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Lesson 1: Defining and Classifying Psychological


Question 1 (453) : Adjustment is important to determine

normal from abnormal because people say it is normal that people are
able to get along in the real world, physically, emotionally and socially.
They can feed and clothe themselves, work, find friends and live by the
rules. People who are abnormal are the ones who fail to adjust.

Question 2 (454): What we consider normal and abnormal

depends on the context of the behaviour. So, what is normal in one
cultural may not be normal in another. For instance, in the Chinese
culture they consider it normal to eat dogs but that is a behaviour our
culture considers abnormal.

Question 3 (457): 1.) An impulse control disorder includes

disorders characterized by a tendency to act on impulses that others
usually inhibit, such as to gamble excessively or to steal.
2.) A mood disorder is characterized by emotional disturbance, such as
depression and bipolar disorder. Whereas anxiety disorders are
characterized by signs of anxiety, such as panic disorders and phobias.

Question 4: The dsm-5 is a series of axis that psychologists use to

determine someone’s mental state based on other illnesses that also
might be influences another feeling or behaviour.

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