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Online Versus Face-to-Face Classes

Online Versus Face-to-Face Classes

Esmeralda Aguilar

Texas A&M University- Commerce

Robert Wolfe, Instructor

ETEC 424

January 24, 2020

Online Versus Face-to-Face Classes

There are alternatives ways learners are able to gain knowledge and retain information.

We live in a society were resources are fast pace and easily accessible with the use of

technology. Every class has an instructor who is educating learners through various teaching

styles. A traditional classroom setting involves meeting on a designated day(s) to meet for a

classroom lecture on material which is known as a Face-to-Face class. Online classroom setting

involves all assignments and materials to be completed through the uses of technology deceives.

Both online and face-to-face learning have advantages and disadvantages for all students.

Online classes are a learning experience that a student will encounter during their

educational career. The student is in control on deciding whether enrolling in an online class is

the best method of obtaining an education. Online learning reflects the student’s responsibility

because students are responsible for completing the task at their own pace. With the pressure of

being responsible for all the assignments, often students become overwhelmed and will quit their

class. The instructions provided can make students feel uncertain on the expectations and

guidelines that are established for learners to follow. Online learners will require more

interactions from their instructor to be successful in their online class. [ CITATION Key \l 1033 ]

When complying with online courses you are able to be flexible with the time required to

successfully complete assignments. With the use of proper tools and technology, the student is

able to access their online work from any desired location [ CITATION Mar19 \l 1033 ].

Completing assignments assisted by the instructor is the students’ responsibility to complete in a

timely manner. Since students are held to be responsible to complete work, they are able to also

learn organization skills when enrolled in an online course. Students who are enrolled in online

classes require more communication with their instructor when directions or assignments are

unclear to the students’ understanding. Being enrolled in an online class can reduce social
Online Versus Face-to-Face Classes

anxiety among students who do not feel comfortable or anxious being in a new environment.

Entering a new unknown place with peers who someone is not familiar with can bring high

emotions for some students. In an online class, the student will not have to worry about certain

emotions triggering in a unknown area. [ CITATION Eli18 \l 1033 ]

Besides online classes there is also a traditional classroom environment known as a face-

to-face class. In these classes, teacher-centered instruction on material and also the lecture

method is being practiced. An advantage of the instructor using the lecture method is that their

content is constantly being lectured on during class [ CITATION Rac17 \l 1033 ]. With a

traditional face-to-face classroom, there is more structure for open-ended conversation among

peers when merged from the instructor. During the instructor’s lecture they are able to pause and

check for understanding within the classroom and receive feedback [ CITATION Wil \l 1033 ]. As

for an online instructor they are unable to receive feedback from students for comprehension. In

a face-to-face environment the students are aware of the instructor’s procedures and expectations

for the class. If a student is not clear on certain directions the instructor has given, they are able

to ask in class and receive a quick response rather than waiting for a response through email. If a

student resides near close proximity, it will be easy for them to commute to and from their


Whether a student is in an online or face-to-face class, is depends which is most

beneficial for the students’ learning. Students are in charge of their learning and deciding which

route they want to take when enrolling in classes. Both classes require students to be responsible

when completing assignments that are given by the instructor. Both types of classes are directed

by an instructor and students are provided with the procedures and expectations for the specific
Online Versus Face-to-Face Classes

class. Regardless of the route the student decides, the student will be able to obtain a quality

education towards their degree.

Online Versus Face-to-Face Classes


Key Differences Between Online and Face-to-Face Teaching. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Tustin, R. (2017, January ). Pros & Cons of the Different Instructional Environments . Retrieved



Will. (n.d.). Key differences between classroom and online learning . Retrieved from

Zegarra, M. (2019, September 19). Pros and Cons of Taking Online College Classes. Retrieved

from Flordia National Unviersity :


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