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Undocumented U.S. Immigrants and Covid-19

Kathleen R. Page, M.D., Maya Venkataramani, M.D., Chris Beyrer, M.D., M.P.H., and Sarah Polk, M.D., M.H.S.​​

n 2019, as the “public charge” rule made its tions, and separation of families
way through the U.S. court system, many low- at the border — so immigrants
Undocumented U.S. Immigrants and Covid-19

are justifiably scared. Expecting

income immigrant parents of American children them to trust the government
in the Johns Hopkins pediatric practice asked our now, during the Covid-19 crisis, is
naive at best. As community orga-
case managers to disenroll their ages all those, including aliens, nizations, activists, and health
children from the Supplemental with symptoms that resemble Co- care providers scramble to reach
Nutrition Assistance Program ronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) out to immigrants and encourage
(SNAP), fearing it would affect (fever, cough, shortness of breath) them to seek care for Covid-19 if
their chances of obtaining legal to seek necessary medical treat- necessary, we are using mitigation
status in the future or lead to de- ment or preventive services. Such strategies that will not compensate
portation. The new public charge treatment or preventive services for years of harm.
rule, which went into effect on will not negatively affect any alien Covid-19 has exposed weak-
February 24, 2020, states that as part of a future Public Charge nesses in the U.S. health system.
“aliens are inadmissible to the analysis.”1 The country faces shortages of
United States if they are unable This statement may feel like personal protective equipment,
to care for themselves without vindication for those of us who tests, and ventilators. As emer-
becoming public charges” (www​ have been warning about the nega- gency departments (EDs) and in-
.­uscis​.­gov/​­greencard/​­public​ tive impact of anti-immigration tensive care units brace for surges
-­charge). policies on public health,2 but we in volume, public health officials
On the day of its implemen- fear this change is too little, too urge people with symptoms to
tation, there were 14 cases of late. Under the Trump adminis- stay home and call their doctor
Covid-19 in the United States. A tration, immigrants have faced before seeking in-person medical
month later, with more than relentless attacks — tightening care. Unfortunately, for many un-
30,000 U.S. cases confirmed, the of the public charge rule, threats documented immigrants, calling
following message could be found to the Deferred Action for Child- their doctor is not an option. The
on the U.S. Citizen and Immi- hood Arrivals program, raids by Affordable Care Act excludes un-
gration Services (USCIS) Public Immigration and Customs En- documented immigrants from eli-
Charge web page: “USCIS encour- forcement (ICE), asylum restric- gibility for coverage, and an esti-

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The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from by Agustín Piscopo on March 30, 2020. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERS PE C T IV E Undocumented U.S. Immigrants and Covid-19

mated 7.1 million undocumented be applied to this epidemic, how- lion U.S. children live in house-
immigrants lack health insur- ever, and for uninsured people, holds with at least one nonciti-
ance.3 As a result, many undocu- worries about out-of-pocket costs zen adult and are at risk of losing
mented immigrants do not have will hinder testing and care, es- Medicaid or Children’s Health
primary care providers (PCPs) and pecially as jobs evaporate. Even Insurance Program (CHIP) bene-
have had to rely on EDs for years. among those with a PCP, the rap- fits, household nutrition assis-
Telling people now to avoid EDs id transition to telemedicine will tance, or both.5 Maryland Medic-
and call their doctors leaves be difficult for patients with lim- aid has stated that children due
those without PCPs in limbo. ited English proficiency who may to re-enroll in March will be kept
The Covid-19 epidemic has ex- lack access to computers for video- enrolled, given the barriers to re-
posed the risk of limiting access conferencing and have to rely on enrollment. The Maryland De-
to primary care for segments of telephonic visits involving inter- partment of Social Services has
the population, including undoc- preters, without the benefit of vi- not yet done the same for SNAP
umented immigrants. sual cues. enrollees; its offices are closed,
For most people, Covid-19 is a As the country has adopted a and online and telephone enroll-
mild illness that can be managed suppression strategy, people have ment are particularly problematic
at home. Limiting unnecessary been asked to stay home as much for immigrant parents.
visits to clinics and EDs will save as possible. The profound eco- Finally, the Trump adminis-
resources for people who really nomic impact of these measures tration must address dire condi-
need them and reduce potential will be especially harsh for un- tions in immigration detention
exposures and ongoing transmis- documented immigrants, many centers. Under public pressure,
sion. It’s important, however, that of whom work in service indus- ICE announced on March 18 that
people who are vulnerable to se- tries such as restaurants and ho- its “highest priorities are to pro-
rious infection — the elderly and tels, or in the informal economy. mote life-saving and public safety
those with chronic medical con- Many immigrants will have no activities,” and that it will there-
ditions — contact providers to income and are excluded from fore focus detention efforts on
determine the need for testing or the social safety net. Extreme those posing a public safety risk
monitoring. Although the immi- poverty will extend to the more and “delay enforcement actions
grant community tends to be than 5 million U.S.-born children until after the crisis or utilize al-
young and healthy, the prevalence who have undocumented-immi- ternatives to detention, as appro-
of diabetes, a risk factor for se- grant parents. The $1 trillion eco- priate” (www​.­ice​.­gov/​­COVID19).
vere Covid-19, is 22% among La- nomic relief package, which in- To promote “lifesaving” activities,
tinos, the highest for any U.S. cludes paid-leave benefits and ICE should release low-flight-risk
racial or ethnic group.4 direct cash for Americans, will not detainees who are in custody. Ac-
Given the collective anxiety re- reach most undocumented immi- cording to ICE, protocols are in
garding the epidemic, even low- grants or their families. place to screen and isolate de-
risk patients may benefit from The disenrollment of immi- tainees with Covid-19 symptoms.
talking to their clinicians about grant families from SNAP over But infections transmitted through
symptoms, getting reassurance, the past year takes on new mean- droplets, like influenza and
and discussing an appropriate plan ing in light of the economic cri- SARS-CoV-2, are particularly dif-
of care. Without a PCP to call, sis resulting from Covid-19. With ficult to control in detention fa-
many uninsured immigrants will children home from school, the cilities, since 6-foot distancing
resort to online information, U.S. Department of Agriculture and proper decontamination of
whether accurate or inaccurate; Food and Nutrition Service has re- surfaces are virtually impossible.
some will go to the ED, perhaps laxed guidelines to enable summer ICE facilities must adhere to
unnecessarily; and others will food service and national school Performance-Based National De-
wait too long to seek care. Under lunch programs to serve meals tention Standards, which include
the Public Health Service Act, the in noncongregate settings, but access to medical care. However,
United States could provide free children of immigrants who dis- most detained immigrants are
Covid-19 care in response to a enrolled in SNAP will not receive housed in one of the more than
public health emergency. It’s still these services. 250 local detention facilities op-
unclear how this provision will According to one study, 8.3 mil- erating under intergovernmental

