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Reading Comprehension

What is personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene may be described as the principle of maintaining cleanliness and grooming
of the external body. People have been aware of the importance of hygiene for thousands of
years. The acient Greeks spent many hours Bathing, using fragrances and make up in an
effort to beautify themselves and be presentable to others.

Poor Personal Hygien

Failure to keep up a standard of hygiene can have many implications. Not only is there an
increased risk of getting an infection or illness, but there are many social and psyhological
aspects that can be affected.

Poor Personal Hygiene , in relation to preventing the spread of disease is paramount in

preventing epidemic or even pandemic outbreaks. To engage in some very basic measures
could help prevent many coughs and colds from being passed from person to person.

Social Embarrassment

Social aspects can be affected, as many people would rather alienate themselves from
someone who has bad personal hygiene than to tell them how they could improve. Bullies
may use bad personal hygiene as a way of abusing their victims, using social embarrassment
as a weapon.

Poor person hygiene can have significant implications on the success of job applications or
the chance of promotion ; no company wants to be represented by someone who does not
appear to be able to look after themselves. Many sufferers of mental illnesses like dementia
or depression may need extra support and encouragement with their personal hygiene. Their
careres should make sure that they have everything they need and assist them when permitted
and when possible.

Children And Personal Hygiene

Children should be taught the importance of hygiene as early as possible, with Oral Care,
washing, toilet hygiene and hair care being taught as part of everyday routines. Singing songs
or making a game out of the avtivities will help to ensure that they enjoy looking after
themselves. Bath time can provide an ideal opportunity for spending quality time together,
and for teaching about the importance of cleanliness. Toys such as dolls can be used to
educate children in correct bathing techniques.

Food Hygiene

Probably the most important aspect of all, food hygiene is very closely associated with
personal hygiene. Poor personal cleansing can have a very significant effect on the start and
spread of many illnesses through contact with nutritional cosumables, some that can be
potentially lethal.

Aspects of Personal Hygiene

There are many contributory factors that make up personal hygiene with the main ones being
washing, oral care, hair care, nail care, wound care, cleansing of personal utensils and
Preventing Infection.

Personal hygiene is as it says, personal. Everybody has their own habits and standards that
they habe been taught or that they have learnt from others. It is essentially the promotion and
continuance of good health.


1. What is personal hygiene?.

2. What are the impacts of not paying attention to personal hygiene?
3. What are the impacts of poor personal hygiene to social relationship?
4. What are the impacts of poor personal hygiene to someone’s career?
5. What things are included in basic personal hygiene for children?
6. What are the aspects included in personal hygiene?


English Bahasa Indonesia English Bahasa Indonesia

Personal hygiene Kebersihan diri Social Sosial
Maintaining Mempertahankan Embarrasssment Rasa malu
Cleanliness Kebersihan Victims Korban
Grooming Perawatan Weapon Senjata
External body Tubuh eksternal Job applications Lamaran pekerjaan
(bagian luar tubuh)
Acien greeks Yunani kuno Promotion Promosi
Bathing Mandi Represented by Diwakili oleh
Fragrances Wewangian Look after Menjaga
Poor personal Kebersihan diri Sufferers Penderita
hygiene yang buruk
Failure Kegagalan Mental illnesses Penyakit mental
Imlications Implikasi Dementia Demensia (pikun)
Increased risk Peningkatan resiko Depression Depresi
Infection or Infeksi atau Oral care Perawatan mulut
illness penyakit
Preventing the Mencegah Washing Pencucian
spread of disease penyebaran
Paramount Terpenting Toilet hygiene Kebersihan toilet
Preventing Mencegah Hair care Perawatan rambut
Epidemic Epidemi Food hygiene Kebersihan
Pandemic Pandemi Significant effect Efek signifikan
Outbreaks Wabah Nutritional Nutrisi
Cleansing Pembersihan Consumables Bahan habis pakai

Personal utensil Perkakas Pribadi Lethal Letal

Nail care Perawatan kuku

Wound care Perawatan luka

Preventing Mencegah

Infection Infeksi

Expousure to structure

1. Have to and dont have to

In affirmative sentene (+) have to/has to is used to state necessity (Digunakan untuk
menyatakan bahwa sesuatu perlu dilakukan)
In negative sentence (-) have to/has to is used to state lack of necessity (Digunakan
untuk menyatakan bahwa sesuatu kurang penting dilakukan)
(+) Subject + have to/ has to + Verb 1
(-) Subject + don’t have to / doesn’t have to + Verb 1
(?) Do/Does + Subject + have to + Verb 1?

2. Must and must not

Affirmative sentence (Must)
It is to state that something is urgen or very important to do. There will be bad
consequences if something isn’t done.
(+) Subject + must + Verb 1
(-) Subject + must not + Verb 1
(?) Must + Subject + + Verb 1?
Part one: translate the following sentences into communicative English.
1. Anda harus menjaga kebersihan diri.
 You must maintain personal hygiene.
2. Anda tidak boleh pulang sebelum dokter memberikan resep.
 You must not go home before the doctor gives a prescription
3. Keluarga pasien itu harus menandatangani surat perstujuan oprasi.
 The patient's family must sign an operating agreement
4. Anda tidak perlu datang ke RS untuk berobat. Anda datang ke klinik saja.
 You do not need to come to the hospital for treatment. You come to the
clinic only.
5. Anda perlu mengajar anak-anak anda tentang kebersihan diri.
 You need to teach your children about personal hygiene.
6. Anda tidak perlu minum obatnya sampai habis.
 You do not need to take the medicine until the end.
7. Anda harus berolahraga unutk menurunkan berat badan.
 You must to exercise to lose weight
8. Anda tidak boleh mengabaikan kebersihan makanan.
 You must not neglect food hygiene

9. Anak-anak harus menjaga kebersihan diri.

 Children must maintain personal hygiene
10. Para orang tua harus memperhatikan kebersihan diri anak-anaknya
 Parents must pay attention to the personal hygiene children

Part two: complete the following sentences using must,must not,have to/has to,don’t/doesn’t
have to.

1. The nusres must come on time every day. If they come late, they will get a letter of
statement that can affect their future career.
2. You don’t have to. come to the hospital on Sunday. The doctors don’t have schedule
to work on that day.
3. You must take this medicine regularly. It helps you get better soon.
4. You must not enter the ward if you don’t take off your shoes.
5. You must not go home if you haven’t got well.
6. You mustn’t smoke in the ward .
7. The patient don’t have stay at his bed the whole day. He can walk around for relax.
8. You must complete your monthly report today if you want to get your wage
9. The children must look after their personal hygiene if they want to stay healthy.

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