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READING TEST Inthe Reacng ost, you wil ead a varity of texts ae answer several ferent ypes of reading comprehension questons. The entre Reading est wil ast 75 minutes. Thora ar hres pats, and tirectons are given for each pat. You are encouraged o answer as many questions as possible wit the tm alowed ‘You must mark your answers on te separate answer sheet. Do nol writs your answersin your test book, PARTS Directions: A werd or phrase is mising in each ofthe sentences below. Four answer choees ae ‘ven below each sentence, Select the best answer to compat he sentence, Then mark the eter 1), (B) (C),(D} en your answer sheet 101. New patents should aniveftaen minutes 105, Bevin Theators wi — allow customers to before scheduled appoinimonts. purchase ckas on is Web ste (A) themselves yet (B) tor (6) since (©) them (c)ever (0) they (0) s000 402. The varson the hxign proposal 106. AIZOffco Products ofrs businesses rust be submited by Friday, way to send invoices fo chants ene (total (A) secure @) many (@)sanuoly (C) fal (©) soourest ©) empty (©) secures 103. Ms. Chol oferscllonts —-~tax preparation 107, Because several committee members have ‘serves an nancial manageront ‘been dalayed, te accounting report wi be ‘consultations. cscussed —~ than planned t today’s (A) cxiyit meeting, (@) othr (9 late (c} bot (©) atest (©) natenly (©)tator (0) teteness 4104, Maya Byun by te execute team to head the new puble relations daparment. 108. According to the revised schedule, the () chose ‘manuatring conterence wl begin at 00, {6 feo ho — B00 A (©) was choosing (8) now {0) was chosen (8) when (©) dueto {) instead of 109. 10. m ma. 113, m4. Wie he station is undergoing rep, the ‘ain will pocoed —— Cumberland without step, (A) aboare (8) tough (C) quckiy (0) staiont Moraes, a geologist rom the Envionmertal lta, plans study the ‘sol fom the mountains ——~ Caracas, out ©) not (Chon (©) araund you have ateady signed up for automatic no fer steps ara @) even (©) additional (Chen ©) amt Confident tht hr. Takash Ota as —- ‘more qualified than oer candidates, ‘agrome Gexparaton hod him asthe re ice president (a) much (©) vory (C) rarely (©) along Plebery Local Maretpiaoe takes pride hn camming only —-— processed day products ‘fom the region (8) nature (@) natures (©) natural (©) naturaty Al of Molina Language insite’ —- have tree or more years of experiance and a vals teaching credonta (A) insructoa (8) insucton (C)instuctng (0) msincons 5. 17, 18. 419, 120, ‘The restaurant ce forthe Montreal Times the food at Cara's Kichen as store end ater fl (red L3 (8) acres (© sence (pcre “The Meryuod Shop wl hold a salen January 19 dear out an —ofhaliday supplies (A) exooss (8) overview (c)oxta (0) opportunity otoos Cating, Io. has acquited wo ather ‘etal companies a part of plan to expand = Europe and asa, (A) each (8) ito (©) hore (©) atwaay According tothe cy planing director, ‘Adelaide's od vic enter mistbe — conte ean begin, (A) completely (8) cofecively () penttaly (0) chy ‘an aocompsned skater —, Me Loewenstein also coaches the \workichampian igure skater Sara Krasnova, he @) him (©) himsar (O} his ‘Solu Asamoah is an innovative arcttec who is ~~ the traktonal approach to constuctingspace-fclent apartment bangs (A chatengo (@) chatanging (c) chatonges (0) chatenges eowone wer Be, ROMERO TEST 25 12. 12. 103. 124, 15, Because of — regarding nis, the hotel manager has nstuctod tho landscaping stat 10 avoid operating equipment before 9:30 a (A) complains (@) matoriats (©) opponents (©) symptoms For 30 yeas, Big Top Prop Company has ‘been the premier —-~ of ereus equipment for troupes eround the wor (A) providing (8) provision (c) provider (0) provides Chris Canto was —-~ te oustanding candies considered forthe Thomas Avard for exceptional police sence. (ay on (@) among (©) during Oyu» Please isiuc employees with questions ‘coneeming the new payrl poy to contact er Ms. Sin act. (®) my (8) mine (C)me o! ‘Atnough the author — presents tho purchase of realestate asa safe investrient, she later doscrbes times that might be ky 9) bib (8) aterward (©) aie {)intaty 126, a7. 