Marjan Punzalan: Faculty, Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

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Faculty, Humanities and Social Sciences Strand

UST Angelicum College
How do stressors limit
n. Any event or circumstance that strains or
exceeds an individual’s ability to cope (Blona,
A stressful environment might lead adolescents to experience distress,
which is an intense stress, as a result of a response that persists for a
longer period (Fydenberg, 1997).
Stress can make acne worse.
Researchers say stress-related
inflammation rather than a rise
is sebum (the oily substance in
skin) is to blame.

Chronic stress floods the brain
with powerful hormones that
are meant for short-term
emergency situations. Chronic
exposure can damage, shrink,
and kill brain cells.

By Sharon Horesh Bergquist
Refer to this link:
What is the
major source of
your stress?

The sources of stress in adolescents range from the daily, trivial, and common hassles of daily living to
major events. Although they may appear trivial, the common hassles contribute to negative psychological
outcomes and may even have stronger effects than negative major events (Schaefer-McDaniel, 2007).
According to Erik Erikson (1968), the
crisis of the adolescent stage involves a
struggle to define one’s self-identity
while still fitting in and being
accepted and thus risk being influenced
negatively by bad influences.

The need to be independent while still

craving for peer approval can be a
source of several stressful situation for
an adolescent.
Family conflict, parenting approaches,
and relationship with family members
have been associated with reports of
mental illness among adolescents.

Disagreements or arguments with

parents tend to cause depressive
symptoms and internalizing of emotions
for adolescents which can lead to
anxiety and depression (Reuter,
Scaramella, Wallace & Conger, 1999)
Some school-related pressures include
academic pressure put on by parents,
teachers, or him/herself to perform
exemplary in school and to obtain good
grades, and the pressure to excel in sports
or extracurricular activities.

Trying to keep up with heavy

extracurricular activities, while maintaining
highly active interpersonal relationships,
can be overwhelming and may eventually
cause anxiety.

Stress is not always a bad thing. When people experience just the right
amount of stress, it may lead them to become more productive. Stress
triggers the body to do everything to be able to survive; by either
engaging the predator in combat or fleeing from it.
n. The kind of stress that is helpful in promoting one’s
growth and development by providing sufficient
challenges that allow one to become more resourceful
and show initiative in problem-solving.
1.Tackle the problem. 4. Recognize how you deal with stress.

2.Create a stress journal or include 5. Find a healthy ways to manage stress.

the topic in your personal
journal. 6. Take care of yourself.

3.Develop a “stress relief 7. Reach out for support.

What do you think school should do to
help students deal with their academic

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