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Bowdoin College

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The Nation’s Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, April 3, 2020 Volume 149, Number 20

Fall semester return for ‘everyone’ may not be possible

Rose establishes group tasked with making a recommendation for fall 2020
would be safe for our communi- the “Return to Campus Group,” In a phone interview with the and campus events and for how clude that there is a way, and if
by Andrew Bastone ty,” Rose wrote. will be composed of 18 stu- Orient, Scanlon said the group’s we engage socially,” Rose wrote. so then we’ll pursue it.”
Orient Staff
“That said, we should be dents, faculty and staff and will meetings, which will be held on Rose said he does not know Rose also added that he
President Clayton Rose in- mindful that we may conclude be chaired by Jennifer Scanlon, Zoom, will begin next week. whether students could live so- thinks Bowdoin and its peer
formed students that the Col- that it is not possible, and it may the William R. Kenan professor According to Rose, the cially distanced lives on campus. institutions will likely come to
lege may not be able to reopen also be that events take the deci- of the humanities in Gender, group’s work will focus on how “We’re going to give it our similar decisions.
the campus to “everyone” for sion out of our hands,” he added. Sexuality and Women’s Studies. student life on campus could very best shot to see and be as “It would be unlikely, in my
the fall semester in an email Rose also announced the Rose said that he expects the look in the fall. creative as we can. And I don’t view, that we’ll have, you know,
sent on Thursday. formation of a group of faculty, group to formulate a report that “It will include an examina- know whether we’re going to half the schools moving in one
“We do not know if it will be staff and students to assess “the will be submitted to him by June tion of how and where students be able to or not,” he said in a direction and the other half
possible to bring everyone back issues that need to be addressed 15. The Board of Trustees and are housed, protocols for din- phone interview with the Ori- moving into another,” Rose said.
to campus for the fall semester, in order to have all our students the Committee on Governance ing, social distancing rules in ent. “We may conclude that “My guess is that everybody will
but I want us to carefully exam- back on campus for the fall and and Faculty Affairs will review the classroom and in laborato- it can’t be done. I don’t know. come to a similar conclusion on
ine if it can be done (and if so, still be able to safely carry out the findings, and the report will ries, and implications for music, Maybe we may conclude that it their own or perhaps in some
how) in a manner that accounts the semester.” also be made “available to the theater, and dance, for athletics, can only be done at a cost that consultation with conference
for the presence of the virus and The working group, called community,” Rose wrote. for the many student activities is ridiculous. But we may con- members and so forth.”

College halts hiring as it

begins considering long-
term budget changes
Group of faculty, staff and students
to advise administration on budget
Herrera and includes two stu-
by Ian Ward dents, Will Hausmann ’22 and
Orient Staff
Caitlin Loi ’20.
The College has placed a In the short term, the Col-
freeze on all new hires as it lege will not make any chang-
turns its attention to reex- es to its budget for the current
amining the budget in the fiscal year.
midst of the financial crisis “Any budget savings for the
caused by the coronavi- current fiscal year will come
rus (COVID-19) pandem- primarily from food purchas-
ic, President Clayton Rose es, residence hall utility clos-
announced in an email on ets, major maintenance and
March 27. cancelled travel and events,”
The freeze will affect all Orlando wrote. “These areas
new hires, with the exception will not have any impact on
of a few positions necessary remote learning.”
to provide essential campus In his email announcing REUBEN SCHAFIR, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT

Brunswick businesses adapt to new coronavirus realities. see page 6.

services, according to Matt the creation of the group,
Orlando, senior vice presi- however, Rose steeled the
dent for finance and adminis- community for significant fi-

Four Bowdoin students awarded prestigious

tration and College treasurer. nancial hardships in the near
“Until we have a better future.
grasp of the depth and dura- “For now, the required
tion of the COVID-19 pan- changes to the budget will re-

Goldwater scholarship, Watson fellowship

demic, the College is only sult in some difficult choices,
spending discretionary mon- including forgoing exciting
ey on goods and services to opportunities and reducing
support remote learning and or eliminating programs or
the essential needs of stu- services that we value,” wrote had awarded 396 scholarships an earth and oceanographic sci- To apply for the fellowship,
dents, faculty, and staff who Rose. “It will also mean sacri- by Rebecca Norden-Bright for the 2020-2021 academic year, ence (EOS) minor, wrote her es- students must design a one-year
Orient Staff
are still on campus,” Orlando fice by each of us individually, from an estimated pool of over say about conducting arctic ecol- travel itinerary centered around
wrote in an email to the Ori- as was true during the finan- Despite drastic changes to 5,000 students. ogy research in Alaska. Dietrich, a particular area of interest. They
ent. “Unless an open position cial crisis that began in 2008.” Bowdoin’s academic program Assistant Director of the Cen- a double major in biochemistry are given $36,000 to cover their
jeopardizes our ability to de- In a phone interview with since the College’s shift to remote ter for Cocurricular Opportuni- and EOS, wrote about her expe- expenses, with the expectation
liver these critical areas, we the Orient, Rose said the learning, students continue to ties Corey Colwill noted that it rience last summer exploring the that they will not return to the
will hold off on filing it for College has yet to determine receive national recognition for is remarkable for two Bowdoin microbial ecology of an undersea United States for the duration of
the time being.” which programs would see their academic work. students to be awarded this pres- cavern, known as a blue hole, in their itinerary.
On Thursday, Rose also the most significant cuts to Anneka Williams ’21 and Zoë tigious scholarship in one year. the West Florida shelf. Oleisky plans to visit the Neth-
announced the creation of their budgets. Dietrich ’21 were awarded the “It is unusual,” said Colwill in a Both Williams and Dietrich erlands, Italy, Kenya, Bangladesh,
a working group composed “We’ve just begun the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, phone interview with the Orient. intend to pursue doctorates in the Peru and Mexico, where she will
of faculty, staff and students [budget] exercise, and there which grants students pursuing “We haven’t had a scholarship re- sciences in the future. study narrative medicine, a med-
to advise him and Orlando is a lot of uncertainty around research in the sciences up to cipient since 2016, and we haven’t According to the Watson ical field that seeks to understand
throughout the budgeting what the world is going to $7,500 towards their senior year had multiple awards in one year Foundation’s website, the Thomas individual health experiences
process. The committee will bring in the next month, two tuition. Emily Oleisky ’20 and since 2010.” J. Watson Fellowship is a one- through journaling and storytell-
be chaired by Professor of months, three months and so Hailey Wozniak ’20 won Watson To qualify for the Goldwater year grant for “purposeful, inde- ing.
Economics Guillermo (“Ta”) forth,” said Rose. Fellowships, which will fund a scholarship, students must write pendent exploration outside the Oleisky became interested in
one-year travel experience to ex- an essay detailing a research proj- United States.” Fellows are nomi- applying for the Watson Fellow-
plore an area of their interest. ect that they have either worked nated by the Watson Foundation’s ship after she spent the fall semes-
This print edition of the Orient was produced on April 3, 2020, but due The Barry Goldwater Scholar- on in the past or intend to pursue 41 partner institutions and then ter of her junior year traveling in
to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be physically printed at a later time. ship and Excellence in Education in the future. selected nationally. This year,
Foundation announced that it Williams, a biology major and there are 47 fellows. Please see AWARDS, page 4

College donates protective equipment to Students start matchmaking service to create Lucia Gagliardone ’20 adapts her dance NCAA reacts to revenue loss due to the We must demand a free and open
local hospital. Page 4. connections between students. Page 6. thesis “Like Water” to a film format. Page 5. coronavirus. Page 9. exchange of information. Page 11.

Friday, April 3, 2020

I played Candy Crush for What are you doing to cope during quarantine?

24 hours straight Nora Greene ’22

"Spending MANY hours on TikTok."
better to do with her time than expenditure on Candy Crush lives
by Lily Randall play Candy Crush all day long, might be enough to single-hand-
Crush Queen
because all of a sudden I was on edly restart the economy, so at
When social distancing started, level 562 of a game I had com- least there’s that.
I decided it was time to clean out pletely forgotten about. It was like At first, I tried to resist the in-
my phone. I mean, I hadn’t played when I walked into my first day evitable. I’d make myself stop after
Hay Day™ since (probably) the of immersive French last semester a few rounds of play, try and be
seventh grade, but there it was, not speaking a damn word and productive, maybe tune into a few
taking up almost 2 GB of data (this trying to fall back on my six years Zoom calls. The problem with this
is so shameful, I know). With that
awful, awful knowledge under my
of public school Latin to help me
out—a chaotic f***ing mess. At
was that every time I relapsed into
playing again, I felt guilty, which Hayden Weatherall ’22
belt, I decided that everything least I had the sense to drop that was no fun. I was in a slump. But
had to go. Gone was my Airbnb class, something I cannot say that then, something magical (terrible? "Baking."
app, which I downloaded only so happened with this app. Candy idk you decide) happened: Candy
I could look at expensive houses Crush has consumed me. It has Crush decided to give all of its
in the French countryside. Gone bested me. I literally can’t stop. player’s infinite lives for a week.
was Video Star—and with it, some At first, I was just driven by All bets were off. I’ve now just de-
horrifying footage from the sixth sheer frustration that I couldn’t cided to give in and crush to my
grade. Wattpad got the chop, too master the game like my middle heart’s desire, not giving a shit
(yet again, I’m exposing myself school self had, so I played until about whether or not this is a good
here), and I finally got around to I felt I had the hang of it again. use of time. My everyday schedule
deleting Vine after years of hang- By then, I was thoroughly enter- now looks like this:
ing on to it out of pure nostalgia. tained by the game’s antics, so I
In the dark recesses of my phone’s decided to keep the app as some- 9:30 a.m.: Wake up Gabriela Melendez Quan ’22
folders, though, I rediscovered a thing to do during the quarantine. 9:31 a.m.: Check Twitter
creation so powerful, so reflective
of man’s destructive nature, that
This was my second mistake. The
app quickly took over and de-
9:40 a.m.: Candy Crush
10:30 a.m.: Breakfast while I crush
"My little gato."
I projectile vomited right when stroyed my life. 11 a.m.: Tune into Salar’s lecture,
I found it. It was something per- I haven’t looked my family in Candy Crush on the split screen
haps even more damning than the eyes for days out of pure shame Noon: Take my dog for a walk, can’t
whatever Greater Power it is that and the fact that they’re bloodshot stop thinking about her (Candy
lies above us. It was Candy Crush. from staring at my phone screen Crush)
For those of you unfamiliar until 4 a.m. every night. 12:30 p.m.: Me time! Candy Crush.
with this godforsaken app, Candy The worst part about Candy 2 p.m.: Late lunch, whilst crushing,
Crush is a nauseatingly stimu- Crush is that the game limits of course
lating game where you try to get your lives. You can only have five 2:30 p.m.: Absentmindedly com-

Yasmeen Wirth ’22

groups of like-colored candies lives at once, and each one takes pleting homework, compulsively
into rows of three or more. It’s re- 30 minutes to regenerate. That swiping on the crush
petitive, it’s totally frustrating and means you could blow through 5 p.m.: Family “no phones at the ta-
I’m addicted to it. your entire reserve in seven min- ble” dinner … "Staying in bed."
When I first spied the app utes and then have to sit around 5:30 p.m.: Candy Crush
in my phone’s long-forgotten for 23 more waiting for one mea- 2 a.m.: Bedtime
“games XD” folder, I was hit with sly life to come back. It’s totally
a pleasant wave of nostalgia and dehumanizing. After day two of I feel great.
decided to open it up for a play. this bullshit, my patience wore
This was my first mistake. The thin, and I decided to start buy- Everything is fine.
app tracks your progress, and I ing lives. I am not proud of this,
guess 13-year-old me had nothing but I believe that my excessive My brain is a shredded wasteland COMPILED BY LILY RANDALL AND AYUB TAHLIL

This section of the page intentionally left blank.

