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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Monday | April 13, 2020

Easter storms sweep South, killing at least 6

Noxubee Co. sheriff: Tornado damages businesses, Sunday’s tornado in
Noxubee County up-
some homes in Macon area; no injuries reported in GT rooted and snapped
multiple trees at
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS County and three were killed in Jeffer- Macon Septic on
Highway 45 South,
son Davis County. All three counties
JACKSON — Strong storms pound- just north of the city
are more than an hour’s drive south of of Macon. Plastic
ed the Deep South on Sunday, killing Jackson, near the Louisiana state line. culvert piping was
at least six people in south Mississip- The two people killed in Lawrence strewn nearly half a
pi and damaging up to 300 homes and County were a married couple — Law- mile north of the busi-
other buildings in northern Louisiana. rence County sheriff’s deputy, Robert ness along the high-
Storms continued to batter the South Ainsworth, and a Walthall County way. Noxubee County
overnight, with much of the region un- Justice Court deputy clerk, Paula We, Sheriff Tommy Roby
der flash flood, tornado and thunder- a Facebook post from the county sher- said multiple busi-
storm warnings and watches. iff’s office said. nesses and homes
Mississippi Emergency Manage- The National Weather Service said were damaged as a
strong winds were sweeping through result of the storm,
ment Agency director Greg Michel
but no injuries were
said one person killed was in Walthall other parts of Mississippi, and a tor-
County, two were killed in Lawrence See STORMS, 6A Birney Imes/Dispatch Staff


‘Filling a niche’ review
sought over

JACKSON — The coronavirus pandemic

is prompting the Mississippi attorney gen-
eral and the state public defender to seek a
temporary change in rules governing the
criminal justice system.
The goal is to require more frequent ju-
dicial review of conditions for pretrial de-
tainees — people being held in county jails
as they wait to go before a grand jury or
to trial. Many are held for months because
they cannot afford to post bail.
The state’s top prosecutor and the pub-
lic defender are adversaries, by design of
the justice system. Their current alliance is
prompted by concern that the highly conta-
gious virus could spread swiftly inside de-
tention centers, harming those who might
be medically vulnerable and rapidly over-
whelming jails’ health care capabilities.
For most people, the coronavirus causes
Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
Kevin Yang, 22, helps run the family-owned Asian Foods Market and Restaurant on Highway 12 in Starkville. Among mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever
his many duties is the role of interpreter, since little of the packaging on the items sold in the market are written in and cough. But for others, especially old-
English. er adults and people with existing health
problems, it can cause severe symptoms

Starkville native provides ingredients, Asian and be fatal.

Coronavirus cases were reported last
week at a federal prison in Yazoo City, Mis-
recipes at family-owned market and restaurant sissippi.
In some jails, inmates sleep in “open
bay” settings, with multiple beds in a sin-
BY SLIM SMITH same time.” said. “That’s 60 50-pound bags gle large room. The variety of rice, often called of rice. People would come in, “Stated simply, it is extremely difficult

“sticky rice,” is sweeter and sticki- buy two bags and then come the for Mississippi sheriffs to comply with the
hen the first wave of er than the conventional white rice next day and buy two more. It was CDC guidelines in jails where close physi-
COVID-19 panic buying typically consumed by non-Asians crazy.” cal proximity is a reality, access to protec-
swept through Starkville in the U.S. While that “American” Yang, 22, is the first native-born tive equipment is limited, effective quaran-
about a month ago, there was no rice is usually sold in one or two- American in his family. His par- tine space is scarce or entirely unavailable,
run on toilet paper at Asian Foods pound packages, the rice Asian ents immigrated to the U.S. from and exposure to those moving in and out
Market on Highway 12. Market sells comes in a single size China in the mid-1980s, settling in from the ‘free world’ is unavoidable,” the
Asian Foods Market sells a little — 50-pound bags. Brooklyn, New York. attorney general’s office and the public de-
of most everything and a lot of “In most Asian cultures, rice is The family moved to Starkville fender’s office wrote in papers filed Thurs-
some things, but no toilet paper. the basis of just about every meal,” when Yang was 2, buying the old day with the Mississippi Supreme Court.
That doesn’t mean the fami- Yang said. “I don’t even know what Taste of China Restaurant before They are seeking temporary revision of
ly-owned business was immune to you would compare it to in Ameri- later shifting the focus to a mar- a rule that requires sheriffs to produce jail
panic buying. can food, maybe milk? All I know ket, something the family felt filled census information seven days before the
“For us, it was rice,” said Kevin is that rice is something every a void in the market where Missis- beginning of a circuit court term for hear-
Yang, whose parents opened the Asian household has stocked.” sippi State’s large Asian student ing criminal cases. Senior circuit judges,
store in 2011 and added a restau- You might think a 50-pound bag population has started to grow. or people they designate, must review “con-
rant next door two years ago. of rice would go a long way. Not so, “A lot of our business comes ditions of release for each bailable defen-
“Lots of rice. About two weeks Yang said. from Mississippi State,” Yang said. dant who has been detained for more than
after spring break, everybody “At the start of all this, we sold “Our store is about the only place 90 days,” their filing said.
started hoarding rice all at the a pallet of rice in one day,” Yang See YANG, 6A “Because the next criminal term of
court in many jurisdictions could be


1 What kind of animals use a bottle of ON NEWS MEETINGS
Coca-Cola as a football in an iconic ad? ■ Many April 14:
2 Who got as much attention for her COVID-19 corona- Starkville-
hat as her version of “My Country, ‘Tis virus related sto- Oktibbeha
of Thee” at Barack Obama’s 2009 ries are changing Consolidated
inauguration? extremely quick- School District
3 What British comic actor, and Katy
Perry ex, released a memoir called “My ly, sometimes Board of Trustees
Karson Hughes as soon as we meeting, 6 p.m.,
Booky Wook” in 2007?
Fifth grade, Annunciation publish a print 401 Greensboro
4 Which actor doted on his beloved

65 Low 40
300-pound pot-bellied pig for 18 years, edition of the St.
High until Max went to hog heaven in 2006? paper. We want April 17:
Mostly sunny
5 Which MLB team was Mike Trout to assure our Starkville Board
playing for when he was unanimously readers that we of Aldermen work
Full forecast on named the American League MVP in
page 3A. 2014? are making every session, 10 a.m.,
Answers, 6B attempt to print City Hall
accurate, timely April 20:
news. Online sto- Oktibbeha
INSIDE ries are updated County Board
Classifieds 6B Dear Abby 3B throughout the Craig Hubbard, of Starkville, is of Supervisors
Comics 3B Obituaries 4B day at cdispatch. described by his daughter as a “great meeting, Chancery
Crossword 2B Opinions 4A com. father.” Courthouse, 9 a.m.


2A MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 The Dispatch •

Health or wealth? Nations One solution for oxygen at

home, away, and for travel

pressured to loosen virus rules Introducing the INOGEN ONE

It’s oxygen therapy on your terms
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 169,496 infections, second only to ble cost, so we should approach the No more tanks to refill. No more deliveries. No more
the 557,000 infections tallied in the issue very carefully, and invest deep hassles with travel. The INOGEN ONE portable
MADRID — As the coronavirus United States. But Spain on Monday thought into when and how to transi- oxygen concentrator is designed to provide
unparalleled freedom for oxygen therapy users.
pandemic throws millions out of work reported its lowest daily growth in in- tion,” Kim said Monday. It’s small, lightweight, clinically proven for
and devastates economies world- fections in three weeks. In Sri Lanka, the government an- stationary and portable use, during the day
wide, governments are struggling In Madrid, José Pardinas took one nounced plans to reopen schools and and at night, and can go virtually anywhere
with the dilemma between keeping of the masks being handed out by po- universities in May. — even on most airlines. Inogen accepts
people safe from a highly contagious lice as he walked to work at a moving The Italian government said more Medicare and many private insurances!
virus and making sure they can still company that was re-starting opera- than 12,500 people were sanctioned
make a living. tions after a three-week halt. and 150 face criminal charges of vi- Reclaim Your
Workers in some nonessential in- Freedom And
“The company hasn’t given us olating lockdown measures over the Independence NOW!
dustries were returning to their jobs any protective equipment. I’m quite Easter weekend. On the hopeful side,
Monday in Spain, one of the hardest nervous about contracting the virus Italy recorded the lowest number of
hit countries in the coronavirus pan- because my family can’t afford more daily virus deaths in three weeks at
demic, while in South Korea, officials time without an income,” Pardinas 431, putting its total at over 19,800.
were warning that hard-earned prog- said. The pandemic’s new epicenter
ress fighting the virus could be erod- Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran is now the United States, which has
ed by new infections as restrictions Khan, meanwhile, issued a global seen more than 22,000 deaths, the
ease. plea to the world’s richer countries world’s highest. About half have been Call Inogen Today To
The decisions are more compli- and international financial institu- in the New York metropolitan area, Request Your FREE Info Kit
cated because each nation is on its tions to provide debt-relief for poor but hospitalizations are slowing in
own coronavirus arc, with places like countries, where forced lockdowns the state and other indicators sug-
Britain, Japan and parts of the United
States still seeing increasing deaths
are crippling already wretched econ- gest lockdowns and social distancing 1-662-573-4339
omies and causing widespread hun- are working.
or infections; France and New York
ger for the poor. U.S. infectious disease expert Dr. © 2020 Inogen, Inc. All rights reserved.
hoping they are stabilizing at a high
His government has launched an Anthony Fauci said parts of the coun-
plateau of deaths; and hard-hit na-
ambitious $8 billion program to help try could gradually reopen as early as
tions like Italy and Spain seeing de-
the millions who barely rise to pover- next month.
clines in the rates of new deaths and
ty level. Khan last week relaxed his In Britain, the death toll passed
country’s lockdown to allow the con- 10,600 and Prime Minister Boris
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro
Sánchez said his government must struction industry, which employs Johnson, the first major world leader
balance its response to the virus cri- the vast majority of Pakistan’s daily to test positive for the virus, paid an
sis that “threatens to destroy lives wage earners, to re-open. emotional tribute to the country’s Na-
and at the same time destroy the eco- In South Korea, Prime Minster tional Health Service following his re-
nomic and social fabric of our coun- Chung Sye-kyun said officials were lease from the hospital. He said NHS
try.” discussing new public guidelines workers saved his life “no question.”
Seeking to restart manufacturing, that would allow for “certain levels of Johnson, who spent three nights
Spain’s government is allowing work- economic and social activity” while in intensive care, especially thanked
ers to return to some factory and also maintaining distance to slow the two nurses who stood by his bedside
construction jobs. Retail stores and virus’ spread. for 48 hours “when things could have
services remain closed and Spanish South Korea’s caseload has slowed gone either way.”
office workers are strongly encour- from early March, when it was re- Japan, the world’s third-biggest
aged to continue working from home. porting around 500 new daily cases, economy, has seen its number of new
A prohibition on people leaving home but officials have warned of a broad- infections climb rapidly in recent
for anything other than groceries er “quiet spread’’ at bars and restau- days and now has 7,255 confirmed
and medicine will remain for at least rants, which are still open. President cases. Japanese companies have
two weeks under the country’s state Moon Jae-in vowed Monday to focus been slow to switch to remote work
of emergency. on saving jobs and protecting the and many people are still commut-
‘’(Spain’s) economy is more vul- economy amid a sharp increase in ing, even after a state of emergency
nerable to the crisis since it relies the number of people seeking un- was declared for seven prefectures,
on services like tourism that are se- employment benefits. He said “con- including Tokyo.
verely harmed by the pandemic. That fidence is growing” that the country To encourage people to stay
means it will likely have a deeper re- will beat the coronavirus. home, the Japanese government re-
cession,” European Central Bank But South Korea’s vice health leased a video showing the president
Vice President Luis de Guindos told minister, Kim Gang-lip, said a quick cuddling his dog, reading a book and
Spain’s La Vanguardia newspaper. return to normality was “virtually clicking a remote control at home but
Yet some health experts and poli- impossible” considering the threat of the message drew mocking criticism
ticians argue it is premature to ease new transmissions. on social media, with people noting
the lockdown in a nation that has “A premature easing (of social dis- that many could not afford to stay
suffered 17,489 deaths and reported tancing) would come at an irrevoca- home.

