Merged Reading Pack

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Name Passage #9

Draw one detail.

Highlight the words:

said have
friends they

Tim made a mess. Look at this

mess! Who will help? “We have no
rags,”said Pam. “We have no
mops,” said Ted. “I will pick up,”
said Tim. “I can get most of it,”
said Pam. “I can help too,” said
Ted. Tim was happy for the help.
Tim has good friends.
53 words
Name Passage #10
Where did he find the car?
Highlight the words:

my red
looked the

I lost my red car. I looked under my

bed. I looked in my toy box. I looked
behind the door. Where is my red car?
My mom looked under the rug. My dad
looked for my red car also. We couldn’t
find my red car. I asked my sister if
she had seen my red car. She said, “ Go
look on your desk.” I ran into my room.
My red car was sitting on my desk. I
love my red car! 82 words
Name Passage #11
Draw the setting.
Highlight the words:

went I
beach the

I went to the beach. I went swimming.

I made a sandcastle. I flew a kite. It
was hot at the beach. I played with my
friend Jack. We looked for seashells.
My dad got us ice cream. It was good.
Now it’s time to go home. I tell Jack
bye. I go home with my seashells. I
can’t wait to go to the beach again. The
beach is fun! 70 words
Name Passage #12
Draw your favorite animal.
Highlight the words:

green red
pink white
orange purple

The red fox can trot. The pink pig

can skip. The brown dog can bark.
The black cat can run. The green
frog can hop. The yellow chick can
peck. The white duck can swim. The
gray mouse can sing. The orange
fish can grin. The purple rat can
chat. What can you do?
54 words
Name Passage #14
Draw your favorite animal.
Highlight the words:

was saw
Monday we
were went

My class went to a farm on Monday.

We saw many animals. I saw horses,
cows, ducks, and pigs. I liked the baby
chicks. They were so little and cute.
We rode a wagon to see the corn,
pumpkins, and beans. We picked a
pumpkin. My pumpkin was so big! We
had fun on this field trip. I can’t wait
to go back! 60 words
Name Passage #15
Draw your favorite animal.
Highlight the words:

who where
on with
ran the

The duck was driving the bus. The pig

ran onto the bus with a wig. The dog
skipped onto the bus with a cap. The
cat slid on the bus on a rug. Wow!
Who will get on the bus next? A goat
trotted onto the bus with his book.
Last, a skunk got onto the bus.
Everybody ran off the bus . Where did
everybody go? 66 words
Name Passage #16
Draw a detail.
Highlight the words:

we over
on have
want can

“ I want to have fun,” said Pam. “We

can put on a play,” said Ben. Mike
and Pete can sing a song. Pam can
play the drums. Ben can do a trick.
Ann can whistle a tune. Spot the dog
can roll over. We can have it under a
tent. “Come see a show,” say the
kids. It will be lots of fun.
63 words
Today is _________________________________ ,
________________________ ________ , ____________

I can write a sentence and draw a picture to answer a question.

What is the weather like today?

The weather

Name: _______________ K.6.6

Hello Friday!
Write your first and last name.

Write the date.

Count by 2’s. Short Long
12 Vowel Vowel
Count by 5’s.

Count by 10’s.


Color the vowels red and the consonants blue.


Cup of K 2015
Name: _________________________________
Du the dogs bark a lot
Fix -. It
Rewrite the sentence.

Illustrate the Sentence. Check
 Capital Letter
I love to read!
 Punctuation
I love to read !
 Correct Spelling
my or mi
 Spaces
I love to read!

Color in each circle if you found both mistakes. 1 2

Cup of K 2015
Name: _______________ K.6.6

Hello Thursday!
Rewrite the sentence using correct capitalization and punctuation.

Color in a box for each sound you hear.

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Write to 30.

Cup of K 2015
Name ________________

Story Map
Setting Characters

Beginning Middle E nd

© Katie Byrd

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