128, 129, 120, ‘The research eleased by HenfordTrst ranked automobile companies according to sales —— and nancial postion. () pertorma (©) pertorming (©) portormance {) pertormer ‘An insightul —— in tho Boston Day Post ‘suggests that ofring opportunites for profeesional dovelopment isa valuable ‘method of motivating employees. (0) eta (6) novel (c) catalog (0) directory ‘The Web sto advises customers to review thle orders caefuly as ti cuit to make changes —~ an ofders submited (8) fatiowing (@) once {) right away (0) by means of ‘We-knawn jours Kent Neviwakt pubihod aboakin May acomplaton ‘fF quotes from ntrvews wih various art. (A) featuring (6) features (C) feature (©) feats — delays in the entyay constuction, the ‘Ores Restaurant in Changing wil reopen ‘and provide an atorativo trance unt ll works compete (A) Furthermore (6) Assuming tat (©) Regardless of (0) Subsequently PARTS Directions: Road the torts that olow. A word, phrase, or serence is missing in pats of each ox, Four answer choices fr each question are given below tbe text. Selec the best answer complete the ‘ext Then mark the leer (A), (8), (C),oF(2)on your answer sheet, (Questions #31-134 refer to tha folowing ema “To: Sunt Pai From: Fabrizio Daneti Date: Friday 1 July Sbjct Order #491001, ear Mi Pal “Thankyou for your recent oder zt tan nen sult you ordered is unfortunately not avaiable Inyoursze ats te, we do have te seme syle sockin ht ray. you over now, wo can offer youa 15% scount onthe sui, as wel as re shiping on your order, 60 you could have the ioms by next wesk. If you ae intoreste, please e-mallour ax ‘customer service department and reference the order rumber above ‘We epolsize for any inconveience tis may cause you. We 5 forward to serving you are providing you wih fashionable apparel inthe futwe, Sincerely, Faalo Donet CCusiomer Service Representative 121.) Aor 129. 0 ody Ate {© ora (enn ewe nen 0) tom sel sa. 1 ve ou send you oe as cht 194, 0 ook es (oka (8) Tea ou touring tam (eer bokng (©) Teel oa oy ex soem, (0) had been ig {© Yury exctarge orn ara ‘ame a rest 27 ‘Questions 135-138 oer othe folowing notice For the rst ime, the Oaklle Library is conducting a survey to eam how ican beter the ‘neds of the publ. The nfration gathered rom the suey responses wl hep 88g five-year plan. 55 “The survey can be completed online at wa.cakilelbrayoglsurvey Viskors can also pick up a “eg ths flea te creuation desk onthe frst or Lina patos re sonal encouraged to complete the survey. The Oakville Litcarys open Mendy to Friday ftom 10.00 A, 10 8:00 Pa ‘and Saturday and Sunday fem 1:00, to 5:00 pa, For mareinfermaton, cal 5550190 135, 0) mat AA 17. (Te stons roe sae ost used cet reve ge ©) menteg (8) Peeroo ei se wcor ote Owen en (€) Menon wtb enved oar ve 126. a) ‘ous on (0) Tho pon covers premises, Om tei tars 198, (9 pcan Goons (©) magaze Dew Questions 139-142 referto the following notice. “ge: String Bs Ai the Nort Souh express train wil o longer be stoping ak roan Sout Staton. This wil aflect the express service only local rain sevice wll continue uninterrupted tall ‘sats onthe Norby South tno, ;g5- Groen Sreet Staton Please speak wih a conductor or vist ‘ur Web site ifyou have ary questions Aston, we woul ike to remind paseengers fe be 31a hors a al ines. An increasing 1a umber of passengers are expressing tation with he leel of g5-Please remain mind of those around you and keep mobile phane use at minimum when yu rie the tran “Thank ou or your enoperatien and fr riding Montego Mtr. 386109, (4) nootego metro anncuncing fare 441, (A) adjacent increases, () ncompatbie (6) Nee that Green Street Station vill soon (pote ‘ose. (0) frequent (C) New station fates re avaiable on tis tne. 142. (A) noise (0) Please be acid ofa change to tain (@) oxponso sonia, (©) precison (©) person 140, (8) rogaring (@) inucing ()addeato (0) given tat eo.0v70 me nee De, TEST 29 ro. ‘Questions 143-146 ofr othe allowing et. Ms, Seema Nishad Yadav Engineering Li. 7100 8-4 Pratap Bazar shana 141008 ear Ws. Nisha am wing ta inte you to partpat nthe inca Materials Enginoering Assocation’ (IMEA) ‘rae show this year. As always, he event wl rovide-3- opportune for networking Many vendor have aod resorved booths, However, thee are other ways 0 7- Your ‘company. Those who sponsor a meeting or provide reeshments recsive special acinowledgment inthe program, Enclosed please find inlamationregarng the bade show. includes pcing gg for reserving & booth, lacing ads, and sponsoring an event. in acon fo a st of past petipants. “yaar "ye have questions please contact me by era Sincerely Manik Chaualary IMEA Vener Cordnatr chauhanYmetrahes oan crete 148.0) exons 148.0 matt (rons (oe (Gherorahay aver eente coo 144. 