Russians decorate
isolation by recreating
MOSCOW — In the
coronavirus lockdown,
Russians can’t go to their
beloved and renowned
museums. So they’re fill-
ing the holes in their souls
by recreating artworks
while stuck at home and
posting them on social
The Facebook group
where the works are post-
ed has become a huge hit.
The art recreations range
from studious and rever-
ent to flippant and goofy.
They’re done both by Rus-
sians and Russian-speak-
ers abroad.
Some 350,000 people
are following the group,
where thousands of pho-
tos are posted, each show-
ing the original work
and the mockup made
at home. The rules say it
must only use items on
hand and can’t be digitally
There are some im-
pressive surprises in the
collection. Vitaly Fonarev
carefully recreated the
clothes and headdress of
Johannes Vermeer’s “Girl
With a Pearl Earring”
and captured the Dutch
artist’s famous glowing
light. The work is so con-
vincing that it takes a few
moments to notice that
the “girl” actually is a man
with a few days’ worth of
beard stubble.
Irina Kazatsker found
the project perfect for her
skills. The Canadian pho-
tographer had the lights
and the backdrops to do a
loving recreation of Picas-
so’s “The Frugal Meal”—
with the sly twist of put-
ting a roll of toilet paper
on the table.
“I decided to add a
provocative detail that
corresponds to the spirit
of the time,” she said.

The Dispatch • MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 3A

Backup coronavirus hospital in Memphis worries residents leaders have been sounding the alarm hundreds of potential patients is not one
‘The task of finding space to shelter hundreds of over what they see as a disturbing trend of choice but necessity,” the officials
potential patients is not one of choice but necessity’ of the virus killing African Americans at
a higher rate. They also have cited a lack
said in a statement.
For the vast majority of people who
Expo Center — all sites away from resi- of overall information about the race of have the coronavirus, symptoms clear
dential neighborhoods. victims as the nation’s death toll mounts. up in several weeks without requiring
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Faced with the
The Gateway Shopping Center in the Nutbush resident Patricia Harris won- hospitalization, but the consequences
threat of overburdened hospitals, states
Nutbush neighborhood of Memphis is dered aloud if city officials were “trying can be life-threatening for older people
across the country are converting con-
different. The center features a Save A to contaminate” the neighborhood. and those with existing health problems.
vention centers, sports facilities and per-
Lot grocery store, a Rent-A-Center, a Activist Earle Fisher, an African For Nutbush residents, their fear of
formance spaces into backup treatment
Family Dollar, beauty supply shop, Chi- American Memphis pastor, understands contracting the virus is matched with
sites for coronavirus patients. Tennes-
nese restaurant and other businesses. the anxiety. Residents in Memphis’ the worry that they could lose stores
see is no exception.
Locating a treatment center for coro- predominantly black neighborhoods that are vital to the neighborhood. Offi-
What some Memphis residents don’t
navirus patients there poses two prob- are already suffering from insufficient cials haven’t said if stores would close if
get is why in their city, a shopping center
lems, residents say: It could potentially COVID-19 testing, a dearth of reliable the Gateway facility was opened. If they
in the middle of a predominantly black,
expose them to the virus amid concerns information about the virus, and inade- did, shopping would become more dif-
low-income residential neighborhood
that blacks are contracting COVID-19 at quate access to masks and other person- ficult for residents, especially for those
has been targeted.
higher rates; and it could force some of al protection supplies, he said.
City and state officials are concerned who are old or have no means of trans-
the stores they rely on to close. “This is an honest and reasonable
that an influx of patients from Mem- portation to stores located farther away.
Nutbush resident and community concern and skepticism,” Fisher said.
phis, as well as nearby Mississippi, Ar- “For people who don’t have a car, what
volunteer Homer Osborne said he un- “I think it’s par for the course for black
kansas and rural West Tennessee, will do they do?” asked Harris, who spoke to
derstands the need to help coronavirus people to be righteously skeptical of
strain hospitals. Their fears are echoed The Associated Press while lugging a
patients, but he questions why officials governmental intervention that did not
across the country: Governors, mayors bottle of detergent, a package of bottled
chose Gateway. consult with people on the ground first.”
and health experts in numerous states water and other items from the Save A
“There are a lot of poor people in this Doug McGowen, the city’s chief op-
are also researching and constructing Lot to her car. She noted that a grocery
neighborhood that come here and shop,” erating officer, said the Gateway site
makeshift medical facilities. store recently closed near her house and
said Osborne, who was buying food at was being considered because it could
In New York City, they’re turning to she already has to travel farther to get
the center for a home delivery service potentially accommodate hundreds of
the Javits Center convention site; in Chi- to Gateway.
he’s providing during the virus out- beds. He said if it were converted to a
cago, the McCormick Place Convention “When we do things, we’ve got to con-
break. “People won’t want to come over treatment site, it would hold only mild-
Center, and in Sandy, Utah, the Moun- sider the people in the neighborhood,”
here. It’s just going to kill this area.” ly ill coronavirus patients who could be
tain America Expo Center. she said. “We don’t need to make the
He also cited a widespread fear of be- quickly transported to a hospital should
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers neighborhood worse than it already is.”
ing unnecessarily exposed to the virus. their conditions worsen.
has been scouting locations in Tennes- U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, a Memphis
“All around, people are scared,” he Memphis officials said the Gateway
see, and officials here have compiled Democrat, said the decision doesn’t
said. site was put on the list in response to
a list of 35 possible backup sites. They make sense.
Their fears are not unfounded. In this a request from the state’s coronavirus
haven’t released the whole list, but Gov. “I’m sure there are other places that
majority-black city along the Mississippi team to identify large, available build-
Bill Lee has disclosed a few: the Music would work, and they should have used
River and other cities across the nation ings where an alternate treatment facili-
City Center in Nashville, the Chattanoo- those rather than go into a residential
that have been hard hit by COVID-19, ty could be located.
ga Convention Center, the Knoxville
Democratic lawmakers and community “The task of finding space to shelter neighborhood,” Cohen said.

Capitol dome
Continued from Page 1A
months away ... no such conditions in jails. Fitch coronavirus pandemic, been there. Justices did ber 2018. Because of the pan-
reviews will take place and de Gruy also want judges should consider so at the urging of the Mississippi Supreme demic, the state Su-
under this rule for weeks judges to review all pre- releasing people who MacArthur Center. In Court Chief Justice Mi- preme Court has already
or months,” they wrote. trial detainees, not just are jailed awaiting tri- mid-March, the center chael K. Randolph is tak- encouraged trial courts
Public defender An- those who’ve been held al on nonviolent crimes released figures show- ing comments about the to use teleconferencing
dre de Gruy is seeking at least 90 days — the but cannot afford to post ing that in December, requested rule change or videoconferencing for
weekly reviews. At- current mandate. bail. about 2,500 people had for more frequent judi- initial appearances and
torney General Lynn Cliff Johnson, direc- In 2017, the state Su- been jailed longer than cial review of county bail hearings. It has also
Fitch is seeking them tor of the MacArthur preme Court ordered 90 days, and more than jails. He’s asking that at- said that people quali-
biweekly. Either way, Justice Center at the sheriffs to start provid- 575 had been jailed more torneys, judges and oth- fied to administer oaths
the stepped-up review University of Mississip- ing information about than a year awaiting tri- ers with an interest in may do so remotely by
schedule could provide pi law school, said last people in county jails al. Those are similar to the court system submit using audio or video
greater oversight about month that during the and how long they have the figures from Novem- those by Tuesday. technology.

Police make one arrest, issue three

warrants for Saturday shootings
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT with a Saturday afternoon Police say the shooting
shooting near the 1900 happened following an ar-
Colum- block of Eighth Avenue gument.
bus police North. Wallace was ar- In what police believe
have made rested later Saturday to be an unrelated shoot-
an arrest in evening and is being held ing, CPD has issued an
one Saturday without bond at the Lown- aggravated assault war-
shooting and
des County Adult Deten- rant for Corey T’Bren
have issued
tion Center. Rice, 32, of Columbus af-
warrants in
Columbus Police De- ter a shooting in the vicin-
c on ne c t ion Wallace
to that and partment has issued war- ity of 22nd Street South
another, unrelated, shoot- rants for two other men and Bell Avenue early Sat-
ing. in the incident – Tommy urday evening.
According to Colum- Lee Flowers III, 25, of Investigators ask that
bus Police Chief Fred Crawford; and Kenny Ri- anyone knowing the loca-
Shelton, Roy Erby Wal- heam Armistead, 24, of tion of the three wanted
lace Jr., was arrested and Columbus – for aggravat- persons to call Golden
charged with aggravat- ed assault and shooting Triangle Crimestoppers
ed assault in connection into a occupied dwelling. at 800-530-7151.