It’s where the security report would be.
We miss you, Randy.
Friday, April 3, 2020 NEWS 3

NEWS IN BRIEF Four students move into Brunswick Inn



Orient Staff
PLANS FOR FALL 2020 SEMESTER will spend the duration of the
spring semester living in the
The start of the housing lottery, originally scheduled to begin Brunswick Inn following the
March 31 and then delayed until April 6, has been postponed again College’s transition to remote
until mid-June at the earliest, Director of Residential and Housing learning.
Operations Lisa Rendall announced in an email to students Thurs- Eileen Hornor, owner of
day. the Brunswick Inn, is letting
Rendall attributed the postponement to the College waiting for students stay at a cost similar
the findings of the new “Return to Campus” working group, which to the amount students were
will recommend to Rose the possibility of fall semester on campus refunded for room and board.
in light of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Hornor indicated that students
“[T]he College has decided to delay the start of the housing lot- are charged a portion of the
tery until after the Committee … makes their decision in mid-June room and board refund based
about fall semester,” Rendall wrote. on the number of nights they
Rendall also said her office wants to give students planning to plan to stay.
study abroad in the fall semester more time to finalize their plans. Hornor said she first
She added that these students will have until June 12 to change thought of hosting students at
their fall enrollment status in order to participate in the housing the Inn, which is located on
lottery. Park Row between campus and
Additionally, Rendall raised concerns about the availability of downtown, when she heard
the unfinished Harpswell Apartments. that students were returning to
“Although Harpswell Apartments construction is currently on live in off-campus housing. She
schedule, we are concerned about changes related to the pandem- added that hosting students
ic that may occur in the coming months that could impact our would help with her business,
timing,” she wrote. “We do not want rising seniors to select and given the significant decrease
be placed into a space that may not be ready for them for the fall in reservations.
semester.” “I just knew I wasn’t go-
The planned demolition of Pine Street Apartments has also been ing to have any business once
put on hold, and the residence could potentially be available in the Bowdoin closed,” Hornor said.
lottery. “And there are no students
“We have not yet made a final decision about Pine Street Apart- here, no people interviewing
ments for next year,” Rendall wrote in an email to the Orient. for jobs, no athletic contests,
no theater, no dance, no guest
SOPHOMORES TO FILL LADD FOR speakers. I mean it just goes on
and on and my whole business
FIRST TIME IN TWO YEARS essentially at this time of year
revolves around the school, so
After two years of housing juniors and seniors, Ladd House will I felt like I just needed to have
again house only sophomores for the 2020-2021 academic year, some income.”
said Director of Residential and Housing Operations Lisa Rendall. Hornor said that when she
College House decisions were sent to applicants on Monday. purchased the Brunswick Inn
In January 2018, the Office of Residential Life (ResLife) decided building 11 years ago, the Col-
INN BRUNSWICK: Four students are staying in the Brunswick Inn for the remainder of the semester. Owner of the
to make Ladd a senior-only house in an attempt to revitalize the lege was her “built-in insur-
Inn Eileen Hornor is letting the students stay for the same cost as their room and board refunds from the College.
on-campus social scene. The decision came after a working group ance plan.”
on upperclass housing was formed in 2017 to address the growing “The tourism industry has For a while, Hornor was able Matt Donnelly and Jack was self-isolating in a room
number of students living off campus, many of whom expressed all these different ups and to keep her one full-time em- Tarlton ’20, another student right above the Donnellys’, and
dissatisfaction with Bowdoin’s housing options. downs, and the vagaries of that ployee to help with disinfecting staying at the Inn, praised Hor- Matt Donnelly said he often
Ladd housed exclusively seniors during the 2018-2019 academ- market are difficult,” she said. and cleaning, but she realized nor for being a “phenomenal hears King playing rock mu-
ic year. But the following year, not enough rising seniors applied to “I thought ‘Well, Bowdoin Col- she could no longer afford to cook.” Rather than eating in sic. Chas Burton-Callegari ’20,
live in the house, even after ResLife extended the deadline to apply. lege? They’ll never close.’ Nev- pay him. the dining room, the Bowdo- another student staying in the
Juniors ultimately filled the remaining spots in the house this year. er say never. I mean who ever “It’s just going to be me. So in students have meals in the Inn, lives next door to King
But for the upcoming 2020-2021 academic year, ResLife decided to would have thought.” there will be long days,” she common space of the Carriage and has also heard the music.
return Ladd to the ranks of the eight other College Houses, which Hornor has already lost said. House, a separate building However, because Hornor does
are traditionally filled with sophomores. money as a result of the pan- Since Hornor is the sole pro- from the Inn’s main building not permit residents to eat in
Safa Salman ’23 will live in Ladd next year. Though it wasn’t demic, as all of the reservations prietor and now sole employee where all current Brunswick the dining room in order to
her first choice—she had only been to two events at Ladd this year are canceled, and she had to re- at the Inn, she is responsible for Inn residents are living. preserve social distancing, the
and didn’t tour it ahead of completing her application—Salman is turn thousands of dollars of de- managing finances as well as “There’s really nothing more students rarely see King.
nonetheless eager to live in a College House. posits. A group of conference disinfecting common spaces, I could ask for,” said Matt Don- “King does not eat with us.
“I’m excited to see what it could become,” she said. attendees who were scheduled cleaning rooms, changing bed nelly. “I’ve had some of the best He is isolating very aggressive-
“At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter that it hasn’t been a to stay at the Brunswick Inn linens and cooking. food that I’ve had in a long ly, so I see him maybe once a
sophomore-house for the previous years,” Salman added. “It just during June canceled their res- Hornor is thankful, though, time, some really good compa- day. And, otherwise, I just get
matters that you can be with a group of people you can hopefully ervations, which had included that students are staying at the ny and very hospitable hosts, to hear his music,” Matt Don-
get to know better and have a few more close friends on campus.” all of the Inn’s 16 rooms for Inn, and she still has tasks to so we’re doing all right. We’re nelly said.
eight nights. Hornor is skepti- complete. hanging in there.” Living across the hall from
cal about the weddings booked “It gives me a sense of pur- “We get two meals a day, and the Donnellys’ room, Tarlton
for the Inn’s busiest months pose that feels good,” she said. have a room to ourselves and said he also has limited inter-

from July to October. “I’m glad that I’m busy. I like [she will] change our linens on actions with King.
Hornor was hoping to keep to feed people, and it makes it our bed once a week,” Tarlton “I’ll be in my underwear
employing most of her staff nice when college kids come said in a phone interview with in the common room, eating
through the Paycheck Protec- in and they’re so hungry, and the Orient. “It’s in downtown yogurt out of a tub, and he’ll

tion Program, a Small Business they’re so grateful, and they’re Brunswick and there are good just come down and be like
Association (SBA) loan pro- so happy to have a good hot hiking trails nearby, so it’s real- ‘hey what’s up’ and I’m like ‘not
gram that is part of the federal meal and I think, ‘Okay, I can ly the best. It was the best deal much you know,’” Tarlton said.

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and do my part.” we would have gotten both fi- “So, it’s a weird time, [where
and help stop the Economic Security (CARES) Matt Donnelly ’22, who nancially and from what we’re you are] kind of thrust together
Act which was signed into law is staying in a room with his getting out of it.” with people you’d never expect
spread of coronavirus on March 27. The subsidies brother Mike Donnelly ’20, Tarlton wanted to stay in to meet.”
weren’t enough, and she still said that Hornor notified his the Inn because he went to To Matt Donnelly and Tarl-
had to lay off all staff members. parents, who stay at the Inn boarding school and does not ton’s knowledge, King quaran-
1. HANDS wash them often “I figured out that the for-
mula that they use to determine
when they visit Brunswick,
about her idea. The Donnelly
have many connections in his
hometown in California.
tined for about five days at the
Inn after traveling. According
2. ELBOW cough into it how much money I would get family resides in New Jersey, “I wanted to maintain some to Matt Donnelly, King is re-
would not be nearly sufficient where concerns about the feeling of community, and have turning home today. Hornor
3. FACE don’t touch it for me to stay afloat. So, I actu- coronavirus (COVID-19) out- people close by, even if it was declined to comment about

4. SPACE keep safe distance

ally just let everybody go,” she break are especially great. only for social-distanced hikes King’s stay in the Inn.
said. “They can get these really According to Matt Donnelly, or just seeing people in the King’s birthday was on Tues-
5. HOME stay if you can good unemployment benefits
now, which is also part of the
though he and the other stu-
dents are able to go on runs by
park. But it was still really im-
portant to me to have to have
day, so the Bowdoin students
and Hornor helped him cele-
bill. So now I’m relying on the the Androscoggin River, they friendly faces around,” Tarlton brate.
SBA portion of the bill to hope- mostly stay inside, keeping said. “We all caught him on his
fully come through and lend busy with schoolwork, vid- As a bonus, the students met way back from a walk with his
Credit: World Health Organization me enough money so that I can eo games, movies and board a local celebrity while staying
weather the storm.” games. in the Inn. Senator Angus King Please see INN, page 4
4 NEWS Friday, April 3, 2020

