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E. Barry Felstead
Communications Research Centre, Ottawa Canada


In this paper design considerations to be used to account GEOMETRICAL PROTECTION
for follower jamming of J-equency hopping (FH) spread The configuration for follower jammers is shown in Fig. 1.
spectrum systems are presented. A follower jammer attempts to The transmitter to receiver distance is Dtr, the transmitter to
determine the hop frequency with a “determinator” circuit, and jammer distance is Do, and the jammer to receiver distance is
then generates jamming in a range about that jiequency. Djr, At the follower jammer is a receiver plus a determinator
Geometrical considerations show the spatial limit at which circuit. The hop period is Th which will be assumed = l/Rh.
follower jamming becomes impossible. The minimum
The SNR at the determinator is Ehf / No where Ehf is the
determination time and the probability of correct determination,
Phc, are derived as a function of the intercepted SNR, and the energyihop at the jammer’s receiver. At the authorized receiver,
determinator resolution. Both fast hopping (one or more hops there is a SNR of Eht / Nor, and an SJR to be discussed later. If
per information symbo~ and slow hopping are analyzed. The the determinator correctly determines the frequency of the
use of follower jammers against hopped FDM4 systems is also transmitted hop, then it can generate jamming in a small region
discussed. A summary design rec~e is given. It is concluded around this frequency thereby negating the advantage of FH. It
that the vulnerability to follower jammers can be reduced to will be assumed here that the jammer has available fast frequency
tolerable levels by use of current practical hop rates. synthesizers that can switch to a new frequency in a time <<Th.
INTRODUCTION It has been pointed out in many places [3] that if
Frequency hopping (FH) spread spectrum is particularly
useful to combat jamming primarily because it is relatively easy
/C (1)

to operate over very large spread bands. However, FH can be where c is the velocity of light and AT is the differential delay,
efficiently jammed by follower (also called “repeat-back”) then the jamming signal arrives at the authorized receiver too
jammers under certain conditions. In follower jamming, the late to jam the original hop- the receiver is processing the next
jammer intercepts the transmitted signal, tries to determine the hop. The jammer locations that obey (1) are outside of an ellipse
frequency of the hop, and then generates jamming in a narrow given by
range about this ftequency. It is the purpose of this paper to
4(x -Dtr )2 4/ =~
discuss design considerations to account for such jammers. + (2)
In designing an anti-jam FH system, the spread bandwidth,
(Dtr + cTh)2 (Dtr + cTh)2 -Dtv2
Wss, is usually fixed at the start, and often is just the bandwidth
available. Practical systems use fixed hop rates, or, at most, a where the x and y axes are centered on the transmit antenna, and
few selectable hop rates. The data rate is otlen the only thing that are illustrated in”Fig. 1 along with a typical ellipse.
is allowed to vary as jamming levels change. The selection of A two-dimensional representation is shown and is suitable
the particular fixed hop rate, Rh, is based on a number of for point-to-point communications over flat ground. For
tradeoffs [1]. The tradeoff related to the follower jrtmmer threat is applications such as satcom, the results can be extended to three
how high to make the hop rate so as to reduce the vulnerability dimensions merely by revolving the ellipse about the x axis.
to follower jamming to an acceptable level. For terrestrial communications, the three distances are of the
Geometrical protection against follower jammers is well same order of magnitude so that Fig. 1 is representative in scale.
known, but will be reviewed here. What is not well studied are However, for satcom, Dti <<Dtv For example Dtr = 40,000 km
the methods and the performance of the follower jammer in for a gee-synchronous ~atellite whereas Dti would be no more
determining which fi-equency range to jam. The jammer circuit than a few hundred km for airborne jamm<rs, and even less for
required for the frequency determination is not really a detector, ground based jammers. As an example of the geometrical
the view point used in [2]. Neither is it an estimator, the view protection boundary for gee-synchronous satcom, the protection
point used in [3]. It is most similar to a demodulator for M-ary region is plotted in Fig. 2 for Rh z 2000, and 10000 hopsls.
NCFSK, but with differences. Since it would be confusing to Ehf INO jammer
call it a “demodulator”, it was decided to call the circuit a
)- ‘jr
“determinator”. Y
tj SJR
There are waveform methods of mitigating the effects of
Transmitter Receiver
follower jammers [4], [5], but these suffer ftom a few problems: C?
~> ‘t r 4
o ‘ht’Nor
more complex to implement (requires more synthesizers at the Region susceptible to follower jamming
receiver), doesn’t guarantee good performance, and are not usefid
if FDMA used. Fig. 1. A representation of the transmitter-j ammer-receiver
In the following, emphasis will be on fast frequency geometry.
hopping (one or more hops per information symbol). At the end,
a short discussion will be given on slow frequency-hopping WAVEFORMS CONSIDERED
(more than one data bit per hop) performance. For purposes of initial discussion, it is assumed that
orthogonal M-ary NCFSK is used by the communicator, and fast