0) pemeto 28 8.1) vo np ou deseo nuh er ner (8) Werove poco yur ad be ha (eminet (DB varputgamtn beret bec O)empte a (©) Your presentation Is scheduled forthe st ey, Directions: n this pat you will ead a selection f txt, such as magazine and newspaper ares, ‘emails, nd instant messages. Each fxt or set of txts folowed by several questions, Select te best answer or each question and mark the letter (8) (8), (C).6r (O} on your answer sheet. ‘Questions 147-148 ree tothe folowing job amnouncoment ee eT CORPORATE TRAINER WANTED ‘San Francisea-based Logistos Advisors, Ine. i seeking an energetic person with strong [ublic-speaking skills to serve asa temporary replacement for an employee who is away on leave. Logistos delivers training classes on Internet security to lange financial institutions and ‘etal businesses worldwide. The successful applicant will be responsible for assisting with training sessions throughout Latin America, hough the sessions are delivered in English, proficiency in Spanish is necessary forthe job. At leat one year of experience as a corporate trainer i any field is highly desirable. The work assignment i for six months the first, ‘wo weeks to be spent atthe Logistos headquarters for inital raining. Interested candidates should submit a cover lett and résumé to by Match I. 447. Whatis NOT a stat roquiementforthe 148. How long with job ast? joo? (4) Two woot (8) Experience working a a flnancil {®) Onemonh Irstitaion (©) Siemoatns (©) Abily t speak more tan one language (0) One year (©) Witingness to ravel internationally (0) Pubic speaking sas so ovro ener ate, vest 31 Tassel omatons aie rar enna it meweas cn, SE eee ojtiga (roptiga (stare (( Koihiga (Sue Kalama | Noprobem, (Soom S| |_ Gat Let me rom once youve fot (Ihave. What you want eo wh Can yousean tha schedule and atch oan -ma pre tse fom my ctl so hae he maging deta or thane adhors whoa sped conacts Wis, Bra, 5 a) =) $810, 21:09 wtatome Hu ata mee shana ie Aca? 1s Sole apy at ge contd a, (0) helsing oaootte pn (6) selsconan par gs cree (8 Sele her mening no 2 4150. For what type of business does Mr. Higa mostly work? () Apublshing company (6) Anotal chan (6) Atravel agency (0) Anoffice suppiy store ‘Questions 151-182 roorto tho folowing document "€@, _ Browning’s Shoe Repair a Order number: V612985 ——_Drop-olf date: November Customer: Janice Goldblatt Contact number: (875) 559-0148 Shoe deseript Style: Lady's.drece choo Size: 7 Color ack Requested repai icbroten heel Ready by: November 14 Repair assigned to: Jack Burs Notes: Apply 10% frequent customer price reduction. Order willbe picked up by Harry Silver. 451. Who mest Moy Me Burs? 152, What does the document indicate about (A) Ms. Gola assistant Ms, Golda? (6) Adopartmont stor salosperson (A) She is ordering a new black cress. () Anemployee at Bromina’s (G) Sho wi recive discount (0) Adelvery parson (C} Sho wal viet Brownings on November 14 (0) Shes attending a special event on ‘November 5 eo on70 ne NDA De, Test remy ‘Questions 159-154 ofr othe ofowing e-ma From: | [Anton Bremen, Production Manager a a [sin coe) Toe foe Dear Mi, Lang Please seth requested breakdown blow: The proposed electronic ck ine wll be male ‘f purs prooced by oa ow factories unless hers noted. They will be appropiate or "hen ove the age of fie an comroed by small handsets Though his isnot my area of “xpetse, personally erin ths prodct sling well hough department sores, Ono you ‘onside the estimated olay, hope We can erarize a mectng wo decide on the project's Feasibility and next sep. ‘Gravtate Phy, o, Toy Truck Planned Prodeton Cost Outing ‘anna Fetory. 