Content/Features of Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Rubric


(50-59%) (60-69%) (70-79%) (80-100%)

Knowledge &  Student  Student  Student displayed  Student displayed  Student

displayed little to displayed a some considerable displayed
Understanding no understanding limited understanding of understanding of thorough
of lesson understanding lesson planning lesson planning understanding
Content/Features of Lesson planning and the of lesson and the features and the features of lesson
features of a planning and the of a good lesson of a good lesson planning and
Plan good lesson plan features of a plan plan the features of
good lesson plan a good lesson
 Strategies plan
 Evaluation  No strategies,  Limited  Some strategies,  Good amount of
strategies, strategies, 
 Modifications evaluation, evaluation, Comprehensive
evaluation, evaluation, details and
 Resources modification modification
modification outlines for
and/or resources modification and/or resources and/or resources strategies,
outlined where and/or outlined where outlined and evaluation,
applicable resources applicable detailed modifications
outlined where
applicable resources used

Thinking  Student  Student  Student displayed  Student displayed  Student

displayed little to displayed a some considerable displayed
no understanding limited understanding of understanding of thorough
of the planning understanding the planning the planning understanding
process of the planning process process of the planning
Planning: process process

 Very little to no  Adequate detail  Considerable  Extensive detail

Lesson plan body
detail, not  Minimal detail, with sequence and detail with with sequence
sequential and limited complete sequence and and complete
incomplete sequence and complete

Communication  Student  Student  Student displayed  Student displayed  Student

displayed little to displayed a some considerable displayed
no understanding limited understanding of understanding of thorough
Presentation: of lesson being understanding lesson being lesson being understanding
presented of lesson being presented presented of lesson being
 Knowledge presented presented
 Organization
  Some knowledge,  At ease with topic
 Eye contact No knowledge,
organization, eye  Limited leaves out and presents  Commendable
 Interaction contact or knowledge, important details, accurate presentation
 Voice projection interaction uncomfortable some information, good with complete
with organization, eye organization, eye and accurate
information, contact and contact and information,
limited interaction interaction organization,
organization, eye contact and
eye contact and interaction

Application  Little to no  Limited evidence  Some evidence of  Evidence of the  Clear and
evidence of the of the guiding the guiding guiding principles comprehensive
guiding principles principles of the principles of the of the Standards evidence of the
Embedded use and evidence of the Standards Standards of Standards of of Practice in the guiding
of the OCT Standards of of Practice in the Practice in the Practice in the lesson plan principles of
lesson plan lesson plan lesson plan the Standards
Practice in the lesson plan of Practice in
the lesson plan

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