0-7803-4902-4/98/$10.00 (c) 1998 Canadian Crown Copyright

hopping is used. Therefore, for each hop, there is a tone to the start of the hop period. Such synchronization is relatively
transmitted of duration T~ at one of M possible frequencies easy to implement.) For a realizable filter of width W, the output
centered on the hop frequency. The tone spacing of the M bins is due to a pulse will rise to its maximum at a time about l/W
Rh for the minimum orthogonal spacing. Therefore, the after the leading edge of the input pulse. Therefore, the best time
unhopped user channel bandwidth is MR~. If multiple access is for the jammer determinator to sample is at about
required, such as in satcom, then it is assumed that FDMA is Tw=l/W (4)
used with all users hopping with the same pattern but frequency after the start of the hop.
offset from each other. The full hop bandwidth is W~~.The hop The determinator circuit has a form such as shown in Fig.
spacing is assumed to be < MRh. 3. It is assumed that the bandpass filters of width W are ideal
brick wall filters. As pointed out in [6], it doesn’t matter to the
performance whether a square law or and true envelope detector is
used. Therefore, we consider a true envelope detector since
15C - directly applicable analysis can be taken from tfie literature.
............... .............................. .......... ... .............
BPF Envelope
w, f, Detector

BPF Envelope ~
z(t) w, fz Detector

: Sample at Tw

“ after hop start
BPF Envelope
.......... ...........Rh = 2000hOQ/S...:
w, fNb Detector
: - :3
-200-....i...., Decision ~
-20 -10 0 10 32 30 40 50
Fig. 3. A block diagram of the jammer’s tlequency bin
x, km determinator circuit.
Fig. 2. Boundary lines for complete protection from follower
jamming of a gee-synchronous satellite for two values of Rh. ANALYSIS
The analysis is much the same as for analyzing the
DETERMINATOR DESCRIPTION demodulation of M-ary non-coherent FSK. The derivation in [7,
The jammer determinator divides the received spread band, pp. 213-215] will be followed. First, the results of [7] are
W~~,into Nb segments each of width presented. Then, these results are recast to tit the circuit of Fig.
W=W8~/Nb. (3) 3.
The received signal at the jammer interceptor is
The jammer would like to determine which segment contains
the fkequency hop. The issue is, how can the jammer determine Z()t = d—
2Ehj / Th COS((B#+ IX)+ 72(t)
which segment contains the tlequency hop. In [2], the classical
energy detector is used for each segment which consists of a for ()<t<Th, i=l,2,..., Nb
band-pass filter of width W, a square-law device and an integrator where Ehf is the energy per symbol received at the follower
that integrates over a time T. They considered T ‘Th/2, which jarnmer, @i is the radian frequency of the signal in the ith bin,
meant that half a hop period was used just in determining the T~ is the symbol period, ct is random phase, and n(t) is system
fkequency. As a result, the geometrical protection is extended so noise with double sided power spectral density N012. The
that the equivalent hop period to be used in (1) becomes Th/2, demodulator discussed in [7] uses a bank of Nb matched filters
thereby improving the geometrical protection region. In [3], a and envelope detectors. The ith branch is implemented by first
frequency estimator is considered. Again, the time taken to do performing I and Q down conversion by multiplying the signal
accurate estimation can be too long to achieve practical follower by ~~ cos(~jt) and ~fi sin(qt), respectively. The
The problem for the jammer is how to determine the hop result is integrated over the interval Th, and each of the I and Q
bin in a time small compared to Th. In contrast, the authorized integrator outputs are sampled at Th, and the envelope
receiver has the luxury of matched filtering which involves an calculated. The largest is declared to be the bin in which the
integration over the whole hop period (symbol period), Th. A signal was sent. The probability of a correct determination of
follower jammer cannot wait that long. As discussed by which of the Nb branches actually contains the transmitted signal
Urkowitz [6] for detectors, when TW = 1, which is the condition is given by [7]
pertaining here, then the “integration” becomes just taking a i?b-~ – ~2+2Eh/IV0 f2
single sample. Then, the analysis cannot use the Gaussian (5)
approximations typically used in energy detectors, wl-dchusually p.=j(l-’-r2)2) ‘e ( ) ‘“[rF]d’
have TIP>l. Since only a single sample is taken, the jammer
will take it as soon after the start of the hop as possible. (It is where 10(.) is the modified Bessel timction of order zero.
assumed here that the jammer has some means of synchronizing

