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CHAPTER VII Other sources of extrinsic aids are:

EXTRINSIC AIDS IN  Reports and recommendations

CONSTRUCTION AND of legislative committees;
 Public policy;

 Judicial construction; and

 Construction by the bar
Extrinsic aids are existing aids from
outside sources, meaning outside from the
four corners of the statute. It is a well-accepted principle that
where a statute is ambiguous, courts may
Extrinsic aids are resorted to after
examine both the printed pages of the
exhausting all the available intrinsic aids
published Act as well as those extrinsic
and still there remain some ambiguity in
matters that may aid in construing the
the statute.
meaning of the statute, such as the
history of its enactment, the reasons of
the passage of the bill and purposes to be
Extrinsic aids resorted to by the accomplished by the measure.
courts are:

 History of the enactment of the

statute; Individual statements by members
of Congress on the floor do not necessarily
 Opinions and rulings of officials reflect legislative intent.
of the government called upon
to execute or implement
administrative laws;
The best interpreter of the law or
 Contemporaneous construction any of its provisions is the author of the
by executive officers charged law.
with implementing and
enforcing the provisions of the
statutes unless such
interpretation is clearly

 Actual proceedings of the

legislative body;

 Individual statements by
members of congress; and

 The author of the law

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