Ôn Thi Trên Máy - Ngo I NG Cơ S 4 - T V NG - People

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Question 21
Steve thinks he’s more important than he really is. He is insulting to other people and feels he is better than his
peers. He is ________.
A. bragging B. bossy C. arrogant D.superior

Question 22
Miranda always points out other people’s faults. She judges everyone very harshly. She is _________.
A. overcritical B. overpicky C. overproud D.overdiscerning

Question 23
Fernando can be persuaded to believe anything. He’s extremely trusting and easy to exploit. He is _________.
A. silly B.believable C.overconfident D.gullible

Question 24
Nate has unpredictable changes in his emotions. Sometimes he’s pleasant and fun to be around, and other times
he’s absolutely miserable. He is ________.
A.moody B.agitated C.excitable D.changeable

Question 25
Margaret will do absolutely anything to get ahead. She has no compassion for others. She is ________.
A. greedy B.ambitious C.hard D.ruthless

Question 26
Bart never changes his mind. Once he makes a decision, he refuses to change his position even when there is
good reason to do so. He is __________.
A. stubborn B.treacherous C.fixed D.strict

Question 27
Kate loves to give orders and tell people what to do. She’s _________.
A.commanding B.bossy C.demanding D.picky

Question 28
Kurt is very hard to please. Nothing is ever good enough for him. He’s ________.
A.picky B.careful C.dainty D.disgusted

Question 29
Troy refuses to spend money on anything and doesn’t share his wealth with other people. He is ________.
A. thrifty B.frugal C.spendthrift D.stingy

Question 30
Jim is never happy. He always talks about how bad things are. He’s a __________ person.
A.deprived B.mean C. miserable D.hopeless

Question 31
Jaime does things in a deceptive and dishonest way. He’s very ________.
A. secretive B.sneaky C.reserved D. misleading

Question 32
Valeria isn’t open to other people’s ideas, opinions, and beliefs. She is _________.
A. stubborn B.opinionated C.narrow-minded D.fanatical

Question 33
William talks to people with a superior tone of voice. He is ________.
A. mean-spirited B.condescending C.overcritical D.picky

Question 34
Cheryl only cares about acquiring possessions and money. She is _________.
A. inconsiderate B.materialistic C.superficial D.wasteful

Question 35
Stan has no interest in his work. He shows no enthusiasm and doesn’t care if he does a good job. He is _________.
A.apathetic B.unfeeling C.numb D.pathetic

Question 36
Tony lacks confidence. He is hesitant due to his fear of failure. He is ________.
A. gentle B.shy C.timid D.modest

Question 37
Margaret is innocent and doesn’t understand how the world really works. She is ________.
A. naive B.simple C.childish D.fresh

Question 38
Daniel distrusts everyone. He never believes anyone’s intentions are pure. He is _________.
A. ruthless B.arrogant C.unbelieving D.cynical

Question 39
Elisa focuses on one thing and doesn’t have any interest in anything else. She is ___________.
A. enthused B. obsessive C. singular D. passionate

