Five Minute Memo-The Ghost of Mrs Gandhi

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Five Minute Memo

(Amitav Ghosh’s The Ghosts of Mrs. Gandhi)

Date: 27th March 2020

Name - Tushar Mahajan

Roll Number- 2019280

1. What is the most significant thing you have learned today?

One should never hesitate to take a step towards truth and justice. Even a small step full of
courage and truth can be instrumental in exposing the horrors of ruthless and corrupt

2. What question is uppermost in your mind?

The blindfold on the Justice Lady of Indian Judiciary is to symbolize that justice is equal for
everyone or to turn a blind eye to the crimes of the powerful, rich people and politicians ?

3. How would you relate to the themes discussed through this reading?
-Mutual Cooperation and Concern
-Cruelty and Ruthless Murders
-Selflessness ( shown by people who jad given refuge to Sikh people despite knowing they could
be attacked too for it)

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