Conjunctions PKP Phase 3

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NAME : ……………………………………………. CLASS : ………………………..

English Grammar CONJUNCTIONS

[ Circle the best possible answer for each question ]

1.Ali Babu are going to Singapore next week.

A and B but C so
2.We were tired we were happy.
A and B but C so
3.Would you like tea coffee?
A and B but C or
4.The children were wet dirty after playing in the rain.
A and B but C or
5.Hanim went to the market with Siti Fatimah.
A and B but C so
6.The movie “Alien Gang” was quite boring dull.
A and B but C so
7.Jimmy likes to play badminton his brother likes to play tennis.
A and B but C or
8. Sandy her sister are poor they are very hardworking.
A and...and B and…but C but...and
9.The snatch thief tried to snatch the old lady’s necklace he couldn’t.
A and B but C so
10.Chin Wen plays basketball well, her favorite sport is tennis.
A and B but C yet
11.Why hasn’t James come home _?
A and B but C yet
12.Studying working at the same time can be very taxing.
A and B but C for
13. Mr. Yamaguchi lost all his material goods in the tsunami his family is safe.
A and B but C yet
14.I am not feeling well, I decided to stay at home today.
A and B but C so
15.The Kampong Bening villagers saw a tiger quickly alerted the authorities.
A and B but C yet
16.You can study hard for this exam you can fail.
A and B but C or
17.Our class teacher asked us to sweep mop the class floor.
A and B but C so


18. Jimmy Salim is not going to the party tonight.
A either..or B Either...or C Neither...nor
19. the boys the girls are going to the book fair also.
A Not only...but B But...not only C Not only...but also
20.Hassan wants money fame.
A not only...but B but...not only C not only...but also
21. her brothers her sisters are doctors.
A Two...and B Both...and C Neither...nor
22.I am not sure to take a business course an accounting course.
A whether...and B whether...but C whether...or
23. You have to make up your mind, to go to America to Japan.
A whether...but B whether...and C whether...or
24. Nathan lost his money his family due to his gambling habit.
A not only...but also B not only...but C but also...not only
25. We can still reach our destination on time we start our journey late.
A even B even if C because
26.Johnny was late school it was raining heavily just now.
A for...because B too...because C for...that
27.I want you to do your English exercise I come back.
A until B for C to
28.You can come to the meeting you don’t say anything.
A so B as long as C and
29.Doctor advised Sam to rest for a month he can fully recover.
A since B until C so that
30.Nobody can succeed they are willing to work hard.
A unless B before C but
31.Larry acts he doesn’t know anything.
A and B while C as if
32.I like to visit the museum I am free.
A whenever B since C than
33. Mr. Lee is rich very kind and helpful to the people in need.
A Not only...but B Not only...but also C Not
34.The boys are not allowed to go out they have finished all their chores.
A until B and C so
35. Take the umbrella just , who knows it might rain later.
A so B in case C that
36.He is upset nobody listens to him.
A so B while C that


37.Ally will go to the clinic she is free.
A when B how C till
38. John went to school it was raining.
A how B if C although
39. The policeman managed to catch the thief the thief fell down.
A when B although C while
40. you have solved the first puzzle, you can move on to the next round.
A Although B Before C Once
41.I am not sure Sam is coming today or tomorrow.
A when B whether C how
42.Sandy likes to help the poor she is not a rich woman.
A If B although C whether
43. The thieves broke into his house he was fast asleep.
A while B whether C although
44.We must brush our teeth going to bed.
A before B after C while
45.Gary took his driving test seven times he passed.
A after B till C when
46. The desert camels can travel without water for weeks.
A when B for C even
47.His house is bigger mine.
A while B beforeC than
48.Ram was still talking even his teacher rebuked him.
A after B while C if
49.Give me a call you reach home.
A even B once C while
50.My father worked hard all his life he knew he had cancer.
A before B after C although



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