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Practice Exam 2 Part 1 For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, G or D) best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: © Aincreased B grow C formed D developed ABS ° ALASKA When Alaska became one of the United States in 1959, it (0)... the size of the USA by a fifth. (1)... this huge state, with the largest mountain in North America, has the second smallest population. This (2)... that there are stil large numbers of wild animals (8)... 8s polar bears, moose and seals, and trapping and hunting are major (4) ... . The largest group of (6)... people living in Alaska is the Inuit, who used to be (@) .... 88 Eskimos. Most of them hunt or fish, but some of those living in cities are (7)... in government work. ‘Anchorage is the largest city in the state, with a (8)... of around 230,000. In 1964, large areas of the city ‘centre were (@) ... in an earthquake but the people soon rebuilt the offices and apartment buildings. ‘Although it is only 571 kilometres (10)... of the Arctic Circle, Anchorage has a surprisingly mild (11)... . Because of its remote location, Anchorage (12)... many tourists who want to (13)... life in the wild. A (14) ... number of them fly into Anchorage International Airport before hiring a pilot and (15) into the remote areas of Alaska. 4 A Otherwise B Despite cet D Though 2 Ameans B proves, © demands D shows 3 Asame Bsimiiar C such Dike 4 Aindustries B companies C firms D bodies 5 Astarting B first original Dative 6 recognised Boclaimed Called Dknown 7 Ainvolved B occupied focused D included 8 Apopularity B population C people D residence 9 Acollapsed B dropped C destroyed D broken 410 Adown Besouth C below Dunder 11 Atemperature —-B warmth C weather Dolimate 12 Aappeals Battracts brings D etches 13 Acxperience B contact C realise D look 14 Amajor Beonsiderable _C broad D plentitul 15 Aputting out B taking up C setting off D letting down Part 2 For questions 16-30, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: [0 | aivcut WHAT WE EAT WITH Have you ever stopped to think (0) af the things you eat with? (16)... knives have been known since ancient times, forks have been with us for a (17) . shorter time. Most people in the West almost always used their fingers to eat (18) .... the fork became common at the end of the seventeenth century. People (19) 1 to have knives to cout their meat and a kind of spoon to eat soup (20) .... + but the fork as we know it AN) re days was rare. (22) en , forks did exist in the kitchen, These were large and used for holding meat while it was (23). Forks for eating (24) first introduced into Europe through (25) Byzantine Empire in about 1100 and slowly spread north through Italy and France. (26) .. ' the sixteenth century, rich people in England began to catty (27) .exrmn case containing a knife, fork and spoon, (28). they would use when they ate. ‘Through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, knives and forks became more (29)... we know them today. They were produced in large numbers and became the traditional way BO) ssesssesentntnene eating in Western countries. Use of English Skills / Practice Exam 2 35 Part 3 For questions 31-40, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five ‘words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 You must do exactly what the manager tells you. carry You must .. instructions exactly. ‘The gap can be filed by the words ‘carry out the manager's’ so you write: 0 | carry ont the manager's 31 The match has been delayed until a week on Monday. put They until a week on Monday. 32 We spent the whole afternoon watching videos. but We did . videos all afternoon. 33 Sally advised me to see a doctor. better Sally said ‘see a doctor. 34 It's not worth sewing this old jumper. no There ‘sewing this old jumper. 95 Prices have increased by five per cent in the last year. increase There... snnnnseeunn five per cent in prices in the last year. 96 | last wrote to my grandma about two months ago. since Hen snvenes | last wrote to my grandma. 37 We finally managed to persuade my dad to let us go to the concert in We finally .« my dad to let us go to the concert. 98 Although she couldn't speak French, Vanessa decided to move to Paris. unable Despite Vanessa decided to move to Paris, 89 | looked quickly through the letters that had arrived that morning, had le . through the letters that had arrived that morning. 40 Our boss said she had had enough of our arriving late. refused Our boss said she with our arriving late, 36 Part 4 For questions 41-55, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be thera. If a line is correct, put a tick (/) by the number. a line has a word which should not be there, write the word on the left. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00). Examples: v joo] cut MY FIRST JOB INTERVIEW ____ My first job interview was something of a disaster. | got up about ‘ext an hour before the interview, took out a quick shower and put ‘on a new suit | had bought. The weather which was awful so | decided on a taxi would be a good idea. | called the taxi ‘company and they said that they would send a taxi round to my house. After haif an hour, | thought it was getting rather than late, s0 | had called them back. They said that the driver _— couldn't find my house! | gave to them the address again and they promised that he would be getting there shorty. Finally, he arrived and we left forthe office where the interview was taking place there. We had gone about a mile when there was a loud ‘bang and the car went itself out of control. The driver stopped and {got out. We had a fiat tyre! | paid him quickly and started running in the rain. | got 50 wet that it looked like | had been swimming! | got to there twenty minutes late and my new clothes were ruined, The people were sympathetic and said that they would interview me anyway. I did my best one, but | didn’t get the job. GLBBLSSELSERERLSC Part 5 For questions 56-65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to forma word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: [0 | certainly JIM HENSON ‘You may not have heard of Jim Henson, but you have (0)..cevtaily.. seen some of his CERTAIN creations, the Muppets. Henson wanted to make education mre (56) vuv.nummn for ENJOY Children and to help them (57) wm.m:one thei experience. He had used puppets a litle BROAD when he was at school and he frst performed in ant (88) .eern-n SHOW called Sam — EDUCATION and Friends. Young (59) ..-...n.-u- liked the characters Henson created and he later VIEW ‘worked on Sesame Street. Using characters living in the Same (60) wn: » Sesame NEIGHBOUR ‘Street taught children about ideas such as (61) . a8 well as basic reading RESPONSIBLE {and writing skills. In the world of Jim Henson's Muppets, (62) joe €nd friendship HONEST are as important as a sense of humour, The show (63)... -». became very popular RAPID with young children. The (64) of adults also enjoyed the Muppets and Jim — MAJOR Henson was one of the most (65) respected puppeteers of hs generation. HIGH Use of English Skills / Practice Exom 2 7

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