Ôn Thi Trên Máy - k57 - Apr 13 2020

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U8 (1)
I. Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
1.We need to do more market research so that we can A.Try to predict our future income
2.We usually create an advertising campaign to B.Replace it with a new product or model
3.We use sales forecasts to C.Spend more money on television adverts
4.If we increase our advertising budget we can D.Build up a consumer profile
5.Near the end of a product ‘s lifecycle, we like to E.Reach a specific market segment

II. Replace the underlined word with the correct word.

For example:
Market segment is the percentage of sales a company has. => Market share is the percentage of sales a
company has
1. Consumer goods is where and how people buy things.
→ Consumer behavior is where and how people buy things.
2. A product range is the introduction of a new product to the market.
→ Product launch is the introduction of a new product to the market.
3. Sales targets are numbers showing how much a company has sold in a period.
→ Sales figures are numbers showing how much a company has sold in a period.
4. An advertising profile is a business which advises companies on advertising and makes ads.
→ Advertising agency is a business which advises companies on advertising and makes ads.

III. Listen to a listening file to answer these questions:

1. When was the company started?

2. How many sections are there in the company?

3. Who are the company’s clients?

4. How many offices does the company have?

5. How many employees does the company have?

6. Who were the company’s competitors back in 1935?

IV. Please transcribe the audio above (cái nè tùy chọn. Nếu em muốn nâng cao kĩ năng nghe thì
làm. Nếu thấy khó quá thì bỏ qua)

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