Question 40
Oscar is easily annoyed. He often gets angry at little things. He is ________.
A.irritable B. annoyed C. impatient D. irate
1. I don’t think he’s ready to be the CFO. He’s only 36 years old and still _____ behind the ears.
2. He asked for a raise but I wouldn’t give it to him. We can easily find someone else to do the job. Guys like him
are a _____ a dozen.
3. Despite all of her success, she remained a humble, _____ -to-earth person.
4. I grew up on the wrong side of the _____. Nothing was given to me and I had to work extremely hard for
everything I have.
5. Kurt worked in sales for several years but he decided he wasn’t cut _____ for it. He went back to school and
became a nurse.
6. I didn’t get John’s offer in writing, but he is a man of his _____ and I know I can trust him.
7. He’s a young, up-and- ______ member of the Democratic Party.
8. I’m not much of a morning person. I’m more of a night _____.
9. No way would I pay $10,000 for this car. You can’t take advantage of me like that. I wasn’t born ______.
10. Tom is a bit of a hot-_____. He loses his temper easily and jumps down people’s throats.
11. Saying Luke likes soccer is an understatement. He eats, sleeps, and ______ it.
12. I hears she’s tough as _____ during negotiations. She always gets her way.
13. Martin’s brothers and sisters are doctors and lawyers. I guess you could say he’s the black ______ of the
family. He’s a drummer in a rock band.
14. He comes from a _____ collar, working-class background.
15. Jake’s grandfather was a millionaire. Jake was born with a _____ spoon in his mouth.
16. There’s a rumor that layoffs are coming. Management wants to get rid of all the dead _____.
17. Stan isn’t very social. He tends to _____ to himself instead of talking to other people.
18. Being a _____ -shot Hollywood producer has really changed him. He’s become a bit full of himself.
19. I was such a happy-go- _____ kid. There was nothing to worry about.
20. It’s tough to find someone more kind and generous than Christine. She’d give you the shirt off her_____.
21. Mark doesn’t have a lot of experience, but we see the potential in him. He’s a diamond in the _____.
22. Don’t trust anyone in this business. Most of these people are two- _____ liars.
23. Five years ago he was a great soccer player. Now he’s past his _____.
24. Carter acts tough, but on the inside he has a heart of _____.
25. Mike’s a first- _____ architect who has won the respect and admiration of his peers.
26. Elizabeth is applying to law schools right now. Her father was a famous defense attorney. It seems like she
wants to follow in his _____.
27. I tried to convince him to use social media, but he’s set in his _____ and doesn’t want to consider it.
28. When she made the investment some people thought she was _____ of her mind, but she turned out to be
29. You’ll really like the new manager. He’s a real class _____.
30. Bart is a chip off the old _____. He has his father’s winning smile and calm voice.
31. Dan’s starting to be successful as a writer. He’s really _____ places.
32. He got to the top by being a yes _____. He just echoes what upper management says.
33. Kate’s the spitting _____ of her mother. They almost look like twins.
34. There are three candidates running for office. It looks like a close race between two of them. The third
candidate is a dark _____. If he wins, everyone will be shocked.
35. Mr. Young isn’t a Johnny-come- ______ to the industry. He’s been in the field for three decades.
36. It’s hard to put my finger on what I didn’t like about him, but something about him _____ me the wrong way.
37. Some people think it’s unfair that people who commit white- _____ crime tend to serve lighter sentences than
other criminals.
38. Andrew is exceptionally ambitious. He’s not content with being second in command. He wants to
be top _____.
39. The scandal made him the laughing _____ of the whole nation. The story was on the news for weeks.
40. I know that top movie critics loved the film, but what does the average _____ think of the movie?
21.C 22.A 23.D 24.A 25.D 26.A 27.B 28.A 29.D 30.D
31.B 32.C 33.B 34.B 35.A 36.C 37.A 38.D 39.D 40.A
-Wet behind the ears = young and inexperience
-Dime a dozen = common and almost worthless = several
-Down to earth = humble and not pretentious
-The wrong side of the tracks = bad part
-Not cut out for sth = not the right for a certain (jobs, tasks, activities)
-Man of his word = always keep promises
-Up-and-coming = steadily becoming more successful
-Night owl = likes stay up late
-Wasn’t/weren’t born yesterday = not naïve and not easily tricked
-Hot-head = get angry easily
-Eats, sleeps and breathe sth = obsessed with that thing
-Tough as nails (hard as nails) = strong and determined
-Black sheep = doesn’t fit in with the rest of the family or group
-Blue-collar = do manual labor or work with hands
-Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth = was born rich with privileges other people don’t have
-Dead wood = no longer useful to an organization
-Keep to oneself = quiet and not interact much with other people
-Big shot = very important
-Happy-go-lucky = carefree and without worry
-Would give you the shirt off one’s back = extremely generous
-Diamond in the rough = have potential but lacking refinement
-Two-faced = deceitful and likely to betray people
-Past one’s prime = not as good as before due to advanced age
-Heart of gold = very kind
-First-rate = excellent ≠ second-rate, third-rate = inferior quality
-Follow in someone’s footsteps = follow someone’s example or path in life
-Set in one’s ways = not easily persuaded to change or consider other ideas
-Out of one’s mind = crazy
-Class act = outstanding and admirable
-Chip off the old block = closely resembles a parent
-Going places = on the way to becoming successful
-Yes man = always agree with superiors
-Spitting image = look like a close family member
-Dark horse = unlikely to win an election or contest
-Jonny-come-lately = newcomer
-Rub someone the wrong way = bother or offend someone accidentally
-White-collar = work in an office, describe: person, jobs, positions…
-Top dog = occupying the top position or highest authority
-Laughing stock = many people make fun of (of a place, an organization, a community…)
-Average Joe = common man, common people

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