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APRIL 2019



The following is a project report written on the basis of a research being conducted on
preferences of people towards the hand sanitizer product in Faridabad city. The research
focused mainly upon three objectives:
1) Identifying popular brands of hand sanitizers
2) Factors influencing usage of the product
3) Drawing strategies to promote the product

Descriptive study research methodology is being adopted here in this project. Diverse group of
respondents is being chosen for the survey to have a judgemental and fair analysis including all
types of individuals.In conducting the research various sources were attained from different
authors in order to have credible and reliable results.The research so conducted shows that
people nowadays are getting more inclinated towards health and wellness and education and
general awareness are the two reasons behind. Hand sanitization is now being considered not
only as an option but as an alternative to the issues related to scarcity of water resource.The
research gave out the results that 80% of population prefer Dettol among all other brands
available for the product. It also says that both Demographic as well as psychographic factors
have a strong influence on people's behavior towards the usage of the product. Families income
level has a strong impact on the choice of the brands; higher the income level, costlier the brand
preferred. Even profession has a role to play in the brand decision factor. People belonging to
the educated section seems to be more conscious regarding the quality of the product and
therefore the brand.
The research also determines the major factors greatly influencing the purchase of the product
i.e. cost and quality. It shows that people are ready to shift from their existing brands to new
ones only if they are cheaply available along with the quality standards being maintained
From the study we can conclude that Alcohol-based hand sanitisers (ABHS) are likely to
generate huge revenue growth in the market as they are highly recommend because of their
effectiveness in killing germs and microorganisms. Hand sanitiser market is therefore expected
to have a major boost in the near future.

1.3 SCOPE 9



4.1.1 Distribution based on age group

4.1.2 Distribution of respondent based on profession

4.1.3 Distribution of respondent based on income level

4.1.4 Distribution of respondent on the base of no. of times they wash hand in a day

4.1.5 Distribution of respondent on the base of preference of using hand sanitizer


4.2.1 Profession and Brand

4.2.2 Education and No. of times Hand Wash in a day
4.2.3 Income level and Brands


4.3.1 Impact of Family Income and Brands

4.3.2 Profession and Brands

List of Figures & Tables

Fig.4.1 Respondent Based on Age Group

Fig.4.2 Respondent Based on Profession
Fig.-4.3 Respondent Based on Income Level
Fig.4.4 Bar Chart of Profession and Brand
Fig: 4.5 Bar Chart of family income and brand
Table 4.1 Respondent Based on Age Group
Table 4.2 Respondent Based on Profession
Table 4.3 Respondent Based on Income Level
Table 4.4 Respondent Based on number of times they hand wash in a day
Table 4.5 Cross Tabulation of Profession and Brand
Table 4.6 Cross Tabulation of Educational Qualification and Hand wash Habits
Table 4.7 Cross Tabulation of Family Income and Brand
Table 4.8 Family income and Brand
Table 4.9 Paired Samples
Table 4.10 Mean Deviation of Profession and Brands
Table 4.11 Test table of Tables and Brands

Foremost, we believe that without the blessing of almighty, we wouldn’t be able to move a leaf.
We want to extend our gratitude to almighty, it’s only because of his blessings we were able to
initiate and complete our Research Project

During our research period, we want to extend our gratitude to our mentor Prof. Ashutosh
Nigam who has always been ready to support us through our journey of Research Project,
inspite of his tight and busy schedule.

We want to extend our gratitude to all our faculty members, who have been directly and
indirectly very supportive and always encouraging our enthusiasm throughout this research

We also want to extend our gratitude to our respondent, who have been not only supportive
but administrative while giving their response. Only because of their enthusiastic approach, the
response that we collected was accurate and we could do direct our research in the right
direction and with the right speed.