After severe storms on Sunday, expect

a more quiet weather pattern heading
into the new week. Mostly sunny skies
for your Monday. Breezy and cool at
times with highs In the 60s.


Clear Slight Chance Mostly Sunny Lots of Sunshine A Bit Warmer

62 38 64 39 69 46 73 45
Sunday in Columbus Tue Wed In feet as of 6
a.m. Mon
Stage Stage
City HI/Lo Hi/Lo
Temperature High Low Fulton 20 16.44 +5.67
Sunday 70 55
Atlanta 71/47 66/45 Bigbee 14 17.65 +10.57
Normal 76 49
Boston 56/40 48/36 Amory 20 23.32 +11.33
Record 90 36 Chicago 43/30 42/32 Columbus 161 148.13 +10.56
Dallas 56/40 61/46 Bevill 122 122.05 +11.63
Precipitation (inches) Los Angeles 77/55 81/55
Sunday 0.00" Nashville 55/35 59/37 LAKE LEVELS
In feet as of 6 24-hr.
Month to date 3.63" New York 56/44 48/42 a.m. Mon Level Chn&:.
Normal month to date 1.95" Orlando 92/72 91/69 Aberdeen 190.38 -0.07
Year to date 32.96" Phoenix 80/53 83/56 Columbus 163.44 +0.19
Normal year to date 17.70" Seattle 63/46 63/45 Bevill 136.39 -0.05


New First Full Last Mon Tue
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tues.
Sunrise 6:25AM 6:23 AM Major 5:55a 6:51a
Sunset 7:23 PM 7:24 PM Minor 1:13a 2:10a
Major 6:23p —
Moonrise 12:47 AM 1:43 AM
Minor 11:34a 12:13p
Apr. 22 Apr. 30 May 7 Apr. 14 Moonset 10:54 AM 11:50 AM Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)

The Dispatch
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip: If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
4A MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Finding a quiet shelter
“When all else fails, cleaning house is home days. continued pres- was “Quiet Shel-
the perfect antidote to most of life’s ills.” Starting with Sam, pressure-washing sure-washing ter.” How appro-
— Sue Grafton, author of the the metal roofs seemed like a terrible porches and well- priate.
“alphabet series” detective novels idea — ladders, water, slick metal roofs, house. Then it was While Sam
heights, hoses whipped around by a my turn to clean. went fishing, I

he coro- gasoline motor. Nothing good could A blogger I fol- scrubbed the
navirus come of this. I tried all my reasoning low at “Inspired by porch furniture.
has given skills: This is the worst time to get on a Nikki” has dozens The cedar Ad-
a whole new slick roof. Imagine killing yourself, or of how-to-clean irondack chairs
meaning to maiming your body, or going to the ER videos. The videos renewed their
spring clean- at a time like this. are ethereal, word- bright red color.
ing. It’s not just All to no avail. Sam suggested my less, with classical The bamboo
washing your helping by handing the sprayer back music. Nikki end tables were
hands umpteen and forth as he moved down the line. dresses in lovely freshened. The
times a day, I, on the other hand, wished I had outfits, as is her pillows and rugs
wiping counter- taken that course on “How to Stop the style. She dons an were spritzed
tops with Clo- Bleeding.” Was it head up or feet up? apron and begins with water and
rox solutions, Google says head injuries are head to clean. Nikki tossed into the
cleaning door Shannon Bardwell and shoulders slightly elevated. For makes cleaning dryer. The vases
knobs, phones bleeding parts apply firm pressure to look elegant and and bowls were
and any shared the wound with sterile gauze or a clean desirable. gathered up and
items with Wet Wipes. We have plenty cloth. Watch for changes in breathing Another washed in soapy
of time and no excuses for not cleaning and alertness. Most common injuries blogger, Jennifer L. Scott, always water. The cats, Wilhelmina and Harry,
our spaces. Spring cleaning usually from a fall include head injuries, hip recommends dressing “presentable” no observed from the porch rail.
entails not only regular daily or weekly fractures, back and spinal cord injuries, matter the day’s activities. Jennifer also The cleaning was work but at the
cleaning, but deep-down scrubbing. It shoulder injuries, sprains and fractures. wears an apron while cleaning. And same time satisfying. The finished
includes areas you may only do after Age more than height was a factor. come to think of it, so did Aunt Bea. My product was a joy. Finding our quiet
winter has come to a close. That’s the Sam finished his job, was back on apron said, “He didn’t marry me for my shelter in the midst of a storm.
kind of cleaning the Bardwells have terra firma. The roofs were freed from cooking.” I tied it on. I played “Relaxing Email reaches Shannon Bardwell of
attempted whiling away these extra dust, dirt, pollen and oak worms. Sam Pachelbel,” noticing one of the titles Columbus at


Bipartisan groceries
t’s been a little hard
to get groceries
lately, what with the
coronavirus hoax still
abroad in the land of
the free. Still, no matter
how many the hoax
kills, I have to go to
work, and I have to go to
the grocery store.
After retiring from
the newspaper busi-
ness, I took a job doing Marc Dion
talk radio. Imagine my
surprise when I was
declared an “essential employee.”
So, after leaving work one afternoon, I pulled
into the parking lot of a local grocery store,
slipped my mask over my snout and headed in to
buy a couple of things.
In the cat food aisle, I stepped aside for an old
Republican woman, letting her get at the kitty
litter. In the frozen food aisle, I stood patiently
six feet behind an old Democratic voter who
was buying five servings of frozen macaroni and
The store was out of democratic toilet paper,
but they had socialist paper towels. And the meat
counter offered plenty of communist hot dogs.
I was rolling, moving fast past the progressive
cans of chicken soup, dodging a feminist who was
restocking the shelf of canned chili.
I got to the cash register panting, having bare-
ly survived so many encounters with so much
From behind the plexiglass screen, the Repub-
lican checkout guy rang up my purchases, and LETTER TO THE EDITOR
my items were bagged by a pro-life bag person
who was just beginning to question her gender.
The right-wing automatic door slid sound-
lessly open, and I walked out into the pro-gun
Voice of the people
parking lot and headed for my car. Supports signing CMSD/ done or said something — wheth- comes to dealing with this pan-
“How is it in there?” an evangelical Christian er intentional or not — that you demic, we are feeling like we’re
said to me as she approached the door.
GTECHS petition regretted? I believe most humans back in the stone age.
This is Joshua Helton, one of
“Not bad,” I said. “They’re out of bipartisan have. He apologized for it and we The most surprising thing, how-
the students at Golden Triangle
legislation, though. And toilet paper.” should accept his apology as we ever, is that United States being
Early College High School, and
She made a left-wing face of disappointment would want others to accept ours. the most wealthy, powerful, and
it has come to my attention that
and picked up her pace. I’m sure he wasn’t thinking any- innovative nation on the Earth has
the Columbus school district is
Back in my truck, the radio relayed the thing racial about it. also succumbed to this invisible
wanting to pull the Columbus kids
thoughtful words of punchline Pres. Donald Ken Daniels organism. A nation that produces
out of this program which is very
Trump, who said “tremendous” and “terrible,” Starkville the most Noble prizes, and where
wrong and very awful. Columbus
many times, and very fast for a man his age. almost all discoveries are made,
was hands-on for this thing ever
Almost everything above is not true. The since it all started and now that Optimistic about our ability to from software to hardware and
from pin to airplanes, also seems
Trump part is true, and the mask part is true, and “money is a problem”, they want defeat virus
the grocery store part is true. to be helpless. A nation who is a
to take the Columbus kids out and We humans are exposed to
But during my 25 minute trip to the grocery guide to the world in almost all
in my opinion it shouldn’t be like multiple different type of diseas-
store, I didn’t learn the political, gender or reli- walks of life, today is leading the
that. Superintendent Dr. Labat es and sicknesses, but corona
gious identity of anyone who shopped with me. world in number of deaths due to
should rethink her decision about virus disease turns out to be the
We were just people, people shopping on a day corona virus. It is puzzling that
letting the Columbus kids stay. I queen of all diseases. This virus
slightly more annoying than other days, masked our health care workers are losing
have started a petition on www. has imprisoned the entire world,
and stepping out of each others’ way, anxious to their lives simply because they and we have more than a situation that was never expe-
find the only kind of cat food our cats will eat, don’t have adequate supply of
600 signatures right now to let the rienced by anyone who is living
hoping sweetly for toilet paper, saying, “The hell masks and other personal protec-
Columbus kids stay and I need to today. It has halted the world’s
with that diet,” to ourselves and buying a gallon tive equipment. If our nation didn’t
know what I should do to make it economy, businesses, transporta-
of mint chocolate chip ice cream. depend too much on other coun-
where we can have an actual vote tion, sporting events, and overall
Just people in the market, and though we all tries especially China for supply
for whether or not the Columbus social interactions. Only thing that
had our dearly held beliefs and hates and loves, of our basic needs, and had local
kids can stay. this virus couldn’t do is to stop our
we shut up about them, and maybe didn’t even industries making them, and our
Joshua Helton communication ability. Halting
think about them, because the cat will only eat leaders took the right decisions,
Columbus communication is the job of a
the tuna and cheese canned food, and definitely probably we wouldn’t be losing
different type of virus, that is com-
not the turkey and cheese canned food. this many precious lives. I am fully
In the open mouth of the pandemic, right Believes coach’s apology is puter virus. Just like our computer
engineers protect our communi-
optimistic that soon we will defeat
in there between the sharp teeth, we were just enough cation by tackling computer virus,
this virus by social distancing and
little, scurrying people with tiny little needs, and This is in response to Sue Crad- eliminate it with our scientific
soon we biologists will find a cure
desires for home comfort and Cheerios, and tuna dieth’s letter about a tweet from innovations. Once we win this
to destroy this biological virus.
and cheese cat food, and, oh, the humanity, toilet Mississippi State football coach battle, I sincerely hope that our
This virus has firmly proven that
paper. Mike Leach. As a MSU alumni leaders will realize the value of
it is one of the most powerful and
Marc Dion, a nationally syndicated columnist, as well, I believe you are making timely decisions and home-grown
dangerous enemies of mankind.
is a reporter and columnist for The Herald News, a mound out of a molehill. I will products in dealing with the future
We can take pride in reaching the
the daily newspaper of his hometown, Fall River, always stand against mistreatment catastrophes.
Moon and Mars and mapping the
Massachusetts. For more on Dion, go to go to www. of others, I believe you are going Ghanshyam D. Heda
entire human genome, but when it to the extremes. Have you ever Columbus
The Dispatch • MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 5A

