Appearance D) 4 Days Before and 5 Days After Rash

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Chicken pox is infective a) 2 days before and 2 days after rash

appearance b) 2 days before and 5 days after rash

appearance 4 days before and 4 days after rash

appearance d) 4 days before and 5 days after rash

appearance [Ref. Park 22/e p136]

8) Prodroma b) incubation 6) Bruptive d) Convalescents fitef K Park 2018 p1391

7. Most serious complication of Mastes 3) Koplik spots b) Parotitis 6) Meningoencephalitis d) Nephritis

[Ref K. Park 22/6 p1391

2. Infectivity of Chickenpox lasts up to: a) 3 days after rash b) All the scabs fallout c) 6 days
after rash d) Eruption of rash [Ref. Park 21/e p134, Park 22/e p136)

8. Most common cause of death due to

3. Which of the following is the reservoir for measles? a) Man b) Soil c) Fomites d) Monkey [Ref.
Park 21/e p137, Park 22/e p137-39]

a) Pneumonia b) Secondary bacterial infection e) Otitis media d) Measles

encephalitis 9. To eradicate measles the percentage of the population to be
vaccinated is at least a) 70% b) 80% c) 85% d) 95% [Ref. Park 21/e p139, Park
22/e p141)

4. True about measles: a) Koplik spot appears in Prodromal stage b) Fever stops after onset of
Rash c) Vaccine given at 9 months d) It is not diagnosed when coryza and rhinitis is

absent e) A,B&C [Ref. Park 21/e p136-40, Park 22/e p137-39]

10. Measles vaccine is not given before a) 9 months b) 12 months c) 15 months d) 18 months
[Ref. Park 21/e p139, Park 22/e p141]

5. Measles vaccination campaign between 9-14 years age for elimination is: а) Keep up b)
Follow up c) Mop up d) Catch up [Ref. K Park 20/e p135-138]

11. Positive Schick test indicates: a) Immunity to diphtheria b) Susceptibility to diphtheria c)

Hypersensitivity to diphtheria d) Infection with diphtheria [Ref. K. Park 19/e p137)

6. Koplik's spots are seen in:

7. Health status of two populations is compared by:

a) Standardized mortality b) Case fatality rate c) Survival rate

d) Secondary attack rate [Ref. Park 21/e p55, 56, Park 22/e p56, 57)

of the following is estimating the burden of a disease in the community

2) Discuse specific mortality b) Proportional mortality rate c) Maternal mortality rate

d) Child mortality rate SE Park Se p54, Park 20 p55) 2. Case fatality rate is

2) Spreading power of a disease b) Killing power of a disease in a time cKilling power of a disease with no

interval d) Resistance of disease Ref. Park 21le p54. Park 22le p55]

8. Odds ratio is an estimate of

a) Relative risk b) Attributable risk c) Prevalence

d) Incidence rates [Ref. Park 21/e p69, Park 22/ep70)

3. Severity of the disease is best assessed by:

) Disease specific mortality rate b) Crude death rate c) Age specific mortality rate

d) Case fatality rate Ref. Park 21/e p54, Park 22/e p55]

9. Regarding case control study, true is:

a) Useful for rare diseases b) Takes longer time c) Relative risk can be calculated

d) Incidence can be calculated [Ref. Park 21/e p70, Park 22/ep71)

4. Case fatality rate indicates:

2) Herd immunity of disease in community b) Infectivity of disease c) Kalling

power of disease d) Relative importance of disease in

community [Ref. Park 21le p54, Park 22/e p55)

10. Case control studies do not provide following, except:

a) Attributable risk b) Prevalence of disease c) Incidence of disease

d) Odds ratio [Ref. Park 21/e p69, Park 22/ep70)

5. Sullivan's index is the measure of:

3) Disability rate b) Pregnancy rate c) GNP

d) Literacy rate [Ref. Park 21le p25. Park 22/e p23)

11. Calculate the relative risk for a population in which incidence of disease among exposed is 20 and
among non exposed is 4:

a) 16 b) 0.5 c) 24

d) 5 [Ref. Park 21/e p74. Park 22/ep75)

6. Killing power of disease is:

a) Secondary attack rate b) Case fatality rate c) MMR

d) IMR [Ref. Park 21le p54. Park 22/e p55]