All hands on deck as College donates gloves, masks

by Alyce McFadden assurances, for instance, that
Orient Staff
staff had permission to do
As the last students vacated this,” Perkinson wrote in an
campus on March 18, Labora- email to the Orient.
tory Instructor in Chemistry “Bowdoin understood that
Ren Bernier was scouring an the current priority is the
empty Druckenmiller Hall for health of our larger communi-
gloves, face shields and cotton ty and the safety of health pro-
swabs. The personal protective fessionals,” he wrote. Perkin-
equipment (PPE) that Bernier son reassured staff members
and other instructors, techni- that they “can feel secure emp-
cians and professors gathered tying those cabinets knowing
from labs across campus will that they had the blessing of
be donated to MaineHealth, their employer and that the
a Portland-based medical critical equipment would be
supplier, to augment depleted replaced when the time comes
supplies of critical protec- [and] when we’re fortunate
tive equipment in hospitals enough to begin teaching in
throughout Maine. our labs again!”
In total, Bernier coordi- Inspired by the efforts in
nated the collection of more science departments, Per-
than 40,000 disposable gloves, kinson reached out to the
several cases of sterile cot- visual arts department, the
ton swabs and a box of face Peary-MacMillan Arctic Mu-
shields. seum and the Bowdoin Muse-
“Currently, the labs are qui- um of Art.
et,” Bernier said in a phone “This made me realize
interview with the Orient. that we had PPEs all over the
“[The items] went where they place,” Perkinson wrote.
needed to go.” In the Edwards Center for
Bernier reserved a modest Art and Dance, Visual Arts
supply of gloves to tide stu- Technician Colleen Kinsella
dents through a few months worked with faculty members
of the fall semester, but he to put together boxes of N-95 COURTESY OF REN BERNIER
will donate those too if the masks from the woodshop NOT ALL HEROES WEAR CAPES: Laboratory Instructor in Chemistry Ren Bernier stands with disposable gloves, several cases of sterile cotton swabs and
demand at hospitals increases. and nitrile gloves from studio a box of face shields. The supplies he collected were donated to Maine MidCoast Hospital to support caring for coronavirus patients.
“If [hospitals] need them, spaces. Perkinson delivered
certainly they can have them, these supplies, along with a with the novel coronavirus nications for MidCoast, wrote collection of donated equip- boat-building industries had
but I kept them so that we cache of gloves from the Roux (COVID-19) in Maine, the in an email to the Orient. “As ment as Maine residents pitch supplies of masks, gloves, and
could start up as soon as we Center for the Environment, donations will help MidCoast we prepare for supply short- in to help health-care workers tyvek body suits that they were
get the word [about fall class- straight to Maine MidCoast prepare to accommodate more ages that other part[s] of the contend with a rising number able to donate.”
es],” Bernier said. Hospital. patients in the coming weeks country are experiencing, we of patients hospitalized due to Kelsh encouraged students
On the administrative end, By the end of a week of and months. are grateful for community coronavirus. and other members of the
Associate Dean for Academ- collection efforts, Perkinson “While our current supplies partnerships such as this that “On one of my drop-offs, College community to explore
ic Affairs Stephen Perkinson had made five separate trips to are not exhausted, having ad- will help us to keep our PPE the MidCoast staff member the help page on MidCoast’s
helped coordinate and oversee the donation center set up at ditional variety and sizes is supplies at adequate levels.” who was there keeping an eye website if they are interested
the collection effort. MidCoast’s Maine Street office helpful to ensure more people The supplies donated by on things told me that they in supporting the hospital
“[I] was able to serve as building. are getting the protection they the College will be put into were getting donations from during what is, in her words,
a go-between between lab Though only 30 patients need,” Judith Kelsh, senior use immediately, according to all sorts of folks,” Perkin- an “unprecedented challeng-
instructors, faculty and the have been hospitalized director of marketing commu- Kelsh, and will join a growing son wrote. “In fact the local ing time.”

AWARDS education while simultaneously

being recognized for their re-
search, excellence and potential
Vietnam, South Africa and Ar- really reveals the strength of our wife and sang for him as Eileen
gentina, studying global health. research programs at Bowdoin gave him the cake,” Matt Don-
“I really liked the format of and the caliber of our students,” nelly said. “[It was] kind of a cra-
being able to be out in an experi- Colwill said. zy situation, but it was awesome.”
ential learning model and just out Oleisky said that she was very Hornor said she is open to
in the world, learning from the grateful and excited to receive the more students staying in the
world and thinking about these fellowship, especially given how Inn, but acknowledged that do-
big questions,” said Oleisky in a distressing the past weeks have ing so in just 16 rooms, while
phone interview with the Orient. been. maintaining social distancing
Wozniak will travel to Senegal, “Knowing that in the midst of recommendations, would be
India, Brazil and South Korea to these very hectic times that some- difficult. She has been meeting
explore the relationship between one believed in my idea and that with her accountant, working
fashion, culture and self-ex- I’m going to now be able to carry on loan applications and is
pression. Wozniak is intrigued it out was just overwhelming,” determined to prevent the Inn
by the ways that people present said Oleisky. from closing.
themselves, an interest she has “I could keep people sep-
explored as one of the co-found- MEET THE SCHOLARS: (CLOCK- arated enough to keep them
ers of Avant-Garb Magazine, a WISE FROM TOP) Zoë Dietrich ’21 safe, but it’s hard. I mean it’s
fashion and style publication on and Anneka Williams ’21 were both hard to keep people safe. I wash
campus. awarded the Barry M. Goldwater my hands raw because I don’t
“Every place [I’m going to] Scholarship. They recieved two want to get any of the people
is very interesting and compli- of the 396 scholarships, from an who are here sick, and I don’t
cated for its own reasons,” said want to go home and get my
application pool of over 5,000. Hailey
Wozniak in a phone interview family sick,” she said. “If there
with the Orient. “The thing that
Wozniak ’20 and Emily Oleisky ’20 are more people here, there’s
I find very exciting about this won a Watson Fellowship, which will just more potential infection
project is that every place sort of fund a one-year travel experience and exposure. So I would have
has a story about how fashion or entirely outside of the United States. to brace myself for that.”
expression is used to confine but Despite everything, Hornor
also liberate people in a way.” is trying to stay positive.
Colwill noted the importance “I’ve owned this business for
of these students’ achievements. 11 years, and I’m not giving up.
“The fact that our students And, you know, I’ve got to keep
are getting a premier liberal arts PHOTOS COURTESY THEIR SUBJECTS this going somehow.”


Friday, April 3, 2020


GO WITH THE FLOW: Lucia Gagliardone ‘20 explored themes surrounding water in her performing arts thesis “Like Water.” After the College announced its transition to remote learning, she adapted her final performance to a film format.

‘Like Water,’ senior dance major’s project stays fluid

’20, Emma Dewey ’22 and Lucy Ultimately, she decided to she has adapted for a new dance image of water—the way that Despite the disappointment
by Elizabeth Flanagan Sydel ’22, under the guidance of create a film version of the blog she is working on while at water moves, but also thinking of losing the live performance,
Orient Staff
Senior Lecturer in Dance Per- performance, a choice that her home now. She then spent the about it as a being. [I’m] really Gagliardone praised the De-
Before spring break, Lucia formance Gwyneth Jones. dancers affirmed. Each dancer, next months combing through interested in the way that water partment of Theater and Dance
Gagliardone ’20 put up posters “It’s been a year of pretty plus Gagliardone herself, will footage and finding movements dwells.” for its continued support of
for her Senior Studio perfor- intensive movement research record themselves performing that interested her, while also The fluidity and movement students whose capstone per-
mance, “Like Water.” The first and building this piece from the the whole piece somewhere in incorporating choreography of water allowed her to explore formances, like hers, were can-
dance major at Bowdoin, she ground up over the past nine nature, and Gagliardone will from an improvisation she did the experience of being an em- celled because of the College’s
wanted the performance to months,” Gagliardone wrote in combine the five videos into transition to remote learning.
serve as the culmination of her an email to the Orient. one film. “I can’t speak highly enough
years-long study at Bowdoin, as Upon their return to campus Gagliardone is also planning “I am still grieving many about the department,” she
in any other department. But
with the recent switch to remote
after spring break, Gagliardone
and her dancers were supposed
to submit the piece to summer
dance festivals in her home state things being a senior, but one said. “I think [remote learn-
ing] is pretty heartbreaking in
learning, she will not see her to begin daily rehearsals to of Vermont, and she is working of the biggest ones was this a department that thrives off of

community of dancers and this

four dancers perform her hon- prepare for the April 1 perfor- with the dance faculty in the in-person togetherness in a pret-
ors project in Wish Theatre on mance. Instead, when the Col- hopes of performing her piece ty radical way—for both theater
April 1 as she had hoped, and is
now rethinking how she will put
lege announced its transition to
remote learning, Gagliardone
live at Bowdoin sometime in
the fall.
piece as a living thing.” and dance. It’s so much about the
physical art form together.”
her research into motion.
Gagliardone has been work-
began thinking about ways the
piece could be interpreted with-
The piece is Gagliardone’s
meditation on identity and self,
–Lucia Gagliardone ’20 But Gagliardone said she is
finding hope, both for the life
ing on the 45-minute-long per- out physical proximity. explored through the imagery of her piece and for the commu-
formance since the summer of “[Aoki] wisely shared with of water. at Muelle del Alma in Chile bodied, dynamic subject. nity around it, in the sustained
2019. Each week this academic me the image of my piece as a In the fall she began a se- during her semester abroad last “I think that it’s a pretty radi- dedication of her dancers.
year, she spent between 10 and living creature with many tenta- ries of improvisations across year. cal experience to tune into what “I still am grieving many
20 hours on the performance, cles and said that going forward Maine’s wilderness. Each time, “I found myself in this initial you actually see inside yourself things being a senior, but one
including an hour-long re- there will be many versions and she videotaped herself dancing process coming back to water and to tune into your actual of the biggest ones was this
hearsal with her four dancers: evolutions of the piece,” said in nature and then wrote about a lot,” she said in a Zoom in- body as a form that you exist community of dancers and this
Felicia Wang ’20, Shayna Olsan Gagliardone. the experience—a technique terview with the Orient. “The in,” she said. piece as a living thing,” she said.

top 1 things to do during quarantine:

