Online Class: Answer

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Online Class

Question Answer
1-If fibre is undigestible then why There is no metabolic faecal Fibre in the faces.
metabolic faecal matter contain no The only fibre present in faces is of feed origin.
fibrous constituents and How the True and apparent digestibility will be equal when
digestibility (true and apparent are faecal materials contain no material from
equal)? endogenous origin (usually it could be nitrogen or
fat but not fibre)
2-If adaptation period is at least 2 Adaptation of 2 weeks is taken as safe period,
weeks to remove all the content otherwise it could be reduced to one week. It
from animal body then How can we depends upon which feed the animals were using
use 3-5 days adaptation period? previously and which new feed you are offering.
3- Give an example or question to be Go to the questions in notes given in pages from
solved of apparent nutrient church book.
4- what is the basal feed? basal feed is a common feed which is given to all
experimental animals (without any testing
5- difference between apparent and Apparent digestibility is = (intake-outgo)/Intake
True digestibility? multiplied by 100. Whereas
true digestibility is = (Intake-( outgo-endogenous
material)/Intake multiplied by 100.
6- difference between apparent and I don't understand your question.
true digestibility of N increases as
the N content of the feed decreases
7- apparent digestibility values for look at the formula I have given above and you will
dietary components except fibre are find the answer. let me know if you are not
always lower than values for true satisfied yet.
digestibility why?
8-Can we differentiate between Yes, it can be, but not through ordinary methods.
dietary origin nitrogen and Because there is no fibre of endogenous origin.
Endogenous nitrogen ?

9- difference between apparent and

true digestibility of Nitrogen
increases as the Nitrogen content of
the feed decreases How ?

10- apparent digestibility values for

dietary components except fibre are
always lower than values for true
digestibility why ? I cannot
understand from the formula.
11.Aadaptation period depends If the animals are already on the same feed a of your
upon the type of feed offered to the test feed, no adaptation period is required. You just
animal...then how many days are need to bring to a steady state condition. If the test
considered for adaption period in feed is different than the animals are already eating,
you need t give more adaptation period so that rumen
case of roughshod and fodder?
bacteria can adapt to new feed (fodder vs concentrate)

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