Mini Project TEFL 1 Based On The: When English Rings A Bell

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Mini Project TEFL 1 Based On the

When English Rings a Bell


Agustina Dwi Yuniarsih (A320180259)

Alfiah Oktarika Nurul . K (A320180278)

Muti’ah Nurul Izzati (A320180279)

Rofi Khoirunisa (A320180280)

Nabila Nur Ilmy Shohiby (A320180290)

Class : TEFL 1F


The topic or Theme is Chapter V I’m so happy for you from the pages 65 to 74.

Stage 1 Observing

Observing: In this stage, teacher provide learners with the chance to enggage in an process of
practicing the materials.

Activity 1: Study the picture below and answer the question!

1 2

a. What does the purpose of the picture 1?

b. When will the party take place in the picture 2?

c. What kind of text in the picture?

d. Where the party is held ?

e. Who has birthday party?

Reading a load, the text

Activity 2:
Reading recount text and Answer the questions following the text.
Activity 3:

SMA. Negri 137
JL Mawar 15/26
Telp (0261) 4255612

Dear Samanta
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, August 8,2018
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall
Agenda= final preparation for the 2018 PENSI competition on next Tuesday, please com on time,
see your there.

Chair Person

1. The competition will be held?

A. On Sunday, August 8,2018
B. On Saturday, August 8,2017 >>>>
C. On Friday, June 8,2018
D. On Saturday, June 8,2018
E. On Tueday, August 11, 2018 >>>>

2. Based on the text, we know that.…

A. The meeting will be held in the school hall>>>>
B. If you cloud not come, you should call Naomi
C. The meeting only invites the committee
D. The meeting will be held in the morning
E. The competition will be held in the evening

3. When will the meeting take place?

A. On Saturday
B. In the school hall
C. August 8,2018
D. 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
E. on next Tuesday
4. The event was made by ….
A. The school
B. The government
C. The authority
D. The student organization
E. Fathur

5. The contestant can ask this information to ….

A. The student organization
B. Headmaster
C. The captain of the class
D. Samanta
E. Their friends

Stage 2 Questioning

Questioning : Help students answer the questions they are studying and this following questions
as a guide.
Activity 1: Practice this dialogues with your friends.

Dialogue 1:

Ellen      : Hi Nilam, who will get merried? I see the wedding invitation on the table.

Nilam    : Oh, that’s Harry and Tiffany wedding invitation. They will get merried this
week in Horison Hotel.

Ellen      : I see, will you attend to their wedding?.

Nilam    : That’s the problem. I have to go to London tomorrow for the project in my
company. I’m sad when I knew that I couldn’t come. They are my best friends since I
was in senior high school.

Ellen      : I think they can understand why you can’t come to their wedding.

Nilam    : I hope so.

Dialogue 2:

Wendy : Why you are so serious? What are you doing? 

Dannies : I’m making a design for Sandra’s birthday invitation.

Wendy : No wonder Sandra asked you. You are a brilliant designer. When is the

Dannies : She asked me to finish it before.

Wendy : Is this her seventeenth birthday?

Dannies : Yeah. That’s why she want to make it special.

Dialogue 3:

Tom      : What do you do tonight? Will you join us to go to movie?

Brian      : Oh sorry, I have an appointment. I received a dinner invitation by Mr. Paul. He

asked me to come to his home.

Tom       : No problem. Maybe in the next time.

Brian      :  Thank you, Tom. I hope so.

Work in pairs and discuss the following questions then present in front of
Activity 2: the class

a. What the main information from dialogue 1-3?

b. What of the purpose of the dialogue 1-3 ?
c. What is the dialogue about ?

Activity 3: Asking to find the detailed information

When the party of your friend’s will be held?


1. Rofi 23rd of December





Stage 3 Exploring

Exploring : Show picture and other text not included in student’s book.

Activity 1: Analyzing the meaning of the picture and fill the blank.

Make dialogue using expression congratulate and wish

Activity 2:
Topics :

1. Today is your mother and father wedding anniversary.

2. Today is your friend birthday party.

3. Today is your wedding party and you invite your friends to come.

4. Today is your birthday and you invite your friends to come.

Look at the picture below and find the words!

Activity 3:
Stage 4 Assoiating

Associating : Analyzing data in the form of categories determining data/category relationship,

concluding from the results of the data analyzing.

Activity 1: Comparing the differences of each expressions of greetings

Type of greeting:
Following the picture below are examples of dialogue from greeting:

o Activity 2:
m p
l e
t e

these sentence
below with the
word in the box!

Goodbye How are you Nice to meet you Good morning I’m not
I’m fine See you
1. Ana : Hello, Elsa. (a) . . . ?
Elsa: I’m good, thanks. How about you?
Ana : (b) . . . . See you tomorrow.
Elsa: (c) . . . , Ana.
2. Jack: Good morning, Olaf.
Olaf: (d) . . . , Jack. What’s new?
Jack: Nothing special. (e) . . . .
Olaf: Goodbye, Jack.
3. Jane: Excuse me, are you from Indonesia?
Opi : No, (f) . . . .What about you? Are you Indonesian?
Jane :Oh, yes I am. I’m from Jepara, Central Java of Indonesia. By the way, what’s
your name?
Opi : My name is Opi, and you?
Jane: I’m Jane. Nice to meet you.
Opi : (g) . . . too.

Activity 3: Make dialogue!

Write short dialogues used expression of greeting below then practice with a friends in
front of the class!
1. Today is your friend birthday party and you give congratulate to your friend.

2. Today is your wedding party and you invite your friends to come.

3. Today is your birthday and you invite your friends to come.

Stage 5 Communication

Communication : Encourage the exchange of ideas to promote collaborations

within the class.

Activity 1: Doing games with your friends

Lets play a card game!

 The students are divided into groups of three or four. Each group is given a
set of cards, which they shuffle and place face down in a pile on the table.
 One student picks up a card and uses the prompt on the card to invite the
student on their right to do something, e.g. 'Do you want to go to the park this
 The student on their right then tries to win the card by declining the invitation
and giving a reason, e.g. 'I'm sorry, but I have to study English tomorrow
 If the student does this successfully, the other student gives them the card.
The students are not allowed to use the same reason twice during the game.
If they do or they can't think of a reason, the invitation passes to the next
student on the right.
 This continues until a student comes up with a new reason and wins the card.
Students continue to play until all the cards have been used. The student with
the most cards at the end of the game wins.

Activity 2: Sing song together

Activity 3: Making their own invitation

Exchange the idea between the members of the group

Source from :
1. When English Rings a Bell
2. Functional Conversation Communicating in English Examples And Models Internationals
Edition, Walter Matreyek

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