1. Read The Orient
follow us on social media, or visit
6 Friday, April 3, 2020

Drive-thru, curbside and delivery: Brunswick

businesses adapt to lockdown restrictions
by Reuben Schafir
Orient Staff
Sam Wilson, co-founder
of Black Pug Brewing, dons a
black latex glove and hands a
customer a 32-ounce “Pug Jug”
of craft beer through an open
car window in the parking lot
of the brewery. On the other
side of Brunswick, Ben Gatchell,
the owner of Dog Bar Jim: The
Coffee Shop, hands paper cups
of coffee to customers through
a window labeled “Pick-Up.” He
too, wears gloves. A few blocks
away, outside Little Dog Coffee
Shop, Oliver Lowell stands be-
hind a row of coffee dispensers
under a canopy. He’s one of four
employees left working reduced
hours at Little Dog—six em-
ployees have been furloughed
or chose to take a leave of ab-
sence to protect themselves from
The Brunswick Town Council
issued an Emergency Procla-
mation and Order on March 23
ordering the closure of all nones-
sential businesses and requiring
all dining facilities to transition
to providing only take-out ser-
vices The shift has forced these
three businesses, and many oth-
ers, to change their routines to
limit the spread of COVID-19.
“I’m an occupationally social REUBEN SCHAFIR, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
man,” Gatchell said in a message PORTLAND PIE CO.: A customer picks up her takeout order. Open for: Pick-up and delivery. Accepting orders online and via phone. Call for info on beer and wine selection and specials.
to the Orient. “There’s so many Hours: Monday to Sunday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more information: Call 207-844-2777, or visit Portland Pie’s website or Facebook page.
less conversations. It’s funny,
I have a wide service count- “[Those conversations have pop-up events in collaboration batch cooking, cooking classes Vanni would like to consider her involve in-person contact and
er, but that additional few feet been reduced to] a transactional with Dog Bar Jim, Moderation and actual pop-ups,” Waks Ad- business “essential,” the Town no customers come inside. Van-
coupled with serving through ‘Hey, how’s it going? There you Brewing Company and Turtle ams said. “Now it’s just gone in Council has not deemed it as ni is now working three hours
height-challenged misshapen go, see you later,’” Wilson said. Rock Farm. She has since had the new direction, which is kind such. per day in the store and selling
portholes [like the take-out win- “That has been the biggest im- to readjust, and focus instead of exciting.” “There’s no customer inter- items via her posts on social me-
dow] is levels more impersonal. pact on us on a personal level.” on her latest project, the Mer- Yet the Order has left other action at all,” said Vanni in a dia, though she finds it difficult
[I’m] not a fan.” Ali Waks Adams is a chef who ry Meeting Kitchen. The new small businesses inoperable. phone interview with the Orient. to attract customers in the cur-
The interactions Wilson, his has worked for several restau- platform is what she describes Woods + Waters Gear Exchange, Under the Order, nonessential rent economic downturn.
Black Pug co-founder and their rants and hotels in Brunswick as Amazon for farm-fresh prod- which opened on Pleasant Street businesses are still allowed to “It’s hard to market to peo-
wives share with customers over since moving to Maine in 2014. ucts. in January 2019, sells used out- keep one employee at work “to ple who are losing their job, or
beers have been noticeably ab- Before the pandemic hit, she was “It was in the works as a sort door equipment, and although perform necessary business
sent in the last week. planning to hold a number of of collaborative kitchen with owner and sole employee Jenna functions,” so long as they don’t Please see BUSINESSES, page 8

Bowdoin Quarantine Matches crafts pairs and connects students

The Quarantine Matches’ semester being cut short,” the together,” said Hannah Conn So far, the pair has received from Bowdoin,” said Emma
by Emma Sorkin Instagram account (@bow- founders wrote. “The sense of ’20, who filled out the Quaran- positive feedback on their Hahesy ’22, who also filled out
Orient Staff
doinquarantinematches) now community at Bowdoin is so tine Matches form. matching strategy; in one case, the form. “[I wanted to] find
As thousands of people has over 300 followers. The strong. We wanted to continue The founders of Quarantine two people who were already a way to connect with people
across the globe are ordered pair has received over 276 re- creating connections between Matches believe the platform best friends were matched from Bowdoin who aren’t my
to stay in their homes, many sponses from all class years; people through connecting helps remind students that with one another. For others, immediate friends because,
have turned to baking, read- the Class of 2020 had the least people who are compatible they are still part of the shared the service is valuable because in quarantine, it’s very easy to
ing or painting. Two Bowdoin submissions, constituting 18 and may not know each other.” Bowdoin experience. The pair it has connected people who only just talk to your closest
students, however, have opted percent of responses, while At a time in which per- friends.”
for a different activity: match-
the Class of 2021 had the most
submissions at 29 percent, the
son-to-person contact
limited, building a sense of
“We did not expect it to be While the original deadline
to fill out the form was last Fri-
The pair, who wish to re- founders wrote in an email to community online has be- popular. People have generally day, March 27, due to the large

been supportive, which is great.

main anonymous, created the Orient. come increasingly important number of responses, the cre-
Bowdoin Quarantine Matches, “We did not expect it to to students. ators will make another round
a platform that uses a Goo-
gle Forms survey in order to
be popular,” the pair wrote.
“People have generally been
“When you live with some-
one, you’re not texting them
It reminds us of how positive the of matches this week in hopes
of fostering new connections
match students with similar supportive, which is great. It every day to check in with Bowdoin community is.” and providing all participants
interests. reminds us of how positive the them [because] you can just with a match.
“Inspired by OKZoomer, a Bowdoin community is.” walk over to their room … so –Bowdoin Quarantine Matches “We only have four years
matching service that connects For the founders of Quar- it’s definitely been, in addition of college, and we’re at a very
college students to each other, antine Matches, providing a to having classes online, a lot of spends time reading each re- might otherwise not have met. special place with very special
Bowdoin Quarantine Match- Bowdoin-specific service has screen time just to try and stay sponse thoroughly and pair- “A lot of people are still people,” Hahesy said. “I think
es aims to connect Bowdoin the power to build community connected to people that I care ing people together based on trying to treat [the situation] it’s important to do our best to
students who never got their virtually. about. But something that I similar interests and desires. as if we are, to some extent, not lose that time because we
chance at their spring love, “We wanted it to be specific have realized in the past couple The matches are made blind, finishing out the semester do have access to the internet
senior week, or ivies fling,” the to Bowdoin since we are miss- of weeks, is that even though and the duo does not look at with some semblance of a and to social media and to all
introduction to Quarantine ing out on so much time to get we are in different places, we names during the matching community, even though we’re of these things that allow you
Matches’ Google form reads. to know each other due to the are still sharing this experience process. all in our own homes far away to [stay connected].”
Friday, April 3, 2020 FEATURES 7

Social solidarity in light of social distancing

The Search for South Korean government has ing hands in unified prayer rec- of contagion are more acute funds where people can ask for must resist such hate from seep-
Spirituousness linked about three-fifths of the itation or joining hands with my and severe than they have ever or offer support for incarcerat- ing into our communities: “This
infections in the country to this family to say a blessing before been in our lifetimes as young ed, hungry, low-income, dis- virus does not have to be the
by Lauren Hickey
one woman, known as Patient dinner. This physical intimacy people. abled, elderly and undocument- end of the world—lest we allow
On Sunday, February 16, Zero. is important for us to feel con- Physical intimacy as a ritual ed groups. Bowdoin’s McKeen bigotry, division and hate to kill
a 61-year-old woman with Some of my favorite reli- nected to and supported by one of spiritual and social solidarity Center has compiled a similar us first.” This is truly a defining
symptoms of the coronavirus gious rituals require physical another. has been interrupted. Places of guide for how we can support moment—a critical juncture—
(COVID-19) attended a service contact: I enjoy firmly shaking Yet, during a global pan- worship have closed their doors midcoast Maine community in history, and we have the pow-
at the Shincheonji Church of someone’s hand as I look them demic, we must be hyper-aware due to the risks associated with organizations during the pan- er to determine the outcome.
Jesus in Daegu, South Korea. in the eye to offer them Peace that bodies are the vehicles of a large gatherings. The precept of demic. Although we have a respon-
She scanned her thumb on an during a church service, clasp- disastrous disease. It has always social distancing bars us from This pandemic has forced sibility to think about social sol-
electronic pad to prove at- been this way—germ theory congregating in large numbers, us to be hyper-aware of our in- idarity in global terms, we also
tendance and prayed in teaches us that microorganisms holding hands or embracing. terconnectivity as a globalized cannot neglect those most im-
a basement packed can invade our bodies and lead While quarantining together, society; and, yet, we must ac- mediate to us. Personally, this
with about 1,000 to infection—but now the risks my family laughs as we touch knowledge how such great in- pandemic brought my entire
other attendees elbows in lieu of holding hands terconnectivity comes with great family together for the longest
whom she while saying grace before din- responsibility. We must harness period of time since my older
hugged re- ner. We know these are neces- the power of social media, video sister left for college. Acknowl-
peatedly per sary sacrifices. communication platforms and edging the immense privilege
church ritu- I think the term “social crowd-funding platforms to sup- of having a safe and accessible
al. She inev- distancing” is a misnomer. It port our increasingly globalized home to return to in the midst
itably spread actually refers to a need for the communities. of an upended school year, I
COVID-19 physical distancing of bodies in While the coronavirus pres- tried to embrace this unique op-
to members spaces. But while we may not be ents an opportunity to stand portunity to relish the comfort
throughout allowed physical closeness, together and support each other of family in this time of chaotic
the church, who we cannot afford to starve in a time of crisis, it also threat- distress. My sisters, parents and
then infected others ourselves and each other ens to deepen divides within I discovered routes on local trail
throughout the city of social support, mu- our communities. Namely, this systems and parts of parks that
and country. As tual aid and spiritual inti- virus has exacerbated racism, I never before took the time to
of March macy. Now is the time for social xenophobia and classism. Our explore. We played frisbee in
1, the solidarity. president insists on referring the yard. We even witnessed
The good news is that to COVID-19 as “China virus” the bloom of a special variety of
there are movements to (although he issued a feeble tulips that my mom planted last
support the most vul- backtrack). In his brilliant year—known as ‘corona tulips.’
nerable people in our and sobering Orient column I watched these flowers grow,
communities during on February 28, Tianyi Xu ’23 meditating on these ironic, yet
this pandemic. There is highlights ongoing xenophobic beautiful symbols of courage,
a state-by-state resource tropes in the American media. hope and potential for growth
guide of mutual aid He goes on to argue that we in the midst of chaos.