0-7803-4902-4/98/$10.00 (c) 1998 Canadian Crown Copyright

The steps in the above derivation for M-ary NCFSK are now
recast to fit the determinator.First, the values of the signal squaredat
the bin containing the signal, and noise variance at all bins as seen
at the sampler at the sampling instant (Th for the demodulatorand TW
for the determinator) were found for both systems and are listed in
Table 1. Then, the correspondingoutput SNR for the determinatorin
Fig. 3 is found to be Es/ (2 WT~lVO), which is somewhat less than
the SNR obtained in the correspondingdemodulator.

TABLE 1. Summaryof SNR componentsfor the demodulatorand

Demodulator Determinator
signal squared E. E,/ Th
2NOW / Th

t==% :;LO J%

The probability of a correct determinationof which of the Nb

branches contains the hop is then found by appropriate modification
of (5) to get
co Nb-l -(r2+Ehf /(2 LVThNO))/2
P~c = 1- e-v212 re
!( ) In order to fmd the middle of the transition, numerical
/ —\ analysis was performed on (8) to find pairs of values of Nb and g
that result in Phc = 0.5. The results are plotted in Fig. 5 with
(6) linear g against log(Nb). The range of values of Nb were from 10
to 104 with the idea that 10 represents the lowest amount of
This probability is dependent upon input SNR, W, Th, and Nb.
jamming gain that would be worthwhile, while 104 represents
However, W and Nb are related by (3). It is found useful to define a
an upper practical range. It was noted that thk plot was
form of normalized SNR as
approximately a straight line for which an empirical relation was
(7) determined as
g= ‘hf / (wThNo)
so that (6) becomes g=9.6110g ()Nb –0.99 (9)
Phc =
– r2-!-g12 /2
( ) IO(~@)~~ (8)
By equating (7) and (9), the SNR for Phc ‘0.5 is found as
Ehf I No PhC=0.5 –‘WTh[9.6110g(Nb) -O.99] (lo)
Vah.Iesof Phc were computed numerically as a fhnCtiOIIof g This SNR can be made a fimction of Nb only, by using (3) so
for 3 values of Nb and are plotted in Fig. 4. It is seen that they that WTh = W~~/ (NbRh ). If the FH processing gain, which was
follow the “S” shape curve of the classical energy detectors with defined in [1] as
low values of Phc = 1/ Nb for small g, vahIeS close to ] for
large g, and a fairly rapid transition region between these two 40 i i -1
extremes. The relative effects of increasing g and Nb are seen.
The improvement in detectability by increasing g is offset 35
slightly by upward shift of the curves in Fig. 4 as Nb increases.
As an example, for an increase of Nb from 100 to 1000 (10 dB 30
increase), the curves at Phc = 0.5 shifts to the right by <2 dB.
Since an increase OfNb by 10 dB also corresponds to an increase 25
in g by 10 dB, the overall advantage to the determinator is >8 m
dB. 20
For effective follower jamming, a high value of Phc is
needed. Since the transition region from very poor to very good 15
determinability is relatively small, the middle of the transition,
is taken as the point of acceptable determination performance. At 10
this point the determinator has obtained a Phc of 0.5. :.
51 I I
10 100 1000 104
log(N, )