Fauci comments on US virus response seem to draw Trump’s ire

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Fauci said Sunday that the econo- a gradual process will be required say about when to ease restrictions in
my in parts of the country could have based on the status of the pandemic in their states, and the leaders of Mary-
WASHINGTON — a “rolling reentry” as early as next various parts of the U.S. and the avail- land and New Jersey indicated Sunday
Social restrictions aimed month, provided health authorities can ability of rapid, widespread testing. that they are not likely to do so until
at stopping the spread quickly identify and isolate people who Once the number of people who are widespread testing is available.
of the coronavirus could will inevitably be infected. Fauci also seriously ill sharply declines, officials “The question is how fast we can
have saved lives if they’d said he “can’t guarantee” that it will be can begin to “think about a gradual re- get enough tests up to speed in order
been started earlier, safe for Americans to vote in person entry of some sort of normality, some to help us get to the point where we
and when they’re eased on Election Day, Nov. 3. rolling reentry,” Fauci said. are able to do all of those things,”
new cases are certain to When asked on CNN if earlier In some places, he said, that might Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said. He
arise, said the nation’s Fauci
action on social distancing and “stay at occur as soon as May. “We are hoping said he has set no “artificial deadline.”
top infectious disease home” policies could have saved lives, that, at the end of the month, we could New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said
expert, Dr. Anthony Fau- Fauci responded in part: “It’s very dif- look around and say, OK, is there any the risks of reopening too soon are
ci, seeming to draw the ficult to go back and say that. I mean, element here that we can safely and dangerously high. “And I fear, if we
ire of President Donald obviously, you could logically say that cautiously start pulling back on? If open up too early, and we have not
Trump. if you had a process that was ongoing so, do it. If not, then just continue to sufficiently made that health recovery
Trump, who has been and you started mitigation earlier, you hunker down,” Fauci said. and cracked the back of this virus, that
chafing at criticism that could have saved lives. Obviously, no Whenever restrictions ease, Fauci we could be pouring gasoline on the
he didn’t do enough one is going to deny that. But what said, “we know that there will be fire, even inadvertently,” Murphy said.
early on to fight the Trump
goes into those kinds of decisions is people who will be getting infected. I Increased testing would allow au-
virus, reposted a tweet complicated.” mean, that is just reality. “ thorities to identify, isolate and trace
that referenced Fauci’s comments and Trump’s tweet referencing Fauci Social distancing guidelines from the contacts of people who are newly
that said “Time to #FireFauci.” Trump was one of several that Trump posted Trump are set to expire April 30. infected, Fauci said.
again pointed to his decision in late on Sunday that defended his handling Trump is eager to restart the econ- Trump continues to deny ongoing
January to restrict travel from China, of the virus outbreak and blamed oth- omy, which has stalled because most problems with the coronavirus testing
writing, “Sorry Fake News, it’s all ers for missteps. Americans are under orders to “stay at that’s available, including shortages
on tape. I banned China long before Rather than flipping a switch to home” to help slow the virus’ spread. and long wait times for people to learn
people spoke up.” reopen the entire country, Fauci said But governors will have a lot to results.

Restaurants turn to grocery

sales to help offset losses
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to make meals. Grocery Others, like the Gandy
items can be delivered or Dancer, offer a much
O’FALLON, Mo. — picked up. broader selection.
Charlene Gulliford at the Subway is selling gro- Union Loafers in St.
Gandy Dancer never fig- ceries at 250 of its stores Louis is opting for quality,
ured there would come a in five states -- California, even if it means a higher
day when the Michigan Connecticut, Oregon, price. The restaurant be-
restaurant known for its Tennessee and Wash- gan selling locally pro-
steaks and seafood would ington. Potbelly Sand- duced goods such as eggs,
sell toilet paper and car- wich Shop franchises milk, jams and meats on
tons of eggs, but the coro- launched Potbelly Pantry, March 31. Co-owner Sean
navirus has restaurants in offering mostly foods that Netzer said patrons don’t
survival mode. the chain uses to make mind the higher price —
The popular restaurant its sandwiches, such most items are selling out
in Ann Arbor now doubles as meats, cheeses and daily.
as a grocery store, offer- breads. The chain restaurants,
ing staples such milk and Panera’s vice president which buy in extraordi-
bread in addition to meats of wellness and food poli- nary bulk, can afford to
and fish from its own pan- cy, Sara Burnett, said the sell at a lower cost. Sub-
try — and yes, even paper decision to sell groceries way and Panera Grocery
towels and the ever-elu- is a reaction to “the un- prices are comparable to
sive toilet paper. Sales precedented crisis our grocery store prices, the
began two weeks ago and country’s going through companies said.
the Gandy Dancer has right now.” She wouldn’t Gulliford said the Gan-
found an income source disclose how much the dy Dancer’s prices are
to make up for some of pandemic has cost Pane- more than competitive
its lost dine-in business, ra, but she said 30 percent and can even be cheaper
while also filling a need of its business typically than the grocery store’s.
since traditional grocers comes from in-restaurant For example, six lemons
are struggling to keep up dining, “and that obvious- sell for $1 and potatoes
with demand. ly is completely gone.” are $1 per pound, she
“A lot of people are The National Restau- said.
saying they’re happy to rant Association says the Many of the restau-
support us, but a lot of industry has lost 3 mil- ra nts - t ur ned - g rocer y
people are saying, ‘Thank lion jobs and $25 billion stores are offering “con-
you for helping us,’” said in sales since March 1. tact-free” service in which
Gulliford, the restaurant’s Spokeswoman Vanessa the customer place orders
general manager. Sink said 3% of restau- by phone or online and
The idea is catching on rants have closed perma- the goods are delivered
nationwide. Stay-at-home nently and another 11% straight to the trunk or
and social distancing or- expect to do so by the end backseat of the car. Gul-
ders meant to slow the of the month. liford said the elderly,
spread of COVID-19 have The move to grocery who are at a higher risk
put restaurant dining on sales has been swift. of serious illness or death
hold, forcing many to Panera would typically from the coronavirus, are
close and leaving others spend months on a new especially appreciative of
barely surviving. From business proposal, do- being able to avoid going
large chains to mom-and- ing research, conducting into stores.
pop eateries, restaurants surveys and opening test Restaurant operators
are increasingly turning markets. Not this time. aren’t sure if grocery sales
to grocery sales. Panera Grocery went will continue once the
Panera this week from an idea to launch in pandemic passes. Panera
launched Panera Grocery, two weeks, Burnett said. sees this as “kind of a tip-
offering not only the St. Grocery items sold by ping point to see what our
Louis-based chain’s pop- restaurants vary great- customers need,” Burnett
ular breads, bagels and ly. Some offer mostly the said.
sweets but items such types of things already Gulliford said the fu-
as milk, eggs and fresh in their pantries, such as ture is especially difficult
produce that its 2,100 meats, vegetables, fruit, to predict during this un-
U.S. stores normally use cheese, milk and eggs. precedented time.
6A MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
they can find many of
the things you need in
Asian cooking. We filled
a niche and we’ve grown
our business pretty
steadily over the years.”
As it is with most
family-owned business-
es, Yang grew up in the
market, performing just
about every job there.
“When I was in
seventh grade, I was
checking out custom-
ers,” he said. “I’ve done
everything, but now
mainly I work in the
kitchen cooking with my
Yang said business
is “doing OK,” during
the COVID-19 crisis, so
far. The exception is the
restaurant which, like
all restaurants, relies
exclusively on take-out
orders. Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
“We’re not really Asian Foods Market and Restaurant on Highway 12 in Starkville provides ingredients for
doing much business Asian recipes, catering particularly to Mississippi State University’s large Asian stu-
on the restaurant side,” dent population. Kevin Yang, whose family operates the market, added some others in
Yang said. “We still keep Starkville eat at the restaurant, decide to try to make the food at home themselves and
it going, though.” so shop at the market for ingredients.
Yang said the restau- over and shop.” “Do they have pork? I’ll “A lot depends on
rant has already prov- For Yang and the make some suggestions what happens in the
en its strategic value, other workers, there is about some pork dishes. fall when classes at
though. also another task they I think it’s fun for a lot Mississippi State begin
“What we’ve seen happily perform. of customers to sort of again,” he said. “We’ll
since we opened the “Almost none of the discover a new style of be watching to see if the
restaurant is that it’s writing on the packages cooking. That’s good international students
brought in a lot more is in English,” he said. for us, so we’re happy to come back. If they don’t,
(non-Asian) customers,” “So we’ll read the pack- help.” that’s going to affect us.
Yang said. “They come ing and tell them about Yang said that while We’ve built our business
in, taste the food and de- the product.” the market has held its on them and while we
cide they want to make He also provides own during the crisis, are getting more (non-
it at home. Since the cooking tips. there’s a chance busi- Asians) customers, the
market is in the same “I always ask them ness will eventually Asians students are who
building, they’ll come what they have,” he said. decline. we rely on the most.”