In this fast moving world, where we all are running to achieve something or the other, we don’t
have time to give importance to our health.We don’t give enough importance to basic health
hygiene such as washing our hand before consuming food.In this world of fast moving world and
in the world of fast food, the thing we forget is to wash hands, which is further make route for
germs to enter in our body.
Hand sanitisers as the name suggests, the alternative which can be used to sanitise our hand
and to block the route for germs to enter in our body. This can be used as an alternative where
water is not available and in the case where people don’t want to waste time in search of water
and soap, they have this alternative. Hand sanitiser has emerged along with few advantages.
The most important advantage is that it is easy to carry and easily available. It is available not
only in the chemist shop, it is easily available in general stores. Liquid hand sanitizers - largely
alcohol-based gels - have enjoyed Associate in Nursing explosion in quality within the last ten
years. If you have got traveled by plane or set foot during a room within the U.S.A. latterly,
likelihood is that you have got seen hand sanitizers in use. Hand sanitizers don't function a
replacement for thorough handwashing. Instead, they're thought to bring shoppers several the
advantages of handwashing once hand laundry isn't sensible.
The relationship between hand sanitizer use and reduced sickness has not been firmly
established by medicine studies, however many laboratory studies counsel hand sanitizers
facilitate to stop infections by killing transient infective bacterium. The magnitude of the impact
of handwashing is especially a operate of wash time and soap usage. laundry hands while not
soap is way less effective. Effectiveness from hand sanitizers is best once an outsized volume of
product is applied to the hands. Applying an outsized volume of hand sanitizer ensures excess
active ingredient and extends the amount of chemical activity before the hand sanitizer
evaporates.Unlike disinfectants, which can be left much on surfaces for up to regarding five
minutes, hand sanitizers should do their job at intervals a short amount of your time to provide
the required impact. the truth is that the majority individuals simply will not tolerate wet hands
for quite regarding thirty seconds. consequently, Laboratory believes that thirty seconds -
perhaps one minute in special cases - ought to be the contact cut-off date for laboratory testing
of hand sanitizers.Try Other Relevant Tools


We believe that there is scope of improvement in every aspect of study. Similarly, we believed
that the topic of our Research Project had some aspects where there was scope of
Our Research project had various aspects in which we believed that the emphasis and concern
was comparatively less.
Even though we accept that the use of hand sanitiser in our day to day life is important, but
somewhere or the else in our hectic schedule we ignore our hand hygiene.
Our Research Project revolved around few topics, where we believed that the concern was low.
The key problem statements of our research project are as follows:

(A) To identify popular brands of hand sanitisers.

In our Research study we have focused on what are the basic reasons why the hand sanitisers
aren’t making their mark in the market and the reason for not their awareness in the market.
Along with that we emphasised on knowing which brands have made their mark in the hand
sanitisers market.

(B) Factors that influence the usage of hand sanitisers on the basis of cleansing and disinfectants
We emphasised on the fact that, irrespective of various qualities a product might have, it’s
important to understand what the customers expect from product. We made sure that we
emphasis not only on the cleansing and disinfectant properties, but we made sure to reach
every aspect that a consumer may want in it’s hand sanitisers.
We also tried to touch the price factor aspect, as whether the customer are restricting
themselves because of the price that is being offered by the companies out in the market

(C) Drawing strategies to promote hand sanitiser product

We can not deny that irrespective of the various properties the hand sanitisers couldn’t make its
mark in the market. We believe that to taste success it’s important to remain healthy, and hand
hygiene is an important aspect of healthy mind and body. So lastly, in our Research Project we
also made sure to emphasis on what strategies can be used by the hand sanitising companies to
promote themselves and aware people about the benefits of hand sanitisers. It’s important for
consumers to not only understand the importance but to build a connection with the brand and


The word “Hand sanitisers” is not new to the world, and nor is the concept. Hand sanitisers
registered its presence in 1966 in the mind of Lupe Hernandez a registered nurse in takers field,
California.Lupe Hernandez realized during her studies that alcohol if converted into gel form can
be used as cleaning agent other than water and soap.Hand sanitiser is a type of antimicrobial
agent that kill or permanently inactivate at-least with the efficiency of 99.9% of microorganism
when used on hands.Hand sanitisers are popularly known as hand antiseptic or hand rub or
hand rub.
They are available in market in either gel, liquid or foam form, and recommended when
repeated hand washing causes fissures or scaling to developing skin. Along with this it is also
used when the probability of availability of water and soap is very low.According to study, even
washing hands without water is not effective.Originally made by turning ethyl alcohol into a gel
(60% - 95% alcoholic concentration).They reduce the level of microorganism just like
disinfectant does on environmental surface
After few years, the hand sanitisers were classified into alcoholic and non-alcoholic hand
sanitisers. It has been found that non-alcoholic hand sanitisers aren’t as effective as alcoholic
hand sanitisers, because in alcoholic sanitisers, when alcohol is mixed with water the germs
fighting agents are activated.Alcoholic hand sanitisers have alcohol present in the form of
Ethanol, isopropanol or n- propanol.Non alcoholic hand sanitisers are either based on
disinfectants such as Benzalkonium Chloride (BAC) or anti-microbial agents Triclosan .
According to CDC (Centre of disease control and Prevention) says that alcoholic hand sanitisers
are the best choice for killing germs.Alcoholic hand sanitisers are gentle on skin as compared to
soap and are best and safe for children if used under proper supervision.If hand sanitisers are
properly used and basic instructions such as allowing it to dry, or rubbing it gently but all over
your hand, the hand sanitisers are the best alternative for hand washing.An effective hand
sanitisers must contain a minimum of 60% of alcohol in it, if the percentage of alcohol goes on
the lower sides of minimum criteria the effectiveness of the alcoholic hand sanitisers will be
affected, believed by health expert.Some experts still believe that water and soap combination
is more effective weapon for fighting against germs but the impact and usefulness of hand
sanitisers can not be ignored.