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Downloaded from by Agustín Piscopo on March 30, 2020. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PE R S PE C T IV E Undocumented U.S. Immigrants and Covid-19

services agreements or private fa- associated with patients with age. A similar process can be ap-
cilities, which are not subject to symptoms of Covid-19 should be plied to detention facilities.
these standards, and medical care covered, regardless of insurance These measures, together with
in these settings is highly variable. status. Establishing multilingual an empathetic and inclusive mes-
Moreover, deaths from influenza Covid-19 hotlines through the 211 sage from the highest levels of
have occurred in federal detention system with capability and clini- leadership, will not reverse but
centers, highlighting lapses in cal backup to triage calls from may mitigate Covid-19’s impact on
care. Covid-19 will further strain symptomatic people could help undocumented immigrants and
a tenuous infrastructure. The bridge the gap to care for those the health of the public at large.
logical solution is to reduce the lacking a PCP. Disclosure forms provided by the au-
number of people in detention as In addition, suspending the thors are available at

soon as possible. public charge rule is imperative From Johns Hopkins University School of
Immigrants are part of our during this crisis. The FFCRA in- Medicine (K.R.P., M.V., S.P.), and the De-
national fabric. Undocumented creases funding for SNAP and the partment of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health (C.B.)
immigrants make vital contribu- Special Supplemental Nutrition — both in Baltimore.
tions to the economy. Many have Program for Women, Infants, and
low-wage essential jobs as home Children in response to the eco- This article was published on March 27,
2020, at
health aides and will be helping nomic impact of Covid-19. But
our vulnerable elders. Others are given the public charge rule, im- 1. Page KR, Polk S. Chilling effect? Post-
election health care use by undocumented
babysitters and are indispensable migrants may hesitate to obtain and mixed-status families. N Engl J Med
to many families in this crisis. nutrition benefits for their chil- 2017;​376(12):​e20.
Responding to the epidemic will dren for fear of deportation or 2. Radford J, Noe-Bustamante L. Facts on
US immigrants, 2017. Washington, DC:​Pew
require a unifying approach. It family separation. Furthermore, Research Center (https://www​.pewresearch​
will be difficult to reverse years of eligibility criteria for these bene- .org/​hispanic/​2019/​06/​03/​facts​-­on​-­u​-­s​
anti-immigrant policies and rhet- fits should be liberal to ensure -­immigrants​-­current​-­data/​).
3. Cheng YJ, Kanaya AM, Araneta MRG, et
oric, but we believe it’s essential that the most socioeconomically al. Prevalence of diabetes by race and ethnic-
that the administration address disadvantaged, including people ity in the United States, 2011-2016. JAMA
the needs of undocumented im- without traditional proof-of-income 2019;​322:​2389-98
4. Zallman L, Finnegan KE, Himmelstein
migrants in its Covid-19 response. documents, are not excluded. DU, Touw S, Woolhandler S. Implications of
They can start by expanding Finally, low-flight-risk immi- changing public charge immigration rules
access to care. The Families First grants should be released from for children who need medical care. JAMA
Pediatr 2019 July 1 (Epub ahead of print).
Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) detention. Facing the threat of 5. 2011 Operations manual ICE perfor-
passed on March 18 provides cov- Covid-19 in prisons, local juris- mance-based national detention standards
erage for Covid-19 testing for the dictions have begun reducing in- 2016 revisions. Washington, DC:​Depart-
ment of Homeland Security (https://www​.ice​
uninsured through National Dis- mate populations by identifying .gov/​detention​-­standards/​2011#wcm​-­survey​
aster Medical System reimburse- people detained for minor crimes -­t arget​-­id).
ments. This is welcome news but or vulnerable to severe infection DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2005953
does not go far enough. All care due to underlying conditions or Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Undocumented U.S. Immigrants and Covid-19

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The New England Journal of Medicine
Downloaded from by Agustín Piscopo on March 30, 2020. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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