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Chicken Betutu Gilimanuk

Maybe you are familiar with this one cuisine. This cuisine that comes from the island
of a thousand temples has very unique taste. Yep! It’s none other than a special Balinese
cuisine, Chicken Betutu, a signature from Gilimanuk.
Chicken Betutu is a food made of chicken or duck containing the spices, then roasted
in a fire husk. This special dish has been known throughout the districts of Bali. One of the
producers of Chicken Betutu is Melinggih village, located in Kecamatan Payangan district
Gianyar. Chicken Betutu is also a renown food from Gilimanuk. Betutu is used as a dish at
religious ceremonies and traditional ceremonies as well as a common food. Consumers are
not only the people from Bali but also foreign guests who come to Bali, especially at certain
places such as hotels and restaurants.
In ancient times, Betutu was served for religious ceremonies, but now it has been
made for sale. Traditionally, chicken or duck fillings are usually wrapped in banana leaf, then
braided, and planted in a hole under the ground, covered with embers for 6-7 hours until
cooked. But in modern restaurants now, the way it cooks has been modified.
The meaning of Betutu itself is actually a whole boneless chicken or duck filled with
seasoning and cooked. It can be either baked, dipped, or boiled with spices, such as chili,
pecan, onion, lemongrass, galangal, nutmeg, turmeric, lime leaves, ginger, kencur, coriander,
sugar, salt and other spices.
With a mixture of these spices, no wonder the taste of Gilimanuk betutu chicken itself
becomes very spicy and concentrated. Imagine eating it with your own hand, along with an
iced tea with spicy Chicken Betutu and warm rice. What an amazing combination, which can
certainly make you sweat just enough. If you cannot handle spicy food, you should not try
this particular food since your stomach may not be accustomed to chili.
Not only in Gilimanuk, but Chicken Betutu is also now widely available in other areas
in Bali, such as Gianyar, Tabanan, Denpasar, Kuta, and others. When you visit Bali, make
sure this special dish from Gilimanuk goes into the list of food that you should try.

XI IPA 5/29

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