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Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Plan: Adam Mason

Anticipatory Guidance
- Home life
- Tell friends and family how they can help
- Take time for yourself and your partner
- Call your doctor is you feel sad, blue, or overwhelmed
- Keep in touch with WIC
- Feeding
- Breastfeed 8-12 times per day (every 2-3 hours)
- Adam should have 6-8 wet diapers per day
- Continue your prenatal vitamin
- Avoid alcohol
- Call us if you have issues with breast/nipple soreness
- Babycare
- The cord should fall off in 10-14 days. Keep it clean and dry and above the
diaper. Call us if it becomes red, if there is fluid, or if there is a smell.
- Use fragrance free soaps and lotion.
- Change your diapers often to prevent diaper rash.
- Ask friends and family to wash their hands before holding the baby.
- Avoid people with cold or flu-like symptoms.
- Bonding
- Hold your baby often
- Talk to your baby often
- Let your baby see your face and eyes
- Learn what calms your baby
- Never shake your baby.
- Start routines if you can for bathing, feeding, sleeping.
- Safety
- Put your baby to sleep on his back, in a safe crib, not in your bed.
- Do not use loose, soft bedding or toys in the crib.
- Crib slats should be 2 and ⅜ inches apart or less
- Keep your baby from getting too cold or too warm.
- Use a rear-facing car seat in the middle of the back seat in all vehicles.
- Keep your car and home smoke-free.
- Keep a hand on your baby when changing diapers and clothes.
- Developmental milestones
- In this first month, your baby may start lifting his head, following sounds or
- Next appointment
- You will see your pediatrician tomorrow, where you can talk about any of the
above issues and in particular how he is feeding, how your mood is, and safety.

Immunizations Next Visit

- Appointment tomorrow: none
- 1 month appointment: 2nd dose hepatitis
- Note: Your baby is premature but we will still be giving immunizations on the
recommended schedule

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