Continued from Page 1A
nado was spotted north enth Street The National Weather told KNOE-TV that the
of Meridian near the Al- North in Service advised thun- storm damaged 200-300
abama state line. C olu mbus , derstorms would shift homes in and around the
The most severe hit of she said, across the southeast and city. Flights were can-
the counties in the Gold- but caused mid-Atlantic states Mon- celed at Monroe Region-
en Triangle area was Nox- no injuries. day, bringing potential al Airport, where siding
ubee County, which the The storm tornadoes, wind and hail. was ripped off buildings
NWS in Jackson report- also caused Around 750,000 people
and debris was scattered
ed was hit by a tornado s c a t t e r e d Lawrence were without power ear-
at about 3:40 p.m. Barge power out- ly Monday in a 10-state on runways. Airport di-
Forest Products Compa- ages in the swath ranging from Tex- rector Ron Phillips told
ny on Buggs Ferry Road county, she as to Georgia up to West the News-Star the storm
“took a direct hit” from said. Virginia, according to caused up to $30 million
a tornado and will be In Ok- News in damage to planes in-
closed for the time being, tibbeha outlets reported downed side a hangar.
said County Sheriff Tom- Count y, trees, flooded streets In northwest Louisi-
my Roby. The winds blew EMA direc- and other damage in Al- ana, officials reported
off the roof and damaged tor Kristen Campanella abama, Tennessee and damage to dozens of
the car shack, he said. Campan- Georgia, but the National homes in DeSoto and
A mobile home on ella reported minimal Weather Service hadn’t Webster parishes, ac-
Highway 45 was over- damage and no injuries. immediately confirmed cording to news outlets.
turned by the strong County supervisors said additional tornado touch- In Morgan County, Al-
winds, he said. Macon there was some minor downs.
abama, a church roof and
Septic Systems Inc., a flooding and tree damage Strong winds late Sun-
company that sells storm in parts of the county. day toppled power lines steeple were damaged
shelters and septic tanks, There were several pow- and blew trees onto sev- by lightning Sunday af-
also suffered damage as er outages throughout eral houses in Clarks- ternoon, Morgan County
winds blew away some Starkville, at least one dale, Mississippi, trap- Emergency Management
materials from the site, of which was caused by ping some people inside, Agency Eddie Hicks told
he said. a tree falling on Herbert Mayor Chuck Espy said. Shoals Creek
No injuries occurred Street, said Mayor Lynn “I know these are Baptist Church in Pricev-
during the storms, Roby Spruill. some tough times and ille was struck by light-
said. A MEMA press re- Mississippi Gov. Tate I’m just asking everyone ning Sunday afternoon.
lease reported a total of Reeves declared a state to stay prayed up,” Espy No injuries were report-
five homes damaged, and of emergency Sunday said. ed.
10 roads closed due to night after he said sever- Before the storms WBMA-TV report-
damage or debris. al tornadoes had struck moved into Mississip- ed that strong winds
In Lowndes County, the state. pi, the weather service
damaged buildings and
the storm swept down “This is not how any- reported multiple torna-
roughly 25 trees, particu- one wants to celebrate does and damaging winds snapped trees in Walker
larly in the southern and Easter,” Reeves said on over much of northern County, Alabama, north
eastern parts of the coun- Twitter. “As we reflect on Louisiana. There were no of Birmingham.
ty, said Lowndes Coun- the death and resurrec- immediate reports of se-
ty EMA Director Cindy tion on this Easter Sun- rious injuries. Dispatch reporters Yue
Lawrence. A tree fell on day, we have faith that we The mayor of Monroe, Stella Yu and Tess Vrbin
top of a house on Sev- will all rise together.” Louisiana, Jamie Mayo, contributed to this report.

Mississippi nearing 100 virus

deaths, more cases confirmed
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS roes, these people who are at risk for our
sake,” Adolph said.
JACKSON — Many Figures released by the state Health
Mississippi churches held Department on Sunday showed Mississip-
online services Sunday to pi had at least 2,781 confirmed cases and
celebrate Easter and to help 96 deaths from the virus as of Saturday
people maintain distance evening. That was an increase of 139 cas-
from one another to try to es and three deaths from the previous day.
slow the spread of the new For most people, the coronavirus caus-
coronavirus as the state’s es mild or moderate symptoms, such as
death toll from COVID-19 fever and cough. But for others, especial-
approaches 100. ly older adults and people with existing
The Rev. S.V. Adolph Jr., pastor of First health problems, the highly contagious
Missionary Baptist Church Handsboro virus can cause severe symptoms and be
said on Facebook live that he misses fatal.
greeting and embracing congregants at Gov. Tate Reeves held a Facebook live
the Gulfport sanctuary, but he is grateful session from the Governor’s Mansion to
about “leaving the walls of the church” pray and read Bible verses, as he has done
and worshiping online. He also prayed for the past three Sundays.
health care providers, law enforcement Mississippi remains under the gover-
officers and others working during the nor’s statewide stay-at-home order until
pandemic. April 20, and it tells people not to gather in
“We are really grateful for these he- groups of 10 or more.


BY ZACK PLAIR you,” Hutson said. “You had to assume the guy

was going to be there, get
rian Hutson had low and bust through.”
been here before. Following that plan,
Four times to be Hutson (at 6-foot-1, 190
exact. pounds) dove through
Leading his opponent, the paper and under the
Lucian Anderson, by only arms the waiting 6-foot-5,
two points, Hutson need- 250-pound Gemini, then
ed to win the obstacle crawled across the finish
course, dubbed The Elim- line to become the first
inator, by one second. Just male Grand Champion
one more time. of the “American Gladia-
The Brandon native tors” television show.
built his narrow lead That moment also
with a perfect 3-for-3 made him $35,000 rich-
performance in human er, helping him pursue
cannonball, earning 10 another, much grander
points in the wall climb dream of playing in the
and five in Power Ball. National Football League.
But he faltered in three Add that to the $10,000
other events — the Joust, he had already won on the
Breakthrough and Con- show and it “wasn’t bad
quer, and Assault. Histor- for four weeks of work,”
ically, Hutson’s Elimina- he said.
tor times had been much
faster than other compet-
itors, but it had been six
‘Well-built’ at
months since he had done Mississippi State
it. In the interim, Ander- Among the photos dis-
son had proven every bit played in the Addison,
Texas headquarters of
his equal. Courtesy photo
Hutson’s office furniture
The whistle blew to “American Gladiators” contestants (from left) Terry Moore, Aimee Ross and Brian Hutson pose together in 1989 amid
company, none commem- two weeks of filming for the syndicated television competition in Hollywood, California. Hutson, a Brandon native and
start the race.
orate his spandex-clad former Mississippi State University strong safety, won the male division of the 1989 season as well as the show’s first
Staying neck-and-
American Gladiator tri- Grand Championship a year later. He used the $45,000 in total prize money to continue working out so he could chase
neck, the competitors
umphs from three de- his dream to become an NFL player.
pushed oversized rubber
cades ago.
balls up a ramp and rolled
them into holders placed
Athletically, he said,
he’d rather be remem-
‘I quickly figured out those guys were
at the top. They moved to
the balance beam, where
bered as a football player.
Beyond that, the photos
real baseball players, and
they both scampered
across while trying to
show his family and his I was a football player pretending
ties to Mississippi State
dodge medicine balls be-
ing swung in their path.
University. to be a baseball player.’
Redshirting his fresh- Former MSU football player Brian Hutson on
“My strategy was al- man year of 1983, Hutson
ways to run across that trying out for the 1985 MSU baseball team
played 10 games as the
thing as fast as I could Bulldogs’ punter in 1984
and jump at the end to the before establishing him- some games in Hawaii, he brought him into the
mat (on the other side),” self as the starting strong returned to spring foot- nation’s living rooms as
Hutson said. “I knew if safety during his sopho- ball. a contestant on the pi-
I could get over that, I’d more and junior years. He The hit gives Hutson lot season of “American
win. … The medicine earned his bachelor’s de- a distinction no Bull- Gladiators,” a show that
balls were bad enough to gree in business adminis- dog — not even Clark or ultimately ran for sev-
knock you off, but some- tration in 1986. Palmeiro — could ever en seasons into the mid
times the ropes (attached As a three-sport all top: a 1.000 career batting 1990s.
to the balls) would wrap star coming out of Bran- average. Polk and Hutson To this day, Polk said,
around your arm and pull don High School — foot- still keep in touch, and he hasn’t seen any of
you off.” ball, baseball and soccer both regularly mention those episodes. The re-
At the end of the beam, — Hutson even tried his the feat. sults, though, speak for
a ball harmlessly glanced hand at playing for Ron “Any time he writes themselves.
off Hutson as he dove Polk’s baseball squad. me, he signs it, ‘Brian “He looked the part …
safely to the mat. Ander- The only problem was he Hutson, your only 1.000 just a well-built kid,” he
son was hit hard, though, tried out in 1985, the year hitter,’” Polk said. “That’s said. “I’m not surprised at
and fell into the pit, cost- MSU finished a game a record that can never be all that he won.”
ing him a five-second pen- short of a national cham- broken.”
alty and taking his heart pionship appearance with Though Hutson was A $10,000 opportunity
out of the race. a team that boasted future best-known for his foot- By 1989, Hutson had a Courtesy photo
Hutson, meanwhile, Major Leaguers like Will ball prowess, the legend- problem. Hutson is pictured with his wife, Angie, and son, Race,
swung on a rope over the Clark, Rafael Palmeiro, ary baseball coach re- After college, he had at Walt Disney World earlier this year. After retiring from
short wall leading to the Bobby Thigpen and Jeff garded him as “one of my signed as an undrafted football due to an ankle injury, Hutson started an office
home stretch, navigated Brantley. favorite kids.” free agent with the Los furniture store in Arkansas. He later moved to the Dallas
a few cones and prepared “I quickly figured out “He was good-natured Angeles Raiders. area, where BHC Office Solutions is headquartered.
to run through the last those guys were real kid with a great, big But he played only a and “get a real job.” He worked for MGM (Stu-
obstacle guarding the fin- baseball players, and I smile,” Polk said. “He year on the practice squad
needed funds to stay in dios) who told me about
ish line — four paper-cov- was a football player pre- could run. He was athletic before getting cut.
shape, but those were an open tryout in Houston
ered doors, behind three tending to be a baseball and you could tell he had From there, he played
of which stood hulking skills. If he had played a short stint in the Cana- running low and time was for a new (competitive)
player,” he said.
bodybuilders prepared Hutson got in one only baseball, I think I dian Football League that running out. show,” Hutson said. “I
to impede a contestant’s game and had one career could’ve made him into a yielded no better pros- At the perfect moment, thought I’d give it a shot.”
progress. at-bat, hitting a bloop sin- prospect.” pects. a $10,000 opportunity Hutson was one of 12
“If he hits you, he’s gle to right field. When Polk had no idea Hut- He wasn’t quite ready came knocking. men and 12 women se-
probably going to stop the team traveled to play son’s versatility had ever to give up his NFL dream “I knew a girl who See HUTSON, 2B

