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reinforcement shall be according to the manufacturer requirement. The

Contractor shall decrease this lift thickness if necessary to obtain the
specified density. At the end of each day’s operations, the Contractor shall
shape the last level of backfill so as to permit run-off of rainwater away from
the wall face. Backfill compaction shall be accomplished without
disturbance or distortion of geogrid reinforcement and blocks. Compaction
in a strip one meter wide adjacent to the backside of the wall shall be
achieved using light mechanical tampers.


PS 5.48.1 Cement Stabilized Aggregate Capping Layer

1. Materials - Materials shall conform to Section 3.6 "Granular Subbase

Materials" of the Specifications except that CBR shall not be required to
be determined.

2. The Sulfate Resisting Cement shall conform to Section 4.1.1 of the


3. Water to conform to Section 4.6.2 of the Specifications.

4. The mix shall have the following properties/proportions:

i) Cement 6% by weight of the aggregates.

ii) Water to conform to the Optimum Moisture Content corresponding

to the Maximum Dry Density determined according to BS 1377 Part

iii) Capping Layer shall be compacted to 95% of the MDD.

When tested in accordance with the British Department of

Transportation Specification for Highway Work, Part 3, the minimum
compressive strength at 7 days for an individual cube compacted at
OMC should be not less than 4.5 N/mm2 ; and not less than 7.0 N/mm2
for an average of 5 cubes.

PS 5.48.2 Testing

1. The testing frequencies shall conform to the following:

a) One sample each for grading, P.I., Sand Equivalent and Loss due
to Abrasion per 2000 cu.m. of mixed aggregate before the addition
of cement.

b) MDD determination every 2000 cu.m compacted volume of

complete mix including cement.

c) One sample every 2000 cu.m of compacted volume for cement

content determine determination according to BS 1924 Part 2
Method 5.1.

d) One Insitu Density determination for every 500 sq.m. of laid capping

PS 5. 32 January 2020


PS 5.48.3 Method

1. The approved material is stockpiled next to blending plant.

2. The required quantity of cement and water shall be added before the
aggregate material passed through the mixer. After mixing, the material
is loaded on trucks ready for site use.

3. The verge and side slopes shall be prepared to the specified levels and
slopes ready to receive the capping layer material, 50 cm rounding to
both verge and slope shall also be done.

4. The material is dumped by trucks and is spread by grader to cover the

verge and side slope up to the existing ground, the 50 cm rounding is
also formed.

5. The material shall be compacted to 95% of M.D.D.:

a) First by steel roller, starting from the toe and moving up;

b) then tire roller, starting from the toe and moving up;

c) and a final pass with steel roller.

6. The levels and compaction of the capping layer shall be checked.

7. Curing for three consecutive days shall be done by spraying sweet

water on the finalized surface to keep it continuously wet.


Ps 5.49.1 Introduction

The Dubai Municipality Traffic Control Devices Manual is intended to

include requirements for all traffic control devices needed for construction,
as stated in Section - 5 of the General Specifications.

PS 5.49.4 The Engineer shall review each location and eliminate all conflicts that
result between existing signs and the new signs to be placed once final
positions are determined in the field. Existing warning and regulatory signs
should be reviewed and if necessary removed, relocated or replaced as
directed by the Engineer. Such removal, relocation or replacement shall be
deemed necessary if the signs no longer remain warranted at that location,
or if there is a conflict with new signs being placed or if the existing warning
and regulatory signs do not conform to the specifications as required by the
Dubai Municipality Traffic Control Devices Manual.

PS 5.49.5 The Contractor shall submit shop drawings detailing all sign locations. Such
drawings shall display the sign face details as mounted on the structure,
and in the case of overhead mounted signs, their positions in relation to the
road markings and other information as required by the Engineer, for the
approval of the Engineer and Ajman Municipality Public Works Department.

PS 5. 33 January 2020

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