Even though people nowadays are becoming more concerned towards their health, but still
there is a huge population who still ignores their hand hygiene and still don’t understand the
impact that hand sanitisation have on their body. The main source for germs to enter our
human body and challenge our immune system is OUR HANDS, unfortunately this is the sad
truth and even after realising this there are people who are unaware about the alternative of
hand washing which is HAND SANITISERS. The main objective of our study is to understand that
how many people are aware of hand sanitisers and what properties they would prefer to have
in their hand sanitisers and lastly how can available brands improve their stand within the
The targeted audience for these brands must be beyond those people who are OCD (OBSESSIVE
CLEANING DISORDER ) , they have to reach out to general public .


1.To identify popular brands of hand sanitisers.

2. Factors influencing the usage of hand sanitisers
3. To draw strategies to promote hand sanitisers

This research will be beneficial to all those people who wants to be aware of hand sanitisers,
who wants to understand why to choose this as an alternative and not as a replacement of hand
washing. Our research will let various companies in the market know how much people are
aware of their brand and product. This research will also help those brands who are already in
the market and to those who wants to enter into this market as to what are the expectations of
a consumer from its hand sanitisers other than cleansing or disinfectant action.
We are thankful for the dedication of our 148 respondents that has helped us to complete our
Research project with a great precision.

Hand sanitisers were developed in the mind of a nurse in 1966, from then till date a lot of work
have been done in this field.Irrespective of the fact that, our dimension of research might be
different, from the works that have been done before. Review in the light of objectives of the
1.To identify popular brands of hand sanitisers
For identification of popular brands we have gone through the paper from which we come to
know about the major three brands of hand sanitizer that is Lifeboy, Dettol, Himalaya preferred
in in Indian market and we had taken the survey including these brands.
Source :Rajkumari Reena(1) (1/2/17/19)We also come to know about the brands which young
generation is preferring. Source :Brandyuva(2) (2/2/17/19)
So to come to know about the the number one brand of hand sanitizer we conducted survey.

2. Factors influencing the usage of hand sanitisers

There are various factors which which influence the use of hand sanitizer like easy handling,
cleanliness, effectiveness to kill germs, no water requirements, chemical formulations.Some
researches conclude that hand sanitizer and liquid hand wash both are effective against the
germs.Even though few of the hand sanitisers are available in market, with one of the above
properties, but they aren’t having all the bare minimum properties that customers want. These
brands aren’t popular in Indian Market and people aren’t even aware of these brand. These
brands can mainly be seen in hospitals where the requirement of hand sanitisers are high
Source - de Souza R(3)(3/2/17/19)
There are also some comparable studies which shows the antimicrobial effeciency of the hand
sanitizer .Source ;Jain M(4)(2/14/2/17/19)
The main benefit of hand sanitizer is it is waterless so it evaporates easily and quickly , as there
is shortage of water so we must use hand sanitizer to save water

Source Salaa, D 3. To draw strategies to promote hand sanitisers

Purewell use the good market strategy by creating innovation in their products
The Best Hand Sanitizers (That Aren’t Purell) on Amazon, According to Hyper Enthusiastic Reviewers

Hand Sanitizer Growth in the Promotional Industry by Michelle Reynolds

2/17/2019 List of Top 10 Best Hand Sanitizer Brands in India | brandyuva
sanitizer-brands.html 1/4 Best Hand Sanitizer Brands In India

