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Research Methodology

HCMC University of Technology & Education

Faculty of Foreign Languages
Unit 2

Lecturer: Tin T. Dang, PhD

Unit 2
Topics - Objectives - Questions
From an
2.1 • From an interest to a topic Objective to a
2.2 • From a topic to a problem Question
2.3 • From a problem to an objective

2.4 • From an objective to a question

4. From an objective to a question 4. From an objective to a question

 Concrete and carefully composed to
address the research objectives  Framing the research

 Constituting a fair operationalization and  Getting to the heart of the research issue
Research Research
embodiment of a valid set of indicators  Giving direction to the research
Questions for addressing the research objectives Questions
 Indicating what the research is about
 Providing answers which address the  Checking if the research is feasible.
research purposes with warranted data

Developed by Tin Dang, PhD Page 1

Research Methodology

4. From an objective to a question 4. From an objective to a question

students can
expected improve their
outcomes self-study
Students do skills
problem not self-

 Understanding reasons for not self-study

What needs to be  Giving students more homework

done?  Asking parents to keep sts at home after class

 Introducing collaborative projects to students

4. From an objective to a question 4. From an objective to a question

 Understanding reasons for not self-study

 Giving students more homework What are the reasons that
Understanding reasons for
prevent EFL students from
not self-study
 Asking parents to keep sts at home after class self-study?
 Introducing collaborative projects to students

4. From an objective to a question 4. From an objective to a question

What is the relationship

Does staying at home increase
between homework and EFL
EFL students’ self-study?
students’ self-study?
Giving students more Asking parents to keep To what extent is EFL
homework To what extent is the sts at home after class students’ home time
assignment workload related
correlated with their level of
to EFL students’ level of self-
self-study engagement?
study engagement?

Developed by Tin Dang, PhD Page 2

Research Methodology

4. From an objective to a question 4. From an objective to a question

Students take
What are the impacts of part in the
LMS activities
collaborative projects on EFL Students do effectively
Introducing students’ self-study? not use the
collaborative projects to To what extent do
students collaborative projects  Understanding the technical reasons that prevent
sts from using the LMS
facilitate EFL students’ self-
 Understanding the motivational reasons that
study time? increase sts’ use of LMS
 Increasing the weighting of the LMS activities

4. From an objective to a question 4. From an objective to a question

What are the technical reasons that
prevent students from using the LMS? What are students’ motives for the
Understanding the To what extent is students’ time of Understanding the LMS engagement?
technical reasons that LMS engagement relevant to their motivational reasons To what extent is daily consultation
prevent sts from using opportunities for Internet access ? that increase sts’ use of from parents correlated with their
the LMS To what extent is students’ time of LMS children’s engagement in the LMS
LMS participation relevant to their activities?
possession of connected devices?

4. From an objective to a question 4. From an objective to a question

Look at a journal article that you have.
What is the impact of assessment
weighting on students’ level of the  What is the research problem?
Increasing the weighting LMS engagement?  What are the research objectives?
of the LMS activities To what extent is the assessment
weighting correlated with students’
 What are the research questions?
time of the LMS engagement?  What are the answers for the questions?

Developed by Tin Dang, PhD Page 3

Research Methodology

4. From an objective to a question 4. From an objective to a question

Sources for research questions Sources for research questions

 A practical concern  A theoretical concern, testing a theory

 A literature review  A policy
 Identifying a gap in the literature or field of study  Concerns in the media and blogs
 Identifying where the research can build on existing  Society, empirical data

4. From an objective to a question 4. From an objective to a question

Sources for research questions Sources for research questions

 Personal experience, interest or observation  Seminars, research groups, and discussion groups
 Colleagues and contacts  Students
 Experts and practitioners in the field  Societies, associations, and special interest groups
 Conferences and conventions  Spotting where areas are neglected

4. From an objective to a question 4. From an objective to a question

Sources for research questions Sources for research questions

 Existing studies and influential theories  Spotting where applications may lie
 A challenge to or an assumption of an agenda or existing  Spotting where confusions need to be clarified
theory  Spotting where new methodologies and research
 A novel idea which challenges existing ideas or practices methods might be applied
 Funding bodies and/or project directors  Others.

Developed by Tin Dang, PhD Page 4

Research Methodology

4. From an objective to a question 4. From an objective to a question

Generating interesting research questions
General advice for research questions
1 • Identify a domain of literature
 Avoid yes/no questions
2 • Identify and articulate the assumptions that underlie that domain  Avoid negative questions
3 • Evaluate the assumptions that underlie that domain  Avoid the words significant or significance
4 • Develop an alternative assumption ground  Avoid adverbs of frequency
 Avoid using the word prove
5 • Consider this alternative assumption ground in relation to its audience
 Be as specific and succinct as possible
6 • Evaluate the alternative assumption ground
 Stick to what will be studied, not implications or judgments .

Thank you!
👉 More discussions are presented on the LMS.

Developed by Tin Dang, PhD Page 5

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