National media members sound off on Nikki McCray-Penson’s hiring

BY BEN PORTNOY set up the former two- them as a player, she’s Cray-Penson provides ball writer Mechelle Voe- NCAA tournaments, sev- time Southeastern Con- lived them coaching at a blueprint for the play- pel told The Dispatch. en Sweet 16s and the 1997
ference player of the Year South Carolina, where ers she’ll welcome to “She can tell you what national title game during
STARKVILLE — Mis- at Tennes- the demands from that Starkville to reach the it’s like and how she did her 24-year tenure — but
sissippi State has found see for suc- fan base are significant next level. Following her it. And I just think that’s hadn’t reached March
its next women’s basket- cess in her as well,” Howard Megdal, standout career under Pat that that’s something you Madness since 2008 when
ball coach. first major Editor-in-Chief of Fansid- Summitt, the former Vol- can’t you can’t replicate in McCray-Penson earned
Following the depar- head coach- ed’s High Post Hoops, told unteer spent 11 seasons some ways.” the job in 2017.
ture of Vic Schaefer to ing job. The Dispatch. “But let’s playing professionally McCray-Penson also In both instances,
Texas, Athletic Director A f t e r also not underestimate — thrice earning WNBA walks into a situation that McCray-Penson helped
John Cohen officially gauging na- that Old Dominion team All-Star honors and twice boasts a comparable rabid guide Old Dominion
McCray-Penson and South Carolina to
announced the hiring of tional media — They are tremendous winning medals with the fanbase to her previous
Old Dominion’s Nikki members and they were especially United States olympic stops but isn’t the same sustained success both
McCray-Penson Saturday on the larger scope of effective on the defensive team. rebuilding project those schools lacked in recent
morning. MSU’s vacancy last week, end of the floor. That’s “If somebody says past jobs necessitated. years.
And while Mc- The Dispatch again spoke going translate with the ‘Gosh, I want to be SEC At South Carolina, the “It’s hard to lose some-
Cray-Penson has only with a number of those re- kind of players that are al- Player of the Year and I program had reached the body that you’ve gotten
been a Division I head porters to judge Cohen’s ready at Mississippi State want to be drafted and I Sweet 16 just twice since attached to,” Voepel said
coach since 2017, her hiring of McCray-Penson before you even take into want to a shot at the Olym- 1990 when she and Staley in reference to the MSU
three years guiding the to replace the program’s account what Nikki is go- pic team and I want to took over. Further, at Old fanbase and Schaefer.
Monarchs and her nine- all-time winning percent- ing to be able to bring in play professionally,’ Nikki Dominion, the Monarchs “But he left the program
year tenure as an assistant age leader. herself.” (McCray-Penson), did all enjoyed a long string of in really good shape. And
to Dawn Staley at South “She knows expecta- Beyond her past stops of those things,” ESPN success under Wendy so it’s a new coach coming
Carolina have seemingly tions because she’s lived at SEC schools, Mc- women’s college basket- Larry — reaching 21 See MSU, 2B
2B MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 The Dispatch •

Cowboys hanging on until rodeos start again

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dle. Here’s a look at how different who’s struggling right now,” said
riders are dealing with the down- Kimzey, who has deep rodeo roots,
On the back of a bucking bronco, time: From a star (reigning six-time with his dad a longtime barrelman/
bareback rider Jamie Howlett tries bull-riding world champion Sage clown and his mother, sister and
his best to hang on for eight fierce Kimzey) to the grinder (Howlett) to brother professional trick riders. “It’s
seconds. the weekend wrangler (gym teach- definitely hard times.”
That’s how the cowboy from er/track coach Eric Fabian ). Kimzey has got lucrative spon-
Australia feels at the moment. Only sors (Wrangler, Polaris) and a nest
in this case, there’s no horn to sig-
nal an end.
The Star egg (his career earnings are more
On his 1 0-acre property in Sal- than $2 million). He knows he’s for-
Howlett and the rest of the rodeo ado, Texas, the 25-year-old Kimzey tunate with more and more events
riders remain in a holding pattern stays plenty busy by clearing trees being postponed, rescheduled or
with events from Florida to Canada and building a garden for his fian- in some cases canceled. Several
to Texas to California on pause due cee. rodeo events in May are listed as
to the coronavirus pandemic. This is strange territory. He’s “planned” — for now, anyway.
Constantly on the road, Howlett rarely home this long. “I tell everybody right now in
doesn’t have a home. So he’s bunk-
ing at his buddy’s ranch in Rapid
Kimzey is a household name on
the circuit — the headliner who ev-
these uncertain times: Just keep
the faith and remain hopeful,” said

City, South Dakota. He doesn’t have

a side job, either (besides helping
eryone watches because he makes Kimzey, who’s healing from recent
ankle surgery. “Because without
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Sunday’s answer
bull riding look so effortless. In 2016, Sudoku 5 2 4 8 7 3 9 6 1
his friend to earn his keep). any pressure, diamonds can’t be a 9x9 gridis witha several
he became the youngest millionaire ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 6 9 8 5 2 1 3 7 4

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Howlett is rodeo dependent. In a in Professional Rodeo Cowboys As- made.”
based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 3 7 1 6 4 9 2 8 5
typical season, he logs about 55,000 sociation history at just over 22 years To pitch in while crashing at his grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 1 8 3 4 9 5 7 2 6
miles (88,514 km) along dusty old. friend’s ranch, Howlett tends to the given
roads to compete in as many as 100 Last season, Kimzey won his cattle and does some welding. so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 2 6 7 3 1 8 4 5 9
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
events and hopefully earn enough sixth straight world title to tie Jim Howlett sold everything back numbers 4 5 9 7 6 2 8 1 3
to break even (about $45,000). Shoulders’ PRCA record for consecu- home in Australia several years ago contains the1same to 9 number
9 3 6 1 8 7 5 4 2
the empty spaces so
Cowboys like Howlett are trying tive bull-riding world championships to relocate to America and pursue only once. The difficulty 7 1 5 2 3 4 6 9 8
that each row, each
to hang tough as best they can until (1954-59). the rodeo life. It’s been a rewarding level increases from
column and each 8 4 2 9 5 6 1 3 7
they can climb back into the sad- “My heart goes out to everybody but pricey undertaking. Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 4/11

the same number only once. The difficulty level

increases from Monday to Sunday.

Continued from Page 1B
in, but a coach who knows right away that she’s in the fight for diversity ball as well,” Megdal said.
the conference backward aware of that. And ob- in collegiate coaching. “The larger the talent pool
and forward and has a lot viously when she was at At present, nine of the that we have to choose
to work with and knows South Carolina, same sort SEC’s women’s basketball from in the game of wom-
what to do with it.” of thing and at Tennessee coaches are women — en’s basketball, the better
“I think it’s a some- — so she’s been around nine of whom are women it’s going to be because
what similar situation in passionate fanbases her of color with the addition Sunday’s Cryptoquote:
it’s casting a wider net.
the sense that fans are whole career as a player of McCray-Penson to
passionate fans and know and a coach.” their ranks. This matters beyond Mis-
the sport,” Associated Finally, in addition “The fact remains that sissippi State and this just
Press national women’s to her wildly successful getting more diversity at matters more generally
basketball writer Doug resume, McCray-Pen- the head coaching level for women’s basketball
Feinberg added. “And I son’s hiring offers an- will only be better for the that an elite prospect got
think that will help her other glimmer of hope game of women’s basket- this coaching job.”