The another aspect to reviewing the literature is that, in this world, there are people who are
dedicated towards hygiene and to make sure that our work is not considered a replica of a
project that has been done before, and the only difference that anyone could identify is the
change in the name of the project and the name of the people who have conducted the study.
The most important aspect of reviewing literature is that, it helps the researchers to look at the
things and objective with a new perspective and could glide their work in the right direction.
We also decided to review few of the works, so that we could drift our research in the right
direction and if we are in dilemma we could refer these works and again move ahead in the
correct direction.
Reviewing the literature gave us the much needed insight about our research study. The major
concern that all of the review research paper emphasised on was that the customers are
rational, they are not only concerned with the cleansing action, they want their hand sanitiser to
have fragrance and not smell of hospital, along with this, they expect their hand sanitiser to
moisturise their hands and not to make their skin dry and the most important property that is
expected from hand sanitiser is that they want their hand sanitiser to dry up quickly but
effectively. Customers believe that if they are considering hand sanitiser as an alternative to
their regular hand sanitising regime they, have to be better in every aspect when compared with
their regular hand sanitising routine.
The important aspect is that even if people are aware about the product and its positive aspects
but still people are restricting themselves from buying is because of the fact the brands aren’t
taking the right measure to reach out to their audience and somewhere the price factor is also a
The another aspect is that hand sanitisers aren’t effective if your hands had a contact with
grease, oil or soil, in such cases washing hands with soap is preferred. The another insight that
we received through reviewing the literature work was that, for hand sanitisers to be effective it
must be applied on the hands at least twice a day. Hand sanitisers are required to be used at
least 4 times a day so that the claim of 99.9% germs being killed can be achieved. In one of the
research papers a study was conducted where a family was asked to use hand sanitiser twice a
day for a week and use it at least 5 times a day for a week. At the end of the week it was found
that when the family used it more often in a day, the germs that were there in their hand was
very less, as compared to when they used to use i twice a day.
The hand sanitisers can also be applied of those appliances which are frequently used within the
house, so that even if hand sanitisers are not applied on hands but are applied on those
appliances the action of hand sanitisers can still be performed



Research methodology refers to the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select,
process and analyze information about a topic.
In this section, the procedure used for conducting the research is being discussed. 
The section is mainly for the readers in order to allow them to critically evaluate a study's
overall reliability and validity. It explains the research methods and designs and the strategy
being formulated and applied therefore.
The section will be focusing upon both the practical as well as the theoretical aspects of the

Research design mainly refers to the plan to be followed. It involves the determination of how
the chosen methods will be applied to answer the research questions. Even though Research
design and methods are different but ensure that the data that is obtained glide us to the best
possible answer.
Research methods refers to the established and generalised ways of approaching research
questions.These can be broadly classified into either Quantitative, Qualitative or a combination
of both.Few of the Research designs are as follows
Descriptive which include Case Study, Survey,Correlation which include Observational
Study,Semi Experimental includes Field Experiment, Quasi Experiment,Experimental includes
experimental with random assignment,Review includes Literature Review, Systematic Review
Quantitative methods examines numerical data and thereby the data so collected is being
analysed via various statistical tools.Qualitative method is used for non-numeric data and
focuses mainly upon establishing patterns.Mixed methods are used for explaining the
unexpected results.
Here in this research diverse group of respondents were being selected for the responses. If we
talk about the diversity of our respondents, we have respondents who are students, working
professionals working in different fields.Quantitative data collection method is being used. The
questions asked are in a direct relation with the research problem. Also the responses so
collected clearly fulfilled the objectives of the questions.


Research instrument refers to measurement tools prepared in order to obtain data on a topic of
interest from research subjects.In this research project, questionnaire served as the main
research instrument, appropriate enough to gather information via asking the relevant and
required questions form the target population.
The questionnaire so designed consists of 16 questions divided into 4 sections.
Hygiene awareness (3)
Psychographic factors (5)
Demographic factors (5)
Brand popularity (3)
The questions were close ended and nominal scale was used for the first section, having options
to choose - 'Yes' , 'No' , 'Maybe' .Also some questions were framed as per the Likert scale
containing five pointers; 'Strongly agree' , 'Agree' , 'Neutral' , 'Disagree' , ' Strongly disagree'
The questionnaire was prepared via Google forms and was administered thereby which
increased its overall effectiveness.The population for the study comprises of all age group
people, hence we can also call it a heterogeneous population.The non- probability sampling
technique is used in the research to determine the behavior of pattern of people regarding hand
sanitizers.The mentioned technique is quite appropriate here as the samples are gathered in a
way that does not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being selected, and
a questionnaire was also framed in order to seek individuals responses for the subject
matter.This research covers the Faridabad area and therefore involves a large population which
is quite inaccessible if each member has to be considered. So, in order to represent the entire
population the diverse sample is being selected for the applicable responses.

