All The Heads of States of 195 Countries in The World and The United Nations

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All the heads of states of 195 countries in the world and the United Nations,

should address their nations to fight Corona virus as the holy month of Ramazan
starting soon at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic already at its peak. The
month of Ramazan chosen to be the best month by One Almighty God with full
of Blessings and Mercies. In Ramazan, Gates of paradise are opened, Gates of
Hell are closed and the devils are chained up. What better time than any to
draw closer to God than in the most blessed month of Ramazan when Almighty
God makes it easy for us to do good actions so that we may draw closer to Him
especially at a time of greatest need to get rid of virus with God’s will. As fasting
in Ramazan is obligatory to all Muslims every year, it is not only a ritual to
refrain from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk but It is an act of worship to
get closer to God spiritually with dedication and to feel the hunger of the
hungry and the poor who cannot afford to eat their daily bread and to help
them to fulfill their needs with alms and charity.
Since the fasting is also practiced and preached by people of other religions
besides Islam, therefore the people of all religions must join together to fast in
Ramazan to make it an unprecedented and unique way to show the unity and
solidarity to our One Almighty by people of all religions by fasting and praying
for common cause to get the virus eradicated from this earth with God’s will.

All the Muslims and non-Muslims get this rare opportunity to come together as
never before to turn a new leaf to get success in this world and Hereafter. In
order to get fully prepared, the first thing we all need to do is to fulfill ALL of our
obligatory duties and abstain from that which Allah and his last messenger have
forbidden us from, which everyone can find from internet as the last messenger
is mentioned in holy scriptures of all major religions. In this most blessed
month of Ramazan all good deeds are multiplied. The arrival of Ramazan at a
time of calamity of Covid-19 gives a very good chance to the entire world to
take full advantage of the Blessings and Mercies of Ramazan to call One
Almighty God because the same One God belongs to all. It is imperative for
everyone to call upon One Almighty God without joining any partners,
demigods, idols or anything beside Him because it is against the holy scriptures
of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Judaism. Now, just imagine when the
billions of believers in the world prostrate and grovel to One God by praying
with fasting, certainly have an immense effect to be answered by One Almighty
as we supplicate with one voice with tears in our eyes to repent for the sins due
to ignorance and negligence and to prevent and cure all from Covid-19 and
eradicate it soonest. With that, we all hope One Almighty God will do the rest to
eradicate the deadly virus with His will. He is All Hearing,All Seeing and there is
no might nor any power except with One Almighty God.

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