Continued from Page 1B
lected to compete in the too much of an advantage. Anderson, on the other year’s end and signed an-
show’s inaugural season But I get it. They wanted hand, had performed well other free agent contract
filmed in Hollywood, Cal- it to be more competitive.” on the wall and had com- with the Green Bay Pack-
ifornia, starting with pre- One such rule change peted on it four times in ers for the 1991 season.
liminary rounds and mov- came courtesy of Hutson, winning his title. So, when His ankle never fully re-
ing to a single elimination who in human cannon- the two squared off on the covered, however, and he
bracket. ball — where contenders wall in the Grand Champi- retired from football be-
Both the male and fe- swung from a rope at sta- onship, show cohost and fore he ever saw the field
male winner earned the tionary gladiators braced renowned sportscaster again.
$10,000 grand prize, with on platforms — extended Mike Adamle went to the “Nobody can tell me I
the runners-up receiving his feet to knock off long- side Anderson was climb- didn’t make it,” he said.
$5,000 each. haired surfer dude Mal- ing to prepare for a post-
The “everyman” con- ibu, who then had to get event interview.
tenders were no slouch- stitches above his left eye. But Hutson, surpris-
Getting ‘a real job’
es. A few, like Hutson, Hutson left Green Bay
After that, contenders ingly, won the event easi-
had played college or intent on finding the “real
had to keep their legs ly, forcing the crew to stop
professional football. The job” he had long evaded
tucked in the event. filming so Adamle could
events, which the sea- having to get.
“Malibu (played by move to the other side.
son’s opening montage He and a business
Deron McBee) was Tar- “I remember thinking, ACROSS
describe as “action-ori- partner started an office
zan at Universal Studios,” ‘I’m getting up this wall,’” 1 Periodicals, for
ented” and “visually inter- furniture store in Searcy,
Hutson said. “He consid- Hutson said. “I looked short
esting,” were physically Arkansas, where Hut-
ered himself an actor. He over at Mike (after I did 5 Judge
exhausting and often in- son met his wife, Angie,
didn’t want to tear his face it), and he just had this 9 Painter
volved hard contact. whom he married in 1998.
up or break a bone.” huge grin on his face.” Picasso
En route to winning In the early rounds of The Grand Champion- Terry Moore, a former
UCLA linebacker who 10 Winfrey of TV
the male division, Hut- the competition, the Glad- ship winnings technically 12 French
son won all four rounds, iators palled around with included a Chevrolet ve- competed with Hutson
on the “American Gladia-
besting “Lost Boys” actor the contenders off cam- hicle worth up to $30,000 13 Florida city
Billy Wirth in the semifi- era. As the rounds went and $5,000 in cash. Hut- tors” pilot season, was in
14 Lebanon trees
nals and former football on, that began to change. son already had a vehicle. the wedding party.
16 Sick
player Craig Williams in Some, though, were al- “I went to a Chevy deal- Now Hutson lives in 17 Genesis
the final. ways in character. ership, took the car, then the Dallas area and his garden
Arguably most daunt- “Mike (Horton), who turned around and sold it business, BHC Office 18 Mars, for one
ing, though, were the played Gemini, was prob- right back to them,” Hut- Solutions, has locations 21 Scepter
Gladiators — in the men’s ably the nicest guy off son said. “I needed the in Addison and Searcy, as 22 Comes up
division, mammoths with set,” Hutson said. “Dan money.” well as Rogers and Con- 23 Fruit trees Sunday’s answer
names like Nitro, Gemi- (Clark), who played Ni- Producers floated the way, Arkansas. 24 For each DOWN 23 Peach center
ni, Titan and Malibu that tro, was a nice guy but he idea of bringing Hutson The Hutsons’ son, 26 Mountain 1 Coped 24 Quaking trees
would play foils for con- took it seriously. He was back as a referee, instead Race, 17, eschewed athlet- pass 2 Tolerated 25 Digestion-re-
tenders’ efforts to score in form all the time, and of a Gladiator, after the ic pursuits in favor of more 29 Disease-bear- 3 Do some field lated
points in every event. he was one of the better Grand Championship. At “creative” ventures, Brian ing fly work 26 Incite to
“There were a lot of athletes.” first, both sides seemed said. The younger Hutson 30 Mediocre 4 Tart action
good people there from willing, but a deal never builds video games as a 31 Phone down- 5 Period 27 Climb
different backgrounds,” hobby and wants to attend load
Hutson said. “The gladi- Returning to the arena came together.
the University of Chicago 32 Cashew
6 Clean Water
Act org.
28 Sheriff’s
When the show start- “I ended up making the
ators were all good guys. Patriots, so I wasn’t avail- to major in paleontology. family trees 7 Royal fur 29 Lights-out
A lot of them were Hol- ed, the idea was the win-
able anyway,” he said. None of the Hutsons 34 Small, to 8 Sugar trees tune
lywood actors, but they ners would join the Glad-
seek out the old episodes Simone 9 Track horse 30 Mona Lisa
were also athletes. They iator team.
of “American Gladiators,” 37 Carnival 11 Sentry’s feature
were all real nice, but Hutson said neither Realizing the dream but when they come attractions command 33 River of
when they went on the he nor the female win- When Hutson signed
across the syndicated re- 38 Slyly sarcastic 15 Evergreen Russia
air, they would act mad ner were physically big a free agent contract with 39 Without
enough to pull that off so the New England Patriots runs, they’ll stop to relive trees 35 Writer Tarbell
or whatever. … If you Brian’s 15 minutes of tele- others 19 Citrus fruit 36 Toe count
showed them up or made the plan changed. in 1990, the sports section 40 Look over
Plus, the show’s pop- of the Boston Globe pub- vision stardom. 20 Braying beast
them look bad, they’d 41 Easter lead-in 22 Pub brews
ularity soared, renewing lished a story and a photo “Race saw an episode
gang up on you in the
for a second half-season making light of the defen- once, took one look at me
competition, though.”
in 1990 with 12 new com- sive back’s reality show and said, ‘That’s not my
The entire season
petitors of each gender. past. dad,’” Brian, now in his
filmed in 12 days, on what
They asked Hutson to re- “There I am in the pa- 50s, recalled. “Of course,
Hutson called “turf rolled
out on a sound stage,” turn and compete against per swinging on a rope,” I was younger and buffed
which made being tackled the second-half winner, Hutson said, recalling up then.”
onto barely covered con- who turned out to be ac- when he saw the photo. “People ask me occa-
crete particularly painful. tor/dancer Anderson, for “The story was some- sionally where my mus-
Contenders practiced a grand championship — thing like, ‘the Patriots cles went,” he added. “I
on all the events for two a tradition that continued are dipping into the bot- tell them, ‘Nobody pays
days then began com- throughout the show’s tom of the barrel.’” me to work out anymore.’”
peting, spending most of tenure. But as the NFL season Brian isn’t big on ad-
their time watching their “They told me I’d went on, Hutson’s stock vertising his time on
fellow contenders and come and stay for the two went up and he eventually the show, but he doesn’t
learning from their mis- weeks, and I’d only have made it on the field in two mind when people bring
takes. Meanwhile, show to do one show,” Hutson games. He was playing it up. In fact, he’s grate-
producers were adjusting said. very well in the second ful he did it.
their own miscalcula- But in the six months half on the road against “It was fun. I en-
tions. since he had first compet- the Miami Dolphins, joyed it,” Brian said. “If
“They were literal- ed, there were changes. when a Miami player I hadn’t done the Glad-
ly making it up as they Specifically, a wall-climb- rolled over on his leg after iators, I wouldn’t have
went,” Hutson said. “They ing event had been added. a tackle and tore up Hut- been able to chase my
changed a bunch of rules In Hutson’s one chance to son’s ankle. dream. I couldn’t have
if it gave the contenders practice, he fell. Hutson was cut by afforded it.”
The Dispatch • MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 3B

Tiger’s last Masters as much about family as a green jacket

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the locker room reserved 294 days. He stands alone showing, that’s what blew watching in the cham- pionship. He was never a
for champions, yet they there. my mind.” pion’s locker room and I factor at the U.S. Open
Tiger Woods walked off shared a feeling with the This was no less sig- That’s what made this stayed and watched. You at Pebble Beach, site of
the 18th green as a Mas- entire golf world. nificant because of what it Masters different from his don’t often get that group his 15-shot victory, as
ters champion for the fifth Memories gave way to meant — to Woods, to his other four, this major dif- of people together very untouchable as any of his
time, a major champion reality. sport, to peers who grew ferent from the other 14. often. You just had that records. He missed the
for the 15th time, and the “That’s going to be up idolizing him and to a Adam Scott doesn’t sense it’s a significant mo- cut at the British Open.
sensation was unlike any- in people’s minds forev- worldwide audience that usually stick around when ment in the sport again.” Woods had another
thing he had ever felt. er,” Rickie Fowler said had reason to believe it he’s finished with a ma- Gary Woodland wasn’t knee surgery to repair
More memorable than last month, just two days might never happen again. jor. One exception was in about to miss it. minor cartilage damage.
any shot — the 8-iron that before the Masters was “I had just an amaz- 2006 after the U.S. Open “I don’t usually watch And then he won again,
trickled by the hole at postponed because of the ing amount of emails and at Winged Foot when he much golf,” he said. “I this time in Japan, to tie
the 16th was the decisive COVID-19 pandemic. texts that were flowing was headed for the airport had my family there. I the PGA Tour’s victory
blow — was the purpose- Was it his biggest win? in,” Woods said in a con- and turned around when was flying out Sunday record with No. 82.
ful stride toward his son, It would be hard to rate ference call leading up to close friend Geoff Ogilvy afternoon. I played early In only two starts this
grabbing Charlie with that over his first Mas- the Masters. “But I was emerged the winner. that day, and we pushed year, in chilly California
both arms, lifting the boy ters title in 1997, a “hello, more surprised by the He finished Sunday at the flight back. I wanted weather, he didn’t look
and turning from side to world” moment not tied to amount of videos of people Augusta National about to watch that.” like the Masters cham-
side. advertising. Woods set 20 watching the Masters and the time all hell broke The only mystery is pion. His back felt stiff
His mother was next. records that signaled the seeing their reaction when loose at Amen Corner. where it leads. and he skipped three
His daughter. His loyal arrival of a brand of dom- I hit the shot on 16 or when “You got a sense, as Woods was never the tournaments he ordinari-
support staff. And then a inance never seen in golf. I made the putt, whether it he was kind of taking the same the rest of the major ly plays. And now golf is
lineup of players outside The most historical? was on airplanes or in air- lead on the back nine, that season. He played nine shut down, which Woods
the clubhouse, some of His 2001 victory at Au- ports or restaurants. something special could holes of practice at Beth- said has given him time
them in green jackets. gusta gave him a sweep of “The amount of emo- be happening,” Scott said. page Black and missed for his 44-year-old body
They had been upstairs in the four majors in a span of tion that people were “There was a lot of guys the cut in the PGA Cham- to feel stronger.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: all. — CARMELLA before the needs of others.
I believe LaSPADA, FOUND- I want to tell him not to hug
that love ER, NO GREATER me anymore. However, it’s com-
conquers all. The LOVE, INC. plicated because we are part of
worldwide corona- DEAR a loose-knit athletic community.
virus is teaching CARMELLA: I First, is it odd of me not to
us we are all one could not agree want his hugs? Second, how do
in body, but not more. Read- you recommend I send the mes-
yet in spirit. Every ers have been sage that a handshake is the
day may not be asking me how most I want? — NO BEAR HUGS
good, but there to cope with the DEAR NO BEAR HUGS:
is good in every changed reality of Pandemic notwithstanding, in
day. Don’t count everyday life since general terms, I agree that what
ZITS the days — make the COVID-19 this person is doing is over the
the days count by virus struck this top. If he were to yank and lift
throwing a kiss, country. Reaching someone who has back issues,
sharing a smile out to help he could harm the person.
with others, and Dear Abby someone else is My first thought would be
waving a hand of a potent remedy to tell this man privately that
greeting to them. for anyone who is experiencing you don’t want him lifting you. If
When life gives you lemons, the blues and cabin fever. Even you can’t take him aside and do
make lemonade. Drink a re- if you can’t be supportive in that, then call him or write him
freshing glass of lemonade and person, a phone call, a text, a a letter.
make a toast: “To our health, post with an uplifting message Dear Abby is written by
God willing. Never give up!” And or a joke can lighten the mood Abigail Van Buren, also known
remember, the best medicine is of someone who is feeling as Jeanne Phillips, and was
a dose of laughter. isolated. I am glad you wrote, founded by her mother, Pauline
As President Kennedy said, Carmella, and I hope your mes- Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
GARFIELD our most common link is that, sage will resonate. at or P.O.
“We all inhabit this small planet. DEAR ABBY: I have encoun- Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
We all breathe the same air. We tered an “over-hugger.” I have 90069.
all cherish our children’s future, always hugged, but I take care To receive a collection of
and we are all mortal.” to respect how others feel about Abby’s most memorable —
Abby, won’t you ask your it. This person does not extend and most frequently request-
readers to pause daily to reflect, that courtesy. His typical hug ed — poems and essays,
think positively and affirm the involves picking the recipient up send your name and mailing
conviction that we as a nation off the ground. It’s invasive, in address, plus check or money
will overcome this challenge as my opinion. The last time I saw order for $8 (U.S. funds) to:
we have so many others before? him, I offered my hand. Instead Dear Abby — Keepers Booklet,
Be agents for globalizing hope. of taking it, he yanked me in P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris,
Do good for others. The greatest and said, “We give hugs here!” IL 61054-0447. Shipping and
joy in life comes from giving. I know he wants to show affec- handling are included in the
Sending love and hope to tion, but he puts his own needs price.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April of what you are intuitively drawn CANCER (June 22-July 22).
13). The excitement is unfolding toward. Most scientists agree we don’t
before you, a picture of a world TAURUS (April 20-May 20). perceive all of reality. Some
slightly altered from the one When you want people to know say we don’t perceive any of
you knew. The solar return has what you’re thinking, you’ll tell it, if there even is an objective
opened possibilities. The doors them with words, actions and reality. Regardless, you’re find-
need only to be pushed, and other unmistakable signals. ing points of agreement in your
you are bold enough to do so. When you don’t want people group that matter quite a lot.
Love and adventure are the to know what you’re thinking, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
prizes or your active push to they absolutely won’t be able to You’ve an unparalleled instinct
BABY BLUES the limits of your bold impetus. read you. for what’s important. You’ll
Sagittarius and Capricorn adore GEMINI (May 21-June 21). focus on the heart of what’s
you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, As much as you’d like every- happening and find that many
43, 26, 1 and 17. thing you own to be useful, time-consuming details can be
ARIES (March 21-April beautiful or both, the truth is skipped or delegated.
19). Your soul’s intelligence that your relationship to your VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
will speak to you in the form of material possessions goes far Would you rather be like Batman
curiosity. People who love you beyond these criteria. You’ll with an everloyal Robin or be
will support your investigation pare down today. an Avenger with an entire team
around to support you? You’ll
get the luxury of such a choice
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
The old “sticks and stones” say-
ing is both commonplace and
BEETLE BAILEY erroneous, as words do have
the power to harm and deeply
wound. You’ll be so careful
about how you wield them.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). When you think about it,
one of your dreams has come
true, and you’re living it, like it
or not. The realization may have
you carefully considering what
to dream next.
21). The obstacles are tied to
your talents. You cannot have
an artistic block if you’re not
MALLARD FILLMORE artistic, a writer’s block if you’re
not a writer, a creative block if
you’re not creative. The break-
through is imminent.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). It’s the little flubs that
make the process or project
relatable. Consider leaving them
in. They’ll give you an opportuni-
ty to connect and share stories.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Tonight brings an impulsive
mood, which can lead you to
boldness or folly. Take pause,
and think about reactions and
FAMILY CIRCUS fallout, especially in regard to
the written word and email!
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Maybe you are denying
another person the full story of
who you are, and it’s your right
to do so. It’s not their story. You
own your journey and have the
right to preserve or present it as
you see fit.

