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Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2003; 22: 555–558

Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/uog.935


Mass screening for fetal malformations:

the Eurofetus study

Eurofetus Project Leader and Honorary Professor of Gynaecology
and Obstetrics and Honorary Director of the Gynaecology and
Obstetrical Ultrasound Unit, CHU Brugmann, Brussels, Belgium.
Current address: 4 Derby Avenue, B1050 Brussels, Belgium

Obstetric ultrasound has universal use in developed

countries but at different levels of expertise between
the various centers. Because the correct practice of a comparable prevalence of malformed fetuses (1.9%
ultrasound is strongly operator-dependent, education and 2.0%, respectively). Another two studies appeared
and training are of paramount importance. Ultrasound in journals in 1999 and 2001, reporting results from the
malformation screening is the best example of this need for Eurofetus study5 and the Euroscan study6 .
education and training. Screening for fetal malformations The Eurofetus project7 was designed to test the effi-
is generally regarded as a worthwhile endeavor and is ciency of ultrasound in detecting fetal malformation in
taken for granted in the field of obstetric ultrasound. a mass screening program. Eurofetus was conducted
Obviously, the best results in detecting malformations prospectively between 1990 and 1993 in institutions
will be obtained by the most skilled operators. However, in which good conditions for fetal examination were
it is unrealistic to consider organizing a screening program present, and the program was focused on screening for
that is dependent on the participation of expert operators congenital anomalies in non-selected pregnant women.
only. Such expert operators are naturally requested for The ultrasound units involved included personnel (nurses,
targeted examinations, however they are not sufficiently midwives, technicians, physicians) with daily experience
numerous to be able to handle a mass screening of routine obstetric ultrasound and who practiced malfor-
program involving all the pregnant patients attending mation screening on a regular basis as a full- or part-time
their institution of which only some 2% will have a occupation. Additional training personnel could be part
malformed fetus. of the examiners’ team under the supervision of the expe-
Discussion as to whether antenatal screening for fetal rienced professionals. Although most of the collaborating
malformation is justified will not be included here. It units included at least one individual with average to high
is generally accepted that ultrasound screening is a expertise in fetal ultrasound, the staff members in gen-
useful procedure for a number of important reasons. eral were not expert in fetal malformation assessment at
Ultrasound screening permits the diagnosis of the majority tertiary level experience.
of structural abnormalities and a more rational approach All the patients with an indication for ultrasound exam-
to the diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities; it allows ination were systematically removed from the Eurofetus
termination of pregnancy at the parents’ request for severe study in order to comply with the non-selection principle
abnormalities, while for operable lesions it permits the and to retain the average frequency of anomalies found
organization of optimal care or surgery for the newborn in a normal population, i.e. 2%8 . We have commented
and psychological support for the parents. My approach previously on the relationship between the frequency of
to the purpose, organization, methods and benefits of the important group of congenital heart defects and the
screening have been extensively discussed elsewhere1,2 . sensitivity of fetal malformation screening2,9 .
In this Editorial I will address the efficiency of mass In 2001 the Editorial in the October issue of this
population screening. For this reason it is important to Journal was dedicated to the Euroscan study6 . The
consider sensitivity studies performed on large population Eurofetus and Euroscan studies had similar aims and
samples. Only a few papers in the literature have the European Union sponsored both studies. Fortunately
analyzed routine scanning on samples from more than these studies were not duplicative but complementary,
100 000 pregnant women. Two papers published prior therefore making appropriate use of the European Union
to 19963,4 reported a screening sensitivity for major funding. In addition to sharing certain similarities, the
malformations of 26.7% and 28.5%, respectively, with two projects also exhibited fundamental differences.

Copyright  2003 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. EDITORIAL
556 Levi