The data was collected through survey that we conducted with the help of Google Forms. The
response that we received from our respondents were further analysed. We performed various
test on the data that we received, Frequency Test was applied for questions related to age
group, Profession, Family Income, and on how often our respondents wash hand in a day.
Frequency Test is the number of times a data value occurs, it doesn’t mean that one should
count out the number of times something happens. It usually involves you having to make a
frequency chart to display a list of frequencies.Cross Tabulation test was applied on questions
related on Gender vs Hand wash, Education vs hand wash, Income vs brands, which profession
vs Brand.
It is a method to quantitatively analyse the relationship between multiple variables. It is mainly
used to find patterns, trends, and probabilities within raw data. It is also known as contingency
tables or cross tabs.Independent T test was applied on questions related to Family income and
brand and Profession and Brand.It is also called as two sample test , it is a test which helps to
identify the difference between the means in two unrelated groups.Mean deviation was applied
on questions related to questions based upon to Family Income and brands, profession and
This test is performed to analyse the dispersion of data from a measure of central tendency.
We tried to reach to large number of audience and audience which are of different age groups
and of various professions. We collected the data from 150 respondents which ensured us that
our results will be accurate.


Analyzing data involved reducing and arranging the data, synthesizing searching for significant
patterns and discovering what was important. Statistical tools such as tables, bar graphs and pie
chart were used for presenting the data collected for this study. The analysis was done with the
help of SPSS. Data was analyzed in the form of reliability analysis, descriptive statistics and
multiple regressions. The data analysis is the important part of this research and SPSS 20.0 and
Microsoft Excel have been used for calculation and measurement of the data that had been
collected for the outcome and analysis. The data were collected randomly and is been entered
SPSS for the systematic analysis and output of the data.


4.1.1 Distribution based on age group

TABLE- 4.1 Respondent Based on Age Group

In above table we can see that 119 respondent belong to the age group of 20-30, 16 of the
respondent belong to the age group of 30-40 and 13 of the respondent belong to the age group
of more than 40. The maximum number of respondent belongs to 20-30 age group for this study
and this shows that this age group have more conscious about health.

Fig.4.1 Respondent Based on Age Group

The above bar chart iis between frequency and age group . we can see that 119 respondent
belong to the age group of 20-30, 16 of the respondent belong to the age group of 30-40 and 13
of the respondent belong to the age group of more than 40. The maximum number of
respondent belongs to 20-30 age group for this study and this shows that this age group have
more conscious about health.

4.1.2 Distribution of respondent based on profession

Table- 4.2 Respondent Based on Profession

The above table shows out of the 148 respondents 95 are student, 36 are services, 17 are

Fig.4.2 Respondent Based on Profession

The above bar graph shows out of the 148 respondents 95 are student, 36 are services, 17 are

4.1.3 Distribution of respondent based on income level

Table- 4.3 Respondent Based on Income Level

In above table we can see that 43 of them respondent belong less than 2 lakh income group, 32
of them respondent belong 2 lakh-4 lakh income group, 73 of them respondent belong 4 lakh-6
lakh income group.
Fig.-4.3 Respondent Based on Income Level

In above bar chart we can see that 43 of them respondent belong less than 2lakh income group,
32 of them respondent belong 2lakh-4lakh income group, 73 of them respondent belong 4lakh-
6lakh income group.

4.1.4 Distribution of respondent on the base of no. of times they wash hand in a

Table 4.4 Respondent Based on no. of times they hand wash in a day
In above table we can see that, frequency of washing hand divided into 3 group. 43% of
respondent do wash their hand 2-5 times in a day , 42.6% of respondent do 5-10 times a day,
14.2 % of respondent wash their hands more than 10 times a day.
4.1.5 Frequency Distribution of place where customer prefer to use Hand Sanitizer
Table 4.5 Respondent Based on their preference place to use hand sanitizer

n above table we can see that, frequency of preferring hand sanitizer at home is 1 , frequency
of preferring hand sanitizer at office is 2, frequency of preferring hand sanitizer while travelling
is 145.