As pandemic unfolds, so does a political warfare

lowed me to observe cultural Chinese soil before disembark- individualism, and, as Lulu the 1970s; from family values boundaries of social distancing
Dear America and political nuances during ment and collect travel histories Wang so masterfully demon- of homophobia to a propagan- and home quarantine.
by Tianyi Xu the pandemic. Despite being from each passenger who are strates in “The Farewell,” private da-backed fever rush of nation- Around the world, the con-
chided by the international given color-coded tags that cor- life has always been second to alism. Personally, I never liked versation now morphs into a
One of the more interesting community, China enforced its respond to their likelihood of be- the collective, and the individu- the “greater good.” It dimin- wider, lucid discussion of the
warnings about COVID-19 that draconian measures to quiet ing infected before being allowed al has always given way for the ishes individuality and creates best way to move forward amid
I have heard from friends and down the pandemic—and it into the airport for a mandatory “greater good.” catastrophic precedents where a public health crisis while bal-
family back home is this: don’t succeeded, for now. Admittedly, COVID-19 nucleic acid ancing the basic hu-
travel far—you never know whether the solution is tem- test. This inspection is man right of mobility
when the government will shut porary remains to be seen, but followed by a mandato- with the demands of
down public transport and its unparalleled commitment ry 14-day quarantine at collective welfare. As
you’ll be stuck there. to mobilize every ounce of the home or in a designated the situation escalates
My intuition was to brush public resource is in itself an as- hotel. Most citizens are beyond everyone’s ex-
them off. “The Americans aren’t tonishing feat. To this day, Chi- moved to a hotel for pectations, America
like us,” I said. “They’d rather na has only 83,000 cases (com- quarantine, where fears scrambles to increase
die than have the government pared to America’s 214,000) of cross-contamination testing and keep the
tell them where they can and with community transmission are so high that all air public health system
cannot go.” ceased and the vast majority of conditioners are dis- afloat. Many of its mea-
I might have spoken too soon. cases already recovered. For a abled. In the few cases sures are already un-
President Clayton Rose’s email country with a sky-high popu- that qualify for at-home precedented, just like
on March 11 suspended campus lation density hit head on by the quarantine, the district the College’s, and many
access for the remainder of the pandemic, these results indicate officials liaise with the more stringent ones
semester and shattered plans for a web of technological mass local community offi- loom. During times of
spring break—and with it our surveillance years in the mak- cials to place a seal on uncertainty, and con-
hopes and dreams for the rest ing and a political ideology of the citizen’s apartment sidering the built-in
of the second semester. As my pragmatism-trumps-all. door. The breach of this trust on its people and
peers were scattered all across To paint a picture of what seal could result in an promises of great mo-
the U.S. and abroad after hur- it’s like, government officials in offence, meaning that bility, freedom and pri-
ried departures and many insuf- Wuhan published the move- you and the people in vacy, this conversation
ficient goodbyes, I was lodged ment details of confirmed pa- close contact with you is more pertinent than
in Cambridge, Massachusetts, tients after the city was quar- are effectively placed ever in America—as
visiting friends. Suddenly, I had antined, in an effort to trace the under extrajudicial- indelible as this all is,
one too few suitcases packed virus. Residents could go online ly-sanctioned detention this pandemic will cer-
and a roundtrip ticket to Cali- to see if the bus or shared taxi for half a month. tainly not be the last.
fornia to cancel. they rode was with someone There is no doubt As I contemplated
The announcement set off who was later diagnosed with that such a measure my options of stay-
a current of shock, anger and COVID-19. After the infections would almost certain- ing or leaving, for the
confusion; students spearhead- slowed and so-called “imported ly be struck down in longest time I couldn’t
ed a petition asking the College cases” from overseas surfaced, the U.S. for its uncon- figure out how the
to reconsider its eviction notice the government shifted gears stitutionality. These Chinese government
for the few with limited or no to bar the entry of foreigners arbitrary impositions DAHLIA TABACHNIK
would enforce these
means to go home. After much while restricting, tagging and are rightfully censured: extreme measures.
debate, a compromise was monitoring returns of Chinese rushed and capricious, they fla- The politics of “greater good” powerful governments are giv- “What if I wanted to leave?” I
reached at the end of the day. citizens from overseas. grantly upending basic rights sparked many monumental en carte blanche. On the flip asked. “Then what?”
Students whom the College de- The system has evolved from and openly invade privacy. But events that shaped Chinese side, however, this price paid for Turns out it wasn’t all that
termined had extenuating cir- a provisional strategy with sig- to understand China’s response history: from Sun Yat-sen’s great efficiency in combating hard to install a security
cumstances, like international nificant practical difficulties to a to the coronavirus pandemic revolutionary image of a repub- situations like these, where the camera in front of your door.
students, were granted housing state-mandated quarantine-up- starts with the nation’s tradition lic to Mao’s communist state; tyranny of majority has meta- “Do you really think they
at Brunswick Apartments—my- on-arrival policy for every citi- of trust in authority. Unlike that from a transgressively egalitar- morphosed into a collective wouldn’t know, just because
self included. zen. Officials in full hazmat suits of the United States, Chinese ian regime in the 1950s to the fear so strong that it threatens you choose not to tell them?”
Living on campus has al- inspect every flight that lands on culture values uniformity above booming, bigoted capitalism in anyone who steps outside the a friend said. “Please.”
8 FEATURES Friday, April 3, 2020

by Maia Coleman
Orient Staff

The hours and status of each of these businesses is subject to change as the situation unfolds.
This list will be updated online accordingly. Latest update 4/2/20.


Open for: Takeout, accepting orders via
LEMONGRASS phone. Delivery also available via Door-
Open for: Takeout. Order ahead after 2 Dash. Temporarily offering a limited menu.
p.m. Hours: Wednesday to Sunday 12 p.m. to 7
Hours: Friday to Sunday 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. p.m.
For more information: Call 207-725-9008, For more information: Call 207-725 5241,
or visit or visit Bolos’ Facebook page.


Open for: Pick-up. Order in person (at the Open for: Pick-up, accepting orders at the
door) or over the phone; must call ahead outside station, online and via phone. Or-
for deli orders. Gift certificates available for dering also available via Caviar.
purchase via Venmo (@Peter-Robbins-27). Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
Hours: Monday to Saturday 7 a.m. to 3 closed Monday.
p.m., Sunday 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information: Call 207-721-9500,
For more information: Call 207-725-9095, or visit Little Dog’s Facebook page. For on-
or visit Bohemian Coffee House and Deli’s line ordering, visit
Facebook page.
DOMINO’S PIZZA Open for: Takeout, accepting orders only
Open for: Takeout and delivery. via phone. Pickup in Bank Street parking
Hours: Every day 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. lot (back of restaurant).
For more information: Call 207-729-5561, Hours: Friday and Saturday 12 p.m. to 7:30
or visit p.m.
For more information: Call 207-721-0100
Open for: Takeout.
Hours: Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. BOMBAY MAHAL
For more information: Call 207-729-7781, Open for: Takeout. Regular menu for lunch
or visit Broadway Deli’s Facebook page. and dinner takeout. Delivery available via
DoorDash and UberEats.
PORTLAND PIE CO. Hours: Thursday to Tuesday 11 a.m. to 8
Open for: Pick-up and delivery. Accepting p.m., closed Wednesday. Closed this Thurs-
orders online and via phone. Call for info day, re-opening Friday at 3 p.m.
on beer and wine selection and specials. For more information: Call 207-729-5260. REUBEN SCHAFIR, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
Hours: Monday to Sunday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. DOG BAR JIM: Owner Ben Gatchel smiles from his makeshift drive through window. Open for: Pick-up, drive-thru
For more information: Call 207-844-2777, MODERATION BREWING COMPANY style. Hours: Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information: Call 207-241-4300.
or visit Portland Pie’s website or Facebook Open for: Curbside pick-up, accepting or-
page. ders online. Gift certificates also available
for purchase online at https://squareup.
BUSINESSES no-interest loans of up to $5,000,
applications overwhelmed the
small businesses to defer the
payment of payroll taxes.
GELATO FIASCO com/gift/29DB54YJH0JGH/order. Assis- fund and it reached capacity be- But the Dog Bar Jim owner
Open for: Pick-up on the sidewalk or tant Visiting Professor of German Andrew finding out they’re going to lose fore Vanni could receive a loan. is optimistic. For now, Gatchell
in a car, accepting orders online and via Hamilton will continue to host his Trivia by their job and trying to sell them Acting in the interest of their says, he can continue his busi-
phone. Also offering special delivery on Facebook Livestream every Tuesday. You clothing and items,” she said. “It’s less-fortunate peers, some busi- ness in accordance with the take-
Friday’s. Pre-ordered gelato will be deliv- can tune in at the page Pandemic Trivia just … it’s a morally challenging nesses in the dining industry out only regulations.
ered to homes in the greater Brunswick Experience. thing, but also, I need to stay in have opted not to apply for those “[I can make it work] as long
area during two delivery windows: be- Hours: Saturday 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., trivia at business too. It’s tough.” loans. as people are buying coffee from
tween 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. and 6 p.m. and 8 7:30 p.m. EDT Tuesdays. Bowdoin students had recent- “I left the limited sources of me,” he said. “I’d prefer to have
p.m. Delivery also available every day via For more information: Call 207-406-2112. ly become an important part of the Brunswick development their warmth (literally and fig-
DoorDash. For online ordering, visit moderationbrew- Vanni’s business. fund to other businesses who uratively) in the shop. Let’s not
Hours: Sunday to Thursday 11 a.m. to 8 “As soon as Bowdoin was couldn’t open their doors any- forget, we are an adaptive bunch,
p.m., Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. done, you could just feel the more,” Gatchell said. us humans.”
For more information: Call 207-607-4262, town shutter,” she said. “I was Gatchell, Wilson and Lowell For Gatchell, the absence of
or visit For online order- BEYOND MAINE STREET just getting my wave of Bowdo- all said that business has been Bowdoin’s seniors was one of the
ing, visit https://gelatofiascopickup.square. in kids in. I’ve been here for just sufficient for now. greatest losses to his business.
site/s/order. SWEET ANGEL over a year and it took a while “We’re hoping that we can “I’ve had seniors who have
Open for: Takeout. for Bowdoin kids to find me, and withstand this for a few months,” been coming in since the end of
BIG TOP DELI Hours: Monday to Sunday 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. they finally came in this year so Wilson said. “Once the weather their sophomore year,” he said.
Open for: Takeout orders placed over the For more information: Call 207-373-1133. I felt really good. Business was warms up [and] we get into tour- “I have learned that this last
phone; pick up at window. doing really well.” ist season, that’s where things are batch of time before graduation
Hours: Monday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 DOG BAR JIM Though she is essentially going to be questionable.” is when I really get to know the
p.m., closed Sunday. Open for: Pick-up, drive-thru style. furloughed for the foreseeable Wilson and his Black Pug outgoing class the best. There is
For more information: Call 207-721-8900, Hours: Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. future, Vanni can’t claim unem- co-founder had planned to hire this combination of relief and
or visit Big Top Deli’s Facebook page. For more information: Call 207-241-4300. ployment because she’s the sole more employees, but he has had anxiety that comes out. They
proprietor of an L.L.C. (limited to put it on hold for the fore- hang out more. They chat more.
liability company). And al- seeable future. Gatchell, who They receive more spontaneous
For further information on businesses open in Brunswick, visit: though the Brunswick Develop- hired his first employee several unsolicited advice from me than ment Corporation created a Pan- months ago, has been able to re- they ever did. I learn their names
demic Emergency Loan Fund to tain her due in part to the federal more soundly. This, honest-to-
provide small businesses with stimulus package, which allows god truth, is my real loss in this.”