Let us examine the similarities first. The aims of the data concerning 76% or 2600 out of the 3400 of the
two projects were similar, i.e. evaluation of the prenatal Eurofetus malformed fetuses).
detection by ultrasound of all congenital malformations • The Euroscan detection rate was not given as a whole
in unselected populations. Both studies adopted the but only for specific classes of anomalies.
same endpoints, such as excluding identical minor
malformations together with anatomical ‘peculiarities’ I will now illustrate some rarely considered facts and
regarded as ultrasound markers of a potential genetic misconceptions by considering the Eurofetus study. The
malformation. severity of the anomalies and the outcome for malformed
However, the material selection for the two stud- fetuses are rarely considered in screening studies. I will
ies differed. Indeed, Eurofetus was a prospective illustrate this with reference to congenital heart defects
institution-based study while Euroscan was a retrospective (CHD) to show the influence of severity on the outcome
population-based study (the data were collected from mal- of screened fetuses. CHD are chosen for two reasons:
formation registries covering several defined geographical
• CHD can be equally distributed into serious and
relatively benign lesions.
Thus the comparability of the studies might be altered
• Antenatal diagnosis of CHD is difficult, unlike other
by subtle bias as follows:
severe lesions such as those affecting the central nervous
• The expertise of examiners from a geographical system (CNS), and the number of detected cases of CHD
area-based study can be very heterogeneous, reflect- does not greatly exceed the non-detected cases. Hence,
ing the totality of ultrasound practice from basic comparison between missed and detected anomalies
office to tertiary ultrasound units. Basic office prac- becomes statistically assessable13 .
tice – characterized by relatively few patients and a rare
Eurofetus has shown that the global sensitivity of CHD
occurrence of malformation – is usually linked with
detection (34%) is significantly lower when compared to
low expertise. Specialized units usually have a high
CNS (88%) and to urogenital malformations (89%). This
throughput of malformations and are usually run by
observation would appear to support some of the reserva-
expert personnel.
tions expressed with regard to CHD screening. However,
• Low-risk and documented high-risk pregnant women
the study also demonstrated that there are large differences
are mixed in a population-based study although
in sensitivities between isolated and associated CHD sensi-
an excessive number of high-risk patients might be
tivity, 23% vs. 67% respectively, and between severe and
included in samples from areas characterized by a high
benign isolated lesions, i.e. 56% vs. 5%, respectively. It is
concentration of obstetric tertiary centers.
therefore obvious that a shift in the proportion between
Although a standard region should have a full range the subgroups can alter significantly the sensitivity figures.
of ultrasound skills and an average number of fetal Conversely, let us reflect on what we can expect from
malformations, the weight of each of these very different antenatal detection. Although discussed on several occa-
practices in making up the totality is not known. sions, it remains paradoxical that the fetuses that are
Conversely, Eurofetus had a more homogeneous practice, diagnosed antenatally have a poorer outcome. This can
thus making it easier to evaluate the overall and the be explained by the fact that the majority of the detected
individual unit performance. abnormalities are severe malformations compared with
We have tracked down samples exceeding 30 000 preg- those not diagnosed (85% vs. 36%, respectively).
nant women and observed that the sensitivity observed in The detection of fetal malformation reduces signif-
population-based studies (24% to 38%)4,10 – 12 was lower icantly the number of affected newborns. Among the
than in the Eurofetus institution-based (61%) study5 . pregnancies with the most severe CHD (68 cases), 52%
Some methodological differences are observed also: of the detected cases were terminated, while an addi-
tional 12% died in utero and 24% died before day 6.
• The proportion of false-positives is not available for the Conversely, all of the missed abnormal fetuses were born
Euroscan study. alive but 51% died before day 6. It is possible to rule out
• Major malformations not detectable by ultrasound the effect of pregnancy termination by examining the less
were excluded from the Euroscan study. severely affected fetuses (297 cases) since none of these
• Unlike the Euroscan project, all the Eurofetus centers was terminated. The total spontaneous loss was 19% in
have a routine screening policy: at least one scan around the detected group vs. 3% of the missed cases. Obviously,
the 20th week for nearly all the pregnant women the set of detected anomalies included more severe lesions
attending the institutions. than the set of non-detected anomalies.
• The frequency of malformed fetuses or babies in the The antenatal detection of cardiac malformation does
Euroscan study is 1.15%. This is considerably lower not influence the rate of Cesarean section. The complexity
than the mean frequency disclosed in the Eurocat of the defect favors per se the occurrence of premature
Registry of malformations (2.27%)8 , which includes birth, as observed in both the antenatal and postnatal
most of the registries covered by the Euroscan study, diagnosis groups.
and also much lower than the frequency disclosed by We encountered a cardinal problem in attempting to
Eurofetus (2.0%). (NB. Extrapolation from available complete one aspect of the Eurofetus study. We failed to

Copyright  2003 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2003; 22: 555–558.
Editorial 557

achieve a satisfactory analysis of the cost–benefit aspect available for mass screening, ultrasound personnel
of the screening project. Despite the expertise of the involved in moderately busy obstetric ultrasound units
specialized team in charge of the project, it appeared that should be trained to recognize deviations from normal
the costs of the scanning process and the consequences and when these occur to refer cases on for diagnosis or
of false-positive and false-negative cases were impossible for substantiation to a tertiary center. We naturally would
to calculate. Our health economist experts were unable advise policy- and decision-makers to adopt the Eurofetus
to obtain financial data of sufficient quality from the method of screening practice, i.e. to direct pregnant
institutions involved, and in addition the available health patients to ultrasound units familiar with malformation
statistical data were often incomplete. The shortage of screening at least for the 20-week detailed anatomical
records required to calculate the costs with even minimal scan. Some practitioners may need convincing both of the
accuracy to achieve average scientific standards meant need for routine screening and the need to refer patients
that the cost–benefit calculation had to be discarded. on to a tertiary center and it is important to present to
However, a few studies on the costs associated with such individuals detailed results from the available mass
specific malformation identification can be found in the screening programs. It would be a mistake to consider
literature together with additional references 1,14 – 18 . only the sensitivity as the main criterion since a variety
The high number of malformed fetuses in the Eurofetus of parameters can alter the relevance of a given detection
database provides robust information on the frequency rate. Some of these factors are:
of particular malformations in the population together
• The frequency of malformations and of malformed
with meaningful statistics on the detection rates of these
fetuses in a given sample.
• The incidence of each anomaly and accurate classifica-
At the beginning of this article the clear dependence of
tion under the international code.
ultrasound screening efficiency on education and expertise
• The proportion of severe and benign malformation in a
was stressed. However, at a similar level of expertise,
given sample.
screening efficiency might be altered by other often quite
• The proportion of isolated and associated malformation
simple factors such as an excess of routine work or
in a given sample.
the inclusion of too many scanning staff members. Too
• The number and timing of ultrasound examinations.
many routine anatomical scans done each day, combined
with the expected low prevalence of anomalies, can Other important factors are more difficult to quantify
result in lowered operator attention. Too many part- such as:
time scanning staff members could reduce the average
expertise level. Indeed, looking at the overall detection • The education, training and expertise of the exam-
rate in the Eurofetus study (sensitivity 61%) we noticed iner(s).
that the highest sensitivity (71%) was reached by 45 • The motivation of the examiner(s).
centers scanning a population of less than 1500 pregnant • The quality of the available ultrasound equipment.
patients per year, while the three centers scanning in excess
of 4000 patients per year achieved a much lower average These objective and subjective factors have to be taken
sensitivity (47%), thus suggesting that a high throughput into account when evaluating the obvious significance
lowers screening efficiency. of ultrasound sensitivity in the detection of fetal

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558 Levi

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Copyright  2003 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2003; 22: 555–558.

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