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Cognizant Technology Solutions lndia Private Ltd.

Ref N0 : I 00000000091 156

Techno Complex,

17 May,2 2018
October l, 2009
5/535 0ld Mahabalipuram Road,

Sujit Sahoo
Arunkumor Sominothon 0kkiyam Thoraipakkam,

No l, MuthiohCuttack
Second St Chennai - 600 0S7, lNDlA.

Odisha, 754025
Phone r (+91-44) 420S 6000

Chennoi - 60001 4
Fax : (+91-44) 4209 6060

Sujit Sahoo
Deor Arunkumor:

Cogn izant
With reference to the discusions thot we hod with you, we 0re pleosed to oppoint you 0s

Progrommer (Tr)
Anolyst in Cognizont lechnology Solutions. Your ploce of po$ing will be Chennoi.

Your Annuol Totol Compensotion will be Rs.350,043. Ihis includes 0n onnuol incentive of

Rs.20,000 for the cunent yeor. This omount moy vory depending 0n Cognizonfs performonce
ond your performonce. Ihe breok-up is presented in Annexure A.

Your oppointment will be governed by the terms ond conditions of employment presenied in
Annexure B. You will olso be governed by the rules ond regulotions in vogue ond those ihot moy

chonge from time to time. At the time of formolly resigning from servicel you sholl hove to
serve the notice period of 60 doys. Your compensotion is highly confidentiol ond if the need
orisel you moy discuss it only with your Monoger.

We request you to ioin us 0n 0r before 22 Septemer

l,lovember 20.2018
2009. At the time of ioining, pleose

submit the following documents:

I. Phototopy of your possport, ceilificotes ond mork sheets in suppof of your educotionol quolificotions.
Affidavit letter
2. Relieving Formfrom
of Declaration Agreement
oll your previous employerUnder Actdrown
ond lost 3185.
poy slip, if opplicoble.

3" Ien posport size color phorogrophs.

Pleose note thoilhis oppointment is subiect to Sotisfociory profesionol reference checks.

Cognizont is keen thot there is o secure environment for clients ond internolly too. You ore
required to be registered with the Notionol Skills Regi$ry (NSR) ond provide the IIPIN while
ioining the orgonisotion. Pleose refer Annexure B for more detoils.

We look forword to you ioining us. Pleose do not hesitote to coll us for ony informotion you m0y
need. Aho, sign the duplicoie of this offer os your occeptonce ond forword the some to us.

Youn sincerely,

for CognizontTechnology Solutions lndio Pdvote [d

Bhoskor Dos

Vite - President

I oaept the offer on the terms ond conditions ond sholl report t0 work on ...?J.:yov 'Lo o1

Signoture: ., AJ-- Dote: 2j11t, Izoo1

Annexure A

l{tmo [iuntu*u@grhon i., ,. t,, Desi$n$ior..



Sl.ilo Dqsription fionthly Annuol

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,i ,, ,tililhurlffifnppensolion

As on ossociote you ore olso entitled to the following odditionol benefits:

r Flootlng Medicol lnsuronce Coveroge of Rs.1,00,000 per onnum for self ond moximum of 3

non-eorning dependonts.

" Round the Clock Penonol Accident lnsuronce coveroge.

o Grotuity, on seporotion ofter 5 yeors of continuous seruice, poyoble os per Poyment of Grotuity Act

- Hexible Benefit Plon: Your Compensotion hos been strudured to ensure thot you ore

odequotely empowered to opportion (0mponenls of your solory in 0 m0nner thul suils you

the be$. This plon will enoble you to

i. Choose From o bouquet of ollowonce or benefits.

2. Redeline your solory structure within prescribed guidelines

3. 0pfimize your eornings.

** The ineentive omount will be lower 0r higher, os the cose moy be depending trpon your
performonce und thot of fompony. II will be subiected fo your being present in the

eompony os of December 31.

Cognizant Iechnology Solutions lndia Private Ltd.

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