12. Attributable risk gives a better idea of: a) Strength of association between
cause an

effect b) Impact of successful preventive heal

program 162

7. Health status of two populations is compared by:

a) Standardized mortality b) Case fatality rate c) Survival rate

d) Secondary attack rate [Ref. Park 21/e p55, 56, Park 22/e p56, 57)

of the following is estimating the burden of a disease in the community

2) Discuse specific mortality b) Proportional mortality rate c) Maternal mortality rate

d) Child mortality rate SE Park Se p54, Park 20 p55) 2. Case fatality rate is

2) Spreading power of a disease b) Killing power of a disease in a time cKilling power of a disease with no

interval d) Resistance of disease Ref. Park 21le p54. Park 22le p55]

8. Odds ratio is an estimate of

a) Relative risk b) Attributable risk c) Prevalence

d) Incidence rates [Ref. Park 21/e p69, Park 22/ep70)

3. Severity of the disease is best assessed by:

) Disease specific mortality rate b) Crude death rate c) Age specific mortality rate

d) Case fatality rate Ref. Park 21/e p54, Park 22/e p55]

9. Regarding case control study, true is:

a) Useful for rare diseases b) Takes longer time c) Relative risk can be calculated

d) Incidence can be calculated [Ref. Park 21/e p70, Park 22/ep71)

4. Case fatality rate indicates:

2) Herd immunity of disease in community b) Infectivity of disease c) Kalling

power of disease d) Relative importance of disease in

community [Ref. Park 21le p54, Park 22/e p55)

10. Case control studies do not provide following, except:

a) Attributable risk b) Prevalence of disease c) Incidence of disease

d) Odds ratio [Ref. Park 21/e p69, Park 22/ep70)

5. Sullivan's index is the measure of:

3) Disability rate b) Pregnancy rate c) GNP

d) Literacy rate [Ref. Park 21le p25. Park 22/e p23)

11. Calculate the relative risk for a population in which incidence of disease among exposed is 20 and
among non exposed is 4:

a) 16 b) 0.5 c) 24

d) 5 [Ref. Park 21/e p74. Park 22/ep75)

6. Killing power of disease is:

a) Secondary attack rate b) Case fatality rate c) MMR

d) IMR [Ref. Park 21le p54. Park 22/e p55]

12. Attributable risk gives a better idea of: a) Strength of association between
cause an

effect b) Impact of successful preventive heal

program 162

107. Man is obligatory host for:P

#) Malaria b) Tetanus c) Rabies d) Measles

b) Defining the population at risk c) Rapid search for all cases characteristics d)
Verification of diagnosis



edifiable risk factors for coronary heart

108. Modifiable i

disease are: P a) Age b) Cigarette smoking c) Sedentary life style d) band c

115. Which of the following statements is not correct in respect of rubella? A a) Sub-clinical cases are
rare b) No carrier state for post-natal rubella C) Infants with congenital rubella shed the virus in urine d)
Man is the only reservoir

109. The risk factors for cervical cancer are: a) Genital warts b) Multiple sexual
partners c) Upper socio-economic status d) a and b

116. Post-auricular, occipital and posterior cervical lymphadenopathy is classical

presentation in case of: a) Chicken pox b) Measles c) Rubella d) Mumps [Ref. K. Park 22/e

110. Addiction occurs due to all of the drugs EXCEPT: C a) Alcohol b) Cannabis
c) Cocaine d) Heroin

117. Classical triad of congenital rubella syndrome includes all of the

following except: 3 a) Patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) b) Hydrocephalus

Cataract d) Deafness

111. Koplik's spots are the diagnostic sign of one of the following diseases:
a) Rubella b) Whooping cough c) Measles d) Mumps [Ref. K. Park 22/e

118. Maximum risk of congenital malformation is related to maternal rubella

infection during pregnancy of: A a) Less than 11 weeks b) 11-16 weeks c) 17-26
weeks d) 27-36 weeks
112.Chemoprophylaxis is indicated in all of the following except: a) Typhoid b) Malaria c)
Cholera d) Meningococcal meningitis

rake is 4th year

Which of the following best describes the obiective of an epidemic
investigation? * To define the magnitude of the epidemic

To determine particular conditions and

119. Which of the following statements is not true in relation to communicability of mumps? D a)
Maximum infectiousness occurs about 48 hours before onset of illness b) Exposed non-immune
persons are infectious from 12-25 days after exposure c) 30-40%cases are sub-clinical d)
inapparent infections are not communicable

factors responsible

Identify the cause/source of infection O make recommendations to


d) To make rec recurrence 9) All of the above

120. Commonest complication of mumpsis: a) Encephalitis b) Pneumonia c) Orchitis

and oophoritis d) Myocarditis

114. First step

estigation of an epidemic is:D

In the sequence of actions for

epidemic is: confirmation of the existence of an epidemic


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