-phase induction machine 34 Spatial (pace) harmonics of # three-phase induction machine 35 Time harmonics of a three-phase Induction machine 3.6 Fundamental and harmonic torques af an induction machine 3.7 Measurement results for thee andl single-phase Induction machines 418 Intor- and subharmonic torques of three-phase induction machines 39 Interaction of space and time harrnoms of three-phase induction machines 3.10. Conclusions concerning induction machine harmonics ANP Voliage-stress winding fares of ac motcrs fed by varkablerequercy, voltage: and current-source pam inverters 3.12 Nonlinear harmonic madets of theeephase induction machines. 3.13, Static and dynamic rotor eccentricity of three-phase Induction machines 3.14 Operation of three-phase machines within» single-phase power systern 3.15. Ciassiication of three-phase induction machines 316 Sumeary AN? Problems: References ‘Adiditional bibography 4, Modeling and Analysis of Synchronous Machines 4.1. Sinusoidal state-space modeling af a synchronous machine in the time domain 42 Stesdy-state. vansient, and subtransient operation 43 Harmonic modeling of a synchronous machine 44° Summary 45 Problems References ‘Additional bibliography 5, Interaction of Harmonics with Capacitors Application of capacitors to power factor correction Application of capictars to reactive power compensation Application of capacitors to harmorve fitering Power quality problems associated with capactors Frequency and capacitance seanning Hairmonle constraints for eapscitors Equivalent circuits of capacizors Summary Protalems etagnrose i ESERERE 2 72 BESRYEE 78 483 “a7 6. Lifetime Reduction of Transformers and Induction Machines 1 6a 62 63 6a 65 66 67 68 69 610 on 612 613 614 615 616 Ratianale for relying on the worst-case conditions Elevated temperature rise due to voltage harmonies Welghtectharmenie (sors Expanents of weighted harmonic factors Additional lasses or temperature rises weesus weighted-harmonic factors Arhenius plots Reaction rate equation Decrease of ifetime du to an additional temperature rise Reduction of liketiine af coinponerts with sétivation enétiy E= 1.) eV due to harmonies of the terminal voltage within residential or commercial utlty systems Possible imits for harmonic voltages Probabilistic and time-vatying natwe of harmonics ‘The cost of harmonies Temperature a a function of time Various operating mades of rotating machines Summary Problems References Power System Modeling under Nonsinusoidal Operating Conditions TA Overview of a modem power system 72. Power system matrices 73. Fundamental power flow 7A Newton-based harmonic power flow 75 Cxsifcation of hermanic power flow techniques 76 Summary 77° Problems References Impact of Poor Power Quality on Reliability, Relaying and Security 81 Reliability indices 82 Deqradation of relabiity and security due to poor powwer quality Toals for derecting poor power quality 84 Tools lor impraving rolbilty and security Load shedding and load management 86 Energy-storage methods 8.7 Matching the operation of intermittent renewable power plants with energy storage 88 Summary 89° Problems References Additional bistograpty Contents 292 #92 493 510 512 512 Pv] S75 578 594 os 659 a a eo 681 70 739 15 755 76 758 m™ 778 vill Contenns 9. The Roles of Filters in Power Systems and Unified Power Quality Conditioners 779 9.1. Types of rontinear loads 782 92 Cassifcation of fiters employed in power systems 78s 93 Passive fters as use! In power systerns 786 94 Active fitter: 810 95 Hybrid power fiters 813 96 Block diagram of active fiers 516 97 Contio! of taters 820 98 Compensation devices at fundamental and harmonic frequencies a 919 Unies power quality conditioner (UPOC) 4g 9.10 The UPQC contred system au 9.11. UPOC control using the park: (OOO) tansfermation 855 9.12. UPQC contro! based on the Instareaneous real and Imaginary power theory 889 9.13 Performance of the UPOC 872 9.14 Summary B82 Relerences 385 10. Optimal Placement and Sizing of Shunt Capacitor Banks in the Presence of Harmonics 887 10.1 Reactive power compensstion 590 102 Commen types of dstibution shunt capacitor banks 293 103 Classification of capacitor allocation techniques for sinusoidal operating conditions 897 JOA Optima’ placement and sing of smunt capactor banks in the presence of hamonves 22 105 Summary sor References 37 11. Power Quality Solutions for Renewable Energy Systems 961 VA Energy consenvstion and effidency oo 11.2. Photovoltaic and thermal solar ipower systerns 75 113. Horizontal - and verticabanes wind power ONP) plants = 114 Complementary contol of renewable plants with ehorgy storage plants 1024 115 AC transmission lines versus DC lines 1055 116 Fast charging stations for electlc cars 105s 117 Off-shore renewable plants 1056 N18 Metering 1056 11.9 Other renewabile energy plants 1057 11.10. Proguction of wutomorive fe! from wind, water, and COs 1058 11.11 Water effickency 1058 11.12. Village with 2,600 inhabitants achieves energy independence 1058 1143. Summary 1060 114 Problems 1060 References 1078 Appendic | 1085 Aoprendi 2 ion Append 3 i) Appendic 4 1103 index 1105

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