Fig. 5. A plot of the numerically computed value of g for p~c =

0.5 as a fLUICtiOII

0-7803-4902-4/98/$10.00 (c) 1998 Canadian Crown Copyright

PG~ = W~~/ Rh (11] large. For example, for a geo-stationary satellite and a Dtj of 50
is used, then (10) can be rewritten as km, 20 log(Dtr / Dti )= 58 dB. This very large advantage will
more than make up the large SNR required by the determinator
Ehf ~No PhC=0.5 = ‘[9.6110g(A@-O.99].
~b (12) such as given by the examples in Fig. 4. There would have to
be considerable antenna protection to compensate.
The value of Ehf I No phC=05 was calculated and then plotted In all the above, the determinator and jamming transmitter
in Fig. 6 as a function of Nb for a number of values of PG~. As were co-located. It is possible that they could be separated so as
expected intuitively, the j ammer’s required SNR increases as to obtain a larger Ehf /No by being relatively close, yet not
PGjh is increased. However, a surprise result is that the required giving away its location when transmitting the jamming. The
SNR decreases as the N~ is increased. This result arises because fact that there are now an extra delay in the jarnmer loop must be
the effect of Nb in (8)-- the effect of the fwst factor in N~ is more taken into account in the analysis.
than offset by the two factors in g which is proportional to Nb. JAMMING STRATEGY AND MULTIPLE ACCESS
The jammer’s choice of W involves a number of tradeoffs
between jamming efilciency, determinator performance, and
Once the determinator has decided in which segment of
30 width W the hop is located, all the available jamming power is
concentrated into a jamming band, Wj, centered on this
m determined band. However, the deterrninator only knows that
u 20
there is an M-ary tone somewhere in the width W, it does not
know which of M frequencies the user is using. The jammer
wants to jam the entire channel width which is =MRh for fast
hopping NCFSK. If W>>~Rh, then the jammer chooses Wj =
W. The optimum jamming efficiency requires a determinator
resolution of
W= MRh/2 (14)
so that the smallest effective jamming width of Wj = kfRh can be
used. Therefore, from (3) and (14), the maximum number of bins
Nb that the jarnmer needs to determine for the most efficient
jamming is
Fig. 6. A plot of Ehf /No p~C=0.5as a function on Nb for three Nb]mm=’2W~s / (kfRh) (15)
values of PGjh. For cost reasons, the jammer would like to keep Nb as
small as possible. For maximum jamming efficiency, Nb need
LINK BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS be no larger than given by (15). Conversely, the value of Nb
It is seen that Phc is dependent upon SNR received by the
needed by the deterrninator for particular values of Ehf / No is
determinator, which in turn is dependent upon the transmitted
power, the distance Dq, the gain, GO, of the terminal antenna in defined by curves such as in Fig. 6, where, for a given PG~, the
the direction of the jammer, and the gain, Gjt, of the jammer in required SNR decreases as Nb increases. Under certain link
the direction of the transmitter. Obviously, the communicator budget conditions, the Nb required for good determinability can
should have as narrow a beam as possible to keep Gti as small exceed that given by ( 15) for efficient jamming.
as possible. In satcom using multiple access with hopping FDMA, the
follower jammer has an opportunity to jam all users based upon
Some idea of the levels of Ehf I No that would arise as
following just one user. The determinator determines the
affected by the various distances and gains can be obtained with a segment in which one user hop is located. If there are U users,
few simpli&ng assumptions. The transmitter transmits a power the occupied user hopping band would have a width of UklRh.
level that results in an Eh~/ Nor at the authorized receiver that To ensure jamming of all users, the jammer would have to jam
meets the specifications for the link, where Nor is the noise over a width 2 UMRh centered on the determined tlequency
density at the reciever. The SNR at the follower jammer is then segment.
The probability of symbol error for noise follower jamming
of fast hopping can now be derived. Because of the differential
(13) geometrical delay, AT, and the sampling delay TW, only the
No ‘or [‘~ J ‘tr
final section, Th – (AT + Tw ), of the hop will be jammed,
where a is the propagation constant which is 2 for free space
propagation, such as for satcom, and varies between about 2,5 up provided Tk – (AT + Tw) >0, Let the average total jamming
to about 4 for terrestrial propagation. Terrain shielding would be
power be Jtot. This jamming power is transmitted for time Th,
equivalent to making a even larger. The effect of (13) is a
particular problem for satcom because the distance DtP is so and is spread over the jamming band, W} Furthermore, the