Ranging from lighthearted moments to serious reflections
about life at and beyond Bowdoin, Talks of the Quad feature
the Bowdoin community’s best short-form writing. They are
published every other week and can be written by any member
of the Bowdoin community. Generally 700-1,000 words.
Friday, April 3, 2020 9

DIII to adjust spending in wake of NCAA revenue loss
ning and Finance Committee. most significant changes will remaining staff-administered party as ways for the organiza- will be looking at the impact of
by Dylan Sloan According to a press release not be in championship expe- nonchampionship programs” tion to to reduce its overall ex- the downturn in the economy
Orient Staff
issued last Friday, revenue al- riences, but rather in the auxil- in the press release. noting penses … as well as some of the across all expense lines, much
In the past weeks, the location to Division III will be iary development and diversity that cancelling them would branding initiatives and things like we did during the finan-
threat of the novel coronavi- cut over $20 million, from $33 initiatives that Division III puts save NCAA “approximately like that,” said Ryan. cial downturn in 2008. I think
rus (COVID-19) has resulted million to $10.7 million. on each year. $350,000.” Although the NCAA will that it’s important for all of us
in the cancellation of many The division is already run- “Much of the expenses in- Ryan predicts that NCAA face a serious loss of revenue, to play our part in helping to
NCAA winter championship ning a deficit going into next curred by Division III are re- championships will be largely this will not directly affect ensure the financial stability
events as well as nearly the season because the fees for lated to championships. So for untouched by the budget cuts. funding for the NESCAC. The of the college going forward,”
entire spring athletic season. many of next year’s events have us, we are in the process now A possible reduction in cham- conference will likely suffer said Ryan. “But with that also
However, the virus may have already been paid. of submitting our expense re- pionships funding would like- budget cuts as well, although comes a responsibility to make
far greater effects on NCAA “The division already had imbursements for the NCAA ly not radically change what not to the same extent. sure that we’re being prudent.
operations than just bringing paid for all fall championships, “Unlike NCAA Division I So we would certainly look at
an untimely end to the athletic
a portion of winter champion-
ships and most of its noncham- According to a press release institutions, NESCAC insti-
tutions do not receive direct
all areas of our operating ac-
tivity to make sure that we’re
The cancellation of March pionships initiatives,” read the issued last Friday, revenue funds from the NCAA,” Lisa being as efficient as we possibly
Madness, by far the NCAA’s
largest revenue producer, as
press release. “As a result, it
spent about $7.6 million more allocation to Division III will be Champagne, assistant direc-
tor for media relations for the
can be.”
On paper, one of the athletic
well as a multitude of other than the $10.7 million in reve- cut over $20 million, from $33 NESCAC, wrote in an email department’s larger expenses is

million to $10.7 million.

profit streams will mean that nue it will receive. Division III to the Orient. “The bulk of the providing travel for teams. This
the organization will lose mil- spends approximately 75 per- NCAA Division III budget goes allocation could be curtailed
lions, if not billions, in revenue. cent of its annual revenue on toward paying for NCAA Divi- should the department be
Because of this, the NCAA will championships and 25 percent for winter championships. All championship events will look sion III Championships and forced to trim spending next
face serious budget cuts next on other initiatives, such as of those will be covered as they like going forward but could educational programming.” year, as it was following the
season and beyond, many of conference strategic grants and normally would, I think,” Ryan restrict spending on supple- Beyond the effect that the 2008 crisis.
which will affect Division III diversity grants.” said in a phone interview with mental expenses such as travel NCAA’s revenue loss will have “That was an area in which
and Bowdoin directly. With these preliminary the Orient. “The bigger impact and hospitality. on Bowdoin athletics, budget we were able to make some ad-
“Each division is expected numbers in mind, the primary would be … the other pro- “If there was a reduction in cuts within the College will justments. We knew that [they]
to lose approximately 70 per- question is what expenses and gramming that the NCAA puts the future in spending by the likely also affect the athletic were not long-term adjust-
cent of its annual estimated programs will be affected first on, whether that’s professional NCAA for Division III champi- department’s operations. Ryan ments that we wanted to make
revenue for the year,” Kathleen by the budget cuts—and how development opportunities for onships, it would likely come in looks to the aftermath of the to ensure the quality of the
McNeely, NCAA senior vice those losses could affect Bow- coaches, administrators and the form of reduced travel par- 2008 financial crisis as a model experience for our students,
president of administration doin athletics going into next staff or programming for stu- ty sizes for teams or a reduction for what the impact of this rev- but there are short term adjust-
and chief financial officer, said year and beyond. Ashmead dent athletes.” in the per diem amount that is enue loss could mean for the ments that we could make for
during a meeting Tuesday of White Director of Athletics Indeed, the NCAA an- allocated for hotels and meals athletic department. the overall financial outlook for
the Division III Strategic Plan- Tim Ryan predicts that the nounced the cancellation of “all for each member of a travel “The institution as a whole the institution,” Ryan said.

Family by choice: embracing non-

heteronormativity in athletics
keep thinking—how many girls of a handful” of OUTPeers on a to be your family. As a
Under the Jersey at that sleepover were gay and Bowdoin varsity team. person questioning your
by Paula Petit- trash-talked gay women just be- “That doesn’t mean that other sexuality who is not tied
Molina cause everyone else was?” teams don’t have members that to an athletic team, you
For the most part, Adrain aren’t doing the same training or might have a chance to
Upon first arrival at Bowdoin, said she doesn’t feel hyperaware who aren’t out on their teams,” reevaluate your friends
finding a group can be tough, of her sexuality on the ice or in she said. “There are many reasons if they are uncomfort-
especially when you’re just get- the locker room at Bowdoin. why someone might not want to able with who you are.
ting to know yourself. However, However, heteronormativity is be out, and that’s okay. Still, the You can’t reevaluate
first-year athletes are tied to a ingrained within the social as- lack of OUTPeers on that list, who your team is. If
group the second they set foot pect of being a female athlete, especially from the wider athletic you come out and your
on campus: their team. For the and this is where Adrian is most community, shows there’s still a team doesn’t accept you
majority of student-athletes, this acutely aware of her sexuality. little bit fear of being out at Bow- unconditionally, does
is the family they keep for the “Once a teammate asked, doin. It takes a lot of confidence that mean you can’t play
next four years, sometimes even ‘what am I supposed to do at a to be out on this campus.” your sport anymore? It
when they decide to move on mixer with only a girls team? Adrain is proud to be a re- shouldn’t. But it doesn’t mean
from athletics. What does that leave me?’ I told source for questioning students. there wouldn’t be fear or anxiety
Though she has been playing her when we have a mixer exclu- “It’s statistically impossible every time you’re in the same
hockey since she was four, due sively with a men’s team, that’s that every member of every team room.”
to an accumulation of injuries, exactly how I feel! After I said is straight,” Adrain laughed, Adrain’s experience on the
Emma Adrain ’21 decided that that, she definitely seemed to get “People have come out to me women’s hockey team has been
the 2019-2020 hockey season it. Our captains made an effort to and asked me not to tell anyone overwhelmingly positive, but
was her last. Even so, Adrain said mix with other girls teams, but because they aren’t ready. They she knows that not everyone
she is grateful to have been part usually a boys team would show aren’t ready to know themselves is lucky enough to have the
of the women’s hockey team—of up, too,” said Adrain. like that and that’s okay. But family she does. For this to be
that family. Adrain also notices a wide Bowdoin culture lends itself true of all teams, she said, “it
As a student-athlete at Bow- variety of comfort levels of be- to not-knowing. When almost would take a lot—a culture
doin, you can’t choose your ath- ing out at Bowdoin. Every year, everything that surrounds you shift.”
letic family. If you choose to be Bowdoin’s Sexuality, Women is straight, you aren’t pushed to You can’t pick your
on a team for the next four years, and Gender Center (SWAG) search for that knowledge or teammates when you
you have to live with its mem- offers OUTPeer and OUTAlly self-discovery on your own.” come to Bowdoin. But like
bers, despite your differences. training that provides Bowdo- Despite Bowdoin teams’ a family, you can com-
Adrain recalled these tensions in students with information progress in the inclusion of promise and you can lis-
on her club teams growing up. about how to cultivate a cam- varying sexualities, the majority ten to carve out a space for
“I remember at a sleepover pus environment that is safe for aren’t there yet. everyone on the team. These
with my club hockey team in members of all genders and sex- “Most people on a team who families can be a point of origin
middle school, the girls were ualities. Being listed as an OUT- have come out to me aren’t for the culture shift that Adrain
trash-talking lesbian women. It Ally highlights someone who is worried in the moment about thinks could clear the obstacles
hurt even more because I have straight but is open to discussing what their parents would say, that all queer students, non-ath-
two moms. The whole conver- sexuality and providing support just because they’re not around lete and athlete alike, encounter.
sation, I kept thinking—what in any way they can. OUTPeers them as often. They’re worried For many of the hurdles Adrain
if I were gay? I later came out provide the same support from about what their teams would highlights are not exclusively the
to my parents, at the beginning the standpoint of someone who say. When you’re an athlete, you job of the athletic community to
of high school,” remembered identifies as openly queer at spend all of your time with your fix, but rather the job of the en- HOLLY HARRIS
Adrain. “Looking back now, I Bowdoin. Adrian said she is “one team—people who are supposed tire Bowdoin family to remedy.
10 Friday, April 3, 2020