High stakes
4B MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 The Dispatch •

Fears of ‘Wild West’ as COVID-19

blood tests hit the market
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS as long as they notify the agency and
include disclaimers. Companies are sup-
WASHINGTON — Blood tests for posed to state that their tests have not
the coronavirus could play a key role in been FDA-approved and cannot rule out
deciding whether millions of Americans whether someone is currently infected.
can safely return to work and school. But Last week, FDA Commissioner Ste-
public health officials warn that the cur- phen Hahn said in a statement that the
rent “Wild West” of unregulated tests is agency will “take appropriate action”
creating confusion that could ultimately against companies making false claims
slow the path to recovery. or selling inaccurate tests.
More than 70 companies have signed During an interview Sunday on NBC’s
up to sell so-called antibody tests in re- “Meet the Press,” Hahn expressed “con-
cent weeks, according to U.S. regulators. cern” that tests being sold “may not be as
Governments around the world hope that accurate as we’d like them to be.”
the rapid tests, which typically use a fin- “What we don’t want are wildly inac-
ger-prick of blood on a test strip, could curate tests,” he said. “That’s going to
soon ease public restrictions by identify- be much worse, having wildly inaccurate
ing people who have previously had the tests than having no test.”
virus and have developed some immuni- Dr. Allison Rakeman of New York
ty to it. City’s Public Health Laboratory says
But key questions remain: How accu- some local hospitals are assuming the
rate are the tests, how much protection is tests, which are listed on FDA’s website,
needed and how long will that protection “have been vetted, when they have not.”
last. The danger of faulty testing, Rake-
The blood tests are different from the man says, is that people will mistakenly
nasal swab-based tests currently used conclude that they are immune or are no
to diagnose active COVID-19 infections. longer spreading the virus.
Instead, the tests look for blood proteins “Then somebody goes home and kiss-
called antibodies, which the body pro- es their 90-year-old grandmother,” said
duces days or weeks after fighting an Rakeman. “You don’t want to give some-
infection. The same approach is used for one a false sense of security.”
HIV, hepatitis, Lyme disease, lupus and For most people, the new coronavirus
many other diseases. causes mild or moderate symptoms, such
Because of the relative simplicity of as fever and cough that clear up in two to
the technology, the Food and Drug Ad- three weeks. For some, especially older
ministration decided to waive initial re- adults and people with existing health
view of the tests as part of its emergency problems, it can cause more severe ill-
response to the coronavirus outbreak. ness, including pneumonia, and death.
Right now, the tests are most useful For many infections, antibody lev-
for researchers studying how the virus els above a certain threshold indicate
has spread through the U.S. population. that the person’s immune system has
The government said Friday it has start- successfully fought off the virus and is
ed testing 10,000 volunteers. The White likely protected from reinfection. For
House has not outlined a broader plan COVID-19, it’s not yet clear what level
for testing and how the results might be of antibodies render patients immune or
used. how long immunity might last.
With almost no FDA oversight of the Adding to the confusion is the fact that
tests, “Right now it’s a wild west show out both legitimate companies and fraudu-
there,” said Eric Blank of the Association lent operators appear to be selling the
for Public Health Laboratories. “It really kits. Distinguishing between the two can
has created a mess that’s going to take a be a challenge.
while to clean up.” Officials in Laredo, Texas, reported
“In the meantime, you’ve got a lot of this month that some 2,500 antibody
companies marketing a lot of stuff and tests set for use at a local drive-thru
nobody has any idea of how good it is,” testing site were likely frauds. City of-
he said. ficials had ordered what they were told
Members of Blank’s group, which were “FDA-approved COVID-19 rapid
represents state and local lab officials, tests,” from a local clinic. But when they
have urged the FDA to revisit its lax ap- checked the test’s accuracy, it fell well be-
proach toward the tests. That approach low the range promised, the city said in a
essentially allows companies to launch statement.

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH ments. thy Cash, Mary Brady,
OBITUARY POLICY Mrs. Boyd was born Marie Jenkins and Eliz-
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
March 19, 1964, in abeth Ann Williams.
service times, are provided free Starkville, to John Boyd
and Wilma Perry. She
of charge. Extended obituaries
with a photograph, detailed was a member of First Lenore Prather
biographical information and John M.B, Church. COLUMBUS ­—
other details families may wish She is survived by Judge Lenore L. Prath-
to include, are available for a
her siblings, Darnell er, 88, died April 11,
fee. Obituaries must be sub-
Boyd, Darniece Boyd 2020, at her residence.
mitted through funeral homes Arrangements are
unless the deceased’s body has both of Starkville, John
been donated to science. If the Boyd of Maywood, incomplete and will be
deceased’s body was donated Illinois, Ivory Boyd of announced by Memori-
to science, the family must Pascagoula, Steve Boyd al Gunter Peel Funeral
provide official proof of death. of McDonough, Geor- Home & Crematory
Please submit all obituaries on
gia and Kevin Boyd of Second Avenue location
the form provided by The Com-
West Point. of Columbus.
mercial Dispatch. Free notices
must be submitted to the news-
paper no later than 3 p.m. the
Walter Williams Jr. Eula Harless
day prior for publication Tuesday
through Friday; no later than 4
Walter B. “Blondie” Mae Harless, 82, died
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
edition; and no later than 7:30 Williams Jr., 81, died April 12, 2020, at her
a.m. for the Monday edition. April 7, 2020, in Tupelo. residence.
Incomplete notices must be A graveside service Arrangements are
received no later than 7:30 a.m. is at 10 a.m. today, at incomplete and will be
for the Monday through Friday announced by Memori-
editions. Paid notices must be
Memorial Gardens
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Cemetery in Starkville, al Gunter Peel Funeral
the next day Monday through with the Rev. Ozell Home & Crematory
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Landfair. Visitation Second Avenue location
p.m. for Sunday and Monday was from 2-5:30 p.m. of Columbus.
publication. For more informa- Sunday, at Century
tion, call 662-328-2471.
Hairston Funeral
Home. Century Hair-
Lillie Boyd ston Funeral Home of
STARKVILLE — Starkville is in charge
Lillie T. Boyd, 56, died of arrangements.
April, 6, 2020. Mr. Williams was
A graveside service born Nov. 19, 1938, in
is at 11 a.m. today, at Starkville, to the late
Boyd Cemetery, with Walter Williams Sr. and
the Rev. James Boyd of- Estella Stallings. He
ficiating. Visitation was was formerly employed
from 2-5 p.m. Sunday, as an educator.
at Century Hairston He is survived by his
Funeral Home. Cen- wife, Dora Williams;
tury Hairston Funeral children, Kimberly,
Home of Starkville is Walter III, John and Lenore Prather
in charge of arrange- Kristi; siblings, Doro- Incomplete
2nd. Ave. North Location

Eula Harless

Log on. Incomplete

2nd. Ave. North Location
The Dispatch • MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2020 5B

no place
like home
to slow the
spread of the
Social distancing is the most effective tool we
have for slowing the spread of the coronavirus.
And that means staying home, if you can.

Work from home. Play at home. Stay at home.

If you must go out, keep your social distance—
six feet, or two arm-lengths apart. Young.
Elderly. In between. It’s going to take every one
of us. If home really is where the heart is, listen
to yours and do the life-saving thing.

Visit for the latest tips and

information from the CDC.



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© The Dispatch

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