0-7803-4902-4/98/$10.00 (c) 1998 Canadian Crown Copyright

receiver integrates over Th so that effective jamming power, on 2. Use (2) to determine the absolute geometrical protection zone
those hops correctly determined, is reduced by the factor based upon Th – AT <0.
[01– AT+ Tw / Th. Thus, the effective jamming noise power 3. If jammers potentially inside the absolute geometrical
protection zone, then proceed with the following steps.
“density” as seen at the receiver is
4. Use (18) for fast hopping or (19) for slow hopping to estimate
Joe = (Jtot i JJ’j)[Th -(AT+ Tw)]/ Th (16) error performance for j ammers inside the geometrical protection
The signal-to-jammer ratio at the legitimate receiver on the zone.
jammed hops is then [1] 5. Based upon the value for Tw determined, calculate the effective
S@. = Eht / Joe . (17) geometrical protection zone based on Th - (AT+ Tw) <0
Also, SN& = Eht / Nor. Let the probability of symbol error as 6. Use (12) to determine the value of Ehf /No PhC=0.5
a fimction of SNR and SJR be P~(.) which is given in the needed by the determinator.
literature for various forms of modulation. Then the total error 7. Apply user link budget values and geometrical values to (13)
probability is to determine if follower jammer can achieve sufficient
p~tot = Phc PS( Eh I (Joe + Nor ))
● ‘hf 1 ‘O P~C=0.5 .
8. Iterate as necessay.
+(1‘Phc) ‘ps(Eh~ / ‘Or )for T~-(AT+TW)>O
The vulnerability analysis of existing systems is performed with
~(l/Nb)OP.(Eh /( Joe+ Nov)) just one iteration of the above.
+P~(Eht / Nor) for Th – (AZ’+ Tw) <0 (18) The performance of the determinator needed by a follower
An alternative jamming strategy is possible if the jammer jammer was described and analyzed, which led to a design
can determine all three distances. Then, all the jamming power recipe. The SNR required by the jammer determinator was found
is concentrated into the last Th – (AT+ Tw ) s of the jamming to be much higher than the SNR required by the authorized
communications receiver. The determinator performance was
hop. The jamming density increases to become Joe = Jtol I Wj , seen to improve with increasing N~. Conversely, it was seen
and the above equations for P~ would be modified accordingly. that as PG~ is increased (by either increasing W~~or decreasing
However, such a jammer would have to be quite sophisticated. the data rate), tie determinability performance of the jammer
Similar results to the above can be derived for a jammer degrades. In general, it would appear that the follower threat can
using tones instead of noise. be reduced to tolerable levels by use of current practical hop
If slow hopping is used, there will be multiple data ACKNOWLEDGMENT
symbols per hop. Here, the signal channel bandwidth increases The work was supported by the Canadian Department of
and will be in the order of R~ = llT~, depending upon the National Defence through the Chief of Research and
modulation type used, where, R~ and T~ are the symbol rate and Development.
period, respectively. The follower jammer must vary the REFERENCES
determinator filter widths, W, accordingly. As before, fkom (3), [1] T.A. Gulliver and E.B. Felstead, “Anti-jam by fast FH
Tw = 1/W. In the equations for the determinator performance, the NCFSK—Myths and Realities,” in Conf. Record IEEE
Ehf used for fast hopping is replaced by E~fN~ where E~f is the Milcom ’93, pp. 187–191, Boston MA, October 1993.
energy/symbol received by the follower jammer, and N~ is the [2] M.K. Ward and H.M. Gibbons, “The performance of
number of data symbols per hop. Thus, the determinator enjoys frequency hopped noncoherent M-ary FSK modulation in
an increased SNR over that for fast hopping. the presence of repeat back jamming,” IEEE ICC 1980, pp.
Because of the differential geometrical delay, AT, and the 59.6.1-59.6.5.
sampling delay Tw, only the symbols in the tinal fraction, [3] D.J. Torrieri, “Fundamental limitations on repeater
jamming of frequency-hopping communications,” IEEE J.
[Th – (AT -t Tw)] / Th, of the hop will be jammed. A simple Selected Areas in Comm., vol. 7, pp. 569-575, May 1989.
approximation to the probability of bit error, P~, can be obtained [4] A.A. Hassan, Wayne E. Stark, and John E. Hershey,
by assuming that the jammer has sufficient power to cause an “Frequency-hopped spread spectrum in the presence of a
bit-error probability of 0.5 in this fraction of the symbols. Then follower partial-band jammer;’ IEEE Trans. Comm., vol.
41, pp. 1125 ff., July 93.
Pb ~~hC(o.5 [Th-(AT+TW)]/Th) fOr Th-(AT+Tw)>O [5] A.A. Hassan, J.E. Hershey and J.E. Schroeder, “On a
= O otherwise (19) follower tone-jammer countermeasure technique;’ IEEE
The fact that these errors will come in bursts should be taken Trans. Comm., vol. 43, Letters, pp. 754-756, Feb.-Apr.
into account in any error correction coding considerations. 1995.
[6] H. Urkowitz, “Energy detection of unknown deterministic
ANTI-FOLLOWER RECIPE signals,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 55, pp. 523–531, Apr. 1967.
The anti-follower design procedures would then follow the [7] Rodger E. Ziemer, and Roger L. Peterson, Digital
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form, and expected geometry.

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