Remember your neighbors

New normals, old normals:
Notes on a forced readjustment
As nearly 10 million Americans have now lost their jobs due to the COVID-19
pandemic, the country is in the midst of an economic crisis and small businesses
are particularly vulnerable.
Restaurants and retail businesses like the ones that dot Maine street of down-
town Brunswick will be hit the hardest. With people hunkering down after Gov-
ernor Janet Mills announced a “stay healthy at home” order for Mainers, down-
town Brunswick has fallen eerily silent. dignified like I imagined being older
As students at a college positioned near the heart of downtown, we find our- to be. The color would haunt me for
selves in a symbiotic relationship with these businesses.
The Foxbox years, though, making the room feel
by Jared Foxhall
They provide us with locations for exploration, a break from the dining halls, always too dark too early in the day. It’s
a refreshing local beer, cozy and caffeinated study spots and interaction with the still that color, but repainting would
broader Brunswick community. In turn, our patronage bolsters their income The window in my bedroom looks require way too much work.
during the slow winter months, and students and faculty alike form genuine out onto a cluster of North American For the past three years, it’s
connections with these business owners and their regulars. sycamore trees in the backyard, trees been used more or less as my
While many of us are far from Brunswick now, it’s time for us to remember that in the summer are so thick and family’s storage unit, serving as
who our neighbors are. Though we’re disappointed by the circumstances that plush and layered with leaves that they an actual residence only when my
have forced us into remote learning, it’s important to keep in mind the losses fill the whole window frame even from grandfather, who lives in Nigeria,
faced by the Brunswick community in our absence. a distance with a deeply opaque green. stays with us at the house
Although non-essential businesses are closed by order of the Town Council, In the winter—when the branches from time to time. He
many Brunswick businesses are still operating in some fashion or another. The are bald—the dark, arborescent lines consistently leaves
Brunswick Inn, for example, is hosting and feeding four Bowdoin students as the spread over a grey sky and look like his belongings in
owner struggles to keep her business afloat. Many of Brunswick’s restaurants, the sand-strewn desert patterns of my drawers and
coffee shops and breweries have constructed drive-thrus, curbside pick-up sta- dried-out rivers in Danakil, Ethiopia. hampers: hoodies,
tions and side-walk coffee bars. Looking out the window now from his many annotated
Though loans and federal and local stimulus money are providing some sup- my desk, it is still early spring; the books, loose bits of
port to these businesses, we, as a part of their customer base, must also step up branches threaten to bud and spread paper with scribbled
and continue to support the businesses we value. their green-yellow pollen, miracu- notes of forgotten
“Keep buying coffee,” says Ben Gatchell, the owner of Dog Bar Jim: The Coffee lously, everywhere from the sunny ideas and lists, an-
Shop. “Make me a part of your temporary new routine, as I was a part of your back porch to the cold tile flooring in cient or even alien
old one.” the basement. electronic devices.
For those of us still in Brunswick, we can continue to support these businesses The pollen is let into the house by a A ton of stuff that I
by ordering delivery or picking up food and beverages. Others who are not in rascally sliding glass door in the dining assume he’d probably
town can purchase gift cards with the money they would usually spend there room that always gets caught on itself. need is also in there,
throughout the coming weeks, following the example set by Brunswick resident Everyone insists on keeping the door like quarter-full or-
Senator Angus King. open when the weather gets nice, even ange pill bottles and
The efforts to support our community should also reach beyond businesses. though it invites hosts of bugs to stay toiletries. My favorite
Community organizations such as Mid Coast Hospital and Midcoast Hunger over as denizen families—the most ter- so far has been a birth-
Prevention Program (MCHPP) need our help, too. The College has already rifying of which, as my sister and I have day brochure (whatever
stepped up by donating its excess gloves, facemasks and toilet paper supplies, long agreed, show up in the summer- that means) from his,
and we at the College can continue to make a difference. MCHPP is always in time: mosquito hawks. And the pollen! I think, 60th birthday
need of donations and, for those in the area, young volunteers. The door lets in so much pollen. Some- celebration containing
Our commitment to our community must extend beyond Bowdoin’s campus. times, in the spring, it bunches up and a surprisingly extensive
Though the routines of life in Brunswick may feel far away, we must ensure that rises from that one arborvitae bush and biography and chocked KYRA
the businesses we cherish are still there when we return. floats like a flock of crows and spreads full with warm words
around the backyard. from close friends and family
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial board, Growing up, my allergies would get praising a lifetime of achievement in many, many other garbage artifacts.
which is comprised of Emily Cohen, Anna Fauver, Julia Jennings, Alyce McFadden, so bad that following an afternoon of Nigeria—with the Rotary Club or in- I spread all of it out on the wooden
Rebecca Norden-Bright, Reuben Schafir, Jaret Skonieczny, and Tianyi Xu. play I would scratch my eyes, all red volving some humanitarian work next floor where I sat cross-legged, sorting,
and puffy, until tears spilled from to various mid-to-high level public stashing, tossing and assimilating new
them. I would retire to my bedroom officials (this might partly be conjec- things. I moved in my three boxes of
in the evening with hot towels over ture on my part). I usually never care college books. I organized my book-
my eyes and lie there until the sun had to clean out his stuff because I’m never shelf by topic. I put up the posters I
set in the window beyond the trees really home long enough. That has had in my Bowdoin room, including
ESTABLISHED 1871 and the room fell dark without my changed, for now. the Dali painting—”Metamorphosis
knowledge. There, I would sleep and The first thing I did when I returned of Narcissus”—that, hanging above 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011 imagine what life was like beyond the home from manically recollecting my my bed from freshman year, had
The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and fence and the trees and the bush and life from Maine was tear apart my sparked so many conversations in
information relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the College its damn pollen. room. I did it immediately because I burgeoning friendships. At 1 a.m. I
and its administrators, the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following My room is much different now. had boxes of shit I needed to put back. dragged out four trash bags and two
professional journalistic standards in writing and reporting. The Orient is committed to The bed is now where it used to be I needed to reclaim the space for how- full boxes to be shipped off.
serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse discussion and debate on issues of when we first moved into the house ever long I might be there. I began with These past few weeks, I have
interest to the College community. and I shared the room with my sister. the rug— the rug that my mother put been inhabiting long-lived spaces
It sits on the side of the room close to there is the exact same color as the and precious corners of the house
Editor in Chief Editor in Chief the door and gives me a straight-shot walls, giving the room an IKEA-mono- that have seen my body outgrow
Emily Cohen Alyce McFadden gaze out the window. My sister and chrome feel that I detest. I rolled it up and leave them. Each corner has
I shared the room for several years, and stashed it under the bed with the so many stories folded up in them.
Digital Director Managing Editor News Editor when we also shared our father’s tents. The bare wood floor feels more That staircase to the basement is
Steven Xu Maia Coleman Andrew Bastone bedtime readings and co-conspired natural, even though it’s more prone brimming with the most mundane
Anna Fauver Aura Carlson child mischief until it was decided to splintering. The room never used to memories—just sitting, thinking on
Photo Editor Roither Gonzales that puberty demanded our separate have a rug, I don’t think. them, from years ago, a decade even.
Rohini Kurup Features Editor spaces and my mother dissolved her I followed with the bookshelf, But I’m transported so vividly—so
Ann Basu Ian Ward Emma Sorkin next-door office to become my sister’s pulling down cookbooks, old AP many floating images tucked into
current room. Our rooms are side by textbooks, notebooks and binders the living room couch: that sunset,
Layout Editor Sports Editor side—hers is about two-thirds the size from high school, high school year- that breakfast. Why does my brain
Emma Bezilla Executive Editor Dylan Sloan of mine—and they served as army books, journals and sketchbooks remember the mundane?
Jaret Skonieczny Eliana Miller bases during our feuding years. from when I used to have a “gift,” I don’t know how to be an adult in
Ian Stewart Reuben Schafir A&E Editor For years, my room was painted a as my mother said, for art. I literally this space yet. I’ve moved in my books
Cole van Miltenburg light robin-egg blue, leftover from the exclusively drew dragons for a solid and posters, claimed my space, but I
Data Desk Editor previous owner. When we repainted five years of my life—and they aren’t haven’t quite understood how to as-
Opinion Editor it a handful of years ago, my mother good. I found some toy chemistry similate my ambitions yet. I spend a
Gwen Davidson Associate Editor Diego Lasarte
Drew Macdonald Ellery Harkness let me choose. I chose a royal matte sets gifted to a younger me, when my ton of time staring out that window
George Grimbilas (asst.) Conrad Li Page 2 Editor blue alongside a glossy alabaster white family believed they had witnessed from my bed. I wonder how many
Nimra Siddiqui (asst.) Sabrina Lin trim; the shade of blue was deep and a scientific bent (they hadn’t). And seasons will pass before I leave again.
Lily Randall
Head Illustrator Calendar Editor
Sara Caplan Copy Editor
Jane Godiner
Sebastian de Lasa
Social Media Manager Danielle Quezada Senior News Reporter
Ayub Tahlil Emily Staten Horace Wang
Submit an Op-Ed or a Letter to the Editor to
The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the by 7 p.m. on the Tuesday of the week of publication.
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.
Friday, April 3, 2020 OPINION 11