4.2.1 Profession and Brands

Table 4.6 Cross Tabulation of Profession and Brand

Above table show the association between profession and brands . Table indicate that 15
students prefer Lifeboy, 68 students prefer Dettol , 8 students prefer Himalaya and 4 students
prefer other brands .There are 5 service professional preferring Lifeboy , 24 service professional
preferring Dettol,3 service professional preferring Himalaya and 4 service professional
preferring others.

Fig.4.4 Bar Chart of Profession and Brand

Above bar chart shoes the association between profession and brands . Chart indicate that 15
students prefer Lifeboy, 68 students prefer Dettol , 8 students prefer Himalaya and 4 students
prefer other brands .There are 5 service professional preferring Lifeboy , 24 service professional
preferring Dettol,3 service professional preferring Himalaya and 4 service professional
preferring others.

4.2.2 Education and No. of times Hand Wash in a day

Table: 4.7 Cross Tabulation of Education Qualification and Hand wash Habits

Above table show the association between education and no. of times handwash in a day . Table
indicate that 3 High School students wash their hands 2-5 times in a day ,3 High School students
wash their hands 5-10 times in a day .
There are 54 Graduates students who wash their hands 2-5 times in a day, 51 Graduates
students wash their hands 5-10 times in a day and 18 Graduates students who wash their hands
more than 10 times in a day.
There are 7 Post Graduates students who wash their hands 2-5 times in a day, 9 Post Graduates
students who wash their hands 5-10 times in a day and 3 Post Graduates students who wash
their hands more than 10 times in a day.
Fig.4.5 Bar Chart of Education Qualification and Hand wash Habits

Above table show the association between education and no. of times handwash in a day . Table
indicate that 3 High School students wash their hands 2-5 times in a day ,3 High School students
wash their hands 5-10 times in a day .
There are 54 Graduates students who wash their hands 2-5 times in a day, 51 Graduates
students wash their hands 5-10 times in a day and 18 Graduates students who wash their hands
more than 10 times in a day.
There are 7 Post Graduates students who wash their hands 2-5 times in a day, 9 Post Graduates
students who wash their hands 5-10 times in a day and 3 Post Graduates students who wash
their hands more than 10 times in a day.
4.2.3 Income level and Brands
Table 4.8 Cross Tabulation of family income and brand

Above table show the association between family income and brand preference. Table indicate
that 8 person of below 2L family income preferring Lifeboy , 31 person of below 2L family
income preferring Dettol ,2 person of below 2L family income preferring Himalaya and 2
person of below 2L family income preferring other brands.
3 person of 2-4L family income preferring Lifeboy, 24 person of 2-4L family income preferring
Dettol, 3 person of 2-4L family income preferring Himalaya and 2 person of 2-4L family income
preferring other brands.

Fig: 4.6 Bar Chart of family income and brand

Above chart show the association between family income and brand preference. Table indicate
that 8 person of below 2L family income preferring Lifeboy , 31 person of below 2L family
income preferring Dettol ,2 person of below 2L family income preferring Himalaya and 2
person of below 2L family income preferring other brands. 3 person of 2-4L family income
preferring Lifeboy, 24 person of 2-4L family income preferring Dettol, 3 person of 2-4L family
income preferring Himalaya and 2 person of 2-4L family income preferring other brands.


4.3.1 Impact of Family Income and Brands

Table 4.9 Family income and Brand

The family income is classified into four groups “below 2L ”, “2-4L”, “4-6L”, “more than 6L” and
use T-test to analyses if there is relation or not . The equality of variance for each promotional
offer is examined by Levene’s test and from that result the mean value is analyzed. Significance
level for both Levene’s test and T-test is 5%.
H0 (null hypothesis) = There is relation between family income and Brand Preference
H1 (alternative hypothesis) = There is no relation between family income and Brand
4.3.2 Profession and Brands

Table 4.10(Mean Deviation of profession and Brands)

The above table shows the mean deviation of brands which customer prefers, for lifeboy the mean deviation is
2.0500,for dettol is 2.1887,for himalaya 2.4167 and for others brands the mean is 2.4.

Table 4.11(Test table of Table and Brands)

The population is classified into three groups classified as “students”, “service” and “others”
use T-test to analyses the mean population are equal . The equality of variance is examined by
Levene’s test and from that result the mean value is analyzed. Significance level for both
Levene’s test and T-test is 5%.

