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Brittany Grove

Countering Culture
Lesson 2

1. a – theology b – philosophy c – biology d – psychology e – ethics f – sociology g – law h –

politics i – economics j – history
2. outward behavior
3. Matthew 7:16
4. That it is collapsing because we are abandoning it.
5. Secular Humanism
6. childhood, gender, and parental roles
7. by the way they a - over-report some issues and b - under-report others
8. a – speech codes b – celebration of “Gay Pride” c – mandatory diversity training
9. a Marxist Culture
10. Cosmic Humanists believe that truth resides within each individual, therefore whatever you
decide is right for you is right and there is not one all-encompassing religious code
11. Zen
Brittany Grove
How Should We Then Live?
Chapter 2

1. In the Middle Ages, art changed from natural, authentic styles to a more symbolic style of
mosaics and icons. Byzantine art became characterized by mosaics and symbols, and spread
into the west of the Roman Empire, taking hold there, especially in Ravenna. The style also
became prevalent in many churches being built, like the Hagia Sophia.
2. a – The Bible b – Greek and Latin classics c – music
3. a – The authority of the church became more important than the teaching of the Bible b – There
was more focus on salvation by works than salvation by faith.
4. C, From A.D. 500-1400
5. In the medieval church, there wasn't one congruent view of materialism. Some people ignored
the scriptures' commands to live modestly and lived lavishly, as many Catholic church officials
were criticized for doing. Others took the commands to live modestly to the extreme and lived
in complete self-denial, devoid of any possessions, as many monks did. In any case, the church
expressed its concern for economics by setting some rules about money-lending and fair prices,
as well as encouraging honest, hard work.
6. The Conciliar Movement was a movement to return more power to a council of bishops instead
of resting sole power in a single pope.
7. True
8. a – the humanistic element of the Renaissance b – the Bible-based teaching of the Reformation
9. That man had revolted against God and was fallen, but only the will of man was fallen and not
the intellect, which remained unaffected and could be trusted to provide wisdom.
10. Particulars are the individual things which are around us; tangible objects.
11. I am unsure what you intend by asking for the definition of a “universal”, as Schaeffer only uses
the term “universal” as an additional term for absolutes or ideals, which he defines as constants
that give existence and morals meaning.

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