Quick Revision Sheet H&S Management

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H&S Management

3 sections:- policy goals are achieved. Should address: Planning & implementing action to
Statement of Intent - Sets H&S objectives & Control of risks & staff achieve the policy objectives. All are
demonstrates top level commitment Communication essential to have effective involved in identifying & assessing
Organisation - identifies H&S responsibilities at all communication systems throughout risks. Risks can then be eliminated
levels; Provides reporting structure; allows organisation through selection & design (Principles
delegation of work to appropriate levels Co-operation between all levels of Prevention) or reduced using
Arrangements - arrangements to ensure that the Competence to ensure safe working controls (Controls Hierarchy).
policy can be implemented effectively. Consists of Aims to empower staff to contribute to H&S
detailed procedures and systems on specific areas & drive culture forward
e.g. manual handling, emergency procedures etc.

Identify hazards
HSG65 Model Identify who might be harmed
Evaluate risk
Policy Estimate adequacy of existing
REVIEWING PERFORMANCE Organising Likelihood of incident occurring
Examines all information gained from Severity of potential consequences
monitoring & auditing activities. Planning & Recommend further action -
Aims to ensure that all parts of H&S elimination or control
management system are working Implementation Record assessment
effectively & that policy objectives are
being achieved. Results can be used to
Measuring Performance Monitor & Review

modify the policy objectives to ensure

continuous improvement.
Review can take place against internal Reviewing Performance
standards or performance indicators,
and external performance indicators CONTROLS HIERARCHY
(benchmarking) Eliminate Safe place
MEASURING PERFORMANCE - against pre-set Substitute controls
standards to see where improvements are required. Isolate/Segregate
Standards can be set by policy or by risk control
measures. Safe systems of work Safe
Warning systems person
Used to systematically examine the PPE
whole H&S management system, to
establish its effectiveness. REACTIVE MONITORING - examines loss
Should be independent & take place at data to identify the causes of poor performance
planned intervals. ACTIVE MONITORING - used to assess whether
which can then be used to plan corrective
Aims to assess the adequacy of the H&S management system is working
action required. Methods: Examining accident
• Management arrangements properly, and to identify any corrective action
reports & investigations, near miss reports,
• Risk control systems required, before losses occur. Methods: H&S
complaints, claims etc; audits; trend analysis;
• Workplace control measures inspections, tours, surveys, sampling, audit.
epidemiological analysis

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