H0 (null hypothesis) = the difference of the means is equal to zero

H1 (alternative hypothesis) = the difference of the means is not equal to zero

In table 3.10 show the result that the mean is 2.2. Hence, P value is less than significant level
5% (P<0.05) so we accept the null hypothesis that is there is effect of Profession on Brands

People nowadays are getting more inclined towards health and wellness and education and
general awareness are the reasons behind. Also the unavailability of water at all places created
a challenge in the lives of people regarding their health and concerns.Hand sanitization in this
regard came up with a perfect solution to the problem. Apart from the basic requirements,
other factors such as product innovation including addition of fragrance in formulation of
sanitizers are to boost the demand of the product. Various other aspects such as improvement
in living standards, increase in awareness about hand hygiene, rise in health expenditure, etc.
augmented the demand for the product to a greater extent.
1) To identify popular brands of hand sanitizers: In this regard our research indicated that
among the commonly available brands Dettol is the most preferred one, and the major section
of the users is that of lying between the age group of 10-20(yrs.), mainly the students. From this
we can conclude that Dettol is indeed the most popular brand among all as the majority prefers
2) Factors influencing use of hand sanitizers: In this section we mainly focused upon the
Demographic and Psychographic factors. The research so conducted shows that both the factors
have a strong influence on the people's preference for hand sanitizers.
The data so collected from the survey was further given treatment; T-test was being applied
which shows that there exists a strong relationship between the income of the family and the
brand preferred. We get to know that the family with higher level of income (mainly above 4L)
prefer costly or branded product and vice versa. Along with this there also exists a posting
relationship between the profession and the brand preferred. Those who belongs to the
educated group are more conscious about the brands and quality.
3) Identifying strategies to promote hand sanitizers: The research under this section shows that
there are mainly two factors which greatly influence the purchase of the product i.e. cost and
quality. As per the survey conducted 80% of population was of the viewpoint that they will
purchase another/new brand only is it is cheaper comparatively alog with quality concerns.


Kotler Philip, Kelley Kevin lane. Marketing management. Manipal. Pearson (India). 2017

Effectiveness of Liquid Soap and Hand Sanitizer against Norwalk Virus on Contaminated Hands

The Best Hand Sanitizers (That Aren’t Purell) on Amazon, According to Hyper enthusiastic

Impact of an Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Intervention on the Spread of Viruses in Homes

Akrum H. Tamimi • Sheri Carlino • Sarah Edmonds • Charles P. Gerba


English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 12(2):320-8, Feb., 2018

Customized Hand Sanitizer and Promo Hand Sanitizer Customized Hand Sanitizer and Promo
Hand Sanitizer – promotional products hand sanitizer
(1) Discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Evaluation of the efficacy of six different hand
sanitizers commonly available on the Indian market
(2) 2/17/2019 List of Top 10 Best Hand Sanitizer Brands in India | brandyuva 1/4 Best Hand Sanitizer Brands In India
(3) Effectiveness of Liquid Soap and Hand Sanitizer against Norwalk Virus on Contaminated Hands
(4) Comparative assessment of antimicrobial efficacy of different hand sanitizers: An in vitro study Vardhaman
Mulchand Jain,
line., Recife, 12(2):320-8, Feb., 2018 320 ISSN: 1981-8963
v12i2a23095p320-328-2018 Verusca Soares de Souza2 ,
(6) Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2010 Feb; 82(2): 270–278. Published online 2010 Feb 5. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.2010.09-
0220 PMCID: PMC2813169 PMID: 20134005 Efficacy of Waterless Hand Hygiene Compared with
Handwashing with Soap: A Field Study in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Our questionnaire

1) Are you aware of personal hygiene

(B) NO
2)Hand washing is a part of personal hygiene. Do you agree with this?

3)Use of Hand sanitizers reduces chances of spreading infection
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
4)How many times you wash your hands in a day
Once a day
2-5 times
5 -10 times
Above 10
5) What do you prefer to wash your hands
Running water only
Running water + soap
Running water + antibacterial liquid hand wash
Hand sanitizer
6) Gender
7)Age group
Above 40
8)Age group
Above 40
9) Your Profession
10) Your Educational qualification
High School
Post Graduation
11) Do you think hand sanitizer as an effective tool for killing germs
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
12) Which brand you prefer in Hand sanitizers the most
13)Will you buy a non popular brand of Hand sanitizers if it is cheaply available and the
quality is also good
14)Places where people prefer to use hand sanitizer
at home
at office
while travelling

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