In a new world order, scholarship must change

global order. he is touting his revolutionary are reaching a hitherto unknown next meal would be or when they inist scholars have shown, for in-
by Mitchel Jurasek This is not to say that the theories of the camp and bare intensity that is growing at the could possibly run out of food. stance, how medicine’s powerful
Op-Ed Contributor
scholarship that comes from all life (which I won’t get into here), same rate as the population. Even They have always thought about eye nearly always views the world
Because of the devastation these upheavals lends itself to and arguing against the govern- in rich countries, this increase in what happens when a debilitating through a man’s lens—with this
caused by SARS-CoV-19 across the faults of ideology that come ment-imposed quarantine in population entails a longer life ex- sickness hits them or when they feminist observation things are
people, communities, countries, with the upheaval. Great exam- Italy because it takes away human pectancy, hence an increase in the may lose a job. The faults of the changing in the medical world.
and the world, scholarship must— ples can be seen of how looking rights. He has asked, “what is a so- number of elderly people and, in world order of capitalism are be- We will all need to research new
and will—change. The only at the upheaval sheds new light ciety that has no value other than general, of people at risk.” Nancy ing exposed now more than ever. things and perhaps change how
question is whether we resist that on connections and evolutions. survival?” In this case, I think we and Benvenuto show good exam- Wealthy people flock to bunkers we do research. I’m not referring
change or allow it to transform the For instance, Associate Professor see a scholar applying theory in a ples of thinking about our current or the rural communities where to Zoom meetings and Black-
ways in which academia interacts of English Hilary Thompson re- monotheistic way, and potential- situation through a better philo- many of the very workers they board discussion boards, this
with the world, our new reality. cently published an outstanding ly arguing for a greater sacrifice sophical lens. Though perhaps exploit live. They hide from the time will pass, and conviviality
The upheaval of academics book, “Novel Creatures: Animal of life for the sake of the greater to really change we need the bad effects of capitalism, a luxury will resume on campuses and in
due to the virus can be seen Life and the New Millennium”, good. Sure, there is more nuance and the good, the Agambens and most people don’t have. Perhaps classrooms, but our discussions,
across the globe. Schools close, that records a shift in the cultural to his argument and he is an ex- the Benvenutos, though I hope as this will finally make us look away and how we have those discus-
and classrooms become com- depictions of animal life before ample perhaps of an extremist future scholars we can try to be from the wealthy and powerful for sions, should change. This virus
puter screens—although not for and after the effects of 9/11 (a academic, but the effect remains like the latter. the answers for problems that they is showing how interconnected
everyone, computers and the in- shrinking of animal life after the same: he refuses to change the Maybe the most interesting can barely perceive, and look to- the world is, how individualism
ternet are still luxuries—and the 9/11), giving scholars vital infor- way he thinks through problems part of this new world order we wards people who are affected by can no longer exist in its original
conviviality of communal spaces mation on the evolution of liter- even while our reality changes are sliding into to me is that, in things for better insight. Consider ways, how many of our structures
for scholarship: cafeterias, librar- ature, cultural understandings, drastically around us. some ways, it is not as drastic a Bernie Sanders, who has vowed we rely on will fail us.
ies, dorms, sports complexes, and scholarship itself. Of course, there are other shift for the impoverished as for to stay in the presidential race be- To act as if all these changes
all but disappear. These changes That being said, we are also philosophers who have disagreed the wealthy. It is something that cause he sees that people who did will not impact how we conduct
are impacting the ways students currently seeing how the SARS- with Agamben, I would point has been slowly brought to the not take him seriously may actu- scholarship would be absurd. We
study and the ways we even think CoV-19 pandemic is destabilizing you towards Sergio Benvenuto surface on Blackboard discussion ally give a damn now. People are must adapt and look at the decon-
about how we study: we must current scholarship. This is not to and Jean-Luc Nancy, both friends groups and in talks with my peers changing their perception of the struction of the world around us
learn to embrace this. say it is negating the millennia of Agamben, who argue against over FaceTime. For some, the im- world, and scholars (people, too) as the possibility to build it back
Global interruptions have long of scholarly work that has been his stubborn philosophical para- poverished especially, capitalism must acknowledge this. up even better. To make better
been the nutritious soil for fruit- done up to this point but rather noia. As Nancy writes in his es- failing them is nothing new. The If history has taught us any- scholarship and greater discover-
ful changes in academia. World we are seeing old tricks thrown say “Viral Exception,” “Giorgio old reality failed (and continues thing, the change in academia is ies, we should not throw away all
War II catapulted modernism at problems which are undeni- states that governments take to fail them) again and again. coming. No subsection of schol- we have done but we also cannot
into postmodernism, the Cold ably different than we have ever advantage of all sorts of pretexts When the wealthy start to arship will go unaffected. Sure ignore the reality that some of it
War brought America and its seen—and I’m not just talking to continuously establish states hoard food because they are for sociology, anthropology, the may not apply, at least not in the
way of thinking to the forefront about our country’s government’s of exception. But he fails to note afraid of food scarcity and hav- arts, and history these effects same way. If not for scholarship’s
of world scholarship, and 9/11 response to the virus. that the exception is indeed be- ing to make do with what they will all be easier to see than, say, relevancy, then for its accuracy.
stoked new—and old—fears Giorgio Agamben, one of my coming the rule in a world where have in their pantry, it reveals a chemistry, but it will hit chem- We are witnessing one of the larg-
about the clash of cultures and favorite philosophers, is a great technical interconnections of crack in capitalism. Many people istry and mathematics. STEM is est destabilizations in history and
xenophobia. Scholarship has al- example of a powerhouse thinker all kinds (movement, transfers across the globe, even a stagger- not immune to culture, no matter we must not be blind.
ways rested on cultural shifts and that seems unwilling to budge. In of every type, impregnation or ing number of Americans, they how “pure” and “unbiased” as its Mitchel Jurasek is a member of
especially shifts that upheave the recent blog posts by the scholar, spread of substances, and so on) have always wondered when their scholars often aim it to be. Fem- the Class of 2021.

Past coronavirus: an open-access future for academics

antithetical to the honest pur- the University of California heritage, published over cen-
by Radu Stochita suit of knowledge. Berkeley started boycotting turies in books and journals,
Op-Ed Contributor In short, JSTOR is a busi- Elsevier over the high price is increasingly being digitized
As Bowdoin students, we ness that profits off the com- they charge for the database and locked up by a handful of
are fortunate enough to have modification of knowledge and refused to assign academ- private corporations. Want to
access to an immense range while making sure to charge ic materials that could only be read the papers detailing fa-
of databases from which we universities high-prices for found behind paywalls. mous science experiments or
can draw information for our their database packages. An In 2012, “The Cost of great literary debates? You’ll
academic research. I bene- individual research subscrip- Knowledge” was published need to pay.
fit from it daily, curiously tion to JSTOR is $199 a year, online. It is a website and pe- What Aaron Swartz left us
searching for new articles and thus making it unattainable tition that allowed people to is the courage to try and break
sources related to my studies for those outside of academic side with the movement that the wall that exists between
and my life as a student. It is institutions. wanted to expose the cost of the public and the profit-driv-
all so fascinating—so much This problem has persisted producing, redistributing and en industry of academic pub-
knowledge, and to all of it, we long before the advent of the sharing academic knowledge. lishing. In his eyes, infor-
have access. Often, we don’t internet and people have died In many cases, those that mation was meant to be free
have to worry because Bow- in this fight for open access to have produced the knowl- and accessible. Progress was
doin provides access to a vast information. Aaron Swartz, edge, such as professors, have all read articles coming from This move was applauded meant for the common good,
number of articles. Bowdoin a computer programmer and to give up their copyrights to open-source journals, but we by a bunch of my Facebook in the benefit of everyone, not
does not have all of them, technology ethicist at MIT the publisher. The publisher did not really pay attention. friends who shared the article, only for a selected few.
but Interlibrary Loan is there committed suicide in 2013 then sells the article to insti- Maybe now it is time to start. happily thinking of the free in- The move to open-access
to help when one of us is in after being prosecuted for the tutions at a highly inflated As the pandemic of formation now available right would empower those with-
need. illegal download of 4.5 mil- price. It is a money-making COVID-19 expands, and the at their fingertips. Their posts out financial privilege. It
As we browse the pages lion documents from JSTOR scheme, one that limits the situation continues to worsen, did not shock me, but rather would make academia more
of JSTOR, Taylor & Francis, and the subsequent publish- world’s access to information we have to stay at home and made me think back to Aar- approachable to a public that
Elsevier Journals or other ing of them online. and the possibility of using social distance ourselves. We on Swartz, specifically to his sees professors and research-
related journals and data- In a shocking move, the that academic knowledge in spend more time on our com- ideas of everyone collectively ers as largely closed-off in
bases, it is important for us prosecutor recommended important future research. puters than we have ever done benefiting from the sharing of great ivory towers. And most
to consider the way in which an exorbitant sentence of The move to open access before, browsing social media scholarly information. importantly, it would radi-
that information is offered. 35 years in prison, causing is happening as I am typing and searching for informa- In his “Guerrilla Open Ac- cally shift the paradigm of
Not all of us have access to Swartz to take his own life. this. It has been happening tion to digest. Because of this, cess Manifesto,” Swartz said knowledge, regaining the sta-
it. Those outside universities Swartz is not the only fighter for a long time. Researchers and in an attempt to play the that information is power. tus to with it should forever
often cannot access it due to in the case for open access have been calling for free hero during this time of great But like all power, there are be enshrined: open and for
incredibly expensive pay- to information, and the bat- and equal access to academ- uncertainty, JSTOR has made those who want to keep it everyone.
walls. Quite simply: it follows tle is crucial to the fight for ic information for everyone. a sizable share of its archive for themselves. The world’s Radu Stochita is a member
a profit-driven model, an aim a better world. Professors at Chances are we might have available to the public. entire scientific and cultural of the Class of 2022.

QUESTION OF THE WEEK Last issue’s response:

25% NO
Answer at Based on answers from 216 responses.
12 Friday, April 3, 2020

“Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions. You change direction but the
sandstorm chases you. You turn again, but the storm adjusts. Over and over you play this out, like some omi-
nous dance with death just before dawn. Why? Because this storm isn’t something that blew in from far away, Write a few paragraphs of a fictional story in which the
something that has nothing to do with you. This storm is you. Something inside of you. So all you can do is protagonist is the best version of yourself. Then, write
give in to it, step right inside the storm, closing your eyes and plugging up your ears so the sand doesn’t get in, a few paragraphs of a story in which the protagonist is
the worst version of yourself.
and walk through it, step by step. There’s no sun there, no moon, no direction, no sense of time. Just fine white
sand swirling up into the sky like pulverized bones. That’s the kind of sandstorm you need to imagine. Many people joke that our generation will brag to our
And you really will have to make it through that violent, metaphysical, symbolic storm. No matter how children about surviving the coronavirus (COVID-19)
metaphysical or symbolic it might be, make no mistake about it: it will cut through flesh like a thousand razor as if we had survived a world war. Write about how you
actually plan to tell younger generations about what
blades. People will bleed there, and you will bleed too. Hot, red blood. You’ll catch that blood in your hands,
this time was like for you, your family, your friends and
your own blood and the blood of others. the world.
And once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive.
You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out Bonus Activity: Try to cook a Bowdoin Dining recipe.
of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” Drown your sorrows in enchilada pie.

– Haruki Murakami, “Kafka on the Shore”


Write about a secret that you’ve never told Write a story where the protagonist finally gets the Write a prologue or an epilogue to your favorite novel
anyone. Explain why you’ve chosen to keep this secret thing that they’ve dreamed of, but it falls incredibly or movie.
and the lengths to which you have gone in order to hide short of their expectations.
it from others. Don’t mention the secret by name. Write a story about the person who finds the cure for
It’s hard to think about the things that you are in con- COVID-19. The catch is that they cannot be in the
Write a story that begins with a fire of any size and at crete and absolute terms, so, instead, make a list of all medical field.
any scale. The story ends when someone or something of the things that you are not.
puts out the fire. Bonus Activity: Download TikTok, but vow that you’ll
Bonus Activity: If you’ve been wanting to dye your never make an account. Make an account, but vow that
Bonus Activity: Light a scented candle. Nobody can hair or cut bangs, do it. This is the sign that you’ve been you’ll never post any videos. Post videos, but vow that
stop you now. waiting for. you’ll never dance. Pull a muscle trying to “throw it


Last week, you came up with the soundtrack to your Make a list of ways that the administration will exploit Play your favorite song. Stop after each verse, bridge
biopic. Now, cast it with famous actors. Who would play the coronavirus for alumni donations. and chorus and write about how each block makes you
you? Your family? Your friends? feel. Don’t mention the song by name.
Write a letter forgiving someone for hurting you.
Make a list of the people that you will see, the places Even if you don’t forgive them, pretend that you Write a dialogue between two old friends reconnecting.
that you will go and things that you will do when you do, and be convincing. Rationalize their actions, Through the dialogue, it should be evident that both of
stop quarantining. even—and especially—when they do not deserve to be them find the other unrecognizable.
Bonus Activity: Go on a social distancing walk. Bonus Activity: Start preparing for future pub trivia
Listen to some really good music. Pretend you’re in a Bonus Activity: Read the PDF version of The Orient nights. By the time we return to campus in the fall,
dystopian young adult movie—it’s not exactly an acting (available on Scribd)! Thanks for making it this far. nobody will know more random, useless shit than you.
challenge at this point.

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Read The Orient Call a family Give time or Draw something Eat breakfast for Meditate Have a virtual
member money to a dinner screening party
charitable cause

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