20 uns “eras Fact: 2000s est per uit Prat Cig bbe Wes conics =s5coint Cardoad Pssapng =s0z0int (Dove an Tacs by super Poo At) Inshouta labor (025 housint) =$3.60hnt Toa rect Cosvunt Direct Cost $1250» 3000 units Toa inet Overbead Toa Procucton Cort §s7 50000 $1250000 $50,000.00 Best Regards, ‘Anton Breen, Production Manager ‘Gravitate Payle 453. Why ls Mc Bremen writing the e-mail? ‘154. Whatis indicated about the product (A) To as fora review of proposed costs packecing? {@) To porta prabiem wth product pricing (A) Mis docerted wih colors appropiate for (6) To argoe for nreasing an ising etilren budaet (@) tis made fom recycled dopartmont (0) To support aid rom a produet sore packagha. mana (©) tts designed and produced by an ‘outside vendor {0) tis an imporane component of the ene product. ‘Questions 155-87 lr othe folowing ate 155. 156, New Tasteemix Flavor a Big Hit By Deepanjlt Jadoo PORT LOUIS (2 February) — Three wesks ‘ago, Helveia Pood Industries (HEI) lannounced the introduction ofa new favor (of its popular Tascemix breakfast ‘ereal—eogonut eam. — [I] —. HEL also fmnounced thatthe produt would bo avaible for & limited time only, sending Tasieemix enthusiasts from Argentina t ambi i ying ten All six major grocery dstiutors herein Maurits confred that they had eceived lage supply of coconut cream Tastecmin shor after the new product was inode fon § January. —(2]— Both wholesalers expacied it ta be gone by the end of the day HETs current campaign i reminiscent ofthe one i waged four years ag0 when Jnroduced is srawberry- To: (Customer Service Bete: Dear Me Keel, 1am writing o confi your group photography session at 10:00 Aston Saturday, AS ‘iseussed, thi photo shoot wil take place a your restaurant, and Twill photograph your if along the wall ia the main dining ball. You mentioned that Your wabtstat will need to are geting veady forthe day at 10:30 AM, and tht should not be a problem, The shoot shold he finished by 10530 AA Pease lt me know if you have any questions. Otherwise I sce you on Saturday! Hilary Seaton HBS Photography Bistro Enter Bentonside Bistro any day for lunch ‘or dinner, and you'll hear the sounds of clinking forks and chattering patrons. “That's the sound of happy diners,” says Herman Keel, the restaurant’s owner. Opened two years ago, the bistro has ‘exceeded expectations. ‘The menu features traditional Irish dishes prepared by chef Deirdre Hanrahan, She notes, “We choose ingredients that are atthe height of summer, fall, winter, and spring, and showcase these on our menu.” (On a recent Wednesday afternoon, Jacinta Coelho, a visitor from Brazil, was dining al the bistro, “I can’t get over the 198. Who mest key posted the notice? (A) Mis, Seaton (8) Me Keel (0) Ms. Hanrahan (0) Mr Maroney 197. What are employees instructed todo on sunt? (A) Avivo aria than usual (6) Attnd an awards banquet (C) Se nteniewecfor a nawepaner are (©) iecues locations fora photo shoot 198, Whats ndeatad about he walstat? (A) They have been featured in Tasty Btos ‘Magazine mere than once (©) Thy wil be photographed agains a be background (©) Thay take tums working the mening shit (0) Thay wear bihilycotored uniforms Pleases freshness and homemade taste!" exclaimed Ms, Coelho, “It's like the chef ‘went outside and selected the ingredients just for me.” Bentonside Bistro is located at 1644 Bentonside Road and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 pam. The interior is painted in bright shades of blue reminiscent of the ocean, with a rotating gallery of arwork adoring the walls. The staff is friendly ‘and the delicious food is reasonably priced. Reservations are not required. By Declan Mulroney, Staf Writer 199, What iste about the Bentonsde Bistro? (A) tis open every day for une. (6) thas recenty changos ownership. (C) tspecializes in Brazilian cuisine. (0) trovisas the menu seasonally. 200, What does Ms. Coelho say about hermes? (A) Shei improssod wih the quay oft (@) She would ke to prepare one Bk tet home, (6) She saw keatred ina magazine. (©) She bought it was reasonably priced. ls the end ofthe tect. you finish before time i called, you may go ‘back to Parts 5,6, and 7 and check your work. rest 51 ca

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