Chapter 6 Crafting Messages For Electronic Media: Business Communication Essentials, 4e (Bovee/Thill)

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Business Communication Essentials, 4e (Bovee/Thill)

Chapter 6 Crafting Messages for Electronic Media

Keyword: Characteristics of each mode: instant messaging, e-mail, text message, printed letter,
blog, wiki, podcast

1) Appropriate media for routine, internal communication include

A) instant messaging.
B) e-mail.
C) letters.
D) Both A and B

2) One key reason e-mail is being replaced by instant messaging, blogging, and wikis is that
A) these other media provide better support for real-time collaboration.
B) few companies use e-mail anymore.
C) e-mail is not available on mobile phones and other handheld devices.
D) top executives don't have e-mail addresses.

3) Many businesses are now using podcasts to replace or supplement

A) letters.
B) memos.
C) conference calls.
D) None of the above.

4) When it comes to writing messages in today's business environment,

A) old-fashioned printed letters are virtually extinct.
B) you'll probably still find it necessary to send printed letters.
C) e-mail has replaced printed letters for all domestic external communication.
D) All of the above.

5) When you want your message to stand out amidst the flood of e-mail your audience receives,
you should
A) consider sending a printed letter.
B) flag your e-mail messages as "high priority" or "urgent."
C) send multiple copies of the same e-mail message.
D) None of the above.

6) Which of the following is the most formal type of communication?

A) instant messaging
B) an e-mail
C) a text message
D) a printed letter

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7) E-mail
A) should follow the conventions of other business writing in formal situations.
B) should not be written in all caps.
C) should be written with attention to grammar and spelling.
D) All of the above.

8) Using e-mail in the workplace

A) requires no more formality than using it for personal correspondence.
B) is frowned upon by most executives.
C) has dramatically different demands than using it for personal messages.
D) is a good idea only in technological fields.

9) When it comes to legal issues,

A) e-mails mean nothingonly printed documents can be used in court.
B) e-mail and other electronic documents have the same weight as printed ones.
C) your e-mail messages are off limitsusing them in court would violate your privacy.
D) None of the above.

11) Business e-mail communications should include all of the following except
A) an effective subject line.
B) a signature with contact information.
C) abundant use of acronyms like IMHO.
D) grammatically-correct writing.

12) E-mail professionalism requires that writers be which of the following?

A) sure every e-mail they send is absolutely necessary
B) respectful of the chain of command
C) careful to keep their emotions in check when composing messages
D) All of the above.

13) The subject line of an e-mail message

A) is one of the most important parts.
B) helps recipients decide whether or not to read the message.
C) should do more than simply describe the general topic of the message.
D) All of the above.

14) One important strategy for writing effective e-mail messages is

A) paying attention to grammar, spelling, and capitalization.
B) giving free reign to emotions.
C) sending messages to peripheral parties, since no cost is incurred.
D) typing in all caps.

15) Which of the following is an example of an effective e-mail subject line?

A) Website redesign is on schedule
B) Status Report
C) Employee Parking
D) All of the above.
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16) When exchanging multiple e-mails with someone on the same topic,
A) use the same subject line to avoid confusion.
B) delete the subject line for subsequent messages.
C) modify the subject line to reflect the new content.
D) change the topic whenever the date changes but not before.

17) To make e-mail more effective do all of the following except

A) limit subject lines to describing the general topic of your message.
B) keep your emotions under control.
C) proofread carefully.
D) use acronyms sparingly.

18) Which of the following is an example of an effective subject line for an e-mail requesting
information about the August inventory for external hard drives?
A) Information Needed
B) Hard Drive Inventories
C) Hard Drive Information Needed
D) Please Send August External Hard Drive Inventory

19) In e-mail "bcc" stands for

A) blanket carbon copy.
B) blind courtesy copy.
C) blanket computer calibration.
D) blind copy combination.

20) A "flame" is
A) a negative e-mail message containing insulting, critical comments.
B) an appropriate way to express displeasure via e-mail.
C) an e-mail message that goes out rapidly like flames to multiple audiences at once.
D) None of the above.

21) All of the following are benefits of instant messaging except

A) it allows a rapid response to urgent messages.
B) it is private.
C) it costs less than phone calls or e-mail.
D) it can mimic a conversation more closely than e-mail.

22) Advantages of using IM rather than e-mail include

A) lower cost.
B) inability to be misused as a broadcast medium.
C) its ability to mimic conversation more closely.
D) All of the above.

23) Drawbacks of IM include

A) the challenge of logging messages for later review and archiving.
B) the need for users to learn complicated software.
C) the ability to use it only on expensive, highly specialized devices.

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D) None of the above.

24) "Spim" refers to

A) unwanted e-mail from unknown sources.
B) e-mail that contains computer viruses.
C) the IM version of e-mail spam.
D) None of the above.

25) Many businesses now use blogs to

A) keep project teams up to date.
B) let potential employees know more about the company.
C) share company news with the general public and journalists.
D) All of the above.

26) "Viral marketing" is

A) the unethical practice of marketing products through computer viruses.
B) advertising products and services related to the health-care industry.
C) spreading the word about your company and products in much the same way that
biological viruses are spread from person to person.
D) None of the above.

27) When it comes to blogging for business,

A) don't worry about proofreading your audience doesn't expect it.
B) you should adapt the three-step writing process with a special emphasis on planning.
C) don't spend a lot of time trying to define your audience: you're writing for everyone.
D) All of the above.

28) Podcasts are

A) great for entertainment, but not useful in business.
B) helpful for training in business, but not much else.
C) too technical to be practical for business use.
D) None of the above.

29) If you do not have a constant supply of new information to post on a business blog,
A) your readers will appreciate not having to process information that changes constantly.
B) re-post old material so your audience will not lose interest.
C) create a traditional website instead of a blog.
D) None of the above.

30) If you receive criticism based on a business blog,

A) you should respond to it promptly and honestly.
B) ignore it unless the critic is incorrect.
C) post it, and follow with a blog entry to show your audience that it will not be tolerated.
D) None of the above.

31) One of the greatest drawbacks to using podcasts in business is the

A) costly, specialized equipment you'll need to purchase for even the most basic podcast.

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B) inability to edit your material after it is recorded.
C) increased difficulty for your audience to scan back and forth to find specific parts of the
D) All of the above.

32) In business contexts, podcasts are

A) rarely used together with blogs.
B) expensive and difficult to produce.
C) an increasingly common feature on blogs.
D) regarded as amateurish and unprofessional.

33) One advantage of using wikis in business is

A) how easily groups can use them to collaborate on writing projects.
B) the fact that they do not require a great deal of expertise to use.
C) the ability to post new or revised material without prior approval.
D) All of the above are advantages.

34) A sandbox is
A) a "safe," nonpublished section of a wiki where team members can practice writing and
B) the slang term for a website that is difficult to navigate.
C) a highly restricted section of a website where confidential information is stored.
D) a blog characterized by creativity and freedom of expression.

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